When my gf was sick part 1
it al happend around august 2019 and me and my gf(blond hair,shoulder lenght nice pair of tits . Around 62 kg greay ass)watched the house and her stepsister(6 years old) while her parents where on a vacation.
It al started from the morning i was up early and made my run of 5km.came back home. toke a shower and drunk a mug of cofee and watched my mails on the laptop. At a moment her stepsister came to kitchen and you could see she was not feeling well. So you know what s first thing to check. I felt her fore head ,it was pretty warm and her face was little red.i gave her a glass of milk and told her to go lay on the sofa and watch little tv. So i whent to my gf who was still sleeping and asked her what to do.
she explained everything was stored in bathroom in a box on the shelf with Annie's name on it .
When i was there i took the box and opend it. As first thing i saw bandages. Scissor. Desinfection. At the other side i saw a little jar. Some medicinepacks and 2 termometers and a tube .
I started watching those things better. Toke the tube. It was diaper creme .(probebly for dry skin or something).
2 thermometers ,1 pink and one orange . On the back of the pink one has a R. I imediatly linked . So i tokedd the jar => glycerine suppo's . The medicine packs => fever- and painrelief suppo's.
Did i really have to do this ???
I whent to my gf . And she yelled "whats wrong now let me sleep im tired".
" why is it all rectal stuff for A. "
Gf " cause my parents find it easy meds to administer and its the best way for temperature"
I "how the heck do i need to do this ???"
Gf" just lay her on her back raise her legs. Thats how i found it comfortable when i was young. Or try your own thing ."
I whent back to to the bathroom took the box. And walked to the living room.
Walked to A. And when i explained She cried a little and tried to run away and screamed she doesnt want it .
I grabbed her and put her back in the sofa. Stripped pj pant of laid her on the back. Took the thermometer with the R on it did some daiper creme on it.of coures she tried to kick me in the face. A spanked her little ass 2 times and told her to be sweet to me. I raised her legs putted in the thermometer. When it whent in she sayed "auw auw ". You and i already know whats gonna be happening now....YES INDEED
The thermometer beeped.
38°C .
So i told A. What she needed and she started stribbling .
So i took a seat in soffa and lay her on my lap,wit her to legs between mine .
I opened the foil of the suppositorry and aimed for the little hole.
It whent in .butt she pused it out . So i lifted her up and we walked to my Gf . "Baby i need some help"
Gf"lay her in the bed on her back and raise her legs and hold them."
She took a new suppo and turned it flat side agains Annies ass. And gave it a push
"Thats how you do it hun and to be absolutly sure you can give it extra push with the thermometer.
"But you need to get my medbox cause im feeling terrible al morning."
"We already have a box baby" ;)
"You sure can do hun she said . "
What a women <3
Part 2 will be coming. After comments.
It al started from the morning i was up early and made my run of 5km.came back home. toke a shower and drunk a mug of cofee and watched my mails on the laptop. At a moment her stepsister came to kitchen and you could see she was not feeling well. So you know what s first thing to check. I felt her fore head ,it was pretty warm and her face was little red.i gave her a glass of milk and told her to go lay on the sofa and watch little tv. So i whent to my gf who was still sleeping and asked her what to do.
she explained everything was stored in bathroom in a box on the shelf with Annie's name on it .
When i was there i took the box and opend it. As first thing i saw bandages. Scissor. Desinfection. At the other side i saw a little jar. Some medicinepacks and 2 termometers and a tube .
I started watching those things better. Toke the tube. It was diaper creme .(probebly for dry skin or something).
2 thermometers ,1 pink and one orange . On the back of the pink one has a R. I imediatly linked . So i tokedd the jar => glycerine suppo's . The medicine packs => fever- and painrelief suppo's.
Did i really have to do this ???
I whent to my gf . And she yelled "whats wrong now let me sleep im tired".
" why is it all rectal stuff for A. "
Gf " cause my parents find it easy meds to administer and its the best way for temperature"
I "how the heck do i need to do this ???"
Gf" just lay her on her back raise her legs. Thats how i found it comfortable when i was young. Or try your own thing ."
I whent back to to the bathroom took the box. And walked to the living room.
Walked to A. And when i explained She cried a little and tried to run away and screamed she doesnt want it .
I grabbed her and put her back in the sofa. Stripped pj pant of laid her on the back. Took the thermometer with the R on it did some daiper creme on it.of coures she tried to kick me in the face. A spanked her little ass 2 times and told her to be sweet to me. I raised her legs putted in the thermometer. When it whent in she sayed "auw auw ". You and i already know whats gonna be happening now....YES INDEED
The thermometer beeped.
38°C .
So i told A. What she needed and she started stribbling .
So i took a seat in soffa and lay her on my lap,wit her to legs between mine .
I opened the foil of the suppositorry and aimed for the little hole.
It whent in .butt she pused it out . So i lifted her up and we walked to my Gf . "Baby i need some help"
Gf"lay her in the bed on her back and raise her legs and hold them."
She took a new suppo and turned it flat side agains Annies ass. And gave it a push
"Thats how you do it hun and to be absolutly sure you can give it extra push with the thermometer.
"But you need to get my medbox cause im feeling terrible al morning."
"We already have a box baby" ;)
"You sure can do hun she said . "
What a women <3
Part 2 will be coming. After comments.
4 years ago