I have some grievances I need to get off my chest.
I wanna talk about some irritating motherfuckers that get on my damn nerves.
Guys who are so cheap that it's beyond disgusting.
Guys so cheap that they go completely fucking overboard and use every fucking tactic at once to try and take money out of the pocket of whatever cam girl they approach for a show.
"Oh I only want a 5-minute show"
" Are you running any specials today?"
"It's my birthday today..can I get a discount?"
"I'm almost ready to cum..can you just do a short show?"
"Can you just watch my cam/do you watch cams?"
"How cheap are your shows?"
Anyone who approaches me saying any of that shit..just know..i already fucking hate you... and i already know from the jump YOU are gonna be not only a cheap bastard but more than likely a pain the ass that will ask for a bunch of shit during the show that you aren't paying me proper for.
Seriously....what kind of cheap ridiculous mentality do you have to have to rub one out to the point you almost cum, THAN you approach a cam girl for a show and you only have her in a show for maybe 1-2 minutes and then cut the show off? You just pulled her out of her public room for maybe 1-2 dollars in tokens and she has to go back to an empty room and wait for it to fill back up. She could have stayed in her room without your cheap show and made two dollars in tokens tips and not had to lose her crowd and potential REAL cam shows. Taking a cam girl in a private show for less than 5 minutes is completely fucked up. Squirt and go guys piss me off. You are stealing money out of our pockets doing that deliberate shady cheap shit.
I can't even BEGIN to tell all of you how many guys are approaching me right now asking for 5-minute shows because they are so cheap they are trying to get a cam show for the smallest amount possible. WTF do I get out of short cheap shows? NOTHING..absolutely nothing. When I do shows it has to be worth my while to leave my public rooms and go off to give my attention to ONE person only. I also have a lot of guys going on skype and telling me they want a show and then when I ask them show related questions they ask me shit that has nothing to do with a show and send me unsolicited dick pictures and video clips.
for the record...
I am NOT interested in dick pictures or videos..i am a cam girl..i see that shit all the time..if I want to see it I will ask for it..thrusting that shit in my face won't get me hot and bothered, just piss me off. You want me to look at your dick? Get a damn show because I don't want to see that shit for free.
And not gonna let you be fucking shady and sneaky and open up your cam while I'm in my public rooms and watch you for free. I'm not gonna let you get away with getting the benefits of a cam show without paying for it. FUCK OFF AND FUCK YOU if that's what you are trying to selfish and take advantage and get off for free and I get nothing. No..just fucking no.
Let me tell you something..
I used to be a stripper and if you were a guy coming into a club and you weren't one of the useless fucks that would sit down and stare for free...if you wanted to do ONE dance, this is what it would cost you for that...
10 dollars cover charge at door (unless they had no cover)
6 dollars for a drink
20 dollars for the lap dance
Possible 5 dollar cover charge for VIP room entrance
so add that up...40 dollars just for ONE 5 minute lap dance where all the girl does is grind on your lap and then its over.
Versus an actual cam show where the girl gets naked and does sexual things that get you off...
you wanna get off but you want to pay the cam girl less for a show then you would a lap dance..although shes offering more? You expect her to be erotic, sensual, have a good amount of toys (that cost money) dressed beautifully, ( also costs money) makeup on, nails did, pretty want her to be all of that and more and you expect it all for an amount that is pitiful? Seriously? are gonna haggle her to death to where she gets almost no true financial compensation or barely any and you are gonna employ every tactic and angle to shave every dime dollar and nickel from her pocket??
These past few days I have been feeling like a football player because I've been blocking so many people on skype. They buzz me late at night and say they are horny but when I ask if they want a show they just shut up when money gets mentioned...or they act stupid and when I ask simple questions like "what do you want, how long of a show and how much are you paying" they can't answer...or they say they want a show and then 15 minutes later say "oh I can't do a show. my roommate is here..I'm not alone"
( You knew you had no fucking privacy before we started talking, why the fuck did you start the conversation if you knew nothing could happen, asshole? Fucking wasting my time on purpose..RUDE!!!!!!)
People say a lot of cam girls are bitches, and indeed, some are. Some have reason to be, some don't. If you see a cam girl online and she seems a bit "to the point" it may not be because of shes a rotten person. She just may have cammed for a long time and she understands that time is money and she doesn't want her time wasted on idiots who are horny and all up in her face selfishly thinking of themselves and their needs versus having respect for the fact shes working and she needs to get her bills paid..and they don't have the good sense to stay the fuck out of the way if they can't help in one fashion or another. Lots of guys have the mentality of "my dick is hard and that's all that hell with the fact the cam girl is just trying to get paid... it's all about me at this moment". We cam ladies..we have to deal all the time with guys trying to scam us, guys who lie to us, waste our time ON PURPOSE, show troll us, ghost us mid-conversation, are insulting, come to our rooms to freeload and record us without our knowledge to put on a tube site someplace... There are good guys and there are bad guys..and we have to push off the bad ones to find the good ones..and sometimes it takes a toll on your nerves and your emotions. You get pissed off at people who are assholes and don't possess simple human respect and understanding. To keep from being taken advantage of, you develop a hard shell to protect anything vulnerable. You learn not to be vulnerable and always be on the watch for the assholes who come along...and they always come along. looking for cam girl targets to shoot at.
I'm going on cam today...I'm sure I will be wearing out the BLOCK button yet again today...
I'm out.
I wanna talk about some irritating motherfuckers that get on my damn nerves.
Guys who are so cheap that it's beyond disgusting.
Guys so cheap that they go completely fucking overboard and use every fucking tactic at once to try and take money out of the pocket of whatever cam girl they approach for a show.
"Oh I only want a 5-minute show"
" Are you running any specials today?"
"It's my birthday today..can I get a discount?"
"I'm almost ready to cum..can you just do a short show?"
"Can you just watch my cam/do you watch cams?"
"How cheap are your shows?"
Anyone who approaches me saying any of that shit..just know..i already fucking hate you... and i already know from the jump YOU are gonna be not only a cheap bastard but more than likely a pain the ass that will ask for a bunch of shit during the show that you aren't paying me proper for.
Seriously....what kind of cheap ridiculous mentality do you have to have to rub one out to the point you almost cum, THAN you approach a cam girl for a show and you only have her in a show for maybe 1-2 minutes and then cut the show off? You just pulled her out of her public room for maybe 1-2 dollars in tokens and she has to go back to an empty room and wait for it to fill back up. She could have stayed in her room without your cheap show and made two dollars in tokens tips and not had to lose her crowd and potential REAL cam shows. Taking a cam girl in a private show for less than 5 minutes is completely fucked up. Squirt and go guys piss me off. You are stealing money out of our pockets doing that deliberate shady cheap shit.
I can't even BEGIN to tell all of you how many guys are approaching me right now asking for 5-minute shows because they are so cheap they are trying to get a cam show for the smallest amount possible. WTF do I get out of short cheap shows? NOTHING..absolutely nothing. When I do shows it has to be worth my while to leave my public rooms and go off to give my attention to ONE person only. I also have a lot of guys going on skype and telling me they want a show and then when I ask them show related questions they ask me shit that has nothing to do with a show and send me unsolicited dick pictures and video clips.
for the record...
I am NOT interested in dick pictures or videos..i am a cam girl..i see that shit all the time..if I want to see it I will ask for it..thrusting that shit in my face won't get me hot and bothered, just piss me off. You want me to look at your dick? Get a damn show because I don't want to see that shit for free.
And not gonna let you be fucking shady and sneaky and open up your cam while I'm in my public rooms and watch you for free. I'm not gonna let you get away with getting the benefits of a cam show without paying for it. FUCK OFF AND FUCK YOU if that's what you are trying to selfish and take advantage and get off for free and I get nothing. No..just fucking no.
Let me tell you something..
I used to be a stripper and if you were a guy coming into a club and you weren't one of the useless fucks that would sit down and stare for free...if you wanted to do ONE dance, this is what it would cost you for that...
10 dollars cover charge at door (unless they had no cover)
6 dollars for a drink
20 dollars for the lap dance
Possible 5 dollar cover charge for VIP room entrance
so add that up...40 dollars just for ONE 5 minute lap dance where all the girl does is grind on your lap and then its over.
Versus an actual cam show where the girl gets naked and does sexual things that get you off...
you wanna get off but you want to pay the cam girl less for a show then you would a lap dance..although shes offering more? You expect her to be erotic, sensual, have a good amount of toys (that cost money) dressed beautifully, ( also costs money) makeup on, nails did, pretty want her to be all of that and more and you expect it all for an amount that is pitiful? Seriously? are gonna haggle her to death to where she gets almost no true financial compensation or barely any and you are gonna employ every tactic and angle to shave every dime dollar and nickel from her pocket??
These past few days I have been feeling like a football player because I've been blocking so many people on skype. They buzz me late at night and say they are horny but when I ask if they want a show they just shut up when money gets mentioned...or they act stupid and when I ask simple questions like "what do you want, how long of a show and how much are you paying" they can't answer...or they say they want a show and then 15 minutes later say "oh I can't do a show. my roommate is here..I'm not alone"
( You knew you had no fucking privacy before we started talking, why the fuck did you start the conversation if you knew nothing could happen, asshole? Fucking wasting my time on purpose..RUDE!!!!!!)
People say a lot of cam girls are bitches, and indeed, some are. Some have reason to be, some don't. If you see a cam girl online and she seems a bit "to the point" it may not be because of shes a rotten person. She just may have cammed for a long time and she understands that time is money and she doesn't want her time wasted on idiots who are horny and all up in her face selfishly thinking of themselves and their needs versus having respect for the fact shes working and she needs to get her bills paid..and they don't have the good sense to stay the fuck out of the way if they can't help in one fashion or another. Lots of guys have the mentality of "my dick is hard and that's all that hell with the fact the cam girl is just trying to get paid... it's all about me at this moment". We cam ladies..we have to deal all the time with guys trying to scam us, guys who lie to us, waste our time ON PURPOSE, show troll us, ghost us mid-conversation, are insulting, come to our rooms to freeload and record us without our knowledge to put on a tube site someplace... There are good guys and there are bad guys..and we have to push off the bad ones to find the good ones..and sometimes it takes a toll on your nerves and your emotions. You get pissed off at people who are assholes and don't possess simple human respect and understanding. To keep from being taken advantage of, you develop a hard shell to protect anything vulnerable. You learn not to be vulnerable and always be on the watch for the assholes who come along...and they always come along. looking for cam girl targets to shoot at.
I'm going on cam today...I'm sure I will be wearing out the BLOCK button yet again today...
I'm out.
5 years ago