Emily asks Mistress Aim about her slave

I sent Priscilla this copy of a conversation on a fake FB account (after a bunch of alcohol and good sex) so he would know his place

Emily: Tell me about Rob! (Priscilla)
Amy: Does this give you a clue? Hahahaha... fucking freak!

(Picture of Priscilla's painted fingernails and toenails)

Emily OH MY GOD!!! stop it!!!
Terrible paint Job

Amy Hahaha That’s not even all of it…He likes to wear lingerie too. Lol…..

Emily OMG!!!!!
Please stay away from him

Amy Hahaha…. No worries. I don’t get anywhere near him physically. Ewwwwww……
He Just send me pics. I find it extremely humorous.
Such a fucking loser :(

Emily Please send the pic

(Pic of Priscilla's giant asshole)

Amy And, oh god, I never keep his freako pics for long. Too scared someone will find them on my phone someday. Lol... But I'm sure they're out there on Craigslist under the "Loser Freak Seeks A Butt Fucking" category. Lol...

Emily Or wait.... Butt "Fisting" category. Hahaha....

Amy LOL!!! I Can’t take it!! That is so crazy!! He loves being opened wide and takes bats too

Emily He comes off as seemingly normal But Oh man is that freaky.
Does he send you the pic b/c your “excepting’ of his lifestyle?

Amy Or Just gross. He sends to mainly because I don’t slam him about it and because he just doesn’t have anyone else to talk to. Kinda sad, actually.

Emily Why doesn't he join a cross dressing group or something. They have ton of those I'm sure on Craigslist.
That's just scary freaky.
Like nothing the size of a fist should go up your ass. It’s really in safe.

Amy He cums so hard tho He does cross dress and fucks anything including stuffed ani-mals I know.. He's got serious issues. :( I made him go to church with me last Sunday. Hahaha.....

Emily Did he burst into flames LOL Hahaha........

Amy I think maybe his eyes rolled to the back of his head a few times, but he remained intact for the most part. LOL!!

Emily Hey girl, how are you?

Amy Yeah...not a great weekend for the beach only got laid three times :( Singing has been going great. I've been having a lot of fun with all of it. Not much new... job is still full of the same stressful shit, but it pays the bills. Haven't heard from Clyde at all, but then again, I haven't contacted him either. Rob is still hanging around...he still wants to be my boyfriend and we had a big blowout again. Ugh! I just don't know what part of, "I'm not interested or attracted to you in that way" he's doesn't get. Lol.

Several months after I got onto Priscilla's computer and made these suggested changes Nov 9, 2016 - I told him to delete the file but apparently it is jerk off material for him.

Replace: “Rob” with “XXX”

Add: “He loves being opened wide and takes bats too”

Add: “He cums so hard tho…..

Add: “He does cross dress and fucks anything including stuffed ani-mals”
Published by MistresssAim
5 years ago
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Bloodwood37 5 years ago
Hehe sounds like he cant get enough humiliation Mistress, well at least from you!!