Birthday mystery
Hi. My name's Emily, and I want to tell you about my first sexual experience. It was a cold November night, and I was out celebrating my 18th birthday with a couple of friends. I had my coat tightly buttoned up to keep out the chill, which was a shame really as I was wearing quite a revealing outfit and no one was getting the chance to see it. The queue leading into the neon lit building was long, but the door staff were letting people in quite quickly. I had a quick look round at the people waiting behind me, and noticed that a few of them seemed to be eyeing me up. Well, either me or the other two girls that were with me. And not all of them were male, either.
"I think that girl's looking at us," I whispered to Amanda, as we took another step closer to the door. Amanda, who was busy rooting in her bag for her 18+ ID card, glanced up in the direction I was indicating. My admirer, if it was me she was admiring, was a young woman who could have been anything between 16 and 19. She seemed to be one of the only people in the line who was unaccompanied, and her eyes wouldn't stop moving, looking us up and down. She smiled nervously once she realised I had seen her, and turned around to look in the other direction.
"I know I said you'd turn heads when we picked you up," Amy said, joining in the conversation. "I didn't think it'd be a girl's head, though," and she giggled into my shoulder.
"Don't be daft," Amanda said, closing her bag. "She was probably looking at some lad behind you." I wasn't so sure, though if I had unwittingly become the subject of a lesbian fantasy I couldn't see why. The long winter coat I was wearing completely hid my figure, as well as the revealing outfit I was wearing. A red vinyl v-front dress with lace-up front and back. I could feel the smooth plastic pressing against my naked breasts, making my nipples hard. Two more people entered the club, and I indicated to Amanda to move up and close the gap that had formed in front of us. Peeping back over my shoulder, I was sure that the woman was staring at me again.
Her long red hair had fallen over her face as she turned back to look at me, and was now partly obscuring her youthful, freckled features. Unlike most of the people waiting to get inside, this girl was not wearing a coat, and must have been extremely chilly considering what she was wearing. A black, long sleeved tie front top that only barely covered her modesty was tied at her breasts. She also wore a small pair of hot pants, of the same transparent spider web design as her top. If it were not for the black PVC g-string she was wearing underneath, we would all have been having a rather intimate view of her. As it was, we were all getting a rather generous view of her young breasts. And she looked so young! I doubted if she was even as old as me, but I guessed we'd find out soon enough. This club was well known for its stringent security checks, and if anyone was carrying fake ID, there was absolutely no chance they'd be getting inside. The girl brushed her hair back, and smiled seductively at me, her glossy lipstick shining in the neon lights above. I found myself smiling back for a moment, before I noticed Amanda tapping me on the shoulder. It was our turn to be ID'd at the door.
The two young men were about eight or nine years older than us, both somewhere in their mid-twenties. They were both dressed the same, in plain black shirt and black trousers, with name badges above the right pocket. Darren was the tallest, with a short goatee beard and short black hair. Chris was a little shorter and was clean-shaven. What little hair he had was a mousy blonde, but most of it had been shaved off.
"Hi, ladies. How are we, tonight?" Darren asked with a grin, as he reached for the card that Amanda was offering to him. Amy had slipped the strap of her bag off her shoulder, and was now reaching into it for her passport. My own ID was in the inside pocket of my coat, and I had to undo the top half so I could reach in for it. As I slowly revealed the top of my outfit, Chris's eyes began to open wider, and his jaw dropped. I smiled wickedly, knowing full well what he was staring at. The open V-front of my dress was completely exposed and the young man could see most of my body right down to my belly button. He could also see most of my breasts, as the open front revealed more than a little of my cleavage.
"Do you like what you see?" I whispered, seductively. Being eyed up by a half naked teenage girl was one thing, but a randy young man was completely different. This excited me. I pulled at the opening of the dress, stretching the material over my breasts, accentuating my curves. The plastic pressed at my nipples, pushing the already hard tips into my flesh and I closed my eyes, moaning softly at the sensation. Chris's draw dropped further, and I could tell his hands were itching for a squeeze of my flesh.
"Close your mouth, Chris, and check the girl's ID." Darren had already finished with Amanda and was returning her card to her. Amy was now handing him her passport. Chris put his hand out in order to follow the second part of his instructions, but his mouth only closed slightly and his eyes still seemed to be out on storks. I removed my left hand from my breast, reached into my inside right pocket, removed my brand new, unused Proof of Age card, and handed it over. With my left hand gone, my right hand now began to squeeze and caress both breasts. Chris wasn't the only one who was enjoying my little display. Both Amy and Amanda were staring at me, trying to suppress their nervous giggles.
"Come on, Em. Leave the poor boy alone, and lets go inside." Amanda began to lead the way, but Amy continued to watch as I returned my left hand to my breast, and now used both my hands to rub and caress my whole chest. Then I began to button my coat by up, once more obscuring my body from view. As I looked up, I noticed Amy, who was still watching me, slowly licking her upper lip. When she saw I was watching, she stopped and nervously bit the bottom one. What was this, I thought, a little worried. Maybe that young schoolgirl was not the only female who was interested in me tonight? Amy, with her head lowered and her face hidden behind her hair, hurried into the club after Amanda, and I quickly followed her.
The inside of the club was lit with bright lights, and loud music boomed out from overhead. The dance area was made up of the entire ground floor, with a carpeted border around the outside that allowed people to get to the stairs without interrupting the dancers. The bar and seating areas were located on a number of balconies that looked down onto the dance floor below. We made our way across the floor, and climbed the stairs up to the first balcony, heading straight for the bar. It looked busy as we approached, but when we got nearer we could see that a lot of the people there were sitting on the stools. Only about three people were waiting to be served.
"You two go and find a table," I said. "I'll get the drinks." The other two girls gave me their orders then walked over to the seating area, scanning the level we were on for an available table with three spaces. I approached the bar, removing my bag from my shoulder and opening the clasp.
"Three lemon Bacardi Breezers," I said to the girl behind the bar, reaching into my purse for a crisp new £10 note.
"Okay, gorgeous," she replied, with a deeper voice than I was expecting. "Anything else you want?" I shook my head, and the woman disappeared into the fridge on the back wall. She removed three bottles, one at a time, popping the caps with a bottle opener and placing them on the counter in front of me. "That'll be £9.60." She reached over the counter to take my money, and as I handed it to her I noticed that the skin on her hand was a lot rougher than most women I had seen. I tried to peer closer at her face, without drawing attention to the fact that I was doing it. Was that a wig she was wearing?
"What's the matter, love? Never seen a man in a dress, before?" He said, grinning. I stepped back in shock, and clapped a hand over my mouth before I realised I'd done it. "It's okay, I'm not a transvestite," he continued with a grin. "I'm a Drag Queen. I do a session in the club round the corner as soon as I finish, and they let me wear the dress here. Manager says it entertains the punters."
"What's the difference?" I stammered, beginning to get over my shock now.
"Between a transvestite and a Drag Queen?" I nodded. "Well, transvestites do it for fun, and are usually gay. Drag Queen's do it for a living, and don't necessarily have to be," and he gave me another grin. "Don't worry, I still like girls."
"Why would I be worried about that?" I asked, feigning confusion. To be honest, the thought of having sex with a man dressed as a woman was exciting me a little. I was just a little embarrassed to admit it.
"I can see the way you're looking at me," he said. "Maybe I'll see you later?" And without saying anything else, he moved away to serve a girl behind me.
I carried the bottles back to Amy and Amanda at the table, clutching two in one hand and one in the other. When I arrived, I put a bottle down in front of each of them, then put mine on the table in front of the empty chair before sitting down. Amy and Amanda were looking at me. They must have been able to tell that something was bothering me.
"You ok?" Amy asked. "Did someone try hitting on you?"
"No," I said, trying to shake away the strange feelings I was having. I was having fantasies about a man dressed as a woman. Did that make me some kind of repressed lesbian? But two women had indicated a possible interest in me tonight, and both had made me feel uncomfortable, so that wasn't possible. Was it? I needed a few minutes on my own to clear my thoughts. "I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute." I stood up and pushed my chair back under, then started scanning the room for the toilets. It didn't take long to find the sign, pointing into the far corner. I headed of in that direction.
The ladies room was empty when I went in. The door swung closed behind me as I walked over to one of the sinks, and ran a little water into my hands to splash over my face. I had suddenly gotten very warm. Probably the result of so many people lusting after me. How many had there been so far? The girl in the queue outside; Chris, the doorman; Amy and the barman. Four people, and we'd been here less than fifteen minutes. I began to heat up again. I needed to sit down, but I didn't want to go back out yet. I pushed open the door to one of the cubicles and went in, leaving the door to swing shut behind me. I leant forward to push the toilet lid down so I could sit on the top, and as I did so I heard two doors open behind me in quick succession, first the toilet door then the cubicle. I was about to turn around to see who was behind me, but before I could a hand came up and covered my eyes. A moment passed, and it was replaced by something else, a piece of material that was wrapped around my head and tied behind me. I had been blindfolded.
A moment later, I felt those hands again, coming under my arms to cup my breasts from behind. I had no idea who was there, as I was completely blindfolded and whoever it was was making no sound. I couldn't even tell if they were the hands of a man or a woman, but they were rubbing and squeezing with the experience of someone who had done this before. I didn't know what to do. Should I submit to this assault, or should I fight back? I considered all the people who could possible be standing behind me, untying the front laces of my red PVC dress. The young girl I had seen outside, the men on the door, the barman. Was it even possible that it was one of my closest friends who was now slipping the straps of my dress off my shoulders? The front of my dress was now open as far as my belly button.
Gentle hands caressed my arms, sliding the shoulder straps down and off, leaving the upper part of my body totally exposed to my mysterious assailant. Fingers pinched and pulled at my nipples, and palms rubbed my breasts and belly. The hands were warm, but I couldn't tell from the feel of them whether they were male or female. I decided I didn't care. My pussy lips were already beginning to loosen with the excitement, and losing my virginity didn't seem like a bad way to celebrate my 18th birthday. I lifted one hand off the toilet, leaving the other there to help steady myself, and placed the other one over the hand clutching my left breast, encouraging it to squeeze harder. As I did so, I felt the soft gentle caress of lips on my neck, and caught a whiff of some intoxicating scent. Was it perfume, or aftershave? I wasn't sure.
Suddenly, the hands were gone, along with the lips on my neck. Had the person left? Had I imagined it? I couldn't have imagined it, as I was still blindfolded in total darkness and I could still make out the faint sound of breathing behind me. Plus, I could feel the cold breeze of the air conditioning blowing on my naked upper body, across my belly and over my hard nipples. A moment later, though, the lips returned, this time on the back of my left leg, slightly below the hem of my dress. The hands were there at the hem, pushing it up in advance of the warm, wet tongue that now made its way up my leg to the back of my knickers. My dress was bunched uncomfortably around my waist, the upper part having been pushing down to access my tits, and the lower part pushed up past my knickers. I suddenly felt two hands at my waist, slipping into the waistband off my knickers, and in one rapid motion they were dragged down my legs. I lifted my legs, one at a time, allowing my underwear to be removed completely, then turned round to expose my full nakedness to whoever it was standing before me.
The lips returned to my neck, nibbling this time rather than kissing, and a pair hands returned to caress me breasts. The lips moved lower onto my chest, and the hands descended to grope at my belly. Then the mouth slipped over my left breasts, and began to pull on my nipple, tugging at it and pulling it away from my breast. I groaned, and then gasped as my nipple was released and it snapped back into my breast. Licking and sucking around each areola brought my nipples hard and erect once more, and the process was repeated, tugging and releasing each one so they snapped back into my swollen breasts.
This torture was driving me insane. My pussy was aching with desire and anticipation and, although I couldn't see it through the blindfold, I could feel my juices filling up within my cleft. I spread my legs, opening my pussy lips and hopefully indicating what I wanted. My silent request went unanswered, however. Instead of going where I needed it most, the mouth continued to descend slowly, caressing the flesh between my breasts, before moving down to my navel, licking around my belly button, then dipping inside. I moaned and whimpered as the heat continued to grow between my legs, and placed my own hand between my legs to press and rub at my wet outer lips. My arousal had gotten me so wet that it didn't take long to coax my clit out from its hiding place. As it emerged, the descending tongue reached my treasure chest, and a hand removed my own groping paw. The tip of the tongue explored the folds of my inner lips and probed at my clit while two fingers kept me open. I arched my back as the stranger went to work, plundering the treasure between my legs, moaning and groaning loudly as my first orgasm got closer and closer. I wrapped one leg around the mysterious body in front of me in order to prevent them from escaping before I was fulfilled, and thrust my hands deep into the long hair of the head between my legs. Long hair? Had I seen any men with long hair since we had arrived in the club? None that I could remember accept for the man on the bar, and his would have been a wig, wouldn't it? This made it more than likely that I was being eaten by a woman. Despite my earlier nervousness at the thought of being involved in an intimate encounter with a woman, the idea now got me even my excited, and it accelerated the arrival of my first orgasm. I shuddered as the explosion shot through me, but the attacks on my vagina did not stop. As I tried to remember the women I had seen with long hair, the tongue gave a last caress to my clit, before slipping inside to hover around my entrance. I was sure the girl in the transparent outfit had long hair, but I knew that Amy also wore her hair down past her shoulders.
"Oh, yes," I moaned, throwing my head back. "Eat me! Eat me!" This was all the encouragement the girl needed. I was pretty sure now that my mystery lover was female. The only thing that would possibly change my mind now was if a long, hard cock was slid inside me. As it was, the only thing in my pussy at the moment was a long, wet tongue and, although this was my first sexual experience, I doubted a cock would make me feel as good as I was feeling right now. The tongue continued to slide in and out, through the small gap in my hymen, which my companion seemed to be taking special care to avoid tearing. Then the tongue was gone, once more replaced by probing fingers that pushed and rubbed at my clit and around my entrance. I guessed this was intended as the lead up to my final orgasm, as the pressure was far greater than it had been so far, and the rubbing was much faster.
I could here the girl groaning as she rubbed against my clit, faster and faster. I started taking short, quick breaths as the tension between my legs and in the pit of my stomach began to grow, and spread up my body. My breasts heaved, and my nipples stood out as hard, erect points, which I pinched and twisted between my fingers. Sweat ran down me, and I rubbed it across my breasts and belly, wishing it was my partner's juices I was smearing all over myself. Suddenly there was an explosion, and several shudders ran through my entire body. I threw back my head and screamed as wave after wave of intense pleasure swept through me. Slowly the waves began to subside, and my screams became steady groans, which eventually subsided to a low moan. I had been moaning softly to myself and gently caressing my breasts for a few minutes, when I suddenly realised I was the only one playing with myself. There were no hands, lips or tongue anywhere on my body, apart from my own hand on my chest. The woman, if it had been a woman, seemed to have gone.
I reached up and gingerly untied the blindfold from behind my head, allowing it to fall away in my hand. The cubicle was empty, the door half open. Looking down at my naked body, I realised that I was in rather a compromising situation if someone happened to walk in. I was still totally naked, with my sweaty breasts and juicy pussy still on full view. I quickly locked the door, and grabbed a stream of tissue from the dispenser to wipe my drenched fur. I had very little hair down there, just a little patch above the hood of my clitoris, but I didn't want it soaking my knickers when I put them back on. Once I had dried myself, I retrieved my knickers from where they had been tossed, and climbed back into them. Then I set to work turning the scrunched up belt around my waist back into a dress. I pushed the bottom half back down, so it was once more just below my bottom, then I pulled the top half back up, until I could slip the straps back of my arms. I began to lace the front of the dress back up, pausing to tuck my breasts back in when I reached them. The back laces, fortunately, had not been untied. I dreaded to think what I would have done if she'd undone those. How would I have got that back together? I gave my dress a last quick brush to remove any creases, than turned my attention to the material that had been used to blindfold me. It was a black piece of velvety material, some kind of exotic handkerchief. I put it into my handbag, and then left the toilet.
"That was a long minute," Amanda said, as I returned to the table. "What you been up to?"
"Nothing," I answered quickly, looking around for Amy. "Where's Amy got to?"
"She went to the bar for something, just after you left," Amanda replied.
"What for?" I asked, eyeing her bottle. She'd only taken a few sips from it, so she hadn't gone to get another drink. I looked over towards the bar, which was so busy I couldn't see anyone at the front of the queue, and then glanced over at the entrance to the ladies. It was only a few feet from the bar, it would have taken Amy only a moment to sneak from there over to the toilets if Amanda hadn't been looking. As I continued to scan that part of the first floor balcony, I caught sight of the young girl in the black, transparent outfit who had been watching me outside. As I watched, she lifted a bottle to her lips and took a mouthful, and I saw that she was wearing what looked like a black handkerchief tied round her wrist. Looking at her other wrist, I saw that it was bare. With a gasp, I opened my bag and looked at the handkerchief that was in there. I couldn't be sure because of the distance between us, but it looked almost exactly the same as the one the girl in black had tied round her wrist.
Who had been my mystery lover for the past half hour, giving me the most intense orgasms I had ever had? Was it a woman, as I suspected, and if so who had it been? One of my closest friends, who had left the table just after me and hadn't yet returned, or the incredibly young looking girl in the see-through outfit who had apparently lost a black velvet handkerchief identical to the one now in my handbag? The incident was almost four years ago, and I still have no idea.
"I think that girl's looking at us," I whispered to Amanda, as we took another step closer to the door. Amanda, who was busy rooting in her bag for her 18+ ID card, glanced up in the direction I was indicating. My admirer, if it was me she was admiring, was a young woman who could have been anything between 16 and 19. She seemed to be one of the only people in the line who was unaccompanied, and her eyes wouldn't stop moving, looking us up and down. She smiled nervously once she realised I had seen her, and turned around to look in the other direction.
"I know I said you'd turn heads when we picked you up," Amy said, joining in the conversation. "I didn't think it'd be a girl's head, though," and she giggled into my shoulder.
"Don't be daft," Amanda said, closing her bag. "She was probably looking at some lad behind you." I wasn't so sure, though if I had unwittingly become the subject of a lesbian fantasy I couldn't see why. The long winter coat I was wearing completely hid my figure, as well as the revealing outfit I was wearing. A red vinyl v-front dress with lace-up front and back. I could feel the smooth plastic pressing against my naked breasts, making my nipples hard. Two more people entered the club, and I indicated to Amanda to move up and close the gap that had formed in front of us. Peeping back over my shoulder, I was sure that the woman was staring at me again.
Her long red hair had fallen over her face as she turned back to look at me, and was now partly obscuring her youthful, freckled features. Unlike most of the people waiting to get inside, this girl was not wearing a coat, and must have been extremely chilly considering what she was wearing. A black, long sleeved tie front top that only barely covered her modesty was tied at her breasts. She also wore a small pair of hot pants, of the same transparent spider web design as her top. If it were not for the black PVC g-string she was wearing underneath, we would all have been having a rather intimate view of her. As it was, we were all getting a rather generous view of her young breasts. And she looked so young! I doubted if she was even as old as me, but I guessed we'd find out soon enough. This club was well known for its stringent security checks, and if anyone was carrying fake ID, there was absolutely no chance they'd be getting inside. The girl brushed her hair back, and smiled seductively at me, her glossy lipstick shining in the neon lights above. I found myself smiling back for a moment, before I noticed Amanda tapping me on the shoulder. It was our turn to be ID'd at the door.
The two young men were about eight or nine years older than us, both somewhere in their mid-twenties. They were both dressed the same, in plain black shirt and black trousers, with name badges above the right pocket. Darren was the tallest, with a short goatee beard and short black hair. Chris was a little shorter and was clean-shaven. What little hair he had was a mousy blonde, but most of it had been shaved off.
"Hi, ladies. How are we, tonight?" Darren asked with a grin, as he reached for the card that Amanda was offering to him. Amy had slipped the strap of her bag off her shoulder, and was now reaching into it for her passport. My own ID was in the inside pocket of my coat, and I had to undo the top half so I could reach in for it. As I slowly revealed the top of my outfit, Chris's eyes began to open wider, and his jaw dropped. I smiled wickedly, knowing full well what he was staring at. The open V-front of my dress was completely exposed and the young man could see most of my body right down to my belly button. He could also see most of my breasts, as the open front revealed more than a little of my cleavage.
"Do you like what you see?" I whispered, seductively. Being eyed up by a half naked teenage girl was one thing, but a randy young man was completely different. This excited me. I pulled at the opening of the dress, stretching the material over my breasts, accentuating my curves. The plastic pressed at my nipples, pushing the already hard tips into my flesh and I closed my eyes, moaning softly at the sensation. Chris's draw dropped further, and I could tell his hands were itching for a squeeze of my flesh.
"Close your mouth, Chris, and check the girl's ID." Darren had already finished with Amanda and was returning her card to her. Amy was now handing him her passport. Chris put his hand out in order to follow the second part of his instructions, but his mouth only closed slightly and his eyes still seemed to be out on storks. I removed my left hand from my breast, reached into my inside right pocket, removed my brand new, unused Proof of Age card, and handed it over. With my left hand gone, my right hand now began to squeeze and caress both breasts. Chris wasn't the only one who was enjoying my little display. Both Amy and Amanda were staring at me, trying to suppress their nervous giggles.
"Come on, Em. Leave the poor boy alone, and lets go inside." Amanda began to lead the way, but Amy continued to watch as I returned my left hand to my breast, and now used both my hands to rub and caress my whole chest. Then I began to button my coat by up, once more obscuring my body from view. As I looked up, I noticed Amy, who was still watching me, slowly licking her upper lip. When she saw I was watching, she stopped and nervously bit the bottom one. What was this, I thought, a little worried. Maybe that young schoolgirl was not the only female who was interested in me tonight? Amy, with her head lowered and her face hidden behind her hair, hurried into the club after Amanda, and I quickly followed her.
The inside of the club was lit with bright lights, and loud music boomed out from overhead. The dance area was made up of the entire ground floor, with a carpeted border around the outside that allowed people to get to the stairs without interrupting the dancers. The bar and seating areas were located on a number of balconies that looked down onto the dance floor below. We made our way across the floor, and climbed the stairs up to the first balcony, heading straight for the bar. It looked busy as we approached, but when we got nearer we could see that a lot of the people there were sitting on the stools. Only about three people were waiting to be served.
"You two go and find a table," I said. "I'll get the drinks." The other two girls gave me their orders then walked over to the seating area, scanning the level we were on for an available table with three spaces. I approached the bar, removing my bag from my shoulder and opening the clasp.
"Three lemon Bacardi Breezers," I said to the girl behind the bar, reaching into my purse for a crisp new £10 note.
"Okay, gorgeous," she replied, with a deeper voice than I was expecting. "Anything else you want?" I shook my head, and the woman disappeared into the fridge on the back wall. She removed three bottles, one at a time, popping the caps with a bottle opener and placing them on the counter in front of me. "That'll be £9.60." She reached over the counter to take my money, and as I handed it to her I noticed that the skin on her hand was a lot rougher than most women I had seen. I tried to peer closer at her face, without drawing attention to the fact that I was doing it. Was that a wig she was wearing?
"What's the matter, love? Never seen a man in a dress, before?" He said, grinning. I stepped back in shock, and clapped a hand over my mouth before I realised I'd done it. "It's okay, I'm not a transvestite," he continued with a grin. "I'm a Drag Queen. I do a session in the club round the corner as soon as I finish, and they let me wear the dress here. Manager says it entertains the punters."
"What's the difference?" I stammered, beginning to get over my shock now.
"Between a transvestite and a Drag Queen?" I nodded. "Well, transvestites do it for fun, and are usually gay. Drag Queen's do it for a living, and don't necessarily have to be," and he gave me another grin. "Don't worry, I still like girls."
"Why would I be worried about that?" I asked, feigning confusion. To be honest, the thought of having sex with a man dressed as a woman was exciting me a little. I was just a little embarrassed to admit it.
"I can see the way you're looking at me," he said. "Maybe I'll see you later?" And without saying anything else, he moved away to serve a girl behind me.
I carried the bottles back to Amy and Amanda at the table, clutching two in one hand and one in the other. When I arrived, I put a bottle down in front of each of them, then put mine on the table in front of the empty chair before sitting down. Amy and Amanda were looking at me. They must have been able to tell that something was bothering me.
"You ok?" Amy asked. "Did someone try hitting on you?"
"No," I said, trying to shake away the strange feelings I was having. I was having fantasies about a man dressed as a woman. Did that make me some kind of repressed lesbian? But two women had indicated a possible interest in me tonight, and both had made me feel uncomfortable, so that wasn't possible. Was it? I needed a few minutes on my own to clear my thoughts. "I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute." I stood up and pushed my chair back under, then started scanning the room for the toilets. It didn't take long to find the sign, pointing into the far corner. I headed of in that direction.
The ladies room was empty when I went in. The door swung closed behind me as I walked over to one of the sinks, and ran a little water into my hands to splash over my face. I had suddenly gotten very warm. Probably the result of so many people lusting after me. How many had there been so far? The girl in the queue outside; Chris, the doorman; Amy and the barman. Four people, and we'd been here less than fifteen minutes. I began to heat up again. I needed to sit down, but I didn't want to go back out yet. I pushed open the door to one of the cubicles and went in, leaving the door to swing shut behind me. I leant forward to push the toilet lid down so I could sit on the top, and as I did so I heard two doors open behind me in quick succession, first the toilet door then the cubicle. I was about to turn around to see who was behind me, but before I could a hand came up and covered my eyes. A moment passed, and it was replaced by something else, a piece of material that was wrapped around my head and tied behind me. I had been blindfolded.
A moment later, I felt those hands again, coming under my arms to cup my breasts from behind. I had no idea who was there, as I was completely blindfolded and whoever it was was making no sound. I couldn't even tell if they were the hands of a man or a woman, but they were rubbing and squeezing with the experience of someone who had done this before. I didn't know what to do. Should I submit to this assault, or should I fight back? I considered all the people who could possible be standing behind me, untying the front laces of my red PVC dress. The young girl I had seen outside, the men on the door, the barman. Was it even possible that it was one of my closest friends who was now slipping the straps of my dress off my shoulders? The front of my dress was now open as far as my belly button.
Gentle hands caressed my arms, sliding the shoulder straps down and off, leaving the upper part of my body totally exposed to my mysterious assailant. Fingers pinched and pulled at my nipples, and palms rubbed my breasts and belly. The hands were warm, but I couldn't tell from the feel of them whether they were male or female. I decided I didn't care. My pussy lips were already beginning to loosen with the excitement, and losing my virginity didn't seem like a bad way to celebrate my 18th birthday. I lifted one hand off the toilet, leaving the other there to help steady myself, and placed the other one over the hand clutching my left breast, encouraging it to squeeze harder. As I did so, I felt the soft gentle caress of lips on my neck, and caught a whiff of some intoxicating scent. Was it perfume, or aftershave? I wasn't sure.
Suddenly, the hands were gone, along with the lips on my neck. Had the person left? Had I imagined it? I couldn't have imagined it, as I was still blindfolded in total darkness and I could still make out the faint sound of breathing behind me. Plus, I could feel the cold breeze of the air conditioning blowing on my naked upper body, across my belly and over my hard nipples. A moment later, though, the lips returned, this time on the back of my left leg, slightly below the hem of my dress. The hands were there at the hem, pushing it up in advance of the warm, wet tongue that now made its way up my leg to the back of my knickers. My dress was bunched uncomfortably around my waist, the upper part having been pushing down to access my tits, and the lower part pushed up past my knickers. I suddenly felt two hands at my waist, slipping into the waistband off my knickers, and in one rapid motion they were dragged down my legs. I lifted my legs, one at a time, allowing my underwear to be removed completely, then turned round to expose my full nakedness to whoever it was standing before me.
The lips returned to my neck, nibbling this time rather than kissing, and a pair hands returned to caress me breasts. The lips moved lower onto my chest, and the hands descended to grope at my belly. Then the mouth slipped over my left breasts, and began to pull on my nipple, tugging at it and pulling it away from my breast. I groaned, and then gasped as my nipple was released and it snapped back into my breast. Licking and sucking around each areola brought my nipples hard and erect once more, and the process was repeated, tugging and releasing each one so they snapped back into my swollen breasts.
This torture was driving me insane. My pussy was aching with desire and anticipation and, although I couldn't see it through the blindfold, I could feel my juices filling up within my cleft. I spread my legs, opening my pussy lips and hopefully indicating what I wanted. My silent request went unanswered, however. Instead of going where I needed it most, the mouth continued to descend slowly, caressing the flesh between my breasts, before moving down to my navel, licking around my belly button, then dipping inside. I moaned and whimpered as the heat continued to grow between my legs, and placed my own hand between my legs to press and rub at my wet outer lips. My arousal had gotten me so wet that it didn't take long to coax my clit out from its hiding place. As it emerged, the descending tongue reached my treasure chest, and a hand removed my own groping paw. The tip of the tongue explored the folds of my inner lips and probed at my clit while two fingers kept me open. I arched my back as the stranger went to work, plundering the treasure between my legs, moaning and groaning loudly as my first orgasm got closer and closer. I wrapped one leg around the mysterious body in front of me in order to prevent them from escaping before I was fulfilled, and thrust my hands deep into the long hair of the head between my legs. Long hair? Had I seen any men with long hair since we had arrived in the club? None that I could remember accept for the man on the bar, and his would have been a wig, wouldn't it? This made it more than likely that I was being eaten by a woman. Despite my earlier nervousness at the thought of being involved in an intimate encounter with a woman, the idea now got me even my excited, and it accelerated the arrival of my first orgasm. I shuddered as the explosion shot through me, but the attacks on my vagina did not stop. As I tried to remember the women I had seen with long hair, the tongue gave a last caress to my clit, before slipping inside to hover around my entrance. I was sure the girl in the transparent outfit had long hair, but I knew that Amy also wore her hair down past her shoulders.
"Oh, yes," I moaned, throwing my head back. "Eat me! Eat me!" This was all the encouragement the girl needed. I was pretty sure now that my mystery lover was female. The only thing that would possibly change my mind now was if a long, hard cock was slid inside me. As it was, the only thing in my pussy at the moment was a long, wet tongue and, although this was my first sexual experience, I doubted a cock would make me feel as good as I was feeling right now. The tongue continued to slide in and out, through the small gap in my hymen, which my companion seemed to be taking special care to avoid tearing. Then the tongue was gone, once more replaced by probing fingers that pushed and rubbed at my clit and around my entrance. I guessed this was intended as the lead up to my final orgasm, as the pressure was far greater than it had been so far, and the rubbing was much faster.
I could here the girl groaning as she rubbed against my clit, faster and faster. I started taking short, quick breaths as the tension between my legs and in the pit of my stomach began to grow, and spread up my body. My breasts heaved, and my nipples stood out as hard, erect points, which I pinched and twisted between my fingers. Sweat ran down me, and I rubbed it across my breasts and belly, wishing it was my partner's juices I was smearing all over myself. Suddenly there was an explosion, and several shudders ran through my entire body. I threw back my head and screamed as wave after wave of intense pleasure swept through me. Slowly the waves began to subside, and my screams became steady groans, which eventually subsided to a low moan. I had been moaning softly to myself and gently caressing my breasts for a few minutes, when I suddenly realised I was the only one playing with myself. There were no hands, lips or tongue anywhere on my body, apart from my own hand on my chest. The woman, if it had been a woman, seemed to have gone.
I reached up and gingerly untied the blindfold from behind my head, allowing it to fall away in my hand. The cubicle was empty, the door half open. Looking down at my naked body, I realised that I was in rather a compromising situation if someone happened to walk in. I was still totally naked, with my sweaty breasts and juicy pussy still on full view. I quickly locked the door, and grabbed a stream of tissue from the dispenser to wipe my drenched fur. I had very little hair down there, just a little patch above the hood of my clitoris, but I didn't want it soaking my knickers when I put them back on. Once I had dried myself, I retrieved my knickers from where they had been tossed, and climbed back into them. Then I set to work turning the scrunched up belt around my waist back into a dress. I pushed the bottom half back down, so it was once more just below my bottom, then I pulled the top half back up, until I could slip the straps back of my arms. I began to lace the front of the dress back up, pausing to tuck my breasts back in when I reached them. The back laces, fortunately, had not been untied. I dreaded to think what I would have done if she'd undone those. How would I have got that back together? I gave my dress a last quick brush to remove any creases, than turned my attention to the material that had been used to blindfold me. It was a black piece of velvety material, some kind of exotic handkerchief. I put it into my handbag, and then left the toilet.
"That was a long minute," Amanda said, as I returned to the table. "What you been up to?"
"Nothing," I answered quickly, looking around for Amy. "Where's Amy got to?"
"She went to the bar for something, just after you left," Amanda replied.
"What for?" I asked, eyeing her bottle. She'd only taken a few sips from it, so she hadn't gone to get another drink. I looked over towards the bar, which was so busy I couldn't see anyone at the front of the queue, and then glanced over at the entrance to the ladies. It was only a few feet from the bar, it would have taken Amy only a moment to sneak from there over to the toilets if Amanda hadn't been looking. As I continued to scan that part of the first floor balcony, I caught sight of the young girl in the black, transparent outfit who had been watching me outside. As I watched, she lifted a bottle to her lips and took a mouthful, and I saw that she was wearing what looked like a black handkerchief tied round her wrist. Looking at her other wrist, I saw that it was bare. With a gasp, I opened my bag and looked at the handkerchief that was in there. I couldn't be sure because of the distance between us, but it looked almost exactly the same as the one the girl in black had tied round her wrist.
Who had been my mystery lover for the past half hour, giving me the most intense orgasms I had ever had? Was it a woman, as I suspected, and if so who had it been? One of my closest friends, who had left the table just after me and hadn't yet returned, or the incredibly young looking girl in the see-through outfit who had apparently lost a black velvet handkerchief identical to the one now in my handbag? The incident was almost four years ago, and I still have no idea.
12 years ago