Teenage sleepover goon session part 1

(everyone is legal)

When I was in high school...I went to a friend of a friends house for a "sleep over" party / movie night, his sister and parents were supposed to be there but his parents were gone over night to some friends. And I had a huge crush on his sister and she would be there.

We all had a few drinks and they said we were going to watch the first movie ...he had a tv in his room....but no furniture so we all sat on the bed.

I brought some sleep bottoms and a t-shirt to wear to sleep in but i thought we were sleeping on the floor with blankets apart from each other. I guess it was pajama theme pseudo party, so we all changed into PJs.

I didn't notice they took my bag of regular clothes and hid it when I was in the bathroom.
They were always playing pranks at school , hiding people's books or their clothes during gym etc.

One of them "accidentally" spilled a full cup of beer all over my PJs. His sister offered to wash them and bring them back when they were dry. I looked around for my pants and bag and it was gone and everyone was snickering. I was waiting in my underwear for my PJs to get washed and they decided to start the movie.

So I was in underwear with a towel around me. They said she was gone so I could come out.

It was a huge King sized bed but there too many to be in one bed. So we were all crammed together and they put me in the middle.

One of them made sure his dick was pushed against my leg.

The one on the other side sat up and leaned against the back board so his hips were near my shoulder

It was all weird. But I couldn't help but get a little aroused with all these legs and arms and dicks all around rubbing against me and pushing into me. I never had been with any guys sexually and had only had a couple of sexual encounters with girls my age but I guess I was curious. I always wondered what it would be like to be the girl when I watched porn.

They were a year or two older than me....one was maybe 3 years older and in college.

At some point they put in a porn movie and I was all embarrassed. I really did not want to get full hard around these guys. And there was no privacy to jack off and make it go away and it would not go away!!

I was sort of embarrassed and felt ashamed and like I was weird and they were going to find out how small I was compared to them.

So they are talking about how big the porn dicks are and how normal guys are not that big and one guy says "see look at mine" and he pulls it out half hard.

I just tried not to stare but I guess I failed, it was just so big and thick and massive and it flopped around leaking precum. I just could not stop staring at it. I was afraid they would notice me looking and I was embarrassed to be looking. I wasn't gay, why was I looking?

Then the another one pulls out, they were all way bigger than me and I turned so red and just tried and failed to look away. I couldn't believe how long and thick 2 of them were. Even the "small one" was so much bigger than mine.

Then one says "that's not all the way hard though, we should get hard and measure and see who has the biggest"

They asked if I wanted to join and I said no.

They said I could help measure and be the judge.

I sat on the edge of the bed and each one would walk up and stand in front of me and stroke hard and get me to hold the tape measure and tell them how big each one was.

They had me remeasure and look real close and hold the tape right on their cock so I had to touch it and it was right at my face the whole time throbbing and bouncing around and drooling precum. I just stared at them and even caught myself drooling a little. I'm not gay, why am I so aroused by these cocks? It was so much different than porn right in front of you. And I had to stop myself from thinking about being the girl right now.

I had to measure one of the big ones twice because he said it wasn't all the way hard and he had me hold it at he base and make sire the tape measure was just right. As I wrapped my hand around his big cock and leaned forward to read the tape measure he moved his his back and forth and it looked like I was stroking his cock. "Damn your hands feel good squeeze it and give it a few strokes."

I was hypnotized by it and just did what he said slowly stroking this monster cock. He was over 9" long and so thick.

The porn was still playing on TV.

After a bit one of them looked down and pointed and said "look he is all hard just from measuring our dicks!"

I turned so red and stammered trying to cover my tented underwear ......"am not!"

This woman in the movie had big tits and was so hot and she was sucking this huge cock and she would not do anything quietly.

The big guy said "uh hu....bet you are so hard, show us then."

Then he grabbed me and the other ones pulled my legs apart and it was obvious my little dick was all hard and tented my underwear.

I was rock hard and it was obviously the smallest dick in the group, they were all 6 to 9 inches and I was only 4" completely and painfully hard.

They just held my legs apart and watched it throb and twitch and laughed.

His sister was in the next room and banged on the wall and yelled for us to be quite...she was just 18 super cute round ass nice legs always wearing shorts and walking around barefoot no bra, nipples all poking out.

They kept laughing and I squirmed and tried to get away and turned over and they spanked my ass real hard and left big red hand prints all over my white skin. But I would not turn over.

It was so humiliating.

The bedroom door opens and there is his sister...all mad at the noise..., I was horrified at first, then thought she might help me.

We all stopped and froze and I curled up and grabbed a blanket to cover up.

He said "Hey look at this and tell us if its the smallest one you ever saw"

"yeah stand up and show her"

But I wouldn't move, I just hugged the cover and tried not to look at her.

So they held me down and spread my legs and she started laughing..."oh I See now...damn that is small...too funny. Good luck little dick."

And she left...after that day, she always called me little dick no matter where she saw me.

They let me up and I was so angry and humiliated I was going to leave but I couldn't find my clothes.
I could have just walked out and got my clothes outside and left. They all went back to the bed and I was just standing there red faced.

"Where are my clothes?" I asked

"I think they are all outside... oops the dog got most of them and dragged them across the yard"

It was still daylight...no way I was going outside naked and fighting their dog for my clothes, maybe I could sneak out after dark and get them, just had to wait until they went to sleep.

"Hey sorry about the thing with sis man, it was just a prank, she doesn't care. Come on over and watch the movie with us."

I wanted to leave but I was so horny and instead of wanting to stroke my little dick, I wanted to stroke his big cock again. I could not stop thinking about it. But I wasn't gay and as weird as this was, I thought straight guys watched porn and jerked off together. Would it be weird if I left? While all this was hitting me, I realized they were all just looking at me.
I started to walk over slowly and sat on the edge of the bed.

Then the biggest guy J, pulls back the covers and says "come on I saved you a spot next to me."
I automatically just moved to get in the spot he held open for me staring at his huge cock the whole time.

Then the movie started up again. It was hardcore porn. Fuck I was so horny.
We watched the porn movie and one of them started stroking slowly then the others started.

One of them put my hand on his dick and held it there and while he stroked himself with my hand, the other one used my other hand.
"Damn your hands feel good, stroke it like you did his while measuring."
Fuck my hands just moved automatically and I couldn't stop. It felt so good feeling those huge cocks in my hands. SO this is what it felt like to jack off with a big cock.

"I think he likes cocks look how hard he is". No matter what I tried I could not go soft with the loud porn playing.

The older boy was sitting up at the head of the bed and said "crap he only has 2 hands...maybe we can get him to use his mouth too" then he moved closer and pushed his hard dick into the side of my face.

OMFG no way was I going to actually suck a cock that was definitely gay. They must be k**ding.
I started to shake and felt light headed, no way were they actually going to make me put it in my mouth too?????
But I could not stop thinking about what it would be like and started drooling again.

"Hey man its ok, none of us are gay and this is just how we get off when our girlfriends are away. Here I'll show you."
He waved one of the others over and the guy started stroking me and then sucking me. Fuck it felt so good.

"Feels good huh?" yessss " Ok now your turn, just open up and try it. You don't know until you try it"
He started pushing his dick toward my face. When I turned my head another boy was there with his cock pointed right at my mouth.

"Its going to be a long night dude, just open up already...give it a try, you never know , you might like it."

One of them stroked me a couple times, I moaned and they all snickered.

Then he pulled my legs apart and kept stroking then he sucked my dick all the way to the base and held it there sucking. My legs spread out and my head went back and my mouth opened in a moan.

They all laughed.

Then he slapped my balls. My eyes opened wide and I let out a yelp and one of the cocks pushed right into my mouth and started pushing into my throat gagging me as I tried to back away. The guy behind me made sure I had no where to go as the big cock fucked my mouth, hands held tight behind my back, ass red from hard spanking little dick hard and leaking precum, terrified his sister would walk in.

After a few minutes he pulled away and said "Damn that was good, roll over and do the same for him"

I just waited my head swirling with thoughts and catching my breath and then I looked over my shoulder and that big monster was there throbbing waiting, I rolled over and my face was right there. He leaned forward and told me to open my mouth.
I opened my mouth as he pushed his big cock in. "Now just suck it like a big piece of candy...all over , up and down"

I sucked and sucked and I could not think of anything else.

"Hey man ease up a minute, I don't want to cum yet and i got to go pee." I stopped sucking his cock as he pulled away. I just stared at it.
"Here you can suck mine until he gets back" another guy said and he moved over next to me. It was just like that, no judgement no one made fun of me or said anything. It was just what we were doing.

They kept watching porn while I stroked and sucked each one of them over and over, none of them seemed to want to finish.

Each time they got too close they would tell me to stop and another one would slide in next to me and say "here you can suck mine for awhile"

I said I was getting tired and my jaw hurt, one of them said we could take a break, and we had more drinks. I had several shots and was so confused and all I could think of was sucking those cocks again.

It took hours for them to finish. I was exhausted and passed out jaw sore and arms wore out.

I woke up not sure where I was and thinking it was all weird sex dream and then I heard his sister's voice.

"Hey is little dick still in there? Tell him his clothes are all over the yard. I'm going out to get them."

When I opened my eyes, one was stroking me hard and fingering my ass, and they were all hard and already pushing cocks into my mouth for morning wood blow jobs.

"Hey you ready for round two? Wanna suck some more cocks?" I wasn't even thinking , I just started sucking. This time they would keep going until they were real close and then pull out and cum into a paper towel.

I finally sucked them all and took a nap and left around lunch time.
As I was leaving the big guy told me how good I was and how he wanted me to come back.

"You are really good at giving head. We are doing this again next week with a different group of guys. You wanna come back? There will be a couple girls coming next week and they do all the sucking, maybe we can get sis to suck you off."
I could not believe he thought I would do this again! But part of me really wanted to. I would give anything to have sex with his sister.

I just stammered..."uhhh I don't know"
"We all know how much you enjoyed that last night and this morning, don't lie, you like sucking dick and you are really good at it."

"Same time next weekend little dick, you need to be here, you want to be here, I'll even come pick you up...might have to get that ass up next time, see if like that too. Oh and if you don't show, we share all the pictures we took and make sure everyone at school sees."

WTF?? you took pix?...(I don't think they took any pix, I think I would have noticed and they would have shown someone if they did.)

"Yeah and Sis was watching on webcam in her room LOL. Look up and wave for the camera."

Webcam?? wait was that online ? "I think it was just her watching, not sure if she hit record though.

"Yes recorded....was live for awhile but only had 12 viewers...this time."

Found out later she was lying about recording and being live on webcam, it was just one of his pranks.
But she did watch through the door as it was left open a little.
Published by cockslutme
5 years ago
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jojosmallone 2 years ago
i was turned into a dick sucking sissy by my best friend when we were 13. I often wore his sisters panties and things when we wanted me to