The Bath
You have had a very stressful day at work and you are ready to bite the head off anybody who gives you any backtalk. When you walk in the door, you find the living room lit with candlelight. The soft sounds of music are coming from the bathroom, so you investigate.
In the bathroom you find this room to is illuminated with the soft wavering glow of scented candles. I am there also. I motion for you to approach me beside the bathtub. It is a claw foot slipper tub. Deeper than most and the back comes up far enough that you can lay back without your head being on the rim. This allows for total immersion.
Looking in the tub, you see steaming hot water swirling with herbal bath salts.
I gently undress you while you tell me about your day. How somebody was unfair to you at work and you weren't able to put them in their place and the car that cut you off on the expressway. Taking you by the hand, I help you step into the tub and I place a folded towel behind your head for a cushion. As you ease back into the water, you are pleased to realize the water is almost, but not quite too hot for comfort. The water temperature feels like it is draining the tension out of every part of your body as you close your eyes and concentrate on your favorite tunes on the radio.
Taking a washrag and soap, I move to the foot of the tub and gently wash each of your feet. My hands and fingers massaging the muscles of your feet as the rough texture of the cloth massages your skin.
I continue scrubbing upward spending only the briefest moments ensuring the freshness of your most sensitive and personal areas as I massage with my palms, fingertips, washcloth and even gently drag my nails over your soft skin until I am at last massaging and washing your face. By now, you are barely even conscious because you are so relaxed. The day's tribulations are so far in your past you can't quite remember them.
Now I am moving back to the foot of the tub. Taking your razor, I carefully shave each of your legs. Working inch by inch to ensure the smoothest look possible. Careful not to nick or irritate the skin of those thighs I am worshiping.
Taking the hand held shower, I move back up behind you and lift your head enough to shampoo your hair. Working the shampoo into a rich lather, I am also massaging your scalp. Gently pulling you hair as I run my fingers through it. Eventually I rinse your hair with the hand held shower while shielding your eyes from the suds with my hand.
Having you sit upright in the tub, I fluff and dry your hair with a fresh hot towel before wrapping it around your head and helping you up and out of the tub.
While you stand there in almost a dreamlike state, I blot dry your body thoroughly with a fresh, warm towel before having you sit down at the vanity. As you recover some of your awareness, you realize I'm giving you a pedicure. Carefully filing and shaping your toenails before applying polish to each of those toes I so adore.
Pedicure over, I lead you into the bedroom where you again find candles burning. There is also a candle burning under a glass dish of massage oil. This is safflower oil with some spices you can't quite identify added. I motion for you to stretch out face down on the bed and start in on your neck with hot oil on each palm. I gradually work my way down to each hand. The muscles between the bones in your hands get gentle fingertip strokes from wrist outward so you feel like tension you no longer realized you held is being pulled from your fingertips.
Moving back up to your shoulders, I run my oiled knuckles gently down your spine one after the other. From high between your shoulder blades until my knuckles are withdrawn just as they start to slide between the cheeks of your delicious buns. Gently stroking with my knuckles. Not directly on the spine, but just to each side of it. That's where your muscles still hold some of the day's stress. You are surprised to realize these muscles are still tense after the treatment you've already received. Even as you think this, you feel the stress being pulled downward toward your beautifully rounded bottom.
Moving on to your buns, II knead and squeeze them both together and separately until you feel the sensation of the tension moving even further down.
I take a moment to gently run my fingernails through the crease where the bottom of your buttocks meet the top of your thighs. Sliding my nails from the just outside where the crease forms until my fingers are between your thighs and I cannot reach further.
As I climb onto the bed, you notice for the first time that I am now nude. Now, I sit down on your buns facing your feet you can feel my firmness nestled between your cheeks. With each palm pressed firmly on the back of each of your thighs, I slide them down to the pit of each knee driving the tension lower and lower with each stroke. Over and over I do this until all trace of tension is just beyond my fingertips reach.
Leaning over a bit further, I repeat the process with your calves. I take each hamstring between thumb and forefinger and gently squeeze rhythmically to release every last bit of the day's trouble seems to have moved to your feet.
I shift position and am now standing at the foot of the bed. I take your right foot in both hands and squeeze the whole foot. I wrap my right hand around your ankle and squeeze while my left hand is gently pulling on each toe. Not tugging, but a steady, gentle pull for several moments on each toe.
Grabbing the foot in both hands, I use my thumbs to dig into every soft spot on the soles of your feet to chase all your aches away as my fingers work between the bones on the topside of your feet.
At this point I am really wanting to go further, but I can see that you are sound asleep. Experiencing pleasant dreams in another world where you are happy just as you are. For now, that's good enough for me, so I cover your nude from with a blanket and slip in just to your right side. Facing you, I place my bent left leg over yours and in a few minutes, I join you in dreamland.
In the bathroom you find this room to is illuminated with the soft wavering glow of scented candles. I am there also. I motion for you to approach me beside the bathtub. It is a claw foot slipper tub. Deeper than most and the back comes up far enough that you can lay back without your head being on the rim. This allows for total immersion.
Looking in the tub, you see steaming hot water swirling with herbal bath salts.
I gently undress you while you tell me about your day. How somebody was unfair to you at work and you weren't able to put them in their place and the car that cut you off on the expressway. Taking you by the hand, I help you step into the tub and I place a folded towel behind your head for a cushion. As you ease back into the water, you are pleased to realize the water is almost, but not quite too hot for comfort. The water temperature feels like it is draining the tension out of every part of your body as you close your eyes and concentrate on your favorite tunes on the radio.
Taking a washrag and soap, I move to the foot of the tub and gently wash each of your feet. My hands and fingers massaging the muscles of your feet as the rough texture of the cloth massages your skin.
I continue scrubbing upward spending only the briefest moments ensuring the freshness of your most sensitive and personal areas as I massage with my palms, fingertips, washcloth and even gently drag my nails over your soft skin until I am at last massaging and washing your face. By now, you are barely even conscious because you are so relaxed. The day's tribulations are so far in your past you can't quite remember them.
Now I am moving back to the foot of the tub. Taking your razor, I carefully shave each of your legs. Working inch by inch to ensure the smoothest look possible. Careful not to nick or irritate the skin of those thighs I am worshiping.
Taking the hand held shower, I move back up behind you and lift your head enough to shampoo your hair. Working the shampoo into a rich lather, I am also massaging your scalp. Gently pulling you hair as I run my fingers through it. Eventually I rinse your hair with the hand held shower while shielding your eyes from the suds with my hand.
Having you sit upright in the tub, I fluff and dry your hair with a fresh hot towel before wrapping it around your head and helping you up and out of the tub.
While you stand there in almost a dreamlike state, I blot dry your body thoroughly with a fresh, warm towel before having you sit down at the vanity. As you recover some of your awareness, you realize I'm giving you a pedicure. Carefully filing and shaping your toenails before applying polish to each of those toes I so adore.
Pedicure over, I lead you into the bedroom where you again find candles burning. There is also a candle burning under a glass dish of massage oil. This is safflower oil with some spices you can't quite identify added. I motion for you to stretch out face down on the bed and start in on your neck with hot oil on each palm. I gradually work my way down to each hand. The muscles between the bones in your hands get gentle fingertip strokes from wrist outward so you feel like tension you no longer realized you held is being pulled from your fingertips.
Moving back up to your shoulders, I run my oiled knuckles gently down your spine one after the other. From high between your shoulder blades until my knuckles are withdrawn just as they start to slide between the cheeks of your delicious buns. Gently stroking with my knuckles. Not directly on the spine, but just to each side of it. That's where your muscles still hold some of the day's stress. You are surprised to realize these muscles are still tense after the treatment you've already received. Even as you think this, you feel the stress being pulled downward toward your beautifully rounded bottom.
Moving on to your buns, II knead and squeeze them both together and separately until you feel the sensation of the tension moving even further down.
I take a moment to gently run my fingernails through the crease where the bottom of your buttocks meet the top of your thighs. Sliding my nails from the just outside where the crease forms until my fingers are between your thighs and I cannot reach further.
As I climb onto the bed, you notice for the first time that I am now nude. Now, I sit down on your buns facing your feet you can feel my firmness nestled between your cheeks. With each palm pressed firmly on the back of each of your thighs, I slide them down to the pit of each knee driving the tension lower and lower with each stroke. Over and over I do this until all trace of tension is just beyond my fingertips reach.
Leaning over a bit further, I repeat the process with your calves. I take each hamstring between thumb and forefinger and gently squeeze rhythmically to release every last bit of the day's trouble seems to have moved to your feet.
I shift position and am now standing at the foot of the bed. I take your right foot in both hands and squeeze the whole foot. I wrap my right hand around your ankle and squeeze while my left hand is gently pulling on each toe. Not tugging, but a steady, gentle pull for several moments on each toe.
Grabbing the foot in both hands, I use my thumbs to dig into every soft spot on the soles of your feet to chase all your aches away as my fingers work between the bones on the topside of your feet.
At this point I am really wanting to go further, but I can see that you are sound asleep. Experiencing pleasant dreams in another world where you are happy just as you are. For now, that's good enough for me, so I cover your nude from with a blanket and slip in just to your right side. Facing you, I place my bent left leg over yours and in a few minutes, I join you in dreamland.
12 years ago