A Scotish Tale (10)
"Sweetie I promise everything will be ok, now come on let's wipe those tears away I'll sort this." You say pulling me in close.
You pick up your phone from the bed side table and send a message to Jen.
'Jen Hun I need to tell you something.' You say.
'Ok Hun fire away.' Jen replies.
'It's not good news Hun.' You say
'Aww why babe, what's happened I hope everything is ok at the hotel.' Jen replies
'Don't worry Jen we are safe something has happened with Jack.' You reply
'What?' Jen asks
'Promise you'll keep this between me and you.' You say.
'I Promise.' Jen replies.
'Well... Jack had a phone call earlier from one of his girlfriends friends and they had gone out to celebrate Jack being offered a job in Monaco, Hannah his girlfriend got back with her ex.' You send.
'Oh the poor boy, he's had a bad couple of days bless him, yesterday and now this. What are we going to do?' Jen asks.
'I don't know.' You reply.
'Come on Zo, your the ice queen you surely have something up your sleeve.' Jen replies.
'I'll have to think of something Jen, my first priority of tonight is to comfort Jack, don't tell anyone apart from mum ok, Jack and Jill are close I think she deserves to know, Jack can decide tomorrow when we get back if he wants to tell anybody.' You send.
'Ok Hun give him a kiss for me, and tell him everything's going to be ok, see you tomorrow.' Jen sends.
'Will do Hun see you tomorrow.' You send back to Jen.
"Come on sweetie it's ok." You say running your fingers through my black hair.
"Zoe I must have done something." I reply.
"No you didn't Jack she's made a mistake, I can tell sweetie and I promise you everything will be ok, shall we have a chat and a snuggle sweetie me and you can talk and if you feel like it later maybe something else but only if you feel up to it." You say.
"Ok Zoe." I reply still a bit upset.
As I say this my phone rings in my pocket.
"Jack let me see who it is before you answer it." You say snuggling up with me.
I hand you the phone and the person calling is the same person who called a few minutes earlier to break this news to me. Ellie.
"Don't worry Zoe it's ok." I say
"Go on then sweetie I'll let you take the call in private." You say giving me a kiss on the forehead.
I stand up from the bed and head into the room upstairs and take the call.
"Hey Jack, how you feeling Hun?" Ellie asks.
"I'm still so shocked." I say with sadness in my voice.
"We are so shocked here to Jack, she's made a big mistake Hun, her ex is an idiot and you went to the end of the earth for Hannah. Me and George know you gave her some money this morning darling to pay for the spa trip, I'm going to confront her tomorrow about it Jack and see what she's going to do." Ellie says.
"Thanks Ellie and say thanks to George for me." I say
"Aww Jack he's here sweetie you can say hello if you'd like, don't worry about tomorrow I'll sort it. I promise sweetie, I'll put you onto George." Ellie says.
"Alright mate you ok?" George asks.
"Yeah mate I'm ok, how are you?" I reply.
"I'm alright mate thanks, sorry about Hannah, she's made a huge mistake their, I feel really bad for you Jack and me and Ellie are always here for you, you know that. If you ever want to text someone, phone them or go for a drink we are both here for you mate. I hope what's happened hasn't ruined your holiday mate. Enjoy Scotland and I'll see you when you get back. We will go for a drink and a catch up mate." George says.
"Thanks George mate, yeah definitely a drink sounds good, it will be good to catch up. I look forward to it. See you soon mate." I reply.
"Ok mate I'll put you back on to Ellie." George says.
"George mate before you go." I say.
"Yeah Jack...." George replies.
"George mate you've got an absolute diamond in Ellie mate she's amazing and she's got an amazing boyfriend you are made for each other." I say.
"I know Jack she's an absolute diamond, and Hannah had an absolute diamond in you and she's swapped a diamond for a sack of shite mate her ex is an idiot." George says.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yes mate he is, anyway mate I will put you back onto Ellie and first round is on you!" He says laughing.
I also laugh with him and then hear the familiar sound of Ellie.
"Jack sweetie we will love you and leave you then, enjoy Scotland and I'll have a word with Hannah tomorrow." Ellie says.
"Thanks Ellie I appreciate it." I reply.
"Your welcome Jack, see you later." Ellie says.
"See you later." I reply.
The phone call ends and the line drops...
Although the phone call with Ellie and George made me feel a bit better I replayed the last time I saw Hannah in my head. I must have said or done something I thought to myself, why else would she leave. It's all my fault. Is all my head kept saying as I looked out of the window onto the rainy Scottish countryside. I unlocked my phone and scrolled through my photos, and for every picture that wasn't Hannah and me it was Sean and me,
In two days I had lost two of the people closet to me. A friendship that needed to be resurrected and a relationship destroyed.
My mind was in a trance and I'd completely forgotten about saying that I'd come back and speak to you after the call was over. I stared out of the window alone with my thoughts.
I didn't hear you walk up the spiral staircase and I didn't see you tiptoe behind me. You sat down next to me and wrapped your left arm around my shoulder and didn't say a word for a while you just sat there and comforted me in a different way.
"Jack come on sweetie it's ok you can speak to me." You say gently wiping my tears away.
"I feel bad Jack you've had a bad couple of days sweetie and I want the rest of this holiday to be the best for you sweetie, now what shall we do tonight darling?" You ask.
"Shall we have some fun Jack and take your mind off what's happened for a while." You say.
"If you don't mind Zoe." I reply.
"Of course I don't sweetie anything for you my darling prince." You say.
"Thanks Zoe." I say quietly.
"Aww sweetie your welcome." You say pulling me in closer, gently kissing my forehead.
You kiss my forehead again before gently taking me by the hand and leading me back down the spiral staircase and onto the kingsize bed.
"Jack sweetie, let's get you a shower darling so your all clean and fresh." You say smiling.
You begin to undress me removing Jon's black suit and shirt from my body before throwing them across the room. Something tells me that they will be creased but at that moment I didn't care, although at that moment I had the most beautiful woman in the world, undressing me, the though about me and Hannah overpowered me, I think somehow, I'm not quite sure how though could sense that this was happening and planted a kiss onto my lips, the kiss transported me away from all of the bad things that had occurred in the last couple of days and firmly placed me in the heat of the moment, your kiss eradicated all of the bad memories and now my only focus was you, you continued to kiss me undoing my belt at the same time, your eyes stared into mine, as you looked at me fluttering your eyes a little you knew I would overcome this and everything would be ok, even if I didn't know that yet. Once my belt was undone you removed my trousers quickly and once again left them on the hotel bedroom floor before removing my boxers leaving me naked in front of you.
"Sweeter you wouldn't mind returning the favour for me would you?" You said smiling with your cute innocent smile.
I knew exactly what you meant and gently unzipped your black dress letting it fall effortlessly from your perfect petit body.
"Come on sweetie let's get you all relaxed eh, and maybe if your good we can have a little play in the shower hehe." You say giggling.
You turn on the rather large shower letting it go all warm and steamy before gently kissing me on the lips as your hands caress my face, my lips met yours and everything was forgotten at that moment. I find my hands caressing your beautiful petit body gently as you continue to caress my face and short black hair gently before one hand pushes me into the walk in shower as you giggle.
"Sorry sweetie thought I'd cheer you up a little bit." You said still giggling.
I smile back and laugh a little as the warm steamy water hits my body, as you follow me into the shower. I put my head back and let the warm water hit my hair and face.
"Feeling any better Hun?" You ask.
"Yes thanks Zoe." I reply.
"Aww good sweetie I thought a shower might freshen you up a bit, now sweetie I need you to do something very important for me." You say caressing my now wet hair.
"What's that Zoe?" I ask nervously.
"Well sweetie I want you not to worry about anything sweetie, don't worry about what's happened today, promise me sweetie, we can't let it ruin your time here with us." You say still caressing my hair.
"I promise Zoe." I say sincerely.
"Good boy Jack." You say as you cuddle me pushing me under the warm water even more.
You stand under the shower head with me looking like a goddess the water runs off your body effortlessly and somehow makes you look even more beautiful I find myself admiring your perfect body wondering how I'm even here with you. As the water runs off your body your eyes are closed, a minute or so later you open your eyes to get a sponge and some shower gel and notice me staring at you.
"Jack did your mother not tell you that's it's rude to stare." You say half jokingly, but still with seriousness in your voice.
"Sorry." I say quietly.
"It's ok sweetie grab a sponge darling and we can help wash each other and to apologise for snapping at you, I'll give you a kiss." You say smiling innocently.
"Ok Zoe." I reply grabbing a sponge and rubbing some shower gel into it.
You kiss me gently on the lips as you begin to rub the soapy sponge onto my shoulders making sure to get every single nook and cranny as you continue to kiss my lips gently, I meet your kiss and follow suit rubbing the soapy sponge gently into your body starting with your shoulders too, we both move down each other's bodies in unison, we don't dare break the kiss though both of us are enjoying it to much, you keep rubbing the sponge up and down my body and then suddenly stop just above...
However I continue rubbing the sponge into your beautiful petit body ensuring I give special attention to those beautiful petit breasts of yours rubbing the soapy sponge in circles making sure all of the breast is covered in soap, meanwhile you have stopped and are staring into my eyes kissing me knowing that I'm in heaven right now. You let me continue for a little while longer before you take the sponge and begin to massage my cock with the warm soapy water gently caressing it with the sponge and even a few fingers gently tickling it. Causing it grow a little, as our lips are still interlocked and I'm still caressing your body with the other soapy sponge. As your right hand caresses my cock with the sponge, your left hand strokes my now wet black hair as we kiss passionately. You are the first to pull away from the kiss but continue to caress my cock and then take the sponge in your other hand covering my body in soap suds. I continue to make my way down your body ensuring everything is clean and covered in soap suds, as I'm doing this you spin me around and gently kiss my lips before pushing me underneath a shower head washing all of the soap suds from my body, as you push me I stumble a little bit and I hear you giggling.
"Sorry sweetie." You say still giggling.
After you've stopped giggling you follow me further into the steamy shower and the steamy water washes the soap suds from your body as we continue to kiss, your left hand gently playing with my cock as we kiss. Our bodies are now clean and we both feel a lot fresher, and one of us looks even more beautiful. The water runs off your body effortlessly.
"How you feeling sweetie?" You ask smiling.
"I'm good thanks Zoe." I reply smiling.
"Aww I'm glad sweetie now could you do me a favour?" You ask me.
"Yes of course Zoe." I reply.
"There's a good guy, could you help me wash my hair?" You ask.
"Of course I can Zoe." I reply.
"Aww bless sweetie, you are a good guy sometimes." You say smiling at me.
I take the shampoo bottle from the shelf in the shower and apply some into my hands before massaging it gently into your hair making sure that it's all rubbed in properly.
"Head back Zo." I say smiling.
You put your head back and I position the shower head to wash the shampoo away from your beautiful brunette hair, once the shampoo has all been washed away you move your head forward and open your eyes.
"Jack darling your so good thanks for doing that come on I'll return the favour and wash yours but have you got a step ladder, it's a long way up hehe." You say giggling.
"Only joking sweetie." You say as you massage the rather expensive shampoo into my hair and scalp.
Your delicate hands gently massage the shampoo in. Before you gently push my head back and wash away the shampoo as your free hand moves towards my cock and my hands gently caress your breasts.
"God sweetie we can be so naughty sometimes." You say smiling rather coyly.
"Yes we can Zoe." I reply definitely feeling a lot better than I did earlier.
"Come on sweetie let's get you dried off and it looks as if I'm going to have put that cock somewhere nice and warm, if you'd like me to if you feel up for it." You say smiling.
"Or shall we stay in here a little while longer the water has made me feel all dreamy." You say still smiling.
"It's up to you Zoe." I reply
You don't say anything and pull me into deeper into the shower and that's when...
We shared a moment...
A moment of love.
The water hit our bodies and trickled down as we kissed passionately our tongues intertwined dancing around each other. We stared into each other's eyes as we kissed neither of us wanting this moment to end. A million and one thoughts rushed through my body and there was one thing I wanted to say at this moment but I didn't know if I could or if I should say it...
I decided it would be best if I didn't say it.
My thinking was short lived as you pulled away and took me by the hand leading me out of the shower and grabbing a soft white fluffy towel each before we dried each other off as we kissed the light from the room made the water on your body shine and glisten as we kissed. You pulled away first again and once our naked bodies were dry you led me onto the bed, where only an hour ago. I was feeling the lowest I've ever felt I'd lost someone close to me and now I felt on top of the world as I was with you and you make everything better.
"Come on sweetie give me a kiss." You say smiling.
I do just that and begin to gently kiss your lips as your right hand pushes me gently into the bed as you laugh, before following me onto the bed yourself.
We continue to kiss when you join me on the bed our bodies touching, as well as our lips. Your hands caress my face and body and I gently caress your hair as we kiss, not ever wanting this to end. Your left hand begins to play with my cock as I gently caress your hair, you pull away from the kiss and smile at me.
"Ooohh Jack someone's a naughty guy I can feel it growing in my hand." You say
I don't reply and gently caress your beautiful breasts as you wank my cock a little bit quicker now causing it to grow even more.
"There's a good guy." You say smiling.
"Zoe sit on the edge of the bed." I say smiling.
"Why sweetie?" You ask smiling.
"Just trust me Zoe." I reply smiling.
"Ok my darling prince." You say sitting on the edge of the bed.
As you do this I grab a pillow and rest my knees on it before gently opening your legs and gently caress your pussy with my tongue licking every single nook and cranny taking extra special care of the sensitive parts especially your clit. What had happened earlier was at the back of my mind and I was completely focused on the task at hand. That task was licking your beautiful sweet pussy and that's exactly what I did gently caressing my tongue all around it, making sure not to miss a nook or cranny gently licking every part as my thumb began to play with your rather sensitive clitoris. I rubbed and played with it, looking up at your face and it was clear to see the effect I was having on you, your face lit up with pleasure. I looked up and smiled as my thumb continued to play with your clit and a finger found itself inside your rather tight pussy and I was now fingering you as well as running my thumb over your clitoris.
"Mmmm that's it Jack! Keep going." You say smiling down at me.
And that's exactly what I did,
I inserted a second finger and began to finger your pussy a little bit faster and decided to give your clit a lick with my long tongue, flicking it against your clit at first slowly and then speeding up a bit before slowing down again teasing your clit. After all I didn't want to make you cum, just yet. My fingers however were still having their fun caressing the inside of your pussy as my tongue slowed down to a gradual stop. However the fun was by no means over. My lips wrapped themselves around your clit and I began to suck on it hard.
"WOW!" Jack sweetie keep doing that I'm close!" You said loudly.
I did as I was told and kept sucking on your clit as hard as I could as a third finger found its way inside your tight pussy, I decided I was going to leave it at three fingers and my lips on your clit and I had made the right decision and it didn't take you long to cum as the third finger was inserted and I sucked in your clit a few more times. You came all over my fingers.
"Mmm Jack let me taste my self darling." You say innocently.
I lifted my fingers up towards you and your beautifully painted lips and watched you as you tasted your sweet juices from my sticky fingers. I couldn't believe how beautiful, you are and I stared into your starry eyes.
"Kiss me darling we can share my juices, after all friends should share shouldn't they." You say giggling as you swirl your juices around your mouth.
I get up from the pillow on the floor and sit on the bed with you, your perfectly manicured hands begin to caress my naked body as our,lips connect tongues intertwine and your sweet warm taste hits my tastebuds as we kiss. The warm liquid is passed from mouth to mouth as we passionately kiss, my hands have now found their way to your body and we caress each other lovingly as we kiss, your juices have dissolved now and the kiss does not break. We stare into each other's eyes neither of us wanting anything else right now. Nothing else mattered. Whatever was going on in own lives was irrelevant for these moments we were together and that's all that mattered.
Neither of us wanted it to end and neither of us wanted to be the first to break away from the kiss but one of us had to and that person was you. You pulled away from my lips and we both stopped for a second, for air.
"Mmm Jack I think it's time I return the favour for that absolutely perfect pussy licking now you lie back sweetie." You say with that beautiful smile of yours.
I felt myself sink into the comfy bed as I lay back
You kneel over me as I lie back sinking into the comfy bed and wrap your beautifully manicured hands around my cock and slowly begin to caress it, your delicate touch is the only thing my body is thinking about the events that happened previously are over and done with now and the only thing that mattered was. You. You continued to caress my cock as my hands caress your body, our tongues become acquainted again as we start to kiss staring deep into each other's eyes, both never wanting this to end. You continued to caress my cock and my hands found your cute little breasts as we continued to kiss, soon your lips moved away from mine and turned their attention to something else, my hard cock they began to kiss the rather sensitive head covering it in pink lipstick before sucking it gently, it began to grow in your mouth the more you sucked on it and soon I was completely hard and rather surprised with myself, surprised that I hadn't cum yet, your lips moved away from my cock and you lowered your flower like pussy onto my hard cock and whispered the following words...
"Lie back sweetie let me do all the work." You whispered
I did as I was told and you made love to me you started off slowly using my cock with long slow strokes remembering how inexperienced I was in this department
Gently caressing it with your luscious pussy using those long slow strokes we both loved, as I lay back sinking into the fluffy soft duvet, gently shutting my eyes.. I was ready to wake up from this dream...
"Jack I'm really here sweetie, I know it's hard for a working class boy like you to believe but you are really here with me the beautiful upper class girl that I am." You said giggling.
Not distracting yourself from what you were doing though, your pussy lips still wrapped themselves around my cock as you gently made love to me, this continued for a little while until my cock and I got to the point of no return, a thick shot of cum shot from the end of my cock into your cute little pussy.
"That was great Jack, let me get cleaned up my darling and then we can have a little snuggle in bed together." You said trying to make me feel better.
I got into the rather large King size bed as you went into the bathroom to freshen your self up and slip into your sleep wear. You were only gone for a few minutes but it felt like a lifetime the thoughts of the previous two days repeating in my head. I must have done something wrong, I kept thinking to myself.
"How you feeling Jack?" I heard as you walked back into the room in a silk nightdress.
"I'm ok Zoe just so shocked by everything." I reply.
"I know my darling it's been a horrible couple of days for you with everything, I just hope it hasn't ruined your holiday." You say wrapping your arm around me.
"It has a little bit Zoe, I've lost a friendship and now a relatively long term relationship all in two days." I reply getting a little upset.
"I know you have Jack and that's horrible but listen, I'm here with you, we all are, Sean's annoyed me as well, the others might have got over what's happened but I'm not sure I have and you haven't from what I can see and Hannah's made a monumental mistake, I hate seeing you like this Jack, I've not really seen the real Jack in Scotland yet, and I love the real Jack, that Jack makes me laugh, he's funny, and very silly, he's got a heart of gold, and he's a sweet sensitive guy, that's the Jack I want. I've got on this holiday anyway the angry Jack, and the sad upset Jack. We've got a while left up here Jack and I want me and you to have the best time ever, and do you know why Jack?" You say smiling.
"Why Zoe?" I ask.
"Because your my prince Jack and you always will be! And I'll always be your princess and I hate seeing you upset Jack it makes me upset too." You say cuddling me tight.
We hug tight for a few seconds both with tears forming in our eyes. After a few seconds you pull away and the ice queen Zoe comes back.
"What shall we do now then Jack? Shall we watch a film or..." You ask.
"Up to you Zoe." I reply.
"I'm up for another round of fun Jack if you'd like?" You say.
"Well that tent in your boxers looks like you want another round of fun Jack." You say with a cute little giggle.
Before I have time to react my boxers are pulled down by your delicate perfectly manicured hands and you have already got to work on my semi hard cock working it back into life.
"Come on Jack fuck me hehe bend me over and fuck me hard!" You say with intent in your voice."
As you say this you bend over one of the comfy chairs in the room. I stand up and walk over to you, before gently inserting my cock into your beautifully tight waxed, wet pussy.
"Mmm there's a good guy Jack now go on fuck me like you mean it." You say smiling.
I do as I I'm told, fucking your beautiful hairless pussy with short fast strokes but it's not just me putting the effort in, it's almost as if we are meeting in the middle, with you bouncing gently on my cock as we fuck. You turn your head over your left shoulder and our lips meet in a passionate kiss as we continue to fuck. Our tongues intertwining in a tunnel of love.
You pull away teasing me a little before our lips are once again connected, we continue to kiss and fuck. What I don't know is that every time my cock goes in and out of your pussy the head of my cock is tickling your clit and it doesn't take long before you get to the point of no return and you find yourself having a rather large orgasm all over my cock.
"WOW JACK!" You scream.
We continue at the same pace, as I fuck you with my still hard, but now slippery cock. After all it is covered in your juices, we continue like this until I end up getting to the point of no return and I end up having an orgasm as well.
After my inevitable orgasm we both begin to kiss passionately again, you drag me back onto the bed and we fall into the bed together intertwined.
"Thanks Jack that was perfect, I'm soooooooo tired now though." You say as you get under the duvet.
I follow suit and become the big spoon as we snuggle up close, and you drift off to sleep in my arms.
For you sleep was perfect you snuggled up into me and drifted off straight away however for me it was more difficult I tried to just fall asleep but the thoughts of the previous couple of days overpowered me. The thoughts of Hannah and Sean. I kept thinking about everything re playing scenarios, analysing conversations, when I wasn't doing that I was looking over at you. I didn't deserve to be in this bed with you having shared what we had just shared. There was no way! I remember you telling me what happened with me and Hannah wasn't my fault but somehow my brain and me still thought it was. I eventually managed to doze off for what felt like thirty seconds however it was a little longer than that before waking up again the thoughts overpowering me.
For a second time I nodded off but this time my own thoughts didn't wake me up a beautiful voice did instead.
"Morning sweetie." You said.
"Morning Zo." I replied.
"Oh my goodness someone needs a cup of coffee a shower sleepy head!" You said giggling.
"How did you sleep Zoe?" I asked already knowing the answer to my own question.
"Perfect sweetie, your an amazing big spoon hehe, how about you?" You ask.
"Not very well Zoe." I reply.
"Why sweetie were you admiring my beauty, did that keep you awake?" You say smiling.
"Or was it something else?" You reply.
I'm about to say something but you take the words out of my mouth..
"It was Hannah and Sean wasn't it Jack?" You say.
"Yeah Zoe." I reply.
"Come on let's go down for breakfast and we can have a chat, me and you need a heart to heart sweetie. But I know one thing Jack Hannah's going to be missing out on your cock hehe, and I wouldn't want to miss out on that God you were good last night." You say smiling.
"Thanks Zoe. I'll just jump in the shower and then we can get breakfast." I say.
"Take your time sweetie." You say.
I grab a fresh fluffy white towel and head into the bathroom for a shower, locking the door behind me.
Once you hear the door lock you decide to make a phone call. To Jen...
You found Jens contact details and gave her a ring.
"Hey Zoe you ok?" Jen asked.
"Hey Jen yeah I'm fine thanks me and Jack had lots of fun last night, he's still a bit upset this morning about everything though." You reply.
"Aww bless Zoe that's not good, I was thinking about it last night and I've had an idea well in fact I've had two." Jen says.
"What are they Jen?" You ask.
"Well I was thinking me, you and Clare take jack out somewhere bring Jade too, we could go for a drink, a picnic just to get him doing something, anything Zoe you could take him for a drive, anything to take his mind off Hannah." Jen says.
"I suppose we could do something like that Jen, will you speak to him when he's back and what was your other idea?" You reply.
"You, Sara, Sean and Jack go on a double date." Jen says.
"I don't know Jen, I think it could be awkward, for Jack and Sean." You say.
"Have a think about it Zoe, is Jack with you now?" Jen asks.
"No he's in the shower and then we are nipping down for breakfast." You reply.
"Ok Zoe send him my love, and have a think about my ideas. I'll see you soon." Jen says.
"I will do Jen anyway I'll see you soon." You reply
And with that the phone call was over. You walked back over to the bed and noticed my phone was vibrating, in other words I was receiving a phone call. That phone call was off...
You picked up the phone and then decided against what your initial thought was, placing the phone back on the side and lay back on the bed. You instead the let the phone ring out.
I was still in the shower and was oblivious to the fact that Hannah had rung me, I continued as normal washing my hair, meanwhile you sat and waited for me as you lounged on the large comfy bed, half regretting not answering the phone call and telling Hannah exactly how you felt. I finished washing my hair and moved onto the rest of my body, washing away the odour of sex from last nights escapades, it took me a few minutes to wash away the odour of the night before. Once I was done I took the crisp white towel and dried myself off before joining you again.
"Hey handsome." You said giggling.
"Morning Zoe, you ok?" I ask.
"I'm just fine sweetie, you get changed and then we can pop downstairs for breakfast, because I'm quite hungry hehe, last night tired me out." You say with a little giggle.
"There's a spare shirt and some trousers in the wardrobe sweetie, they got delivered whilst you were in the shower." You say smiling.
I dry myself off and slip into the smart navy trousers and the crisp white shirt.
As you slip into a cute white summery dress and a pair of nude coloured heels. You pull on my collars and brush my shirt with your two hands.
"There we go darling absolutely perfect." You say.
"Thanks Zoe." I say still half asleep.
"Come on let's go and get some breakfast and a cup of coffee, your still half asleep." You say.
I took you by the hand and we left the hotel room, just us two nothing else mattered at that moment in time we walked downstairs and through reception into the restaurant where we had sat last night before everything that happened.
"Wow Zoe you look amazing." I say.
"I know sweetie, Gotta look good in somewhere like this and I thought I should make at least a bit of effort for you."
"Aww well thanks Zoe." I reply.
"Your welcome! Anyway let's get some breakfast I'm starving." You say with that cute little giggle of yours.
A rather glamorous waitress walks across to our table, she had short blonde hair and was rather tall, she reminded me of Hannah a lot but I didn't want to tell you that.
"Would Sir or Madam like any tea or coffee?" She asked us both.
"Two black coffees will be perfect please." You reply.
"Of course madam, I will give you a few more minutes to decide on your breakfast order." She replies.
"Thank you." I say.
A few minutes later the waitress arrives with our black coffees.
"Shall I give you a few more minutes sir and madam?" She asks.
"Yes please." You reply.
We both glance at the menu and you notice that I'm not in the most talkative mood, the opposite from how I was last night. You decide not to say anything for a little while, maybe I hadn't properly woken up yet. I looked at the breakfast menu eventually deciding on what I would like.
"You ready to order Jack?" You asked me.
"Yeah I'll have the eggs Benedict please Zoe." I replied.
"Same as me darling." You said smiling before sipping on the black coffee.
The waitress once again wondered over, I think she could see we were ready to order. Or the world really wanted to rub it in that I wasn't with Hannah anymore by sending a waitress that looks just like her.
"Are Sir and Madam ready to order now?" She asks in a soft soothing voice.
"Yes please we will both have the eggs Benedict." You reply confidently sounding so sophisticated.
"Of course." The waitress replied before walking away.
"Well sweetie how was last night then, do you think you can deal with this world?" You asked.
"I'm not sure Zoe I feel out of my depth a bit." I reply.
"Well for your first time you certainly looked the part, and you weren't out of your depth sweetie you behaved like a true gentlemen last night. I'm just a bit upset it didn't end on the best of notes, oh and you were so good in bed last night." You replied.
"Really Zoe? I felt so out of my depth, like all eyes were on me last night. It felt like the Sharks were circling." I reply.
"All eyes were on you Jack, you were the best dressed most handsome man in here last night and everyone was jealous!" You say.
"I don't think they were Zoe." I say.
"Oh they were Jack! Trust me." You reply
The food arrives a couple of minutes later and we tuck in.
"Sorry again about Hannah, Jack but I promise you'll find someone better and now I want you to focus on having the best holiday you can." You say with that smile, that smile that never fails to make anything better.
"Hopefully Zoe, I hope we can have a good time up here because the last few days has been awful." I reply.
"I know my sweet so let's hope we can have some fun whilst you here." You reply.
"Come on eat up Jon and Jen will be here to pick us up soon." You say.
We carry on eating breakfast my mind constantly trying to drift away from the thoughts of last night.
"When you back at uni sweetie?" You ask.
"September." I reply.
"I wish I'd have gone to university it seems like such fun." You reply.
"It is Zoe I love it." I say.
"I know you do my darling every time you tell me about it, you sound like your having an absolute ball!" You reply.
"Well I certainly am Zoe I absolutely love it, everyone who I live with is amazing." I reply.
"I'll have to come up and visit next year! Will I have somewhere to stay!" You ask giggling.
"I'm sure it can be arranged Zoe, I'll have to warn you though it won't be glitz and glamour your used to." I say laughing.
"Oh I'm sure I'll survive for one night!" You reply.
After a few minutes we had both finished our food and head back upstairs to the room, we grab all of our belongings and I pick up my phone to find the missed call....
The missed call from Hannah...
I'm unsure what to do, do I tell you, do I not tell you...
I decide on the later and grab the rest of my stuff packing into the bag Jon had provided, we did one last check of the room before we headed outside. Not before thanking the receptionist and tipping both the waiter and waitress that had served us generously. We then both waited on the outside terrace for Jon and Jen to arrive and then it was a helicopter trip home, not how I thought I'd ever travel, well I guess I've learnt to always expect the unexpected. A few minutes later we heard the helicopter overhead and Jen and Jon made their descent before me and you walked over.
"Come on slow coaches." Jen said smiling.
I helped you into the helicopter and we fastened our seat belts ready for take off. We put on the headsets so we could talk to each other.
"How are we both?" Jon asks.
"We are ok Jon we had an amazing time didn't we Jack?" You say.
"Yeah it was amazing." I reply.
"Good I'm glad you both had fun." Jen said smiling.
"Jacks first experience of our world was a good one then." Jon said.
"Yeah it was thanks Jon, I really enjoyed it." I replied.
"I'm glad you did Jack." Jon replied.
"I'm going to see Jack at university when he's back in September." You say giggling.
"Really Zoe! You moan about some 5 star hotels, do you think you'll be able to cope in university accommodation!" Jen says laughing.
"I'll be fine Jen!" You reply.
"Are you sure Zoe." I say joining in.
"Don't you start as well Jack!" You say.
"Oh I can't wait to see you sleep in Jack's uni accommodation Zoe, you'll hate it, they aren't the nicest places in the world. And I don't think the cuisine will be up to scratch either." Jen said laughing.
"I've heard that Jack isn't a bad cook so it should be quite nice actually Jen!" You reply confidently.
"There's some pressure on you now Jack but I'm sure you'll be ok mate." Jon says to me.
"I know Jon this was a visit to start with I'll have to prepare for the princesses arrival, I'll start by buying a new red carpet." I reply.
This comment causes Jon and Jen to laugh but you to look a little annoyed, only for a few seconds though before you also join in on the laughing front.
"Jack! You do make me laugh darling!" Jen says still laughing.
We'd had so much fun on the helicopter journey back to the castle that it felt that no sooner we were up in the air, we were back on the ground again. Jen and Jon disembarked first opening the back doors to let us both out.
"Mum and dad are going to want to know all about last night Zoe, and Jack." Jen says.
"I'll come and see them now, Jack you coming sweetie?" You ask.
"Yeah of course Zoe." I reply.
You took me by the hand from the helicopter and we walked across the driveway back into the castle hallway.
"We're back!" You shout
We are met in the hallway by Sabine and Jill after you've shouted.
"Hello you two, come through to the living room, you can tell us all about last night." Jill says smiling at us both.
We follow Jill and Sabine into the living room and we are met by Dave, Pippa and Sara. Sean and Isobel are nowhere to be seen.
"Hey you two!" Pippa says standing up and giving us both a hug.
"Hey pip!" You reply.
"So how was it?" Sara asks.
"Let them sit down Pippa and Sara." Dave says.
We sit down next to each other on one of the living rooms sofas.
"Well come on then Jack how was it?" Pippa asks.
"It was really good thanks Pippa, we both had a really good time thanks." I reply.
"God Jack I want more details than that!" Pippa says laughing.
"We had lots of fun Pippa, he took me for dinner and even bought a bottle of champagne for us both to celebrate, he then took me to bed and let's just say we didn't just sleep." You reply.
"You naughty girl Zoe!" Jill says.
"I suppose I am but Jack was also involved." You reply.
"Yeah Jack isn't completely innocent!" Pippa says giggling.
"Jack can I borrow you for a second?" Jill asks.
As Jill says this Jon walks into the room without Jen, I find myself wandering where Jen is.
"Yeah of course Jill." I say standing up and then begin to follow Jill out of the room.
"I need your help with something darling." Jill says telling me a little white lie.
"Ok Jill, of course I'll help." I reply.
"Thanks darling." Jill says leading me into the kitchen.
Where Jen is waiting for us.
"Sit down Jack sweetie." Jen says handing me a cup of coffee, and putting two other mugs on the breakfast bar, one for her and the other for Jill.
I sit down at the breakfast bar a little confused.
"Sweetie, Zoe text me about what happened with you and Hannah last night, and I told mum, I hope you don't mind?" Jen says as she stands opposite me.
"Oh ok, I didn't think you knew." I say a little shocked
"Sorry it's a shock to you Jack, we both wanted to say everything's going to be ok we promise." Jill says.
"Thanks Jill, I really appreciate it." I reply.
"Your welcome darling, if there's anything else we can do for you let us know." Jill replies.
"I'm going to have a couple of hours on my own for a bit today." I say.
"Ok darling I'll let everyone know." Jill says.
Jen and Jill walk over and both give me a hug. As they hug me I notice from the kitchen window that the sun has come out to play so I decide I'm going to have an hour out by the loch.
I head outside to the boathouse slip out of the suit trousers and shirt and into something more comfortable, I walk out of the boathouse and along the loch for a little while until I find a little spot away from the madness of the castle and somewhere I can think and asses what's going on.
I sit on the grass watching the world go by, watching the boats on the loch, hikers walking in the hills, little dots of sheep meandering there way up the hills, the water splashing against the rocks, a couple fishing opposite me. The concept of time no longer mattered I was alone with my thoughts wondering what on earth would happen next. Do I ring Hannah back or not? Do I head home? Do I tell everyone else what's happened.
After what felt like 5 minutes but in fact was over an hour, a hand touched my left shoulder causing me to jump a little. I turned my head expecting it to be Zoe, but it wasn't it was Sean. And he had something in his hand. Two bottles of beer.
"You alright mate?" He asked.
"Not really." I reply.
"Why what's happened?" He asked.
"Me and Hannah are done. Ellie rung me last night and said Hannah went out and got back with her ex." I reply.
"That's shite mate, she's well and truly messed up there." He replies.
"Come on let's have a drink, we are here now, Hannah's down there we still have a long time up here so let's make the most of it." Sean says opening the first bottle of beer and handing it to me.
I take a sip of the bottle of beer and he opens the other and joins me.
"I'm glad we are doing this mate, just like we used to." Sean said smiling.
"Yeah exactly." I said, I still hadn't fully forgiven him yet, that would take a long time but this was a step in the right direction at least.
The conversation took a turn back to stuff from back home and university and pretty soon the beer had been finished and we both decided to head back to the castle. I took a mental note of the spot, I'm sure I'd back before the end of the holiday. Sean headed back inside the castle and I headed to the boathouse just to grab my phone. I had a further three missed calls from Hannah and a few messages as well. I was still unsure what to do. I grabbed my phone and headed back to the castle. And was met by you Jen ,Pippa, Jade and Clare in the hallway.
"Ah there you are! We are going for a picnic you coming!" Clare says.
"Yeah of course." I reply.
"Isobel is out with Jon Jack he's taken her shopping and Sara is with Sean." Clare says.
"Oh ok." I reply.
"Where shall we go girls?" You ask.
"I know the spot." Pippa says.
She leads us away from the castle, up a country path into the hills overlooking the loch we continued walking until we found the perfect spot, giving us a view of the loch and the surrounding area it was absolutely beautiful and the Scottish sunshine made it even better.
"Here we are." Pippa said smiling.
We all sat down on the rather large picnic blanket and you and Clare opened the two large picnic baskets.
Full of freshly prepared picnic food, freshly prepared sandwiches, pies, cakes, home made crisps, salad, a whole variety of food, and drinks for us to enjoy in the sunny Scottish countryside.
"Tuck in everyone." Clare says.
"Thanks for this." I say smiling.
"Aww your very welcome Jack, how I've missed that smile." You say.
I grab myself a sandwich and sit on the blanket admiring the view, you decide to sit next to me and snuggle up close.
"Hey Zoe let us have some too." Clare says giggling.
"Yeah Zoe stop hogging Jack!" Pippa says.
"God Zoe did no one tell you to share!" Jen says also giggling.
"FINE!" You say with a raised voice.
"God Zoe we've hardly seen Jack you've hogged him!" Clare says.
"I've hogged him because I'm his favourite.!" You say.
I continue eating my sandwich staring out at the Scottish countryside, a bit overwhelmed by all of the attention I'm getting, and the mini arguments and debates I'm causing. I ignored all of the fuss around me and just took in the scenery.
"Yeah Zoe we've hardly got to even speak to this sweetie." Pippa says.
Jen notices me not partaking in the conversation and smiles at me.
"Jack doesn't seem too bothered with this whole argument girls, let's grow up a bit." Jen says smiling at me.
We continue to eat from the picnic basket as we all make conversation.
"So then Jack I've heard that Zoe is coming up to see you at uni." Pippa says.
"Supposedly." I reply quietly.
"God that's something I'd pay to see Zoe! You living with Jack in a student house." Pippa replies giggling.
"Let's make it happen." Jen replies.
"Yes let's make it happen!" Clare says giggling.
"You need to leave me alone I'll be fine!" You say.
"I don't know Zoe." Jen says.
"I'LL BE FINE!" You say annoyed.
"Ok Zoe." We were only joking.
We continue to chat about life, and everything that's been going on as we sit and eat the picnic, I'm on the edge of the conversations. Trying to think about what my next port of call is. Jen seems to notice this and wraps her arm around my shoulder.
"It's going to be ok darling." She whispers to me.
"I hope so Jen." I reply.
We both continue to stare out over the loch as the others chat and giggle behind us.
"Come in sweetie join in have some fun." You say giggling.
Me and Jen both turn round and join in on the conversation talking about the plans for the rest of the day, everyone discussing what on earth we are doing later.
"Well after the picnic, we could always have some fun up here?" Pippa suggests.
"That's not a bad idea actually, but we don't want too overwhelm Jack." Jen says giggling.
"We should let Mr Jack choose." Jade says.
"We should let Mr Jack spank you." Clare says giggling.
Jade doesn't say anything she simply smiles, at the suggestion. Not agreeing or disagreeing with Clare's point.
"Oh I'm sure Jack would like that. We will have to be carefully with him girls, I think he might be all sexed out." You say giggling.
"Zo! Your so selfish none of us have played with Jack yet! Clare says spamming your bottom.
As Clare does this Jen snuggles me in close and Pippa joins us all snuggled together. As one sister spanks the other. Jade is unsure when to look, Clare spanking you is making her funny flutter, on the other hand Pippa and Jens hands are caressing each other and I'm in the middle being touched and groped by the stray hands. I'm in shock but so excited and a tent begins to appear in my shorts.
"Oohhhh don't worry Zo, me and Pip managed to get some life back into the sexed out boy back to life." Jen says giggling.
This statement stops you and Clare in your tracks, after one last spank on your now red bottom. You both noticed my tenting cock as Jen and Pippa played with each other and me and now it's only right you joined in. Clare was the first to head over, the remnants of the picnic behind us. She grabbed some of the cream and rubbed it into Jens rather large breasts as Pippa sucked on a strawberry, all the while my cock still growing in my shorts. Clare grabbed it and with her dominant sultry tones, said....
"Ooooohhhh so this is the big cock my sister rants and raves about."
My shorts were yanked down and my boxers quickly followed...
As Clare did this you were playing tongue tennis with Jade. She had been transfixed on the scene in front of her, before you grabbed her and began to passionately kiss her, your tongues, intertwining in the tunnel of love. Tonsils touching, lips, colliding as the depraved scene in front you you born continued.
My cock was now out and the cool Scottish breeze hit it and then soon after that Clare's hand wrapped around it wanking me slowly, as her other hand guided my shoulders, first she panned me around to her sister and her sisters best friend, and there passionate kiss. I watched as you pushed Jade onto the grass still kissing her as your hands made their way under her skirt. No Panties! How naughty. Your fingers found their way into Jade's wet pussy as you snogged. That was your right hand your left hand began to spank Jade's bottom hard. Just how she likes it. Meanwhile Jade had followed suit, putting her hands to good use too. Her left hand began to caress your small petit breasts, tweaking your nipples and caressing them softly, as her right hand made its way downstairs. And her fingers found there way into your wet cunt, now simultaneously you fingered each other. Your eyes no longer transfixed on each other but on me. You just smiled and winked. Clare continued to wank me slowly, I was so hard and honestly thought I was going to cum, but somehow my body hasn't betrayed me yet. My body was twisted again and now I saw Pippa and Jen. They had gotten into the sixty nine position and were licking each other's pussies, expertly. Both of them clearly had expertise in this field. Jen licked slowly as I presume that's how Pippa liked it, when she wasn't licking, and flicking her tongue on Pippa's already wet pussy. Jen wrapped her lips and sucked, on Pippa's clit. Meanwhile Pippa, licked Jen's cunt a lot faster then hers was being licked. Jen liked it fast. Jen also liked having her clit sucked on just like Pippa did. So that's what they did they catered for each other's needs. Clare then began to cater for mine she wanked me a little faster. Our lips collided as she wanked and we began to kiss passionately, tongues intertwined. I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds. Nothing else mattered in this moment. We kissed and my hands found themselves caressing Clare's body. As hers caressed my cock. The scenes around me and what was going on in front of me, had made my cock super hard. But my super hard cock was also a super tired cock after all of the debauchery. However, that wasn't going to dampen the mood. Clare suddenly stopped wanking me.
"Well Jack I think you should lick this pussy boy! You've had it too easy so far. I need to keep you working class boys in line!" Clare said in a headmistress like voice.
As she said this I noticed Pippa and you smile. Almost as if this was planned .
Clare sat on the picnic blanket and opened her legs slowly. No panties again. Must be something that happens in Scotland.
"Get here boy! Lick this now, or I'll see to it your punished. I have that power and you know it, now do as your told!" Clare said with a dominant but sultry tone.
I didn't object to what she said and began, just as you taught me Zoe. I started slowly, with my tongue gently licking every single nook and cranny of Clare's pussy, making sure I didn't miss a bit. Unsure what Clare, would do to a working class boy like me.
"That's it Jack, keep going." Clare said.
I kept going, using my tongue in this manner as my thumb gently massaged Clare's, clitoris. Once I was sure I'd done enough with my tongue, I moved on to flicking Clare's clit, as my fingers got to work. I started with one and then another followed, two was enough for now and I stopped licking her clit.
"Did I tell you to stop boy." Clare said sternly.
I had stopped for a reason. My tongue stopped licking and my lips wrapped around Clare's clit. And sucked hard. I kept going. For a little longer before alternating to licking again, teasing Clare's throbbing Clit, slowly and quickly.
She was desperate for a release and one final sick of the Clit. Did just that, Clare, came and came a lot.
I hadn't realised the scenes that had previously surrounded me had stopped. You, Jen, Pippa and Jade were transfixed on me and Clare.
"Wow Jack, you working class boys are OK for some things." Clare said smiling.
After a quick smile Clare slapped my bottom and my wrist.
"You were still slow though." She said back in her stern headmistress tone.
After a quick giggle we all snuggled together on the mat. Looking out over the Scottish scenery.
You smiled at me and I smiled back. One of my first smiles of the holiday.
"I told you it would all be ok Jack." Jen whispered.
I smiled at Jen and stared into the scenery, I lay back on the now, wet picnic blanket. Clare's, Jen's and Pippa's juices had covered the blanket and now my t-shirt, which caused a few giggles.
"Sorry about the mess Jack." Jen said giggling.
"Oops we might have ruined that t-shirt girls." Pippa says smiling.
We sat upon the hillside for about an hour, chatting and laughing as friends should before we all headed back down to the castle.
"You coming in Jack?" Clare asked.
"I'm going to have about an hour on my own." I say quietly.
"Ok sweetie we will see you soon." You say.
I headed back to the boathouse, and back to my phone. There was a further three missed calls to add the four from earlier. I was unsure what to do. I left my phone on the bed side table and sat out by the Loch to have a think.
Meanwhile inside the castle....
"Zoe I need to talk to you." Clare said.
"Ok sis." You reply.
Everyone else headed into the living room as you and Clare slipped upstairs.
"What's up with Jack, he seemed a little distant at some points today, I know somethings happened Zoe. What happened between you at Glenegales?" Clare asks.
"Nothing happened between us Clare, Jack got some bad news last night. Hannah's friend Ellie spoke to him." You say with anger in your face, and a couple of tears you manage to hold back.
"Zoe what did she say? Has something happened to Hannah?" Clare asks.
"Clare she CHEATED! She cheated on him, Jack is unsure what to do, I'm worried for him Clare, and the last thing I wanted to do was broadcast it around the house especially not in front of Sean and Isobel. It's not fair on Jack, at all." You reply.
"Oh my god Zoe, that's awful. He's had a few bad days hasn't he. What shall we do?" Clare asks.
"I don't know, only me, you Jen and mum know. He is on his own now, and I think it's best we let him think but other than that I don't know what to do." You reply upset.
"Come on Zo your the Ice Queen you've got to think of something. I hate seeing him like this." Clare says.
"Me too but I don't know what to do, I really really don't know." You reply.
You pick up your phone from the bed side table and send a message to Jen.
'Jen Hun I need to tell you something.' You say.
'Ok Hun fire away.' Jen replies.
'It's not good news Hun.' You say
'Aww why babe, what's happened I hope everything is ok at the hotel.' Jen replies
'Don't worry Jen we are safe something has happened with Jack.' You reply
'What?' Jen asks
'Promise you'll keep this between me and you.' You say.
'I Promise.' Jen replies.
'Well... Jack had a phone call earlier from one of his girlfriends friends and they had gone out to celebrate Jack being offered a job in Monaco, Hannah his girlfriend got back with her ex.' You send.
'Oh the poor boy, he's had a bad couple of days bless him, yesterday and now this. What are we going to do?' Jen asks.
'I don't know.' You reply.
'Come on Zo, your the ice queen you surely have something up your sleeve.' Jen replies.
'I'll have to think of something Jen, my first priority of tonight is to comfort Jack, don't tell anyone apart from mum ok, Jack and Jill are close I think she deserves to know, Jack can decide tomorrow when we get back if he wants to tell anybody.' You send.
'Ok Hun give him a kiss for me, and tell him everything's going to be ok, see you tomorrow.' Jen sends.
'Will do Hun see you tomorrow.' You send back to Jen.
"Come on sweetie it's ok." You say running your fingers through my black hair.
"Zoe I must have done something." I reply.
"No you didn't Jack she's made a mistake, I can tell sweetie and I promise you everything will be ok, shall we have a chat and a snuggle sweetie me and you can talk and if you feel like it later maybe something else but only if you feel up to it." You say.
"Ok Zoe." I reply still a bit upset.
As I say this my phone rings in my pocket.
"Jack let me see who it is before you answer it." You say snuggling up with me.
I hand you the phone and the person calling is the same person who called a few minutes earlier to break this news to me. Ellie.
"Don't worry Zoe it's ok." I say
"Go on then sweetie I'll let you take the call in private." You say giving me a kiss on the forehead.
I stand up from the bed and head into the room upstairs and take the call.
"Hey Jack, how you feeling Hun?" Ellie asks.
"I'm still so shocked." I say with sadness in my voice.
"We are so shocked here to Jack, she's made a big mistake Hun, her ex is an idiot and you went to the end of the earth for Hannah. Me and George know you gave her some money this morning darling to pay for the spa trip, I'm going to confront her tomorrow about it Jack and see what she's going to do." Ellie says.
"Thanks Ellie and say thanks to George for me." I say
"Aww Jack he's here sweetie you can say hello if you'd like, don't worry about tomorrow I'll sort it. I promise sweetie, I'll put you onto George." Ellie says.
"Alright mate you ok?" George asks.
"Yeah mate I'm ok, how are you?" I reply.
"I'm alright mate thanks, sorry about Hannah, she's made a huge mistake their, I feel really bad for you Jack and me and Ellie are always here for you, you know that. If you ever want to text someone, phone them or go for a drink we are both here for you mate. I hope what's happened hasn't ruined your holiday mate. Enjoy Scotland and I'll see you when you get back. We will go for a drink and a catch up mate." George says.
"Thanks George mate, yeah definitely a drink sounds good, it will be good to catch up. I look forward to it. See you soon mate." I reply.
"Ok mate I'll put you back on to Ellie." George says.
"George mate before you go." I say.
"Yeah Jack...." George replies.
"George mate you've got an absolute diamond in Ellie mate she's amazing and she's got an amazing boyfriend you are made for each other." I say.
"I know Jack she's an absolute diamond, and Hannah had an absolute diamond in you and she's swapped a diamond for a sack of shite mate her ex is an idiot." George says.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yes mate he is, anyway mate I will put you back onto Ellie and first round is on you!" He says laughing.
I also laugh with him and then hear the familiar sound of Ellie.
"Jack sweetie we will love you and leave you then, enjoy Scotland and I'll have a word with Hannah tomorrow." Ellie says.
"Thanks Ellie I appreciate it." I reply.
"Your welcome Jack, see you later." Ellie says.
"See you later." I reply.
The phone call ends and the line drops...
Although the phone call with Ellie and George made me feel a bit better I replayed the last time I saw Hannah in my head. I must have said or done something I thought to myself, why else would she leave. It's all my fault. Is all my head kept saying as I looked out of the window onto the rainy Scottish countryside. I unlocked my phone and scrolled through my photos, and for every picture that wasn't Hannah and me it was Sean and me,
In two days I had lost two of the people closet to me. A friendship that needed to be resurrected and a relationship destroyed.
My mind was in a trance and I'd completely forgotten about saying that I'd come back and speak to you after the call was over. I stared out of the window alone with my thoughts.
I didn't hear you walk up the spiral staircase and I didn't see you tiptoe behind me. You sat down next to me and wrapped your left arm around my shoulder and didn't say a word for a while you just sat there and comforted me in a different way.
"Jack come on sweetie it's ok you can speak to me." You say gently wiping my tears away.
"I feel bad Jack you've had a bad couple of days sweetie and I want the rest of this holiday to be the best for you sweetie, now what shall we do tonight darling?" You ask.
"Shall we have some fun Jack and take your mind off what's happened for a while." You say.
"If you don't mind Zoe." I reply.
"Of course I don't sweetie anything for you my darling prince." You say.
"Thanks Zoe." I say quietly.
"Aww sweetie your welcome." You say pulling me in closer, gently kissing my forehead.
You kiss my forehead again before gently taking me by the hand and leading me back down the spiral staircase and onto the kingsize bed.
"Jack sweetie, let's get you a shower darling so your all clean and fresh." You say smiling.
You begin to undress me removing Jon's black suit and shirt from my body before throwing them across the room. Something tells me that they will be creased but at that moment I didn't care, although at that moment I had the most beautiful woman in the world, undressing me, the though about me and Hannah overpowered me, I think somehow, I'm not quite sure how though could sense that this was happening and planted a kiss onto my lips, the kiss transported me away from all of the bad things that had occurred in the last couple of days and firmly placed me in the heat of the moment, your kiss eradicated all of the bad memories and now my only focus was you, you continued to kiss me undoing my belt at the same time, your eyes stared into mine, as you looked at me fluttering your eyes a little you knew I would overcome this and everything would be ok, even if I didn't know that yet. Once my belt was undone you removed my trousers quickly and once again left them on the hotel bedroom floor before removing my boxers leaving me naked in front of you.
"Sweeter you wouldn't mind returning the favour for me would you?" You said smiling with your cute innocent smile.
I knew exactly what you meant and gently unzipped your black dress letting it fall effortlessly from your perfect petit body.
"Come on sweetie let's get you all relaxed eh, and maybe if your good we can have a little play in the shower hehe." You say giggling.
You turn on the rather large shower letting it go all warm and steamy before gently kissing me on the lips as your hands caress my face, my lips met yours and everything was forgotten at that moment. I find my hands caressing your beautiful petit body gently as you continue to caress my face and short black hair gently before one hand pushes me into the walk in shower as you giggle.
"Sorry sweetie thought I'd cheer you up a little bit." You said still giggling.
I smile back and laugh a little as the warm steamy water hits my body, as you follow me into the shower. I put my head back and let the warm water hit my hair and face.
"Feeling any better Hun?" You ask.
"Yes thanks Zoe." I reply.
"Aww good sweetie I thought a shower might freshen you up a bit, now sweetie I need you to do something very important for me." You say caressing my now wet hair.
"What's that Zoe?" I ask nervously.
"Well sweetie I want you not to worry about anything sweetie, don't worry about what's happened today, promise me sweetie, we can't let it ruin your time here with us." You say still caressing my hair.
"I promise Zoe." I say sincerely.
"Good boy Jack." You say as you cuddle me pushing me under the warm water even more.
You stand under the shower head with me looking like a goddess the water runs off your body effortlessly and somehow makes you look even more beautiful I find myself admiring your perfect body wondering how I'm even here with you. As the water runs off your body your eyes are closed, a minute or so later you open your eyes to get a sponge and some shower gel and notice me staring at you.
"Jack did your mother not tell you that's it's rude to stare." You say half jokingly, but still with seriousness in your voice.
"Sorry." I say quietly.
"It's ok sweetie grab a sponge darling and we can help wash each other and to apologise for snapping at you, I'll give you a kiss." You say smiling innocently.
"Ok Zoe." I reply grabbing a sponge and rubbing some shower gel into it.
You kiss me gently on the lips as you begin to rub the soapy sponge onto my shoulders making sure to get every single nook and cranny as you continue to kiss my lips gently, I meet your kiss and follow suit rubbing the soapy sponge gently into your body starting with your shoulders too, we both move down each other's bodies in unison, we don't dare break the kiss though both of us are enjoying it to much, you keep rubbing the sponge up and down my body and then suddenly stop just above...
However I continue rubbing the sponge into your beautiful petit body ensuring I give special attention to those beautiful petit breasts of yours rubbing the soapy sponge in circles making sure all of the breast is covered in soap, meanwhile you have stopped and are staring into my eyes kissing me knowing that I'm in heaven right now. You let me continue for a little while longer before you take the sponge and begin to massage my cock with the warm soapy water gently caressing it with the sponge and even a few fingers gently tickling it. Causing it grow a little, as our lips are still interlocked and I'm still caressing your body with the other soapy sponge. As your right hand caresses my cock with the sponge, your left hand strokes my now wet black hair as we kiss passionately. You are the first to pull away from the kiss but continue to caress my cock and then take the sponge in your other hand covering my body in soap suds. I continue to make my way down your body ensuring everything is clean and covered in soap suds, as I'm doing this you spin me around and gently kiss my lips before pushing me underneath a shower head washing all of the soap suds from my body, as you push me I stumble a little bit and I hear you giggling.
"Sorry sweetie." You say still giggling.
After you've stopped giggling you follow me further into the steamy shower and the steamy water washes the soap suds from your body as we continue to kiss, your left hand gently playing with my cock as we kiss. Our bodies are now clean and we both feel a lot fresher, and one of us looks even more beautiful. The water runs off your body effortlessly.
"How you feeling sweetie?" You ask smiling.
"I'm good thanks Zoe." I reply smiling.
"Aww I'm glad sweetie now could you do me a favour?" You ask me.
"Yes of course Zoe." I reply.
"There's a good guy, could you help me wash my hair?" You ask.
"Of course I can Zoe." I reply.
"Aww bless sweetie, you are a good guy sometimes." You say smiling at me.
I take the shampoo bottle from the shelf in the shower and apply some into my hands before massaging it gently into your hair making sure that it's all rubbed in properly.
"Head back Zo." I say smiling.
You put your head back and I position the shower head to wash the shampoo away from your beautiful brunette hair, once the shampoo has all been washed away you move your head forward and open your eyes.
"Jack darling your so good thanks for doing that come on I'll return the favour and wash yours but have you got a step ladder, it's a long way up hehe." You say giggling.
"Only joking sweetie." You say as you massage the rather expensive shampoo into my hair and scalp.
Your delicate hands gently massage the shampoo in. Before you gently push my head back and wash away the shampoo as your free hand moves towards my cock and my hands gently caress your breasts.
"God sweetie we can be so naughty sometimes." You say smiling rather coyly.
"Yes we can Zoe." I reply definitely feeling a lot better than I did earlier.
"Come on sweetie let's get you dried off and it looks as if I'm going to have put that cock somewhere nice and warm, if you'd like me to if you feel up for it." You say smiling.
"Or shall we stay in here a little while longer the water has made me feel all dreamy." You say still smiling.
"It's up to you Zoe." I reply
You don't say anything and pull me into deeper into the shower and that's when...
We shared a moment...
A moment of love.
The water hit our bodies and trickled down as we kissed passionately our tongues intertwined dancing around each other. We stared into each other's eyes as we kissed neither of us wanting this moment to end. A million and one thoughts rushed through my body and there was one thing I wanted to say at this moment but I didn't know if I could or if I should say it...
I decided it would be best if I didn't say it.
My thinking was short lived as you pulled away and took me by the hand leading me out of the shower and grabbing a soft white fluffy towel each before we dried each other off as we kissed the light from the room made the water on your body shine and glisten as we kissed. You pulled away first again and once our naked bodies were dry you led me onto the bed, where only an hour ago. I was feeling the lowest I've ever felt I'd lost someone close to me and now I felt on top of the world as I was with you and you make everything better.
"Come on sweetie give me a kiss." You say smiling.
I do just that and begin to gently kiss your lips as your right hand pushes me gently into the bed as you laugh, before following me onto the bed yourself.
We continue to kiss when you join me on the bed our bodies touching, as well as our lips. Your hands caress my face and body and I gently caress your hair as we kiss, not ever wanting this to end. Your left hand begins to play with my cock as I gently caress your hair, you pull away from the kiss and smile at me.
"Ooohh Jack someone's a naughty guy I can feel it growing in my hand." You say
I don't reply and gently caress your beautiful breasts as you wank my cock a little bit quicker now causing it to grow even more.
"There's a good guy." You say smiling.
"Zoe sit on the edge of the bed." I say smiling.
"Why sweetie?" You ask smiling.
"Just trust me Zoe." I reply smiling.
"Ok my darling prince." You say sitting on the edge of the bed.
As you do this I grab a pillow and rest my knees on it before gently opening your legs and gently caress your pussy with my tongue licking every single nook and cranny taking extra special care of the sensitive parts especially your clit. What had happened earlier was at the back of my mind and I was completely focused on the task at hand. That task was licking your beautiful sweet pussy and that's exactly what I did gently caressing my tongue all around it, making sure not to miss a nook or cranny gently licking every part as my thumb began to play with your rather sensitive clitoris. I rubbed and played with it, looking up at your face and it was clear to see the effect I was having on you, your face lit up with pleasure. I looked up and smiled as my thumb continued to play with your clit and a finger found itself inside your rather tight pussy and I was now fingering you as well as running my thumb over your clitoris.
"Mmmm that's it Jack! Keep going." You say smiling down at me.
And that's exactly what I did,
I inserted a second finger and began to finger your pussy a little bit faster and decided to give your clit a lick with my long tongue, flicking it against your clit at first slowly and then speeding up a bit before slowing down again teasing your clit. After all I didn't want to make you cum, just yet. My fingers however were still having their fun caressing the inside of your pussy as my tongue slowed down to a gradual stop. However the fun was by no means over. My lips wrapped themselves around your clit and I began to suck on it hard.
"WOW!" Jack sweetie keep doing that I'm close!" You said loudly.
I did as I was told and kept sucking on your clit as hard as I could as a third finger found its way inside your tight pussy, I decided I was going to leave it at three fingers and my lips on your clit and I had made the right decision and it didn't take you long to cum as the third finger was inserted and I sucked in your clit a few more times. You came all over my fingers.
"Mmm Jack let me taste my self darling." You say innocently.
I lifted my fingers up towards you and your beautifully painted lips and watched you as you tasted your sweet juices from my sticky fingers. I couldn't believe how beautiful, you are and I stared into your starry eyes.
"Kiss me darling we can share my juices, after all friends should share shouldn't they." You say giggling as you swirl your juices around your mouth.
I get up from the pillow on the floor and sit on the bed with you, your perfectly manicured hands begin to caress my naked body as our,lips connect tongues intertwine and your sweet warm taste hits my tastebuds as we kiss. The warm liquid is passed from mouth to mouth as we passionately kiss, my hands have now found their way to your body and we caress each other lovingly as we kiss, your juices have dissolved now and the kiss does not break. We stare into each other's eyes neither of us wanting anything else right now. Nothing else mattered. Whatever was going on in own lives was irrelevant for these moments we were together and that's all that mattered.
Neither of us wanted it to end and neither of us wanted to be the first to break away from the kiss but one of us had to and that person was you. You pulled away from my lips and we both stopped for a second, for air.
"Mmm Jack I think it's time I return the favour for that absolutely perfect pussy licking now you lie back sweetie." You say with that beautiful smile of yours.
I felt myself sink into the comfy bed as I lay back
You kneel over me as I lie back sinking into the comfy bed and wrap your beautifully manicured hands around my cock and slowly begin to caress it, your delicate touch is the only thing my body is thinking about the events that happened previously are over and done with now and the only thing that mattered was. You. You continued to caress my cock as my hands caress your body, our tongues become acquainted again as we start to kiss staring deep into each other's eyes, both never wanting this to end. You continued to caress my cock and my hands found your cute little breasts as we continued to kiss, soon your lips moved away from mine and turned their attention to something else, my hard cock they began to kiss the rather sensitive head covering it in pink lipstick before sucking it gently, it began to grow in your mouth the more you sucked on it and soon I was completely hard and rather surprised with myself, surprised that I hadn't cum yet, your lips moved away from my cock and you lowered your flower like pussy onto my hard cock and whispered the following words...
"Lie back sweetie let me do all the work." You whispered
I did as I was told and you made love to me you started off slowly using my cock with long slow strokes remembering how inexperienced I was in this department
Gently caressing it with your luscious pussy using those long slow strokes we both loved, as I lay back sinking into the fluffy soft duvet, gently shutting my eyes.. I was ready to wake up from this dream...
"Jack I'm really here sweetie, I know it's hard for a working class boy like you to believe but you are really here with me the beautiful upper class girl that I am." You said giggling.
Not distracting yourself from what you were doing though, your pussy lips still wrapped themselves around my cock as you gently made love to me, this continued for a little while until my cock and I got to the point of no return, a thick shot of cum shot from the end of my cock into your cute little pussy.
"That was great Jack, let me get cleaned up my darling and then we can have a little snuggle in bed together." You said trying to make me feel better.
I got into the rather large King size bed as you went into the bathroom to freshen your self up and slip into your sleep wear. You were only gone for a few minutes but it felt like a lifetime the thoughts of the previous two days repeating in my head. I must have done something wrong, I kept thinking to myself.
"How you feeling Jack?" I heard as you walked back into the room in a silk nightdress.
"I'm ok Zoe just so shocked by everything." I reply.
"I know my darling it's been a horrible couple of days for you with everything, I just hope it hasn't ruined your holiday." You say wrapping your arm around me.
"It has a little bit Zoe, I've lost a friendship and now a relatively long term relationship all in two days." I reply getting a little upset.
"I know you have Jack and that's horrible but listen, I'm here with you, we all are, Sean's annoyed me as well, the others might have got over what's happened but I'm not sure I have and you haven't from what I can see and Hannah's made a monumental mistake, I hate seeing you like this Jack, I've not really seen the real Jack in Scotland yet, and I love the real Jack, that Jack makes me laugh, he's funny, and very silly, he's got a heart of gold, and he's a sweet sensitive guy, that's the Jack I want. I've got on this holiday anyway the angry Jack, and the sad upset Jack. We've got a while left up here Jack and I want me and you to have the best time ever, and do you know why Jack?" You say smiling.
"Why Zoe?" I ask.
"Because your my prince Jack and you always will be! And I'll always be your princess and I hate seeing you upset Jack it makes me upset too." You say cuddling me tight.
We hug tight for a few seconds both with tears forming in our eyes. After a few seconds you pull away and the ice queen Zoe comes back.
"What shall we do now then Jack? Shall we watch a film or..." You ask.
"Up to you Zoe." I reply.
"I'm up for another round of fun Jack if you'd like?" You say.
"Well that tent in your boxers looks like you want another round of fun Jack." You say with a cute little giggle.
Before I have time to react my boxers are pulled down by your delicate perfectly manicured hands and you have already got to work on my semi hard cock working it back into life.
"Come on Jack fuck me hehe bend me over and fuck me hard!" You say with intent in your voice."
As you say this you bend over one of the comfy chairs in the room. I stand up and walk over to you, before gently inserting my cock into your beautifully tight waxed, wet pussy.
"Mmm there's a good guy Jack now go on fuck me like you mean it." You say smiling.
I do as I I'm told, fucking your beautiful hairless pussy with short fast strokes but it's not just me putting the effort in, it's almost as if we are meeting in the middle, with you bouncing gently on my cock as we fuck. You turn your head over your left shoulder and our lips meet in a passionate kiss as we continue to fuck. Our tongues intertwining in a tunnel of love.
You pull away teasing me a little before our lips are once again connected, we continue to kiss and fuck. What I don't know is that every time my cock goes in and out of your pussy the head of my cock is tickling your clit and it doesn't take long before you get to the point of no return and you find yourself having a rather large orgasm all over my cock.
"WOW JACK!" You scream.
We continue at the same pace, as I fuck you with my still hard, but now slippery cock. After all it is covered in your juices, we continue like this until I end up getting to the point of no return and I end up having an orgasm as well.
After my inevitable orgasm we both begin to kiss passionately again, you drag me back onto the bed and we fall into the bed together intertwined.
"Thanks Jack that was perfect, I'm soooooooo tired now though." You say as you get under the duvet.
I follow suit and become the big spoon as we snuggle up close, and you drift off to sleep in my arms.
For you sleep was perfect you snuggled up into me and drifted off straight away however for me it was more difficult I tried to just fall asleep but the thoughts of the previous couple of days overpowered me. The thoughts of Hannah and Sean. I kept thinking about everything re playing scenarios, analysing conversations, when I wasn't doing that I was looking over at you. I didn't deserve to be in this bed with you having shared what we had just shared. There was no way! I remember you telling me what happened with me and Hannah wasn't my fault but somehow my brain and me still thought it was. I eventually managed to doze off for what felt like thirty seconds however it was a little longer than that before waking up again the thoughts overpowering me.
For a second time I nodded off but this time my own thoughts didn't wake me up a beautiful voice did instead.
"Morning sweetie." You said.
"Morning Zo." I replied.
"Oh my goodness someone needs a cup of coffee a shower sleepy head!" You said giggling.
"How did you sleep Zoe?" I asked already knowing the answer to my own question.
"Perfect sweetie, your an amazing big spoon hehe, how about you?" You ask.
"Not very well Zoe." I reply.
"Why sweetie were you admiring my beauty, did that keep you awake?" You say smiling.
"Or was it something else?" You reply.
I'm about to say something but you take the words out of my mouth..
"It was Hannah and Sean wasn't it Jack?" You say.
"Yeah Zoe." I reply.
"Come on let's go down for breakfast and we can have a chat, me and you need a heart to heart sweetie. But I know one thing Jack Hannah's going to be missing out on your cock hehe, and I wouldn't want to miss out on that God you were good last night." You say smiling.
"Thanks Zoe. I'll just jump in the shower and then we can get breakfast." I say.
"Take your time sweetie." You say.
I grab a fresh fluffy white towel and head into the bathroom for a shower, locking the door behind me.
Once you hear the door lock you decide to make a phone call. To Jen...
You found Jens contact details and gave her a ring.
"Hey Zoe you ok?" Jen asked.
"Hey Jen yeah I'm fine thanks me and Jack had lots of fun last night, he's still a bit upset this morning about everything though." You reply.
"Aww bless Zoe that's not good, I was thinking about it last night and I've had an idea well in fact I've had two." Jen says.
"What are they Jen?" You ask.
"Well I was thinking me, you and Clare take jack out somewhere bring Jade too, we could go for a drink, a picnic just to get him doing something, anything Zoe you could take him for a drive, anything to take his mind off Hannah." Jen says.
"I suppose we could do something like that Jen, will you speak to him when he's back and what was your other idea?" You reply.
"You, Sara, Sean and Jack go on a double date." Jen says.
"I don't know Jen, I think it could be awkward, for Jack and Sean." You say.
"Have a think about it Zoe, is Jack with you now?" Jen asks.
"No he's in the shower and then we are nipping down for breakfast." You reply.
"Ok Zoe send him my love, and have a think about my ideas. I'll see you soon." Jen says.
"I will do Jen anyway I'll see you soon." You reply
And with that the phone call was over. You walked back over to the bed and noticed my phone was vibrating, in other words I was receiving a phone call. That phone call was off...
You picked up the phone and then decided against what your initial thought was, placing the phone back on the side and lay back on the bed. You instead the let the phone ring out.
I was still in the shower and was oblivious to the fact that Hannah had rung me, I continued as normal washing my hair, meanwhile you sat and waited for me as you lounged on the large comfy bed, half regretting not answering the phone call and telling Hannah exactly how you felt. I finished washing my hair and moved onto the rest of my body, washing away the odour of sex from last nights escapades, it took me a few minutes to wash away the odour of the night before. Once I was done I took the crisp white towel and dried myself off before joining you again.
"Hey handsome." You said giggling.
"Morning Zoe, you ok?" I ask.
"I'm just fine sweetie, you get changed and then we can pop downstairs for breakfast, because I'm quite hungry hehe, last night tired me out." You say with a little giggle.
"There's a spare shirt and some trousers in the wardrobe sweetie, they got delivered whilst you were in the shower." You say smiling.
I dry myself off and slip into the smart navy trousers and the crisp white shirt.
As you slip into a cute white summery dress and a pair of nude coloured heels. You pull on my collars and brush my shirt with your two hands.
"There we go darling absolutely perfect." You say.
"Thanks Zoe." I say still half asleep.
"Come on let's go and get some breakfast and a cup of coffee, your still half asleep." You say.
I took you by the hand and we left the hotel room, just us two nothing else mattered at that moment in time we walked downstairs and through reception into the restaurant where we had sat last night before everything that happened.
"Wow Zoe you look amazing." I say.
"I know sweetie, Gotta look good in somewhere like this and I thought I should make at least a bit of effort for you."
"Aww well thanks Zoe." I reply.
"Your welcome! Anyway let's get some breakfast I'm starving." You say with that cute little giggle of yours.
A rather glamorous waitress walks across to our table, she had short blonde hair and was rather tall, she reminded me of Hannah a lot but I didn't want to tell you that.
"Would Sir or Madam like any tea or coffee?" She asked us both.
"Two black coffees will be perfect please." You reply.
"Of course madam, I will give you a few more minutes to decide on your breakfast order." She replies.
"Thank you." I say.
A few minutes later the waitress arrives with our black coffees.
"Shall I give you a few more minutes sir and madam?" She asks.
"Yes please." You reply.
We both glance at the menu and you notice that I'm not in the most talkative mood, the opposite from how I was last night. You decide not to say anything for a little while, maybe I hadn't properly woken up yet. I looked at the breakfast menu eventually deciding on what I would like.
"You ready to order Jack?" You asked me.
"Yeah I'll have the eggs Benedict please Zoe." I replied.
"Same as me darling." You said smiling before sipping on the black coffee.
The waitress once again wondered over, I think she could see we were ready to order. Or the world really wanted to rub it in that I wasn't with Hannah anymore by sending a waitress that looks just like her.
"Are Sir and Madam ready to order now?" She asks in a soft soothing voice.
"Yes please we will both have the eggs Benedict." You reply confidently sounding so sophisticated.
"Of course." The waitress replied before walking away.
"Well sweetie how was last night then, do you think you can deal with this world?" You asked.
"I'm not sure Zoe I feel out of my depth a bit." I reply.
"Well for your first time you certainly looked the part, and you weren't out of your depth sweetie you behaved like a true gentlemen last night. I'm just a bit upset it didn't end on the best of notes, oh and you were so good in bed last night." You replied.
"Really Zoe? I felt so out of my depth, like all eyes were on me last night. It felt like the Sharks were circling." I reply.
"All eyes were on you Jack, you were the best dressed most handsome man in here last night and everyone was jealous!" You say.
"I don't think they were Zoe." I say.
"Oh they were Jack! Trust me." You reply
The food arrives a couple of minutes later and we tuck in.
"Sorry again about Hannah, Jack but I promise you'll find someone better and now I want you to focus on having the best holiday you can." You say with that smile, that smile that never fails to make anything better.
"Hopefully Zoe, I hope we can have a good time up here because the last few days has been awful." I reply.
"I know my sweet so let's hope we can have some fun whilst you here." You reply.
"Come on eat up Jon and Jen will be here to pick us up soon." You say.
We carry on eating breakfast my mind constantly trying to drift away from the thoughts of last night.
"When you back at uni sweetie?" You ask.
"September." I reply.
"I wish I'd have gone to university it seems like such fun." You reply.
"It is Zoe I love it." I say.
"I know you do my darling every time you tell me about it, you sound like your having an absolute ball!" You reply.
"Well I certainly am Zoe I absolutely love it, everyone who I live with is amazing." I reply.
"I'll have to come up and visit next year! Will I have somewhere to stay!" You ask giggling.
"I'm sure it can be arranged Zoe, I'll have to warn you though it won't be glitz and glamour your used to." I say laughing.
"Oh I'm sure I'll survive for one night!" You reply.
After a few minutes we had both finished our food and head back upstairs to the room, we grab all of our belongings and I pick up my phone to find the missed call....
The missed call from Hannah...
I'm unsure what to do, do I tell you, do I not tell you...
I decide on the later and grab the rest of my stuff packing into the bag Jon had provided, we did one last check of the room before we headed outside. Not before thanking the receptionist and tipping both the waiter and waitress that had served us generously. We then both waited on the outside terrace for Jon and Jen to arrive and then it was a helicopter trip home, not how I thought I'd ever travel, well I guess I've learnt to always expect the unexpected. A few minutes later we heard the helicopter overhead and Jen and Jon made their descent before me and you walked over.
"Come on slow coaches." Jen said smiling.
I helped you into the helicopter and we fastened our seat belts ready for take off. We put on the headsets so we could talk to each other.
"How are we both?" Jon asks.
"We are ok Jon we had an amazing time didn't we Jack?" You say.
"Yeah it was amazing." I reply.
"Good I'm glad you both had fun." Jen said smiling.
"Jacks first experience of our world was a good one then." Jon said.
"Yeah it was thanks Jon, I really enjoyed it." I replied.
"I'm glad you did Jack." Jon replied.
"I'm going to see Jack at university when he's back in September." You say giggling.
"Really Zoe! You moan about some 5 star hotels, do you think you'll be able to cope in university accommodation!" Jen says laughing.
"I'll be fine Jen!" You reply.
"Are you sure Zoe." I say joining in.
"Don't you start as well Jack!" You say.
"Oh I can't wait to see you sleep in Jack's uni accommodation Zoe, you'll hate it, they aren't the nicest places in the world. And I don't think the cuisine will be up to scratch either." Jen said laughing.
"I've heard that Jack isn't a bad cook so it should be quite nice actually Jen!" You reply confidently.
"There's some pressure on you now Jack but I'm sure you'll be ok mate." Jon says to me.
"I know Jon this was a visit to start with I'll have to prepare for the princesses arrival, I'll start by buying a new red carpet." I reply.
This comment causes Jon and Jen to laugh but you to look a little annoyed, only for a few seconds though before you also join in on the laughing front.
"Jack! You do make me laugh darling!" Jen says still laughing.
We'd had so much fun on the helicopter journey back to the castle that it felt that no sooner we were up in the air, we were back on the ground again. Jen and Jon disembarked first opening the back doors to let us both out.
"Mum and dad are going to want to know all about last night Zoe, and Jack." Jen says.
"I'll come and see them now, Jack you coming sweetie?" You ask.
"Yeah of course Zoe." I reply.
You took me by the hand from the helicopter and we walked across the driveway back into the castle hallway.
"We're back!" You shout
We are met in the hallway by Sabine and Jill after you've shouted.
"Hello you two, come through to the living room, you can tell us all about last night." Jill says smiling at us both.
We follow Jill and Sabine into the living room and we are met by Dave, Pippa and Sara. Sean and Isobel are nowhere to be seen.
"Hey you two!" Pippa says standing up and giving us both a hug.
"Hey pip!" You reply.
"So how was it?" Sara asks.
"Let them sit down Pippa and Sara." Dave says.
We sit down next to each other on one of the living rooms sofas.
"Well come on then Jack how was it?" Pippa asks.
"It was really good thanks Pippa, we both had a really good time thanks." I reply.
"God Jack I want more details than that!" Pippa says laughing.
"We had lots of fun Pippa, he took me for dinner and even bought a bottle of champagne for us both to celebrate, he then took me to bed and let's just say we didn't just sleep." You reply.
"You naughty girl Zoe!" Jill says.
"I suppose I am but Jack was also involved." You reply.
"Yeah Jack isn't completely innocent!" Pippa says giggling.
"Jack can I borrow you for a second?" Jill asks.
As Jill says this Jon walks into the room without Jen, I find myself wandering where Jen is.
"Yeah of course Jill." I say standing up and then begin to follow Jill out of the room.
"I need your help with something darling." Jill says telling me a little white lie.
"Ok Jill, of course I'll help." I reply.
"Thanks darling." Jill says leading me into the kitchen.
Where Jen is waiting for us.
"Sit down Jack sweetie." Jen says handing me a cup of coffee, and putting two other mugs on the breakfast bar, one for her and the other for Jill.
I sit down at the breakfast bar a little confused.
"Sweetie, Zoe text me about what happened with you and Hannah last night, and I told mum, I hope you don't mind?" Jen says as she stands opposite me.
"Oh ok, I didn't think you knew." I say a little shocked
"Sorry it's a shock to you Jack, we both wanted to say everything's going to be ok we promise." Jill says.
"Thanks Jill, I really appreciate it." I reply.
"Your welcome darling, if there's anything else we can do for you let us know." Jill replies.
"I'm going to have a couple of hours on my own for a bit today." I say.
"Ok darling I'll let everyone know." Jill says.
Jen and Jill walk over and both give me a hug. As they hug me I notice from the kitchen window that the sun has come out to play so I decide I'm going to have an hour out by the loch.
I head outside to the boathouse slip out of the suit trousers and shirt and into something more comfortable, I walk out of the boathouse and along the loch for a little while until I find a little spot away from the madness of the castle and somewhere I can think and asses what's going on.
I sit on the grass watching the world go by, watching the boats on the loch, hikers walking in the hills, little dots of sheep meandering there way up the hills, the water splashing against the rocks, a couple fishing opposite me. The concept of time no longer mattered I was alone with my thoughts wondering what on earth would happen next. Do I ring Hannah back or not? Do I head home? Do I tell everyone else what's happened.
After what felt like 5 minutes but in fact was over an hour, a hand touched my left shoulder causing me to jump a little. I turned my head expecting it to be Zoe, but it wasn't it was Sean. And he had something in his hand. Two bottles of beer.
"You alright mate?" He asked.
"Not really." I reply.
"Why what's happened?" He asked.
"Me and Hannah are done. Ellie rung me last night and said Hannah went out and got back with her ex." I reply.
"That's shite mate, she's well and truly messed up there." He replies.
"Come on let's have a drink, we are here now, Hannah's down there we still have a long time up here so let's make the most of it." Sean says opening the first bottle of beer and handing it to me.
I take a sip of the bottle of beer and he opens the other and joins me.
"I'm glad we are doing this mate, just like we used to." Sean said smiling.
"Yeah exactly." I said, I still hadn't fully forgiven him yet, that would take a long time but this was a step in the right direction at least.
The conversation took a turn back to stuff from back home and university and pretty soon the beer had been finished and we both decided to head back to the castle. I took a mental note of the spot, I'm sure I'd back before the end of the holiday. Sean headed back inside the castle and I headed to the boathouse just to grab my phone. I had a further three missed calls from Hannah and a few messages as well. I was still unsure what to do. I grabbed my phone and headed back to the castle. And was met by you Jen ,Pippa, Jade and Clare in the hallway.
"Ah there you are! We are going for a picnic you coming!" Clare says.
"Yeah of course." I reply.
"Isobel is out with Jon Jack he's taken her shopping and Sara is with Sean." Clare says.
"Oh ok." I reply.
"Where shall we go girls?" You ask.
"I know the spot." Pippa says.
She leads us away from the castle, up a country path into the hills overlooking the loch we continued walking until we found the perfect spot, giving us a view of the loch and the surrounding area it was absolutely beautiful and the Scottish sunshine made it even better.
"Here we are." Pippa said smiling.
We all sat down on the rather large picnic blanket and you and Clare opened the two large picnic baskets.
Full of freshly prepared picnic food, freshly prepared sandwiches, pies, cakes, home made crisps, salad, a whole variety of food, and drinks for us to enjoy in the sunny Scottish countryside.
"Tuck in everyone." Clare says.
"Thanks for this." I say smiling.
"Aww your very welcome Jack, how I've missed that smile." You say.
I grab myself a sandwich and sit on the blanket admiring the view, you decide to sit next to me and snuggle up close.
"Hey Zoe let us have some too." Clare says giggling.
"Yeah Zoe stop hogging Jack!" Pippa says.
"God Zoe did no one tell you to share!" Jen says also giggling.
"FINE!" You say with a raised voice.
"God Zoe we've hardly seen Jack you've hogged him!" Clare says.
"I've hogged him because I'm his favourite.!" You say.
I continue eating my sandwich staring out at the Scottish countryside, a bit overwhelmed by all of the attention I'm getting, and the mini arguments and debates I'm causing. I ignored all of the fuss around me and just took in the scenery.
"Yeah Zoe we've hardly got to even speak to this sweetie." Pippa says.
Jen notices me not partaking in the conversation and smiles at me.
"Jack doesn't seem too bothered with this whole argument girls, let's grow up a bit." Jen says smiling at me.
We continue to eat from the picnic basket as we all make conversation.
"So then Jack I've heard that Zoe is coming up to see you at uni." Pippa says.
"Supposedly." I reply quietly.
"God that's something I'd pay to see Zoe! You living with Jack in a student house." Pippa replies giggling.
"Let's make it happen." Jen replies.
"Yes let's make it happen!" Clare says giggling.
"You need to leave me alone I'll be fine!" You say.
"I don't know Zoe." Jen says.
"I'LL BE FINE!" You say annoyed.
"Ok Zoe." We were only joking.
We continue to chat about life, and everything that's been going on as we sit and eat the picnic, I'm on the edge of the conversations. Trying to think about what my next port of call is. Jen seems to notice this and wraps her arm around my shoulder.
"It's going to be ok darling." She whispers to me.
"I hope so Jen." I reply.
We both continue to stare out over the loch as the others chat and giggle behind us.
"Come in sweetie join in have some fun." You say giggling.
Me and Jen both turn round and join in on the conversation talking about the plans for the rest of the day, everyone discussing what on earth we are doing later.
"Well after the picnic, we could always have some fun up here?" Pippa suggests.
"That's not a bad idea actually, but we don't want too overwhelm Jack." Jen says giggling.
"We should let Mr Jack choose." Jade says.
"We should let Mr Jack spank you." Clare says giggling.
Jade doesn't say anything she simply smiles, at the suggestion. Not agreeing or disagreeing with Clare's point.
"Oh I'm sure Jack would like that. We will have to be carefully with him girls, I think he might be all sexed out." You say giggling.
"Zo! Your so selfish none of us have played with Jack yet! Clare says spamming your bottom.
As Clare does this Jen snuggles me in close and Pippa joins us all snuggled together. As one sister spanks the other. Jade is unsure when to look, Clare spanking you is making her funny flutter, on the other hand Pippa and Jens hands are caressing each other and I'm in the middle being touched and groped by the stray hands. I'm in shock but so excited and a tent begins to appear in my shorts.
"Oohhhh don't worry Zo, me and Pip managed to get some life back into the sexed out boy back to life." Jen says giggling.
This statement stops you and Clare in your tracks, after one last spank on your now red bottom. You both noticed my tenting cock as Jen and Pippa played with each other and me and now it's only right you joined in. Clare was the first to head over, the remnants of the picnic behind us. She grabbed some of the cream and rubbed it into Jens rather large breasts as Pippa sucked on a strawberry, all the while my cock still growing in my shorts. Clare grabbed it and with her dominant sultry tones, said....
"Ooooohhhh so this is the big cock my sister rants and raves about."
My shorts were yanked down and my boxers quickly followed...
As Clare did this you were playing tongue tennis with Jade. She had been transfixed on the scene in front of her, before you grabbed her and began to passionately kiss her, your tongues, intertwining in the tunnel of love. Tonsils touching, lips, colliding as the depraved scene in front you you born continued.
My cock was now out and the cool Scottish breeze hit it and then soon after that Clare's hand wrapped around it wanking me slowly, as her other hand guided my shoulders, first she panned me around to her sister and her sisters best friend, and there passionate kiss. I watched as you pushed Jade onto the grass still kissing her as your hands made their way under her skirt. No Panties! How naughty. Your fingers found their way into Jade's wet pussy as you snogged. That was your right hand your left hand began to spank Jade's bottom hard. Just how she likes it. Meanwhile Jade had followed suit, putting her hands to good use too. Her left hand began to caress your small petit breasts, tweaking your nipples and caressing them softly, as her right hand made its way downstairs. And her fingers found there way into your wet cunt, now simultaneously you fingered each other. Your eyes no longer transfixed on each other but on me. You just smiled and winked. Clare continued to wank me slowly, I was so hard and honestly thought I was going to cum, but somehow my body hasn't betrayed me yet. My body was twisted again and now I saw Pippa and Jen. They had gotten into the sixty nine position and were licking each other's pussies, expertly. Both of them clearly had expertise in this field. Jen licked slowly as I presume that's how Pippa liked it, when she wasn't licking, and flicking her tongue on Pippa's already wet pussy. Jen wrapped her lips and sucked, on Pippa's clit. Meanwhile Pippa, licked Jen's cunt a lot faster then hers was being licked. Jen liked it fast. Jen also liked having her clit sucked on just like Pippa did. So that's what they did they catered for each other's needs. Clare then began to cater for mine she wanked me a little faster. Our lips collided as she wanked and we began to kiss passionately, tongues intertwined. I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds. Nothing else mattered in this moment. We kissed and my hands found themselves caressing Clare's body. As hers caressed my cock. The scenes around me and what was going on in front of me, had made my cock super hard. But my super hard cock was also a super tired cock after all of the debauchery. However, that wasn't going to dampen the mood. Clare suddenly stopped wanking me.
"Well Jack I think you should lick this pussy boy! You've had it too easy so far. I need to keep you working class boys in line!" Clare said in a headmistress like voice.
As she said this I noticed Pippa and you smile. Almost as if this was planned .
Clare sat on the picnic blanket and opened her legs slowly. No panties again. Must be something that happens in Scotland.
"Get here boy! Lick this now, or I'll see to it your punished. I have that power and you know it, now do as your told!" Clare said with a dominant but sultry tone.
I didn't object to what she said and began, just as you taught me Zoe. I started slowly, with my tongue gently licking every single nook and cranny of Clare's pussy, making sure I didn't miss a bit. Unsure what Clare, would do to a working class boy like me.
"That's it Jack, keep going." Clare said.
I kept going, using my tongue in this manner as my thumb gently massaged Clare's, clitoris. Once I was sure I'd done enough with my tongue, I moved on to flicking Clare's clit, as my fingers got to work. I started with one and then another followed, two was enough for now and I stopped licking her clit.
"Did I tell you to stop boy." Clare said sternly.
I had stopped for a reason. My tongue stopped licking and my lips wrapped around Clare's clit. And sucked hard. I kept going. For a little longer before alternating to licking again, teasing Clare's throbbing Clit, slowly and quickly.
She was desperate for a release and one final sick of the Clit. Did just that, Clare, came and came a lot.
I hadn't realised the scenes that had previously surrounded me had stopped. You, Jen, Pippa and Jade were transfixed on me and Clare.
"Wow Jack, you working class boys are OK for some things." Clare said smiling.
After a quick smile Clare slapped my bottom and my wrist.
"You were still slow though." She said back in her stern headmistress tone.
After a quick giggle we all snuggled together on the mat. Looking out over the Scottish scenery.
You smiled at me and I smiled back. One of my first smiles of the holiday.
"I told you it would all be ok Jack." Jen whispered.
I smiled at Jen and stared into the scenery, I lay back on the now, wet picnic blanket. Clare's, Jen's and Pippa's juices had covered the blanket and now my t-shirt, which caused a few giggles.
"Sorry about the mess Jack." Jen said giggling.
"Oops we might have ruined that t-shirt girls." Pippa says smiling.
We sat upon the hillside for about an hour, chatting and laughing as friends should before we all headed back down to the castle.
"You coming in Jack?" Clare asked.
"I'm going to have about an hour on my own." I say quietly.
"Ok sweetie we will see you soon." You say.
I headed back to the boathouse, and back to my phone. There was a further three missed calls to add the four from earlier. I was unsure what to do. I left my phone on the bed side table and sat out by the Loch to have a think.
Meanwhile inside the castle....
"Zoe I need to talk to you." Clare said.
"Ok sis." You reply.
Everyone else headed into the living room as you and Clare slipped upstairs.
"What's up with Jack, he seemed a little distant at some points today, I know somethings happened Zoe. What happened between you at Glenegales?" Clare asks.
"Nothing happened between us Clare, Jack got some bad news last night. Hannah's friend Ellie spoke to him." You say with anger in your face, and a couple of tears you manage to hold back.
"Zoe what did she say? Has something happened to Hannah?" Clare asks.
"Clare she CHEATED! She cheated on him, Jack is unsure what to do, I'm worried for him Clare, and the last thing I wanted to do was broadcast it around the house especially not in front of Sean and Isobel. It's not fair on Jack, at all." You reply.
"Oh my god Zoe, that's awful. He's had a few bad days hasn't he. What shall we do?" Clare asks.
"I don't know, only me, you Jen and mum know. He is on his own now, and I think it's best we let him think but other than that I don't know what to do." You reply upset.
"Come on Zo your the Ice Queen you've got to think of something. I hate seeing him like this." Clare says.
"Me too but I don't know what to do, I really really don't know." You reply.
4 years ago