Info about my jerk parties

UPDATE June 2021: I am going to trial running these parties again with small groups. Everyone who attends will have to agree to take a same-day COVID test beforehand, even if vaccinated (tests are free in Berlin - see )

notes for the regular jerk parties at joberlin's place (does not apply to meetings in public or at venues):

- the party is open for all who enjoy jerking - men, women, trans, etc. if you have a particular problem with this, you should look at who's attending or ask the host.
- i need a face photo shared before you are invited. it is after all my home.
- don't be late. you can come up to 15 minutes early, but at the start time the doorbell will be turned off so we aren't disturbed (you can send a message if you are going to unavoidably be late by only a few minutes).
- if you decide you can't come, let me know asap so i can give your spot to someone else. not showing up and not informing me in good time = no future invite. there are only 6 spots per party so be considerate.
- leave your phone on silent in the bedroom! no phones or other electronic devices allowed in the jerking area!
- also leave your trousers (and anything else you want to take off) in the bedroom - this ensures we're already half naked so the party doesn't start awkwardly. you can take your other clothes and underwear off later when you are ready.

during the party:

- it's a jerk party, not a fuck party. while light interplay with consent is fine (mutual jerking etc), please be aware that there may be people of different sexualities and genders present. if someone does not show interest or moves your hand away, then you must respect this.
- we'll be watching porn. the keyboard will be passed around for everyone to choose videos, so maybe have a think in advance about what you will choose.
- do show your genitalia proudly so others can see. after all, if we didn't want to watch each other jerking too, we'd just jerk alone.

notes for cumming:

- we're not looking for a rushed quicky here, so if you feel you are going to cum early on, try to back off and wait for everyone else. this will typically be an hour or more.
- when you are ready to cum, let everyone know you are close, then try to back off until you hear others saying it too. that way we can all cum close together for maximum enjoyment.
- please be respectful of the fact that this is someone's home - do not cum or squirt on the carpet, furniture etc. towels and tissues are provided.
- (men) it would be best if you cum on the towel in the centre, that way we can all enjoy watching each other cum. don't try and hide it away, that's selfish!
- after you cum, please don't leave until everyone's finished; that will disturb the party flow and interrupt the host.

notes for the nervous:

- you can start by just watching the tv, pretending there's nobody else there, then join in whenever you're ready.
- you don't have to make eye contact with anyone; we're not here because we fancy each other. we're here because we like porn and we enjoy jerking and we enjoy watching others jerking too.
- nobody is going to touch you if you don't want them to. if they move their hand towards you and you don't want them to, simply move it away. (in the unlikely event that they persist, inform the host. but this has not yet happened).
- (men) nobody's expecting you to be hard constantly. we all know how cocks work. there's no need to be embarassed or frustrated or hide it if you don't get hard right away or don't stay hard.
- it is absolutely fine if you make noises.

if you've read this far, then private message me with the pass-word "wix" to request an invite.
Published by joberlin
5 years ago
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bicurious_berlin 4 years ago
amazing. would love to join