The Willing Degradation of Ellen ~ 2nd Night

This is a continuation of The Debasing of Ellen originally written by Cibola ([email protected])

The 2nd Night - Part 1

As stated at the conclusion of my telling of the first
night, Tommy was to pay more visits to our city;
affording additional degradation of my beautiful wife,
Ellen. Again this is a true story and I can attest to
its authenticity only so far as what I actually
witnessed. On his second visit, I witnessed far less
than I had during Tommy’s first visit.

We continued to swing occasionally with the other
couple we had slightly bonded with, but for the main
part we spent our "shared" sex times with Chuck. I must
note for the readers that these were times of normal
consensual sex. No homosexual activities, for neither
Chuck nor I had any proclivities in that direction. Far
more important to this recording of events, there were
absolutely no acts of degradation of my wife. She let
us know in most emphatic terms that the previous
behavior on her part would NEVER happen again!

I should also note that the old neighbor man from
across the street would attempt to join us every time
he saw us arrive, but Chuck firmly discouraged him.

About 6 weeks after Tommy’s first visit, I received a
call from Chuck at my office. He told me Tommy was
here. Tommy got on the second phone in Chuck’s front
room and the three of us talked for about a half an
hour or so. Fortunately for me, I was the department
supervisor of my laboratory division; so I could pretty
much do as I damn well pleased.

During our conversation, Tommy stated he couldn’t wait
to put Ellen through her paces again. Chuck and I were
quick to inform him that there was no way she would
tolerate that again. He, in turn, told us to relax and
he’d have her jumping through hoops for us; tell him
what we wanted her to do and he would see to it that
she did it!

I thought, "Yeah, sure; do you have a fucking surprise

We parted with the understanding that the four of us
would go out for an early dinner, around 6:30 p.m. and
then over to a Black bar where they had a live band on

That afternoon when Ellen came home from work around
3:45 p.m., she asked if we had anything planned for the
night since she was exhausted from work and just wanted
to go to bed early. Being a sneaky son of a bitch, I
casually told her that was ok by me, and, "Oh, by the
way, Chuck called earlier."

"I hope you didn’t make plans with him; if you did you
can just call him back and cancel. I don’t want to do
anything tonight, even with you!"

"No plans, he just called to say Tommy came into town
this morning."

"Oh, did you talk with him?"

"Just for a a couple of minutes. I told them you might
be exhausted tonight because you were busy with
cataloging. They were disappointed because they hoped
we could go for an early dinner and maybe some dancing.
We left everything up in the air. Told them I’d give
them a call when you got home."

"I’ll call and see what they have planned."

"Nah, I’ll call. I’ll just explain that you’re too

"Like hell you will! It would be rude not to see them
when Tommy comes to town. I’ll call so I know where
we’re going and what to wear."

I listened as she spoke on the phone with them, but
could only hear her side of the conversation. "Hi
Chuck, this is Ellen."


"Fine thanks, how are you sweety?"


"That’s good to hear. Charles said Tommy is here and
maybe the four of us will get together tonight."


"No, I don’t mind, go ahead and tell him to pick up the
other line. Hi Tommy, how are you?"


"Yes, I’ve missed you, too."


"That sounds good to me. Where did you have in mind so
I know how to dress."


"Oh Tommy, you’re incorrigible! Yes I do, Sure I can.
Any other requests?"


"No problem, we’ll pick it up on the way over."


"Ok, I’ll jump into the shower and we’ll be over there
in about an hour. See you guys soon."


About 40 minutes later she emerge from our bedroom
wearing a very short leather skirt, an almost
transparent blouse, both over a matching set of frilly
lace underwear, and black shoes with 4" spike heels.

"Is that what they suggested you wear?"

"Yes, do you like it?"

"Sure looks like a "fuck-me" outfit. Yeah, I like it."

"Come on, let’s go, we have to pick up a fifth of Jack
Daniels on the way. They’re waiting for us."

Ellen worked on her hair as I drove to the liquor
store. She had just finished putting it up when I
pulled into the strip mall. Hoping for a repeat of her
two acts of exhibitionist behavior the night of Tommy’s
first visit, I asked, "You want to go in and strut your

"No, you go. I want to put my makeup on. I’ll strut for
the three of you later."

Ten minutes later we were pulling into the garage. Sure
enough, the old guy came across the street as fast as
he could. Again, Chuck told him to go home, only this
time he added, "Maybe later in the evening."

Tommy and Ellen got lip locks on each other as soon as
she exited the car. He pulled away from her lips and
announced, "Damn bitch, you sure look fine tonight."

"I’ve told you before, my name is ELLEN!"

"Fuck that and fuck you, you’re a white scum, cum slot
whore, ass fucking bitch. Get used to it for that is
all you’ll ever be when you are with me. Now put your
hands behind your back and try to touch your elbows so
your tits stand out."

"Ahh, yes, that’s a good white pussy. Now turn towards
the old man and thrust them as far as you can so he
gets really turned on."

Ellen obediently did as she was ordered.

" Ok, that was fine. Now, keep facing that way and
clasp your hands behind your neck. That’s it. Push
those titties out as much as you can. Close your eyes.
I have a surprise for you. Brought it all the way from

With that, he placed a 1" wide, rhinestone studded, dog
collar around her neck. To that he attached a bright
red leash which was at least 6’ long.

"Come on, bitch, time to start to party."

The four of us entered the pool room and Tommy
immediately had Ellen on her knees sucking his cock.
"Suck us all off so we can spend our time relaxing
before coming back here to fuck your brains out."

"What about me, I need relief too!"

"Fuck you, you’ll get yours later. And don’t try
fingering yourself. We want you good and horny for when
we come back her later."

As she sucked us each to completion, we downed a few
shots each and shared two joints. We made sure her
shots were about double the size of ours. The joints
went like this: Chuck to Ellen to Tommy to Ellen to me
to Ellen and then back to Chuck to start the next

By this time, both Chuck and I knew her degradation was
going to continue. As long as she enjoyed it, I was all
for anything that was done to her. The moment she
wasn’t enjoying it, I would no longer take pleasure
from her uncharacteristic behavior.

After we had all soaked her mouth with our cum, it was
time to go. Tommy had her gloss her lips with the cum.
We got into our car and I drove us to a Black Angus
restaurant on the east side of town.


The restaurant was quite busy; so we sat at the bar and
drank margaritas for our 75 minute wait for a table. It
isn’t often that you would see two Black men with a
white couple in this restaurant; so that alone drew a
lot of attention to us. Not to mention what Ellen and
her outfit were doing for the eyes of all the males
within view.

Three well concocted margaritas later and we were all
slightly swaying as we were finally led to our table.
Tommy and I walked ahead while Chuck gave Ellen his arm
to help her sense of balance. The shots before we left,
the tokes of some decent weed, and now three margaritas
had her quite unsteady on her feet.

I drank two cups of coffee during our meal because I
would be driving. The others all had another margarita
with their meals. As we ate, Ellen kept lacing her
hands behind her neck and then pulling the elbows back.

Not only did this bring attention to her studded collar
(the red leash was left in our car) but it caused her
tits to pop outward; which in turn caused the eyes of
several of the men within close proximity to open wide!
By her actions, she also drew a few glares from the
women that noticed her actions. My stoned and drunk
wife was really enjoying the attention. Very untypical
of her!

It was a little before 9 p.m. when we finally left the
restaurant. I asked where we should go for some
dancing. Nothing would really get hopping for at least
another hour. Tommy said he thought we should start out
at a predominantly white club to get things going.
Ellen suggested the new Crystal Palace which had just
opened up. I didn’t think that was a good idea since it
was fairly close to our residence.

Chuck was rolling another joint when I remembered a
noisy joint about 15 miles up the interstate. It seemed
to suit everyone; so I slowly drove towards the
interstate. As I was driving up the ramp to the
interstate, I heard Tommy order Ellen, "Take your
fucking bra off and stuff it behind the seat; you won’t
be needing it for the rest of the night. You can leave
your panties on for now"

Once she obeyed, we commenced to pass the joint around.
Tommy ordered her to get on her knees and suck him off
again. We heard him grunt into her mouth just as I
pulled into the parking lot of the dance club.

We started to exit the car when Tommy stopped us and
suggested I enter alone. He thought I might enjoy the
show more if no one knew we were together. Three of
them would wait in the car and smoke another joint.
That would give Chuck a chance to get in the back and
have Ellen blow him. I could tell all of us were good
and high at that point, plus Ellen was still drunk.

When I entered the club, I saw the entrance way inside
the door was fairly well lit; which would give everyone
who looked a good view of Ellen when she entered. Since
it was still fairly early, there weren’t many customers
in the place, maybe 20, or a few more. They were mostly
men with a few women here and there.

I had no problem finding a vacant seat at the far end
of the bar which faced the front of the establishment.
By turning about 45 degrees in my seat, I could see a
large part of the rest of the club plus a good portion
of the dance floor. The band had just finished setting
up as I ordered a draught beer. It came and I was
sipping on it when the band started on their first set.

It was just that moment Ellen made a grand entrance.
Ellen sashayed in on her spiked heels. All eyes were on
her instead of the band because Ellen’s tits were on
full view as she passed under the bright lights of the
entrance! Ellen veered off to her right and crossed the
dance floor until she was directly in front of the
band. Once there she started sensuously undulating to
the music, swaying her hips and running her hands over
her body. It looked like she was putting on a special
dance for the band. I saw each of them separately get
distracted for fleeting seconds.

The guys came in a few minutes later and went straight
to the bar and ordered their drinks. After getting two
beers they took the drinks to the far side of the dance
floor and took a seat in an area that was dimly lit.

A guy sitting at an angle to me facing the back of the
bar leaned over and asked, "Boy, she’s hot isn’t she? I
bet she gang bangs the band tonight"

I looked over at him and responded, "Yeah she’s hot,
but the band won’t be getting laid tonight."

"Why do you say that?"

"Look at her. She’s obviously a housewife who is out
for the night because her husband is working late or is
out of town."

The guy I was talking to was real nerdy looking with
thick horned-rim glasses. "Maybe you’re right, but I’d
sure like to get next to that meat, wouldn’t you?"

"I guess she’d be ok in a pinch."

Yea, I’d sure like to pinch those jugs of hers."

I guess some of the other males in the place were
starting to have the same thoughts, for one of them
rose from the bar and walked over to Ellen, He stood
next to her, talking, as she continued her undulating
and caressing of her body. Without saying a word back
to him, she turned towards him and started slowly
moving her body up and down his.

I’m sure he got an instant boner from her actions. When
the song ended, he took her arm and tried to lead her
back towards the bar, but she shook free of his hand
and turned back to the band as they started another
song. She never lost a beat and got right into the next
song. The guy tried to talk some more with her, but she
ignored him and smiled up at the band. I bet they all
thought they would be getting some after their gig, but
I knew they wouldn’t be getting it from her.

It was at this point that three guys who had been
sitting at a table on the edge of the dance floor rose
and went over to her. They didn’t say anything to her,
just took up the beat and started dancing next to her.
She shifted her attention from the band to them. The
first guy left in disgust and returned to his seat.
Ellen’s jugs were really shaking to the beat of this
second song and all eyes were on her.

By the third song, a few couples came out on the floor
and started to dance. It was evident that all of the
females were dancing in a style to convince their
dates/husbands they were sexier than that slut! It
looked like a sex orgy out on the dance floor.

The fourth dance started and a fourth guy joined Ellen.
As they were waiting to pick up the beat, I saw she had
worked up a heavy sweat. Her formerly nearly
transparent top was now completely transparent as the
material plastered itself to her skin. She was a hot
scene on the dance floor.

After the fifth dance, she walked back to the bar. When
she got there, she didn’t take a proffered stool, but
remained standing with her boobs resting on the bar
top. Suddenly most of the guys at the bar were vying to
buy her a drink.

We couldn’t see her in the crowd of guys now; so the
fellow next to me started talking again. "Damn that is
one hot broad!"

"Yeah, I bet she could suck the chrome off a bumper
hitch with both her mouth and her gash. Bet her old man
has no idea how hot she can be"

"Ha, ha! I’d sure like to find out, but there is no
hope of getting anywhere near her with all those guys
hanging around her."

It was then that Ellen broke free from the crowd around
her and started towards the ladies room which was just
behind me. As she walked past me, I slid off the stool
and took hold of her arm. I made it look like I was
making a pass at her as I whispered in her ear, "When
you come out from inside, leave this joint and go to
the car. My new buddy here and I need a blow job."

She looked over at him and whispered back, "Do you
really want that?"

"Hell yes, Chuck and Tommy have both cum in your mouth
already. Tommy twice. I need some relief too."

"But do I have to do that guy? I don’t want to be gone
too long."

"You won’t be, I’m primed and I bet he’s more than
primed after watching you. Just go along with the scene
I’ll set. I’ve already told him you’re a housewife out
on her own for the night. Think I’ll tell him I am
paying you to be our cock suckers"

I let her arm loose just as two guys from the crowd
started over to see what was happening. They stopped
when they saw me sit down again and told my new
‘friend’, "I just set it up for us to get blown. She’ll
join us in my car in a few minutes."

"Are you k**ding man? How’d you do that?"

"I’m rich. Money goes a long way with any fucking cunt.
C’mon, let’s go."

We got out to the car and I opened the front for him
and then jumped into the back, leaving my door open.

A few minutes passed while we exchange a few
pleasantries. I learned his name was Harry. Just as he
said, "I think she’s not coming out," I saw Ellen come
into the parking lot. She looked around as if she
couldn’t find us, then pretended she saw us and skipped
over to the car.

As she was getting into the car, I gave her a roll of
folded bills, probably about $17 in singles and said,
"Ok, here’s the thousand we agreed upon, now make it

:How do you want it?"

"We’ll both take a blow job. Me first. Stick your ass
up towards Harry so he can play with your ass and cunt
while you suck me off."

As I had told her, I was primed. Harry was busy
salivating over what was before his eyes. He very
tentatively pulled her panties to one side and started
exploring with his fingers and stuttering sounds which
made no sense. It didn’t take long for me to get ready
to explode.

I wrapped my legs around her head and over her
shoulders so she was imprisoned; reached under her and
got a firm grip on her tits, pulling them towards me.
This forced my cock into her throat and she started to
noisily gag over it as I pumped my seed into her

It took a minute or two for me to calm down enough to
move. As I did so, I told Harry, "Change places with
me. Play with her tits for a while before you let her
blow you."

We switched places and he was in pussy heaven with her.
He looked at me and timidly asked, "Can I fuck her

"You’re better off not doing that. You’re safer getting
your knob polished. The slut might have herpes for all
you know."

He had a disappointed look on his face but lost it as
he gently caressed her tits.

"Hey man, maul her tits. Slap them if you want. We paid
the cunt to do whatever we want with her."

He gently slapped them a few times and gave each of
them a grab with fair force. I leaned over her back
from the front seat, grabbed the rhinestone studded dog
collar Tommy had given her, yanked her upright, and
slapped her right tit with enough force that she almost
lost her balance. "That’s how you do it with a fucking

She closed her eyes and moaned at him. That encourage
Harry to slap them back and forth a few times. I then
pushed her head down on his cock. She started bobbing
her head up and down; on the third or fourth bob he let
out a low moan and shot into her mouth.

Ellen straightened herself up a little and left us.

"Hey, thanks. She was great. Does she really charge a
thousand bucks?"

"I don’t know what her price is. When I first told her
I’d pay her, she said she was a housewife out on the
town while her husband is away and isn’t a prostitute.
I don’t like to bicker; so I told her I’d give her a
thousand to be a whore for us. She jumped on it."

Harry and I walked back into the bar. We got about
halfway back to our seats when two guys stopped us and
asked, "Did that girl go outside with you two."


"Do you think she’d go out with us?"

I made my voice a little louder as I said, "Of course
she will, Just give her $500"

"WHAT? You gave her five hundred bucks?"

"Nope I gave her a thousand to do both of us, but she
didn’t want to take the $500 for doing "Big Meat" here.
He reamed her till she couldn’t take any more! I felt
sorry for her so then I threw in another $200 for her
supreme efforts."

"No shit? You called him ‘Big Meat’?"

"No, that’s what she called him, not me. I didn’t sit
around measuring his dong." Harry’s face was brimming
at what I had just said.

The place had filled up considerably since I first
arrived, but my stool was still vacant. Someone else
was seated where Harry had been; so he stood next to me
with his foot on the bar railing. When we got back to
our seats, he asked my why I said that. "Didn’t you see
those two chicks sitting there? Their eyes got as big
as saucers when they heard what I said. They'll spread
the word around this club and you’re going to get laid
more than you’ll be able to handle."

"But what happens when they find it isn’t true?"

"By then it will be too late, you’ll be reaming them.
Fucking you just because they think you have a big cock
is not something they’ll admit to the other girls.
You’re safe until you work your way through all the
single girls that party here."

"Yeah, I guess you’re right about that."

I strained my eyes looking for Ellen. It took a few
glances around the club until I saw her at a table with
Chuck and Tommy. They had moved farther back into the
darkness and seemed to be huddled over her.

A few minutes later, Tommy brought her on to the dance
floor and they started to dance like they were dry
fucking. A white guy came up to join in, but she
ignored him. After she did the same to two more, no
more tried. They finished the dance and she walked back
to the table and dragged Chuck onto the floor. Another
dry fuck.

A slow dance came on next and Tommy joined them. He was
grinding his cock against her ass as Chuck was grinding
into her pussy. At the same time she was using her
hands to caress both of them.

When they broke apart, Ellen headed for the ladies room
again. She took my hand and pulled me a few feet away.
Then she whispered in my ear to move the car to the
other side of the joint and to wait for them there.

Harry was all eyes and ears trying to find out what was
happening. "What’d she say to you?"

"She said she found two hung Black guys to fuck and
wanted to know if I want to join them. They need a
hotel room for the night"

"What did you tell her?"

"I told her she has $1200 more than she came in with
and doesn’t need me. I think I’m going to beat it out
of here before she comes back and starts pestering me
to pay for a hotel room so she can get her rocks off
with her friends and keep all her money. Nice meeting
you Harry, see you around some time."

He was one sad looking guy when I left.

*** PART 2 ***

It was a stroke of genius to move the car to the
parking lot on the other side of the bar. It was Chuck
who thought of it and told Ellen to relay the
suggestion to me. I no sooner parked and had the lights
off when I saw Harry come out of the club and look in
the other parking lot. There were three rows of parked
cars between us; so he never saw me in the second lot.

About 15 minutes later Chuck and Tommy came out holding
Ellen’s tits and ass as she tried to walk between them.
It was awkward walking that way and they stumbled about
like they were drunk. Once in the car, they laughed
about the looks on everyone’s faces when they saw her
walking out between them and them grabbing her as they

Chuck rolled another joint as we drove. We decided to
go back to the house and fuck rather than go on to
another club.

I kept it under the speed limit and we arrived back at
Chuck’s place about 40 minutes later. Before Chuck
could even get the gate open, the old guy was there. We
had the windows down and could hear him pleading with
Chuck, "C’mon man, be a good guy. We won’t touch or do
anythin’. We jus wants ta see the naked white girl. I
told my friends how fine she is an how good youse wuz
to let me party with ya las’ time."

"Hey, this is a private party. Go home to your old lady
and let her suck your friends off."

Tommy leaned out the window and said, "Give them a
break. Let them in for a half hour. They can play with
her while we mellow out. Bet they never seen a live
white woman naked, let alone one who would suck them

"That’s the truth. I tole em, but they didn’ believe
me. Now they sure as hell will!" He waved to his
friends who were standing expectantly on his porch and
four men came hurrying over. They all looked to be in
their 70’s or older. I know Chuck wasn’t too happy
about this for the old guy and his wife were a pain in
the ass to him; but he went with the flow.

The nine of us went into the pool room where Ellen took
off her shirt, reached under her skirt and took off her
panties. Tommy took the latter from her and handed them
to one of the old men saying, "Take a whiff of these
and pass them around. That’s what a fucking white bitch
smells like when she’s horny for Black cock and hasn’t
gotten any yet."

After they made the rounds, she took them back and
passed them along with her sweat soaked shirt asking
Chuck if he would run them through the ‘gentle’ cycle
of his washing machine.

This blatant display of her boobs, smelling her
underpants, and having a glimpse of her cunt as she
removed them had all five of the old guys excited. I
suggested that she remove her leather skirt so it could
be hung up, and that she keep her shoes on. She knew
that one of my fetishes is to see naked women in high
heels. That makes any woman’s legs look good!

Once that was done, she leaned back on the pool table
with her hands behind her on the green felt and spread
her legs. Chuck told the old men to use their tongues
on her to wash her. Of course they all pushed and
shoved to get at her tits. One brave soul went down
between her legs to lick her sweaty cunt which had to
have a strong musty smell by that time. Two of the men
stood behind the others and just contented themselves
with caressing her white skin.

Tommy ordered, "No one is to fuck her until I say she
can be fucked. When you are finished licking her front
clean you’ll have to do her rear. Got it?"

No one answered him, they just nodded their heads. From
the time they first saw her in the garage, there was a
steady run of comments such as; "Man she be a pretty
white woman alright!" - "I’se gonna fuck her like she
never had it before!" - "I get through wit her and
youse can go on home, she not need no more!" - "Look at
them super white big titties!" - "I gonna suck them big
titties right off her!" - "I gonna have her suck my big
salami!" - "I never touch no white skin afore, sure
feel good!" - "Shit man don’ put her ass down on no
white sheets, we lose her then!" - "We won’t lose her
like that, still see them big brown nipples and her
hairy cunt!" and "Her pussy hair don’t look like no
Nigger woman hair, that for sure!"

Chuck motioned for Tommy and I to join him in the plush
fuck room. He started to roll another joint there while
we watched the men washing her body with their tongues.
Tommy called in the them, "You better get off her tits
and cunt and do her stomach and legs or you’re never
going to get any of that bitch!"

They immediately started on the rest of her body. One
of the men, with what looked like a rather long tongue,
started licking up and down her face, leaving long
trails of spit on her.

Chuck passed the joint to me to light, "This is the end
of my stash, I’m out. Do you have any?"

"No, I ran out yesterday and haven’t been over to my
friends to replenish."

Tommy, taking the lit joint from me shouted in to the
old men, "Ok turn her around and do a good job on the
rest of her." Then turning to Chuck and me, he said, "I
just got an idea. Do we want to have her smoke more

Both of us nodded our assent and I said, "Yeah, I want
her to smoke more and she’s too busy to get any of
this. She never smokes so it really fucks her up good.
Damn, she is really enjoying her tongue bath. I’ve
counted at least five cums on her part so far!"

"Ok, you guys can stop cleaning her now. Take your
pants off and line up. An you cunt, you’re gonna pull a
train. Take them one at a time any way they want. You
guys drop your load in or on her and if you feel you
can go again, get back in line."

Then to us he said, "Chuck, think we can score from the
same guy you used last time I was here?"

"Hell yes. He doesn’t start dealing until around 5 to 7
in the evening; so he’s sure to be at his pad."

"What say when this is over we take her over to your
dealer. Maybe he’d trade us a baggie for a go at her
white ass."

The sight of her debasing herself in the other room
pulling a train had my cock straining against my jeans.
The thought of her putting out to buy us some weed made
my prick strain even more. It was almost painful.

Chuck said he thought it was a good idea. I could only
nod my agreement.

In the other room, Ellen was on her knees with her
hands pulling and pushing an old man’s cock in and out
of her mouth. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her
to her feet, leaned her on the pool table, and shoved
his cock into her wet cunt. Two thrusts and he was
done. As he pulled out, a little cum ran down on her

The next guy said, "I ain’t taking no sloppy seconds.
Get down an open you mouth for me to fuck!" And fuck it
he did. First slowly, and then he grabbed her hair and
really started to jam it into her face. About two
minutes of this and he spurted into her mouth.

And so it went. Only two guys were able to go twice.
One of them was the neighbor. I think he took more
pride in showing off for his friends how he could fuck
a white woman than he did in the actual deed. All of
them tried to get hard again, but no matter how hard
she sucked she couldn’t get them more than half hard.

This all took far longer than we had anticipated. Chuck
ushered the men out as they were all profusely thanking
him and telling him what a great guy he was. As Chuck
was doing that, Tommy told Ellen to get dressed again
because we were going out.

"Where are we going? Dancing again?"

"We were going to take you to a Black place for more
fun, but we came up with other plans now, and when we
finish this plan it will be too late."

"Oh, that’s too bad, you can tell how much I like to
dance. What are we going to do instead? Will it be

"Of course, but I’m not telling you what until it
happens. Let you get your cunt wet first anticipating
what is going to happen.:

Once Ellen was dressed, she took a few minutes to fix
her hair and put some makeup on. While she was in the
bathroom doing that, Tommy told me, "You can’t go with
us. This is no place for a white guy to go. Don’t worry
about your slut, we’ll take care of her and make sure
she’s safe."

Chuck said, "I’ve got some sex magazines, a few
Penthouses, Penthouse Letters, and Playboys to amuse
you until we get back. It shouldn’t take more than 45
minutes for her to get him off."

"I suggested, She didn’t have any tokes on that last
joint; so I’d suggest you feed her some more of the
Jack before you leave and one of you drive."

"Chuck, you drive and I’ll sex her up in the back seat
and make sure she has a lot of booze in her, ok?"

"No problem if Charles trusts me to drive his car."

"I’d rather have you drive it than a drunken wife."

With that, they grabbed the bottle and brought it down
to the bathroom. Ellen was sitting on the john when we
pushed our way into the small bathroom.

"Hey, can I have some privacy here?"

"Shut your fucking yap or we’ll have you pissing with
the dogs again!" With that, Tommy lifted her chin and
placed the open bottle at her mouth. He poured so much
she couldn’t keep up with her swallowing and started to
sputter trying to swallow it, spraying the booze out
over his arm and her clothes.

I took the bottle from him, took a BIG swig, leaned
down and slowly dribbled it into her mouth. I was
careful to not swallow any myself. Chuck then repeated
the act. I have no idea if he kept any for himself or

Five minutes later when they left, I was ensconced in
his living room with about 20 magazines. Most were fuck
magazines and Penthouse Letters.

I tried reading some of the letters whose titles
appealed to me at the moment, but had a hard time
concentrating. I had a hollow feeling in the pit of my
stomach which was an exciting sensation in its way. Not
knowing what was happening only served to both increase
my anxiety and my libido. I started to touch my cock,
but immediately realized if I did that, I would climax.

When the 45 minutes were up, my prick was as hard as a
rock. My emotional feelings kept increasing in
intensity with each passing minute. Fifty minutes, an
hour, another five minutes, then 10, 15, 20, 25!

I finally managed to get my mind off the clock by
finding a letter that appealed to me. Near the end of
the letter my cock just started jerking on its own and
shooting my juices out. I never touched myself. Now I
had a small mess to clean up. When I finished that, it
was almost two hours since they had left for the
dealer’s pace. My mind was in a complete turmoil! I was
severely worried, but excited at the same time. My
prick was rock hard again!

I tried reading some more, but it did no good. Every
time I looked at the clock it seemed as if time had
stood still. Almost 3 hours and 50 minutes after they
left I heard the car pull into the garage. Not wanting
to appear anxious, I remained in the fuck room in the
plush chair where I could see the door to the hallway.
I could hear muted voices outside the door but couldn’t
understand what was being said. Then the door opened
and Chuck and Tommy stepped inside. I immediately
noticed they both had a hand holding the bright red
leash. At the height it disappeared around the door
frame, I could sense that Ellen wasn’t playing dog for
them but was standing upright.

Chuck asked, "Well Charles, would you like to see your
beautiful wife?"

"Sure do," I answered.

"We’ve got her decorated like every white slut should
be. She’s really a knockout. Want to see her?" Tommy

"Let’s see her. Parade her in. I’ve missed her, what
took you guys so long?"

"Oh you know how these white cunts are, take forever to
get their makeup on and their hair all in place." Both
of them laughed at that and started walking forward
thus bringing Ellen through the doorway. When she was
completely in the room, Tommy ordered her to stand at
attention with her legs spread and hands behind her

Make up and hair styled, indeed! Made up and hair done
she sure was!

Let me describe what greeted my eyes: Her hair was
slicked to her head. Most of her face was obscured by
cum encrusted hair hanging over it! Her eyes were glued
shut with cum! Cum had run out of her mouth on both
sides and dried there in thick strands. Her tits were
completely covered with cum. So much so, her brown
aureoles and tits were almost invisible.

Cum had encrusted on her stomach and her pussy was
coated with the hair being more matted than that on her
head, if that was possible. There were cum stains on
both of her thighs. It was evident she had been given a
cum bath. The term wasn’t known in those days, but in
the vernacular of today we would say she had partook in
a bukkake bath.

When she had spread her legs a long strand of cum
leaked out until it reached about her knees, then it
broke free and pooled on the floor. Tommy ordered her,
"Get on your knees and lick that up. Keep your hands
behind you. Show your husband what a fucking Black cum
slut you are!"

She had a little trouble getting on her knees, bending
over and licking.

"Moan bitch! Let your husband hear how you moaned for
Black spunk!"

She moaned and made slurping noises as she licked the
cum off the floor.
Once she was finished, she had a lot of trouble trying
to stand up with her hands behind her back, but she
never once tried to unclasp them.

Chuck went outside and returned with a large plastic
sheet which he spread in the fuck room. Tommy pulled
her leash again and she obediently followed onto the
plastic sheet. There he undid the leash, being careful
not to touch the collar which was coated in cum. He
then ordered her to sit facing me with her legs spread.
"Take your collar off and lick it clean. I want you to
wear it whenever I’m here; so get it nice and clean."

While she was doing that, Chuck took out a good sized
baggie and tossed it to me. "That’s for you, Ellen
earned it." Then he took out an even bigger bag and
started rolling some joints. We smoked one as she
continued her cleaning efforts.

Once she had finished licking her collar clean, Tommy
said, "Take your fucking hair and try to clean as much
as you can with your mouth."

Next came, "Use your fingers to scoop the cum from your
face, belly, and legs into your mouth! Leave your tits
and cunt alone."

It was fascinating watching her trying to clean herself
that way. I noticed more cum was dripping from her
cunt. It must have been loaded! I couldn’t help but
stare at it. It was such a nasty sight!

I also couldn’t stop from asking, "So what happened?"

"We’ll tell you later, but first we have her tits and
cunt to get clean. Chuck and I will each take a tit.
The cum is quite dry on those so it should take a while
to get them clean. Since you missed out watching her
beg for Black cum, you can have her cunt. That should
be easier to clean since it is still moist."

The three of us got into position and started cleaning
her. I can’t attest to how tough their part was, but he
was correct when he said the cum in her cunt was still
runny. Each swipe of my tongue brought forth at least a
table spoonful of Black cum. After giving me three or
four loads which overflowed my tongue and went on to my
chin, she squeeze her cunt muscles and a big mouthful
came out all at once.

I removed myself from between her legs, moved around to
her head, forced her jaws apart and let it drool into
her gaping mouth. She looked up at me with a big smile
and then swallowed it.

I sat back in the chair, lit another joint, and watched
the two of them as they continued to try to suck the
dried cum off her tits.

Finally they were satisfied and both of them went back
to the couch. "Ok, cunt tell your husband what you did
tonight and what a fucking Black cum-crazed cunt you’ve
become. Finger yourself while you tell him.

She laid back on the plastic tarp, brought her feet
back towards her torso so her knees were raised and
apart, and started rubbing her clit with her right
hand. Her juices became evident almost immediately.
After a minute of relating the events I was not privy
to, she closed her eyes. Another minute or so and she
was fucking herself with the fingers from her left hand
while continuing to rub her clit with the right hand.

What I will now relate is what she tried to tell me,
but often failed because of her fingers and imagination
working on her libido. Most of the tale actually came
from Chuck and Tommy.

At one point in her feeble attempts to relate what
happened, Chuck sat on her chest and placed his flaccid
cock in her mouth saying, "Talk into this!" Instead,
she started sucking on it; so he told her, "Just try
talking around it, repeating what we say."

Her feeble efforts at speaking around his cock soon had
him hard. He then straightened his legs and started
pumping his full rod into her mouth with the admonition
to keep talking. It was really humorous as she tried to
obey, particularly when he entered her throat and she
was gagging and trying to talk at the same time.

But on to the story according to the three of them:

They arrived at the dealer’s home and led her into the
place by her leash with her hands clasped behind her
back. She was positioned in the center of the room
where Chuck dropped the leash and told her to turn
around slowly. There were five guys in the room with
the dealer watching a NBA game. Once Chuck told the
dealer, Merlon, what he wanted, the two of them went
into the back of the house.

The other guys were curious about her and wanted to
feel her up, but Tommy told them, "Not yet, maybe

In the back bedroom, converted into a simple office
with three hard chairs, a desk, and a swivel chair,
Chuck and Merlon tried to come to an agreement about
her paying for two ounces of pot. Chuck agreed she
would suck him, fuck him, and take him up the ass. She
was his to do with as she pleased for an hour.

He weighed out the two ounces and passed it to Chuck
and told him to bring her back. Chuck pocketed the bag
and went back to the front room, took her by the leash
and brought her to the office. "This is Merlon, you’re
his to do with whatever he wants for the next hour.
Behave yourself and don’t embarrass us."

Chuck then joined the other guys and started watching
the game.

According to Ellen, he made her raise her skirt and
lean over the desk while he swatted her with a metal
ruler. She had to repeat, "Harder please, I’m a dirty
white cunt!" with each swat. When she told me this, she
raised her ass off the floor and I could still see the
red welts he had raised on her.

Then he made her beg to suck his cock while she knelt
before him as he was seated in his chair, playing with
it, flipping it up and down. She had to tell him how
beautiful it was and how much she wanted it.

Next he grabbed her by the hair, made her stick her
tongue out and slapped her face and mouth with his
cock. She estimated it was actually bigger than
Chuck’s, but not as thick.

When she took it into her mouth, he grabbed her ears
and used her head to masturbate.

Next he placed her on the floor and fucked her hard.

Then he placed her over his desk and fucked her ass. Up
until them he insisted she keep begging him for
whatever he was doing or what he said he would do next.
She also had to tell him how much she loved his cock
and whatever it was he was doing to her. But he entered
her asshole using just the slick from her cunt and his
spit. She said it hurt and she started to cry.

This upset him; so he withdrew and slapped her around;
hitting her face and tits, with a final punch to her
stomach. Doubled over, trying to catch her breath, he
forced himself back in her ass. This time, once she
caught her breath, although it still hurt, she begged
him to fuck her ass, told him how great it felt and
begged for more.

When he was ready to cum, he pulled out of her ass and
forced his cock into her throat where he finally spent
his load. The entire series of events took close to an

He had her sit in his chair, lean back, place her heels
on his desk, and insert a small 18" c***d’s baseball
bat into her box. Once it was secure, he cleaned
himself up and told her to wait like that. He then
opened the office door and called for Chuck and his
friend (Tommy) to come back.

When they got there, he informed them he was through
with her for himself, but would give them more two
ounces of pot if he could use her for his customers for
another hour or so.

The guys thought this was ok and agreed to it. No time
limit was actually set. Merlon then called his buddies
in and told them they could have a gang bang with her.
Tommy suggested she pull a train instead. All the time
this was going on, she was sitting there with the
handle part of the bat sticking out of her cunt.

By this time, there were four other guys waiting in the
front room to make their buys. The first five guys
fucked her pussy, ass and mouth. When they were done,
Merlon called the customers in and told them for
another twenty dollars they could also fuck her. They
all took him up on his offer.

Evidently some of the original group left to find some
of their buddies to come back and get a piece of white
ass. It wasn’t too long before no one wanted to fuck
her cunt or ass because she had too much spunk in them.
Merlon, Chuck, and Tommy had decided she wouldn’t be
allowed to get cleaned up and would stay the way she
was. Merlon decided he couldn’t charge the newcomers
for her mouth and gave her blow jobs away for free.

To complete her humiliation, Tommy suggested everyone
who could still cum should just jerk off over her and
give her a cum bath.

All three of them, Chuck, Tommy, and Ellen lost track
of how many guys came in her or on her. Their estimates
ranged from 50 to 80 guys; some of whom jerked off over
her more than once. Guess they were turned on by what a
nasty sight she was.

During the entire time she was being bathed in cum, she
moaned and pleadingly begged for their Bluck cum

Sometime during all of this, Tommy got my car keys from
Chuck and directions back to the Black convenient store
we had visited about 6 weeks earlier. He went over
there hoping to find the k**s that had felt her up when
we were there. Not only were they hanging out there
again, but also a few others. Since he couldn’t jam all
of them into our car, he approached three single Blacks
he saw in the store and told them what was happening.
He agreed to show them where to go if they would take
the k**s he couldn’t fit in my car.

When Ellen found out the k**s were there, she said it
made her have several small climaxes knowing they were
jacking off on her. Hell, hearing this part of the
story, I thought I was going to climax again without
touching myself. Chuck must have felt the same way for
he rested his rod back in her mouth and gushed without
her actually doing much, just a little tongue action.

When it got too late, Chuck told Merlon they had to
leave since I would be worried. Tommy gathered up her
clothes and Chuck got the baggie for me. Merlon told
them they could bring her back any time. No one wanted
to touch her because she was totally drenched in cum.
They led her naked out to the car, using just the leash
and collar. Tommy said there were a lot of nasty
comments made to her as she staggered out on the leash.
According to him, most of them were things like calling
her a fucking white cunt, a slut, a cum bag, whore etc.

Chuck made her sit in the back by herself. They rolled
the windows down so as not to be overpowered by the
stench of the spent cum. They said our rear seat has to
be cleaned. They made her sit there with her thighs
clenched and told her to hold as much in as she could.
While driving back they planned how to present her for
my visual pleasure.,

I guess we all felt excited by her complete submission
because none of us took any pictures of her while she
was caked with cum from head to toe. DAMN!

We drank a little more, smoked some, and fucked a lot.
Her cunt was quite loose with much cum still coating
the walls.

We went home just before dawn broke. She was still so
nasty that she had to walk into our house from the
garage minus her clothes. I made the mistake of
thanking her for earning the pot for me. She used that
as an excuse to say I owed her and she wanted me to eat
her until she falls asleep. While I was munching on her
nasty cunt, she filled in more of the details from her
night at Merlon’s. Those details are all included

This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author
does not condone the described behavior in real life.
Published by gpdog14
4 years ago
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curiousdavid 3 years ago
She won"t forget this night in a hurry!