The Soap Shop #1
Okay, just to recap, here's how it works with my Interactive Fiction: I am going to write short segments of a story, and at a breaking point in the narrative I'll give a couple of paths to choose from. If you want to participate, comment/answer the post with the number of the path you'd like it to continue with. Once I've gotten a more or less representative sample of answers, I'll continue the story from there with what has been the most popular choice, until we run into another fork in the road and you can choose again. And so on, and so on. It sounds complicated, but it really isn't:
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- Choose which way it should go next
- Comment/reply with the number of your choice
It's your Friday treat, and like every Friday, you go for a short shopping tour to the mall across from your office. As you stroll along the familiar rows of small boutiques and stands, you run into something new: A soap shop! That booth has been empty for weeks now, so you're excited to find something fresh to check out.
Curiously, you enter, the fragrances of different soaps around you as you peruse the small, but fancy display. The only thing that stumps you are the names of the soaps. And... the prices. Who would pay that much money for a bar of soap? Especially one with a name like "Shared Eyes"! And even "Strict Obedience" or "Invisibility" don't sound appealing enough to warrant that kind of price tag. Then again, the smell of that "Instant Lust" soap almost makes you think otherwise.
You find it hard to tear yourself away from the soap shelf and look up to the woman behind the counter, who eyes you with an almost bored expression on her face. After what seemed like an eternity during which the smell makes your head and the shop both spin in opposite directions, you finally pull yourself together. Alright, you think. One bar. Only one. You can't afford more than one anyway, and this is probably stupid, but...
1: "I... I'll take one of that 'Instant Lust' please," you whisper as you are fumbling with your purse.
2: Trying to avoid eye contact, you place a bar of 'Invisibility' soap on the counter and wordlessly hand over the bills.
3: "This one sounds like it'd be perfect for me," you say, pointing to the 'Strict Obedience' soap as you are getting ready to pay.
4: With a strange, tingling sensation you reach for a bar of 'Shared Eyes' and pay the woman, all the while unable to turn your gaze away from her.
5: Come on, it's just soap, you tell yourself, trying to pull away from the alluring fragrance. Slowly, step by step, you almost have to force yourself to leave the shop.
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- Choose which way it should go next
- Comment/reply with the number of your choice
It's your Friday treat, and like every Friday, you go for a short shopping tour to the mall across from your office. As you stroll along the familiar rows of small boutiques and stands, you run into something new: A soap shop! That booth has been empty for weeks now, so you're excited to find something fresh to check out.
Curiously, you enter, the fragrances of different soaps around you as you peruse the small, but fancy display. The only thing that stumps you are the names of the soaps. And... the prices. Who would pay that much money for a bar of soap? Especially one with a name like "Shared Eyes"! And even "Strict Obedience" or "Invisibility" don't sound appealing enough to warrant that kind of price tag. Then again, the smell of that "Instant Lust" soap almost makes you think otherwise.
You find it hard to tear yourself away from the soap shelf and look up to the woman behind the counter, who eyes you with an almost bored expression on her face. After what seemed like an eternity during which the smell makes your head and the shop both spin in opposite directions, you finally pull yourself together. Alright, you think. One bar. Only one. You can't afford more than one anyway, and this is probably stupid, but...
1: "I... I'll take one of that 'Instant Lust' please," you whisper as you are fumbling with your purse.
2: Trying to avoid eye contact, you place a bar of 'Invisibility' soap on the counter and wordlessly hand over the bills.
3: "This one sounds like it'd be perfect for me," you say, pointing to the 'Strict Obedience' soap as you are getting ready to pay.
4: With a strange, tingling sensation you reach for a bar of 'Shared Eyes' and pay the woman, all the while unable to turn your gaze away from her.
5: Come on, it's just soap, you tell yourself, trying to pull away from the alluring fragrance. Slowly, step by step, you almost have to force yourself to leave the shop.
5 years ago