UCC study links female orgasms to fertility


Noel Baker

Female orgasms increase women’s chances of getting pregnant, according to a study.

Researchers at University College Cork might have uncovered a link between orgasms and raised fertility.

The study, which involved women recording self- induced orgasms at home over two months, found the chances of conception could be increased by as much as 15% in cases where women experience orgasm.

The team behind the study now want to roll out the project to involve more women, ideally with the involvement of a fertility clinic, so as to conclusively prove the theory.

Three academics, led by Robert King, a lecturer in applied psychology in UCC, recently published a paper on the findings, which looked at the “vexed question” of the female orgasm and links to fertility.

The method involved six volunteers, aged 26 to 52, recording orgasms at home and using semen simulants and collection devices. According to the research: “It appears that female orgasm does perform some sort of sperm-retention function.”

In its conclusions, it also argued that, as well as possible ramifications for conception, “sperm retention leading to increased fertility is not just of abstract or academic interest. Female orgasm is closely linked to couple satisfaction”.

Dr King said that while the number of women involved in the study was small, the findings indicated that an orgasm could increase the chances of conception by between 10% and 15%.

“I think there is a proof of concept there,” Dr King said of the results of the pilot study. “We would like to roll it out. We would like to get the funding to roll it out to a larger scale.”

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Published by Maxyk
4 years ago
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