Cyprus wife 3
Wife 3
New woman.
After the last to liaisons my wife had developed a liking for most sexual activities,
We tstarted to go on holidays to various places, where ever we went she would wear short skirts with no panties or longer skirts with button up front with most buttons undone to just below her cunt, So if we went into a bar or restaurant there was little or no way to not flash her legs or if she thought men were looking she would open her legs a little.
She always wore a Bra to support her large floppy tits but blouses were undone as much as possible the look was that of a mature woman in her forties nice legs large tits and a slut look, she started to love the look, We stayed in a small villsge in Cyprus very friendly and very welcomig evenings were hot and required little clothing, so this was perfect for her dress code little and on show.
On one evening we visited a local bar where the local men seemed to congregate, we sat at a table with another couple and chatted for awhile, I was aware of a few men looking across at us and realised there line on sight was directly at her legs on view with her skirt undone and a little bit of open thigh at the top of her legs on show
The couple who we were chatting to after a few drinks left to go back to there hotel, as they left a very friendly man and his friends came over and asked to joint the table, being a large table and circular it was easy to chat across with anyone who sat there. They took seats and started to chat amongst them selves some time past a few drinks consumed and a few chats across the table also about where we had come from etc.
After some time my wife nudged me and indicated to look down at her legs, as I did I noticed one of the men had his hand on her upper thigh with his fingers massaging her cunt which she had opened her legs a little for ease of access she siad in a low voice did I mind I replied I di not if she was ok she smiled back and continued to have a drink and cat while fingered he excused himself to her while he went to the toilet as he crossed the room she pulled my hand onto her crotch and I felt her cunt it was soaking wet and she was as horny as hell.
She said C wanted to take her to his shop would I mind, I just smiled my wife was becoming a real slut When he came back he had a brandy in his hand which he gave to me he whispered to my wife something and left. She said he had whispered to her to meet him outside in 5mins so again she asked if I minded I said no. we both left the bar a few mins later once outside I went to our hotel and she went off towards where he had asked her to meet him.
In our room I lay there wondering what was happeningand was it foolish to let her go off with a stranger the time slipped by slowly and it must have been an hour or more before she returned, She was smilling anddid look so sexual I asked her to tell me all. She said he had a shop not far from the barwhen she caught up with him he gave her a long snog and put his hand on her bum cheecks he moved his hand to the button holding the skirt up and undid it he then took it in his hand and led her up the street with just a blouse and bra no panties no skirt,
Luckily it was not far and the streets were empty of others in his shop he quickly moved to kiss her and whilst doing so undid her bra removed her blouse and bra she was naked he continued to kiss her, she felt his cock in his trousers hard so undid his fly and undid the button allowing his trousers to drop she said he had a lovely cut cock about 5ins long and quite thick, C led her to a small couch at the back of the shop, and pushed her down onto it so that his cock was next to her mouth she took it in her mouth and rolled it around with her fingers tasting his man cum leaking from his cock.
He then removed his shirt and got on top of her and roughly slid his cock into her cunt, while she was telling me this she had removed her clothes again and I was now slipping my fingers into her cunt full of his sperm and and I loved the feeling, she said that he was a really good fuck with his nice cock considerate, and attentive and caring, she enjoyed the time with him and said he would like to meet her again I said ok if she was fine with that, I was so hard by then I wanted to fuck her so I pulled her down on the bed she opened her legs wide for me and I slipped in to her cuntand felt the heat and moisture inside her I shot my load very quickly leaving my contribution to cypriot relations.
A few days later whilst on a beach we were sunbathing naked as this was early season few people around a gentleman afe meters away stripped off and had a semi erection which was obvious as he did not attempt to hide it, he started to walk away from us but after afew minutes he came back playing with his cock, my wife was on her belly legs slightly apart he walked past having a good look walked a distance and came back still shownig his now hard cock. He approached me and said he would like to buy her for 20£c (just before Cyprus changed to the EURO) my wife turned over and looked at him and his cock he must have been in his early 60 s
My wife said no need to pay but he wanted to do it in his car parked near by my wife agreed and they both went off naked to his car they came back about 20mins later him a little sheepishly but smiling he gave my wife a kiss and left she then showed me the 20 note he had given her, I said do you realise this makes you a prostitute, she smiled and said he insisted and would I be there tomorrow she replied yes, true to her word he appeared for the next two days and she accepted once more the money but not on the last occasion.
Mean while men in the village must have heard of the meeting with C, she met another guy who apprached her in the hotel lobby she agreed to meet him that evening about 9 pm she met him and he took her to his flat where she spend nearly 2 hrs with him, she sucked him, he fucked her fucked her arse also, he really used her as she said with getting the most from her eventually leaving me with another cunt full of cum to put my cock into. This was the third male in 4 days.
Whilst on the beach another day this very tall man approached us he wanted to chat about everything and anything he spent about 3 hrs with us just chatting, As he was leaving he invited us to a bar near by later that evening so we met as arranged he was very charming and we had a really nice meal withlots of beer brandy and wine. By the time we were due to leave I went to order a taxi they were busy and said about 30mins before one was spare. Our host suggested a small hotel for the night so we agreed the room was pleasant and had all facilities It was then our host suggested we all stay the night as it was a large room.with a little chat we agreed. Each of us wanted a shower, myself and call him E sat and waited while my wife went to shower, while we waited he asked if she fucked yes I said if the timing was good.
When she came out of the shower she had a towel wrap on just over her tits and above the knee, while I sat there E got up and went into the shower room while he was in there my wife asked what I thought of him I said he is pleasnt acommodating and chatty she said she liked him also. After 50mins or so he came out of the shower with what amounted to a small hans towel which he held in front of his body although it was obvious he was aroused , I then went into the shower had a warm shower but was still feeling a little to much alcohol, anyway I stepped ouut of the shower to find no towel I hand skimmed my skin to remove most of the water, then naked I stepped into the room and found my wife naked with a large cock In her mouth and a hand between her legs.
He was really working his fingers into her cunt and I could tell she was very wet from the slopping noise he was making with his fingers in her very wet cunt. I watched as he took his ccok from her mouth and could see he was a large 7 or 8 ins he moved down on her cut and buried his head in her crutch meanwhile I got onto the bed and gave her a kiss she responded with her tongue in my mouth I moved nearer and put my cock in her mouth fabulous feeling she was really hot and horny sucking with intensity on my cock. I was just kneeling slong side her hrad enjoying the moment when felt a tap on my arse E had moved from her crotch and wanted to enter her. He adjudted his position and I moved slightly to watch as he enterd my wife his cock was pressing slowly against her cunt she always shaved so was easy to see all slowly at first then as he pushed into her she relaxed and started to move with his movements I could see from her face she was completely engorged on his cock and loving every minute of it.
He Fucked her like that for a few minutes thenn pulled out and indicated for me to enter her too I moved and entered her as he watched her cunt felt so hot and moist and she was on heat I could see by the look on her face she was really liking this, I moved away and he re entered her meanwhile my cock went into her mouththis changing from me to him Was very horny fucking the same cunt as his cock slipped out. This went on for some time kissing sucking cock and fucking whilst my cock was in her mouth she moved and I realised that she was nearly doubled over with her legs wide open and I realised he was trying to enter her ass hole, not easy for my wife as she was not the most agile person, I withdrew my cock and indicated I would help so I took up a position straddling her face and leant forward to take her ankles and open her legs wider whist supporting her legs.
Next I lowered down onto her face slightly so as to get her tongue into my arse which with a little manouvering she managed it as E managed to get his cock into her ass which I could tell as she tensioned her body with a small wimper then she relaxed and I could see he was moving in her ass so he had entered all 3 holes of my wife, she was now relaxing more and taking his cock with out a problem. I learnt that moisture from her cunt helped to lubricate her hole,
Then it was my turn I always enjoyed fucking her ass probably why I became very Bi later in life I soon felt the need to shoot my load but managed to old back a little while I saw E moan and realised he had shot his load into her cunt, I thenfollowed shortly after wards emptying my cuminto her ass. That evening she had been fucked in all holes by the two of us not long afterwards I dozed off the alcohol and the fucking I think I awoke aound 7am to find my wife next to me but E had left we showered dressed and left the hotel and made our way back to our hotel for a change of clothes.I asked her how she flet about last night she said with a big smile truly fabulous but sore,
Our holiday /fuckfest was nearly over it took her a day or so before her cunt and ass were bsck to normal after the use she had in the hotel late in the afternoon the day before we were to depart C had approached us and invited us out for a meal we accepted and, he drove us into Limassol toa really nice restaurant we chatted about many things and had a very` nice meal with wine and brandy, after about 3 hrs we drove back to the villageas he I went get out he asked if he could fuck my wife again ..
, I looked at her and she nodded, so I got out o the car and he drove off I expected him to bring her back about an hour later, in fact they were away for nearly 5 hours I was worried and felt abit guilty but she had wanted to go I walked around for a while but no sign of him or the car, I went to our roomand waited when she did come back she was very flushed and a little disrobed, I asked her what had happened she said he had taken her to a small house a few miles away, on arrival there were 5 men inside, all smiling and welcoming, then C started to kiss her and asked her to do a strip for the men, she looked around the room and thought it best to comply her only clothes were a blouse bra and skirt no panties.
Once she was undressedand standing naked the men all got there cocks out most were erect but some had semi erections, Chris asked her to suck there cocks so kneeling before each one of them she sucked there cocks uneil all 6 of them were displaying full erections.
What happened next is difficult to say I was not there according to my wife every hole was used by all the men she was fucked in her ass her cunt and mouth by all she was double fucked in her cunt and had one in her ass and another in her cunt at the same time she was fisted and gave more more oralshe said she was worried at first but once they started they were pleasant and only there for the pleasure themselves her cunt and ass were full of cum she said some had managed to cum and within a short time erect again.
She said she felt like a free prostitute to have 6 men all fucking her using her for there total pleasure
Her cunt and arsere sore but thatdid not bother her she waas well lubed so that helped. Nex tday we left to come hone C took us to the airport and gave her a kiss and thanked us for being so friendly.
I asked my wife when we got home how she felt about her dalliances her reply she felt like a woman a slut and a whore for use I enjoyed all and want to try more.
8 men 8 cocks not counting myself all used her cunt mouth tits and ass in Cyprus. My wife has become a true slut.
Total todate 10 Men 1 woman.
New woman.
After the last to liaisons my wife had developed a liking for most sexual activities,
We tstarted to go on holidays to various places, where ever we went she would wear short skirts with no panties or longer skirts with button up front with most buttons undone to just below her cunt, So if we went into a bar or restaurant there was little or no way to not flash her legs or if she thought men were looking she would open her legs a little.
She always wore a Bra to support her large floppy tits but blouses were undone as much as possible the look was that of a mature woman in her forties nice legs large tits and a slut look, she started to love the look, We stayed in a small villsge in Cyprus very friendly and very welcomig evenings were hot and required little clothing, so this was perfect for her dress code little and on show.
On one evening we visited a local bar where the local men seemed to congregate, we sat at a table with another couple and chatted for awhile, I was aware of a few men looking across at us and realised there line on sight was directly at her legs on view with her skirt undone and a little bit of open thigh at the top of her legs on show
The couple who we were chatting to after a few drinks left to go back to there hotel, as they left a very friendly man and his friends came over and asked to joint the table, being a large table and circular it was easy to chat across with anyone who sat there. They took seats and started to chat amongst them selves some time past a few drinks consumed and a few chats across the table also about where we had come from etc.
After some time my wife nudged me and indicated to look down at her legs, as I did I noticed one of the men had his hand on her upper thigh with his fingers massaging her cunt which she had opened her legs a little for ease of access she siad in a low voice did I mind I replied I di not if she was ok she smiled back and continued to have a drink and cat while fingered he excused himself to her while he went to the toilet as he crossed the room she pulled my hand onto her crotch and I felt her cunt it was soaking wet and she was as horny as hell.
She said C wanted to take her to his shop would I mind, I just smiled my wife was becoming a real slut When he came back he had a brandy in his hand which he gave to me he whispered to my wife something and left. She said he had whispered to her to meet him outside in 5mins so again she asked if I minded I said no. we both left the bar a few mins later once outside I went to our hotel and she went off towards where he had asked her to meet him.
In our room I lay there wondering what was happeningand was it foolish to let her go off with a stranger the time slipped by slowly and it must have been an hour or more before she returned, She was smilling anddid look so sexual I asked her to tell me all. She said he had a shop not far from the barwhen she caught up with him he gave her a long snog and put his hand on her bum cheecks he moved his hand to the button holding the skirt up and undid it he then took it in his hand and led her up the street with just a blouse and bra no panties no skirt,
Luckily it was not far and the streets were empty of others in his shop he quickly moved to kiss her and whilst doing so undid her bra removed her blouse and bra she was naked he continued to kiss her, she felt his cock in his trousers hard so undid his fly and undid the button allowing his trousers to drop she said he had a lovely cut cock about 5ins long and quite thick, C led her to a small couch at the back of the shop, and pushed her down onto it so that his cock was next to her mouth she took it in her mouth and rolled it around with her fingers tasting his man cum leaking from his cock.
He then removed his shirt and got on top of her and roughly slid his cock into her cunt, while she was telling me this she had removed her clothes again and I was now slipping my fingers into her cunt full of his sperm and and I loved the feeling, she said that he was a really good fuck with his nice cock considerate, and attentive and caring, she enjoyed the time with him and said he would like to meet her again I said ok if she was fine with that, I was so hard by then I wanted to fuck her so I pulled her down on the bed she opened her legs wide for me and I slipped in to her cuntand felt the heat and moisture inside her I shot my load very quickly leaving my contribution to cypriot relations.
A few days later whilst on a beach we were sunbathing naked as this was early season few people around a gentleman afe meters away stripped off and had a semi erection which was obvious as he did not attempt to hide it, he started to walk away from us but after afew minutes he came back playing with his cock, my wife was on her belly legs slightly apart he walked past having a good look walked a distance and came back still shownig his now hard cock. He approached me and said he would like to buy her for 20£c (just before Cyprus changed to the EURO) my wife turned over and looked at him and his cock he must have been in his early 60 s
My wife said no need to pay but he wanted to do it in his car parked near by my wife agreed and they both went off naked to his car they came back about 20mins later him a little sheepishly but smiling he gave my wife a kiss and left she then showed me the 20 note he had given her, I said do you realise this makes you a prostitute, she smiled and said he insisted and would I be there tomorrow she replied yes, true to her word he appeared for the next two days and she accepted once more the money but not on the last occasion.
Mean while men in the village must have heard of the meeting with C, she met another guy who apprached her in the hotel lobby she agreed to meet him that evening about 9 pm she met him and he took her to his flat where she spend nearly 2 hrs with him, she sucked him, he fucked her fucked her arse also, he really used her as she said with getting the most from her eventually leaving me with another cunt full of cum to put my cock into. This was the third male in 4 days.
Whilst on the beach another day this very tall man approached us he wanted to chat about everything and anything he spent about 3 hrs with us just chatting, As he was leaving he invited us to a bar near by later that evening so we met as arranged he was very charming and we had a really nice meal withlots of beer brandy and wine. By the time we were due to leave I went to order a taxi they were busy and said about 30mins before one was spare. Our host suggested a small hotel for the night so we agreed the room was pleasant and had all facilities It was then our host suggested we all stay the night as it was a large room.with a little chat we agreed. Each of us wanted a shower, myself and call him E sat and waited while my wife went to shower, while we waited he asked if she fucked yes I said if the timing was good.
When she came out of the shower she had a towel wrap on just over her tits and above the knee, while I sat there E got up and went into the shower room while he was in there my wife asked what I thought of him I said he is pleasnt acommodating and chatty she said she liked him also. After 50mins or so he came out of the shower with what amounted to a small hans towel which he held in front of his body although it was obvious he was aroused , I then went into the shower had a warm shower but was still feeling a little to much alcohol, anyway I stepped ouut of the shower to find no towel I hand skimmed my skin to remove most of the water, then naked I stepped into the room and found my wife naked with a large cock In her mouth and a hand between her legs.
He was really working his fingers into her cunt and I could tell she was very wet from the slopping noise he was making with his fingers in her very wet cunt. I watched as he took his ccok from her mouth and could see he was a large 7 or 8 ins he moved down on her cut and buried his head in her crutch meanwhile I got onto the bed and gave her a kiss she responded with her tongue in my mouth I moved nearer and put my cock in her mouth fabulous feeling she was really hot and horny sucking with intensity on my cock. I was just kneeling slong side her hrad enjoying the moment when felt a tap on my arse E had moved from her crotch and wanted to enter her. He adjudted his position and I moved slightly to watch as he enterd my wife his cock was pressing slowly against her cunt she always shaved so was easy to see all slowly at first then as he pushed into her she relaxed and started to move with his movements I could see from her face she was completely engorged on his cock and loving every minute of it.
He Fucked her like that for a few minutes thenn pulled out and indicated for me to enter her too I moved and entered her as he watched her cunt felt so hot and moist and she was on heat I could see by the look on her face she was really liking this, I moved away and he re entered her meanwhile my cock went into her mouththis changing from me to him Was very horny fucking the same cunt as his cock slipped out. This went on for some time kissing sucking cock and fucking whilst my cock was in her mouth she moved and I realised that she was nearly doubled over with her legs wide open and I realised he was trying to enter her ass hole, not easy for my wife as she was not the most agile person, I withdrew my cock and indicated I would help so I took up a position straddling her face and leant forward to take her ankles and open her legs wider whist supporting her legs.
Next I lowered down onto her face slightly so as to get her tongue into my arse which with a little manouvering she managed it as E managed to get his cock into her ass which I could tell as she tensioned her body with a small wimper then she relaxed and I could see he was moving in her ass so he had entered all 3 holes of my wife, she was now relaxing more and taking his cock with out a problem. I learnt that moisture from her cunt helped to lubricate her hole,
Then it was my turn I always enjoyed fucking her ass probably why I became very Bi later in life I soon felt the need to shoot my load but managed to old back a little while I saw E moan and realised he had shot his load into her cunt, I thenfollowed shortly after wards emptying my cuminto her ass. That evening she had been fucked in all holes by the two of us not long afterwards I dozed off the alcohol and the fucking I think I awoke aound 7am to find my wife next to me but E had left we showered dressed and left the hotel and made our way back to our hotel for a change of clothes.I asked her how she flet about last night she said with a big smile truly fabulous but sore,
Our holiday /fuckfest was nearly over it took her a day or so before her cunt and ass were bsck to normal after the use she had in the hotel late in the afternoon the day before we were to depart C had approached us and invited us out for a meal we accepted and, he drove us into Limassol toa really nice restaurant we chatted about many things and had a very` nice meal with wine and brandy, after about 3 hrs we drove back to the villageas he I went get out he asked if he could fuck my wife again ..
, I looked at her and she nodded, so I got out o the car and he drove off I expected him to bring her back about an hour later, in fact they were away for nearly 5 hours I was worried and felt abit guilty but she had wanted to go I walked around for a while but no sign of him or the car, I went to our roomand waited when she did come back she was very flushed and a little disrobed, I asked her what had happened she said he had taken her to a small house a few miles away, on arrival there were 5 men inside, all smiling and welcoming, then C started to kiss her and asked her to do a strip for the men, she looked around the room and thought it best to comply her only clothes were a blouse bra and skirt no panties.
Once she was undressedand standing naked the men all got there cocks out most were erect but some had semi erections, Chris asked her to suck there cocks so kneeling before each one of them she sucked there cocks uneil all 6 of them were displaying full erections.
What happened next is difficult to say I was not there according to my wife every hole was used by all the men she was fucked in her ass her cunt and mouth by all she was double fucked in her cunt and had one in her ass and another in her cunt at the same time she was fisted and gave more more oralshe said she was worried at first but once they started they were pleasant and only there for the pleasure themselves her cunt and ass were full of cum she said some had managed to cum and within a short time erect again.
She said she felt like a free prostitute to have 6 men all fucking her using her for there total pleasure
Her cunt and arsere sore but thatdid not bother her she waas well lubed so that helped. Nex tday we left to come hone C took us to the airport and gave her a kiss and thanked us for being so friendly.
I asked my wife when we got home how she felt about her dalliances her reply she felt like a woman a slut and a whore for use I enjoyed all and want to try more.
8 men 8 cocks not counting myself all used her cunt mouth tits and ass in Cyprus. My wife has become a true slut.
Total todate 10 Men 1 woman.
5 years ago