Wife Loses At Strip Poker

My wife who is really sexy but quite shy was caught out on our second holiday together, we had become friends with an older couple and their friends who were in the room next to ours.we had spent a night out with them and were invited to a party in their flat on their last night.
On the night we took with us a couple of bottles of wine and decided to let our hair down and really have a good time, James and Louise were the host's and one other couple Justin and Sharon who they had only met that week were also there, the night was great fun and we were having a good time but l noticed for the first time Lisa was getting very merry.
It was about midnight when James and Justin said to the other ladies we should do something to remember the holiday, we took photos and exchanged addresses when out of the blue Louise said why dont we play strip poker as that would be brilliant memory !
The room went quiet but then Justin and Sharon both said we are game then they looked at both Lisa and myself.... l looked at Lisa and she was looking very worried but l turned to the other couples and agreed,
It was decided only 4 would play and we were to put our names in two bowls one for the girls and one for the guys, the guys were drawn first ...Justin was the first name out and quickly followed by James... wow l was relieved now it was the girls turn, they looked nervous, first out was Sharon , one more to go both Lisa and Louise were really quiet ....
James pulled out the name then looked at his wife with a big smile on his face and called out.... Lisa....my wife went white lol....
They had no time to complain and the game started, the first four hands were boring with James losing two and both Justin and Sharon one each...James then lost two hands and already he was down to just his pants ! Lisa looked at me and laughed she was ok...then....Lisa lost the next hand and off came her shoes... Lisa then lost the next hand as well and off came her blouse...Justin lost again and then Sharon....it was getting interesting....Lisa lost again and off came her skirt ..she only had bra and panties on lol...
It was then that Louise said the game is going too quickly and would end soon so stated let's add forfeits on when we get a loser....the guys agreed and before anything else was said the next hand was played... James lost ..and off came his pants ..he was naked his cock was not too long but was really fat ...l must admit the fattest cock l have ever seen ,Lisa looked at me with a look of amazement !
The next two hands floored Lisa....she lost them both .. first of came her bra and she was topless her nice c cup boobs on display with what l love about them her really big areola fully on display ..now the panties.... she begged to be allowed to keep them but Louise said no way you agreed to play ...Lisa slowly took them off...she was naked and her pussy which is always shaved was totally on display ....
Both James and Lisa were naked and it was Justin who silenced the room by looking at Lisa and said are you looking forward to forfeits and laughed ! Lisa looked at me but what could l do... the next hand was played...James lost, Sharon had won the hand so could decide the forfeit ...she looked at James and said l want some pics taken so we can always see you naked with that fat cock of yours showing... Justin then took out his mobile and took about ten photos all with James fully showing his cock !
Lisa looked at me and mouthed omg ! Next hand James lost again....out came the mobile again...Sharon looked at James and said wank that cock .... James did as instructed and this time Sharon took the pics and made sure she got ten really good pics...she even commented wow look how fat that cock is ! I must admit he was about 7 inches long but the girth was really so thick !
Justin lost the next hand then Sharon...they were all getting exposed.... then the next hand was played the result was what the guys wanted.....Lisa lost....Justin quickly shouted l now want photos to put with James pics ! Lisa looked at me but what could l do....they all ganged up on Lisa and decided ten photos would be taken and she was to be fully exposed in all of them ...Sharon was ruthless every photo was full frontal with at least four with Lisa posing with her legs wide open ! Sharon looked Lisa in the eyes and floored her by saying your pics will look great on the internet !
( Sharon was true to her word she posted them all on Xhamster, look out for Lisadares )
Lisa had no escape .... she lost the next hand.....Sharon looked at Justin and he agreed with her ...Lisa had to complete a slow dance with James for two slow ballads ... the music was chosen by Sharon and it started...James took Lisa by the hand and pulled her close and they were dancing in a slow circular movement ....his cock was now in complete contact with Lisa and James made sure they were tight together for both songs ....The songs ended and they parted Lisa was now red in the face and if it were possible James cock looked fatter !,
It was decided to play just one more hand and Lisa looked at me with a relieved nervous smile on her face .....the hand was played..... Lisa lost .....Sharon screamed with exitment oh wow we can choose anything .... Justin said oh yes..Sharon looked at Lisa and with a smile on her face said...James has 30 minutes to do anything he wants with her.
Lisa looked at both me and Louise and begged please no more ...Louise spoke clearly in a firm slightly angry tone and said you agreed to play and the forfeit must be completed !
Lisa looked at me again as Louise whispered in my ear l don't want to worry you but James is a forceful bastard and do not have any doubts he will fuck her.For the first time my feeling of being turned on and wanting to see my wife lose the game l now had this pitiful feeling of being a loser and my wife being abused by James very big cock.
James took a very nervous Lisa by the hand and walked her into the bedroom....we all followed ...James placed her on the bed and looked at Sharon and asked 30 minutes....Sharon replied oh yes and remember anything she is all yours !.......he began by kissing Lisa and very gently massaging her boobs he was really gentle and then his hand moved down....he found her clitorios .... we could clearly hear Lisa pleading please no more but James just smirked and said you belong to me ! James then really started to work on her , he teased and rubbed and pinched her clitorios he was really good and you could see her weaken and start to move ...her head fell back and all we could hear was her Lisa say no,no,no.....James then worked harder on her and started to suck down on one of Lisa's nipples and she groaned really loudly...
Louise whispered to me the dirty bastard l know what he is doing, he wants to mark her he is sucking hard and wants to leave a love bite on her, that will really hurt her but she just cannot stop him he has taken her too far....lt was then that she just totally submitted to James and her orgasm ripped through her and she moaned loudly l'm cumming to which we all knew !
Lisa now laid motionless on the bed and James moved away from her chest, Louise was correct we could clearly see Lisa's left areola and it was larger and a dark red ...the love bite was achieved and he had left his mark !

Before Lisa recovered James moved towards her again and quickly slipped two fingers into her pussy and again went to work on her, she started to moan straight away l had never seen her like this ! Lisa then let out a loud groan and a very clear omg .....Sharon then loudly said oh she is gone he has got her g spot... l could not believe it he was making her cum already... . Lisa moaned so loud we were all aware there was no doubt he was going to take her all and anyway he wanted too !...she was gone and her orgasm was building...her legs shook and now she was moaning please no,no,no more ! James decreased then increased the speed of the using of her g spot , Lisa was taken to the edge of orgasm and then eased off. James looked at Louise and said she is so easy and laughed then asked shall l finish her now ....Louise smiled and replied not yet ,tease her and make her all yours ! James did just that and teased her for what seemed an age, eventually after he whispered in Lisa's ear he increased his momentum and Lisa started to moan louder than l had ever heard before....James looked at all of us and smirked as he said from a nice girl to an easy slut in ten minutes and laughed... at that point Lisa started moaning omg no,no,no aahhhhh and her orgasm ripped through her like l had never seen !

James removed his hand and said l'm enjoying this.... and now asked do l have time to fuck her ?
Louise looked at us all and said of course you do the time does not count do with her what you want.

Louise looked at me and admitted that the night had been a total set up and they had just wanted to see if James could find a girl 25 years younger than him that he could use and abuse....clearly the answer was yes and Lisa was just a loser in there game !

James and all of us knew Lisa was at his mercy...Lisa was now laying limp and looked totally spent but James was not finished as he moved towards Lisa again and took hold of both of her hands and moved them above her head, he held them firmly and moved down onto her and started kissing her deeply ! It was a really dirty kiss with James using his tounge all of the time and Lisa whimpering as James was dominating her and this just made James keep up the total control !
James then with his free hand started to wank his cock slowly and seemed to revell in the fact we could all hear Lisa moaning and weakly begging James ..he was not listening and the kissing and wanking continued !
Sharon had now moved closer so to get a better view and whispered to Louise omg this is complete dominance, James has turned a forfeit into a porn scene....Louise replied he does this to me and l know how weak he has made her and how much he loves the control ! She continued Lisa is so weak and used l know the fucking is about to begin !

Louise knew her husband well and at that moment he stopped wanking his cock and eased Lisa's legs as wide apart as he could and still keeping up the pressure by kissing her deeply !
It was then we could all see the extent of his wanking ... his cock looked huge , it was a good length but the girth was like nothing l had ever Seen he really was huge !
He now moved on top of Lisa and positioned himself in between her legs, his cock was completed on display and with Lisa's legs so spread her pussy was at his mercy.... he now rubbed the bulbous head up and down her pussy ,we could all hear Lisa whimpering and trying to talk but James kissed even more deeply....
It was then we all heard Lisa moan and looking down James had just pushed the huge head of his cock into her pussy. Her pussy was clear to see and her lips stretched around the cock head....

The fucking had began !

Sharon screamed omg he's in and that was when James stopped kissing Lisa turned around and smiled at Louise..he then said told you l was going to fuck her !
As he held the head of his huge cock in Lisa she moaned please,please no more you are too big...he turned back to her and said no way you're pussy now belongs to me and then started to kiss her again ! All we could hear from Lisa were pained moans as James took his cock out of her then just pushed the head in again....he then moved his legs apart pushing Lisa's levs to their widest point.. we could see everything she had and again Sharon was heard to say this is complete porn.... l love it hahaha...
James was now just keeping the head of his cock in Lisa's pussy and she was moaning and groaning.... then he started to ease forward and we all heard Lisa as she moaned loudly arrrrhhhh...so big,
Justin was then saying to his wife ... Jesus just look at the girth on him its even fatter at the base.... he was correct

Lisa was now really moaning and begging...please,please no more your too big aarrrrggghhhh ..James was half way in and had now stopped pushing and was now moving slowly side to side....Lisa clearly said omg what are you doing... it's so good arrrggghhh !
The moaning continued but Lisa was now like a rag doll...Louise laughed loudly and said oh yes you belong to James now .. he has got your g spot...James looked round at me and said her pussy is so tight l can feel her g spot ... l am loving this , she will always remember how good my cock is ...James now moved his cock in a round motion and Lisa moaned even more ,oh god he is so big and good l,l,l cannot take anymore arrrggghhh she was cumming again ! .at this point Lisa arched her back and shouted CUMMING arghhhh yes,yes, yes !

.James smiled and kept pushing and before too long he was all the way in... he now started to fuck her with full slow strokes .... her moans grew louder and his strokes quicker, we could all see Lisa's pussy fully stretched and James cock was all the way in.. James now started using long strokes ,all the way in then out again...Lisa could not stop him and her pussy looked so stretched around his huge cock...James was breathing heavier and then whispered into Lisa's ear...
James was now just fucking her at will ....then out of knowhere Lisa shouted l love James huge cock and l now belong to him argghhh l'm cumming yes,yes arrrggghhh !
James was going stiff and he now started to moan aaaarrrgghh and then fell forward on top of Lisa ....
We could all see he was just pumping his spunk into her and then they were both motionless and it was all over !
After a minute or so James eased out of Lisa and his cock now hung down with his sperm dripping off the end of his engorged cock...he walked towards Louise and me, looked me in the eye and said that was so sweet and tight haha !
He looked at Louise and said you were correct l have made her a slut, they both laughed and went to make each other a drink.
I looked at Lisa her pussy was wide open and spunk was running out of her, l have to admit l have never seen so much cum , she was just totally used !

It had happened James had achieved his goal and seduced Lisa... another slut on his list of conquests !
Lisa dressed and we had a couple more drinks but the conversation had become strained ...we all departed the next day having exchanged contact details..
It was a holiday experience we ...well mainly Lisa will never forget...she was a different person from then on and we have had more fun since...

Maybe more stories to follow if anyone would like to hear them !!
Published by Lisaback
5 years ago
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The_Troubadour69 3 years ago
Unbelievably hot, love it... 
micelf 4 years ago
Very hot, resulted in a great wank, thank you!
jbl92 4 years ago
Yes like to hear more
jbl92 4 years ago
oldskool6969 4 years ago
Such a horny story
bodmincouple 5 years ago
Wow amazing story. Wish I was there x
Bobby777788 5 years ago
Gaz__8_3 5 years ago
More please
markwindc1 5 years ago
Wonderful. Can't wait to hear more. And I'd live to see the pics. Can you link to some of the, from here?
Quiet_Guy37 5 years ago
Great story ! Can't wait to
Davec100464 5 years ago
Yes plese..