Sylvia wrecks her Girl Scout uniform
Before Judy and I left ''Ranger Books'' I threw the Girl Scout uniform away. It was a mess. There was no way I could wear it out of there for five minutes, let alone for that long bus ride across Los Angeles, with the two bus transfers.No way in the world to my voice lesson! Nobody bothered us on the way down, but that cum covered dark green cotton reeking thing would get us both an afternoon with c***d Protective Services, the very last thing we needed. I borrowed a long coat from the store owner. He was a little guy with glasses who was hoping to get fucked and blown and everything else, but Judy and I were tired. We thought we had had enough sex for one day.
I was grateful for the long coat. I kissed Lou and pushed my tits into his skinny chest.
"Next time, Lou, I promise. We had so much fun. Next time you are at the front of the line. You can have my pussy or my ass, and I'll blow you or anything you want.."
I wasn't so sure I should have promised him my ass before seeing what he was about to put in it, but that's the way I was when I was sixteen.
There used to be a huge, super cheap women's discount store near the bookstore. Judy called it '' The Mayan Maceys'' because so many women from central America shopped there. Lots of women from that region tend to be short and busty, Khron''s Fashion Palace had sizes to fit every woman from Tegucigalpa to Chemaltenango!
Judy and I had been blowing guys and fucking them for three hours. We had pockets full of cash, three or four hundred dollars, a ton of money in a time when people worked for two dollars an hour, and you could get a good lunch for less than a dollar.
As short as I am, it's not easy to find adult clothes that fit me.
The two of us, sixteen years old, had been on a wild adventure all afternoon. We had pockets full of cash that we hadn't even counted, I was wearing a raincoat that I got from Lou, the store owner, and Judy was in the Catholic School girls outfit she had worn. She was smart enough to get out of her clothes, but for me, the green and yellow uniform was part of my act.
The sun was shining, and it was 5:15 in the afternoon. I was not living with my parents now, but I had a music lesson, a voice lesson with my rather severe and strict teacher, and my teacher had talked to me at some length about a "professional appearance" when I came to her lessons.
I was grateful for the long coat. I kissed Lou and pushed my tits into his skinny chest.
"Next time, Lou, I promise. We had so much fun. Next time you are at the front of the line. You can have my pussy or my ass, and I'll blow you or anything you want.."
I wasn't so sure I should have promised him my ass before seeing what he was about to put in it, but that's the way I was when I was sixteen.
There used to be a huge, super cheap women's discount store near the bookstore. Judy called it '' The Mayan Maceys'' because so many women from central America shopped there. Lots of women from that region tend to be short and busty, Khron''s Fashion Palace had sizes to fit every woman from Tegucigalpa to Chemaltenango!
Judy and I had been blowing guys and fucking them for three hours. We had pockets full of cash, three or four hundred dollars, a ton of money in a time when people worked for two dollars an hour, and you could get a good lunch for less than a dollar.
As short as I am, it's not easy to find adult clothes that fit me.
The two of us, sixteen years old, had been on a wild adventure all afternoon. We had pockets full of cash that we hadn't even counted, I was wearing a raincoat that I got from Lou, the store owner, and Judy was in the Catholic School girls outfit she had worn. She was smart enough to get out of her clothes, but for me, the green and yellow uniform was part of my act.
The sun was shining, and it was 5:15 in the afternoon. I was not living with my parents now, but I had a music lesson, a voice lesson with my rather severe and strict teacher, and my teacher had talked to me at some length about a "professional appearance" when I came to her lessons.
Miss Hanscomb, as she preferred that I call her, was one of the most sought after voice and opera teachers in Los Angeles, a city full of singers, entertainers, and musicians. I was far from the most mature sixteen-year-old, but I knew that I was lucky to have Miss Hanscomb willing to take me on as a young student. From Miss Hanscomb's perspective, she indulged this brat quite a bit, only because she saw her potential and knew (well everybody knew) her sister. I found out, not much later, that there was more to her story than that!
I knew that I could not show up at my lesson in an old, ill-fitting, semen-stained girl scout uniform, with god-knows-what in my hair and gobbed behind my ears.
Judy and I walked into Krohn's Discount Fashion Palace, the kind of clothing store that might be next to a store like "Ranger Books." I was feeling a need to be responsible after what Judy and I had been doing for almost three hours.
But when I saw the salesgirl, a Mexican or Guatemalan girl not much older than me — brown eyes, brown skin, full-figured, so beautiful. I had a thought that was so vivid and crisp, in this girl's immediate presence, that I had to avert my eyes. I knew what kind of panties the girl was wearing. I knew she had on some white lacey things. I knew that right behind that panty fabric was cutest little unshaved coochie, all curly and brown. Oh god, I wanted to bury my face in it. Oh god did I. The girl had only said, "May I help you?" and I was ready to rip her clothes off.
I knew that I could not show up at my lesson in an old, ill-fitting, semen-stained girl scout uniform, with god-knows-what in my hair and gobbed behind my ears.
Judy and I walked into Krohn's Discount Fashion Palace, the kind of clothing store that might be next to a store like "Ranger Books." I was feeling a need to be responsible after what Judy and I had been doing for almost three hours.
But when I saw the salesgirl, a Mexican or Guatemalan girl not much older than me — brown eyes, brown skin, full-figured, so beautiful. I had a thought that was so vivid and crisp, in this girl's immediate presence, that I had to avert my eyes. I knew what kind of panties the girl was wearing. I knew she had on some white lacey things. I knew that right behind that panty fabric was cutest little unshaved coochie, all curly and brown. Oh god, I wanted to bury my face in it. Oh god did I. The girl had only said, "May I help you?" and I was ready to rip her clothes off.
I tried to explain why I had nothing under Lou's green raincoat but panties and bra. The young woman looked in my eyes, not at my underwear, and didn't change her expression. "Let me see if I can find some nice things for you. We have a lot of clothing in your size." Judy half pushed me into a changing room. I didn't even know if I should tell her about these crazy thoughts that I had, but once in the dressing room, Judy said to me:
"Did you see her? Oh, my lord. I had dirty thoughts, Syl, I'm a catholic girl, I know what impure thoughts are, they are supposed to be a I just had a whole bunch about her. What is her name "Gretchen?" what kind of name is that?
" Judy, I didn't know how to explain I didn't have time to think up a story... I think she saw some stuff on you or me. Maybe we should leave before she calls the police."
"Syl, that girl is not going to call the police if we walked off with the whole fucking store. She is bored. Her boyfriend treats her like shit, and she hates working here for her uncle, who only wants in her pants. She might be up for anything, who knows?"
We went into the dressing room. Judy walked in behind me. As soon as we got through the door, Judy put her hands on my shoulders. She turned me so that I was facing her. She pushed her mouth against me hard, so hard it hurt.
"You little cum eating whore. I think you've got more jizz in your mouth, Syl that you didn't share. When that last guy was up in my ass, where were you?'' ''You know where I was, Judy. I was underneath with my mouth all over your cunt. The guy pulled out before he popped, and he blew this big fuckin' load all over your butt!'' ''What happened next, Syl? '' ''It ran off your big ass cheeks right into my mouth. It was hot.'' ''Kiss me, Sylvia, you pig. Only a real pig would do something as slutty as that. Kiss me, let's see if he left any of it in your mouth. You may be a pig, but I love it when you get some fingers in me. Now I'm going to beg YOU for it. Sylvia, please, please, finger my pussy the way you do. If I find one bit of cum in your mouth that you didn't share with me, I'm going to beat your ass black and blue. Whenever I see you get a load in your mouth, it makes me so hot. When I saw you sucking cock today, all those fat dicks goin' in your mouth, it made me crazy, Syl, it made me fuckin' nuts. I wish I had a dick for you to suck, baby, you are so fuckin' hot..."
I got her panties down to her knees. It was easy to find Judy's ''G'' spot, though that's not what we called it in 1965.
My knees got all woozy and shaky. I was hoping Judy found some cum in my mouth. Maybe she would beat my ass. I was kissing Judy, fingering her, feeling her move her big body against mine, and at the same time, I was lusting like the mad lesbian of the west over this darling Guatemalan salesgirl. I was half-naked in the dressing room, Judy was kissing me, her tongue way in there, I was fingering her well fucked-by-now puss, and when she wasn't kissing me, she was telling me how hot it was when she saw me sucking cock.
I didn't know what to think or say. I just let Judy do whatever she wanted. I had felt that I didn't need any more sex for a while, but Judy was getting me excited again. I was a girl who needed to get ready for her music lesson. Gretchen, the salesgirl, knocked on the door of the changing room. I think she overheard some of the sex words that Judy said to me. How could she not?
" I found some other clothes that you might like?" There was no one else in the store except Gretchen, Judy, and myself.
"Can I come in?" Judy had semen all over her mouth and cheeks. I had her panties down to her ankles, and two fingers in her pussy. She was pushing the cum globs into my mouth with her tongue. All this intimacy was going on for the world to see, as soon as Gretchen pulled back the curtain. Gretchen looked at us with her huge brown eyes, a complete set of blouses and skirts in my size over her arm.
I was a little red-haired girl with glasses and braces on my teeth. Two women, with ethnic roots far from Los Angeles, were silent, regarding me and each other. "Just a moment''.. was all she said.
She left and locked the front door and put the ''Çlosed'' sign up. She came back to us.
Three of us squeezed into the small dressing room.
"You guys are crazy! You can't do sex stuff in the middle of my store! You just came from next door. That's why you have no clothes. They got wrecked?"
"Yeah...well. "
"My cousin owns that place...I know all about it. I thought that just fairy boys went in there to...oh my god, now girls too...."
Judy tried to talk, but Gretchen (Gray-Chain) was as much of a motor mouth as me, and she was quite excited.
"I know what they do in there, and I do because sometimes the boys come in here after they have been in the store...and...and they talk as if I am invisible, yes? The filthiest..oh my god. Look .here you have some on you.oh your hair is stiff..excuse me, your name?"
I'm Sylvia, and this is Judy.."
"Hello, Sylvia and guys don't smell so smell like sex and pussy and everything...I have a shower here, believe it or not, you could use it, I'm the only one here today except for Marla, and she went home. So you are professional sex girls? Please don't be offended. It's just...."
"Did you see her? Oh, my lord. I had dirty thoughts, Syl, I'm a catholic girl, I know what impure thoughts are, they are supposed to be a I just had a whole bunch about her. What is her name "Gretchen?" what kind of name is that?
" Judy, I didn't know how to explain I didn't have time to think up a story... I think she saw some stuff on you or me. Maybe we should leave before she calls the police."
"Syl, that girl is not going to call the police if we walked off with the whole fucking store. She is bored. Her boyfriend treats her like shit, and she hates working here for her uncle, who only wants in her pants. She might be up for anything, who knows?"
We went into the dressing room. Judy walked in behind me. As soon as we got through the door, Judy put her hands on my shoulders. She turned me so that I was facing her. She pushed her mouth against me hard, so hard it hurt.
"You little cum eating whore. I think you've got more jizz in your mouth, Syl that you didn't share. When that last guy was up in my ass, where were you?'' ''You know where I was, Judy. I was underneath with my mouth all over your cunt. The guy pulled out before he popped, and he blew this big fuckin' load all over your butt!'' ''What happened next, Syl? '' ''It ran off your big ass cheeks right into my mouth. It was hot.'' ''Kiss me, Sylvia, you pig. Only a real pig would do something as slutty as that. Kiss me, let's see if he left any of it in your mouth. You may be a pig, but I love it when you get some fingers in me. Now I'm going to beg YOU for it. Sylvia, please, please, finger my pussy the way you do. If I find one bit of cum in your mouth that you didn't share with me, I'm going to beat your ass black and blue. Whenever I see you get a load in your mouth, it makes me so hot. When I saw you sucking cock today, all those fat dicks goin' in your mouth, it made me crazy, Syl, it made me fuckin' nuts. I wish I had a dick for you to suck, baby, you are so fuckin' hot..."
I got her panties down to her knees. It was easy to find Judy's ''G'' spot, though that's not what we called it in 1965.
My knees got all woozy and shaky. I was hoping Judy found some cum in my mouth. Maybe she would beat my ass. I was kissing Judy, fingering her, feeling her move her big body against mine, and at the same time, I was lusting like the mad lesbian of the west over this darling Guatemalan salesgirl. I was half-naked in the dressing room, Judy was kissing me, her tongue way in there, I was fingering her well fucked-by-now puss, and when she wasn't kissing me, she was telling me how hot it was when she saw me sucking cock.
I didn't know what to think or say. I just let Judy do whatever she wanted. I had felt that I didn't need any more sex for a while, but Judy was getting me excited again. I was a girl who needed to get ready for her music lesson. Gretchen, the salesgirl, knocked on the door of the changing room. I think she overheard some of the sex words that Judy said to me. How could she not?
" I found some other clothes that you might like?" There was no one else in the store except Gretchen, Judy, and myself.
"Can I come in?" Judy had semen all over her mouth and cheeks. I had her panties down to her ankles, and two fingers in her pussy. She was pushing the cum globs into my mouth with her tongue. All this intimacy was going on for the world to see, as soon as Gretchen pulled back the curtain. Gretchen looked at us with her huge brown eyes, a complete set of blouses and skirts in my size over her arm.
I was a little red-haired girl with glasses and braces on my teeth. Two women, with ethnic roots far from Los Angeles, were silent, regarding me and each other. "Just a moment''.. was all she said.
She left and locked the front door and put the ''Çlosed'' sign up. She came back to us.
Three of us squeezed into the small dressing room.
"You guys are crazy! You can't do sex stuff in the middle of my store! You just came from next door. That's why you have no clothes. They got wrecked?"
"Yeah...well. "
"My cousin owns that place...I know all about it. I thought that just fairy boys went in there to...oh my god, now girls too...."
Judy tried to talk, but Gretchen (Gray-Chain) was as much of a motor mouth as me, and she was quite excited.
"I know what they do in there, and I do because sometimes the boys come in here after they have been in the store...and...and they talk as if I am invisible, yes? The filthiest..oh my god. Look .here you have some on you.oh your hair is stiff..excuse me, your name?"
I'm Sylvia, and this is Judy.."
"Hello, Sylvia and guys don't smell so smell like sex and pussy and everything...I have a shower here, believe it or not, you could use it, I'm the only one here today except for Marla, and she went home. So you are professional sex girls? Please don't be offended. It's just...."
5 years ago
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