Be Safe

Greetings friends, I know we've been dealing with this thing (virus) and it appears to be larger than we can handle, some pretend it doesn't exist as others try to buy the entire grocery store, we have to choose fear or faith , we can't have both successfully living in the same body. As we tend to ourselves by washing and sanitizing ourselves and disinfecting our personal space we must also be weary of people we know coming into our space because we don't know where they've been. Latex gloves ,70% rubbing alcohol, keeping our nasal passage clean, limiting our outside practices, looking out for elderly and c***dren, We can get through this but we must use wisdom, Being fearless doesn't mean not being responsible,,, Before shopping make a list of what you need an have a plan to where exactly you're going, if possible limit bus and train rides as much as possible, no personal car services either... Eat healthy and often, drink plenty of water, vitamin c,e and d are good, also I had some burdock root pills to that are great and natural,I'm praying for us all, Be Safe and we'll see each other soon after this has been eradicated. Peace and Blessings
Published by cbreez
4 years ago
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