Dena Dominated
Brady sat there looking at his discharge papers and felt a mixture of emotions. He had been in the Marines for ten years. The last three in Recon. He'd seen more things in those few years than most people would see in their lifetime. On the one hand he was looking forward to going home, and yet there was that sense of loss. He was leaving behind a life that he had been made for. He excelled at everything he put his hand to in the Marines. The Corp had become his family. He had planned on making it a career until that IED that destroyed his Humvee put an end to those plans. His wound wasn't life changing, like some of his buddies had experienced. But it was bad enough to knock him out of the game.
He climbed out of the cab and pulled his duffle bag out with him. He stuck his hand inside the drivers window to shake the cabbies hand. The cabbie had waved his ride fee. "Thanks man!" Brady said.
"No! Thank you my friend! Good luck with your new life!"
Brady turned and looked at the house he'd left a little over 10 years before. It looked as though nothing had changed. As he walked up the driveway he wondered if anything had changed. His mother came walking out the front door with the biggest grin on her face he'd ever seen. Dena was a stunning woman, with raven black hair. She was a few pounds over weight. But she carried it well. She had lost a few pounds over the last few months knowing her boy was coming home. She ran up to him and threw her arms around his neck. Brady dropped his bag and hugged his mom as tight as he could without hurting her, crushing her massive chest against his.
Dena sighed as her son held her tightly. "I'm so glad to have you home."
"It's good to be home mom." He squeezed her a little harder enjoying the feel of her crushed tits against his chest. He had never thought of his mom as a sexual creature before. But he had always enjoyed her 38E chest, even if it was just a visual pleasure.
Dena pulled away and tried to set the tone for his homecoming. "I have a big welcome home party planned for Friday evening. Then I want to . . . ."
Brady cut her off before she could continue. He knew before he stepped out of the cab he was going to have to set the ground rules for living at home. "Stop mom!" Dena tried to continue. "MOM! STOP!" Dena hesitated. She wasn't used to being cut off. "I appreciate all you want to do. I really do. But I just want to take my time getting acclimated back into civilian life." He could see the disappointment on his mom's face, but he knew if he didn't set the tone now, it would only be harder the longer he delayed his standing up to her. He stroked his mom's face as he tried to assuage her disappointment. For the first time in his life, the thought crossed his mind that if this woman standing before him wasn't his mother, he'd probably kiss her. So he did the next best thing. He took her face in his two hands and pulled her to him, kissing her on her forehead. Then he looked her in the eyes and took control. "As I said. I appreciate all you want to do to make me feel at home again mom. But I just want to sleep for a few days and then ease back into my new life before I decide what I want to do with the rest of my life. Although I have a pretty good idea what I want to do."
"And what is that baby?" Dena asked with this uncontrollable urge to take charge again.
Brady laughed knowing exactly what she was trying to do. "Not now mom. Later."
"Is that my boy?!" Brady's dad yelled as he walked out the front door. John gave his son a big hug ignoring Dena as he did.
"Hey dad! It's good to see you! I didn't think you were home."
John shrugged it off as he normally did. "Your mother told me to stay inside. She wanted to be the first to greet you." He knew he'd get an earful later from her, but he didn't care. John had been a good father for his three boys. At least he'd tried to be. But the relationship between him and Dena from the very beginning had been anything but a traditional one. When they were first married Dena took the lead on most things in their marriage, and John was comfortable with that. But as all things change over time, their relationship slowly devolved into something a little more abusive and demeaning to John. The more Dena took control of things, the more she began to treat him in a demeaning manner. At some point in their marriage John began calling her "mother". None of the boys could remember when that started. In some weird way, John always reminded Brady of George McFly in the Back To The Future movie. Over the years John slowly abandoned all vestiges of manliness as Dena slowly emasculated him. But for some unforeseen reason the two remained married. Maybe each needed to play the part they found themselves in. Maybe they were just too scared to end it. Who knows what makes some people live in the situations they find themselves in. We're all different.
Brady never quite understood why his parents stayed married. Maybe it was just they became comfortable with their situation. He had no doubt that his mother must have had a number of lovers over the years. There had been a few men she was just a little too chummy with. But he couldn't prove anything. He always wondered if his dad had some ladies on the side as well. But if he had, it wasn't as likely as his mom having her studs servicing her. Either way, he loved his dad. That's not what he struggled with. Since his high school days, he had struggled with respect for his dad. He had watched his mom walk all over his dad. And his dad seemed to accept it as the natural order of things.
"Well I'm glad to be home and see you both." Brady said smiling at his dad, but turning to his mom with a smirk. "How about we go out for a steak dinner this evening? I haven't had a good steak since the last time I was home."
Dena spoke up. "But I thought we might . . ."
Brady waved his hand as though to brush her plans aside. "Steak this evening mother. I want us to go out for a good steak."
Brady couldn't remember the last time he'd seen his mother flustered. "Of course dear." Dena stammered.
He put his arm around his mom as they walked into the house. "It's good to be home mom." Then he whispered in her ear. "I'm not dad. Don't ever forget that."
Brady savored every bite of the New York Strip steak and the baked potato. Even the beer seemed to taste better. Most of the small talk revolved around Brady and some of his experiences that his folks hadn't heard about yet. But it was during dinner that he realized the roles each of his parents were playing out were roles they had both accepted and submitted to. His thoughts were interrupted by a man he had never seen before.
"Dena! I thought that was you!" His slurred speech and unabashed forwardness told Brady he was drunk enough to not know what he was doing. "How have you been?"
Dena immediately recognized him, and wished she hadn't. "Hello Tom. It's been a long time." She looked at Brady. "Tom is a business acquaintance from several years ago."
Tom leaned on the back of the chair in front of him to steady himself. "What the hell?!" He almost shouted, drawing the attention of half the restaurant. "You and I were more than just business acquaintances."
Dena looked over at John mortified hoping to find someone to come to her rescue. She knew anything she said to Tom would only infuriate him and make the situation worse. John looked down sheepishly, not wanting to get involved. On the one hand he enjoyed watching her being humiliated. It was payback for all the years she humiliated him. But there was that side of him that was just afraid to stand-up to someone else, let alone another man.
Brady watched everything quietly waiting, hoping his dad would step in and do something, anything. He knew his mom probably deserved the humiliation she was getting. But there was still something inside him that said this was his mother and she needed to be defended.
"Acquaintances?!" Tom bellowed again. "Hell bitch! You were the best fuck I've ever had!"
Brady jumped up. "Enough asshole!" He snarled with a low voice. Most of the restaurant was watching now. You could have heard a pin drop. "You walk away and shut your fucking mouth you worthless piece of shit, or I'll humiliate you in front of all these people."
Tom looked around the room the way a drunk does when they don't fully comprehend the severity of their situation. All his inebriated mind could focus on was that this young punk just threatened to humiliate him. "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to you little shit?"
Brady walked around the table never taking his eyes off the enemy. Tom backed up a foot, intimidated by Brady's imposing figure. He grumbled low enough for just Tom to hear. "I think I'm talking to a dead man. If you open your mouth again, I'll break your jaw." Brady glared at Tom and watched the bravado drain from his eyes. Brady had seen guys like Tom his whole life. Bullies who enjoyed preying on the weakness of others. But when they're stood up to, they ran like the cowards they were. "Go home and sleep it off you piece of shit." He got within inches of his face. "If you ever bother my mother again I'll beat you so bad your mother won't recognize you."
Tom turned and saw every eye in the restaurant staring at him. He staggered out of the restaurant as quickly as he could, his two friends he had been dining with following closely behind.
Brady sat down and looked at both his parents. No one said a word. John paid the check and all three drove home in silence.
Brady sat in the basement family room watching ESPN, sipping on a whiskey, mulling over the events of the evening. His biggest struggle was with his dad. His dad who couldn't step to the plate when needed. He knew his dad had some legitimate issues with his mom. But the image of him sitting there quietly, not coming to his mom's defense. What was he supposed to do with that image. An image he'll probably have in his brain for the rest of his life.
Dena walked down the stairs to the basement quietly and over to Brady. She sat down on the couch next to him. She had changed into her nightgown and robe. "Thank you for what you did this evening." She said softly. "I don't know what to say about Tom."
"Stop!" Brady silenced her. "You don't have to say anything about him." Tom had just confirmed what he had suspected for years. He took another sip of whiskey as he stared at his mother. Her black hair hung over her shoulders. She was a sensuous looking creature he had to admit. "Dad sleeping?"
"Yes! He took one of his sleep aids. He normally does after a stressful evening."
Brady chuckled. "Is that what you call it? A stressful evening!"
"Brady stop! Your father's never been . . . ."
"Enough!" Brady glared at her. "Just shut up! I don't need you to defend dad. I know all about your fucked up relationship. I know exactly what he's like."
Dena tried to stand up for herself. "I'll not have you talk to me like that! I know you're a man. But I'm still your mother!"
Brady set his glass down on the end table next to him and then with catlike reaction reached for Dena's head, grabbed a fistful of hair, and pulled her to him with such force Dena gasped in fear of what was coming. He held her face just inches from his face. "Not tonight you're not!" He held her head firmly with his left hand as he stroked her face with his right hand. He let his hand slide down her neck and into the valley between her breasts. "Tonight you're just the bitch who let Tom fuck her." He slid his hand inside her nightgown and cupped her left tit. "I've always loved these tits of yours!" He squeezed her tit until she was groaning in pain. Or was it pleasure.
"Brady!" Dena pled. "You have to stop this! It isn't right! I'm your mother!"
"Not tonight!" He pulled her to him and kissed her hard as he mauled her tit.
Dena's resistance was half-hearted and slowly faded as Brady maintained control of her. Her protests slowly morphed into moans of acceptance and need as their mouths stayed locked and their tongues danced together. Her own son was tapping into a need she had buried for so long, she'd almost forgotten about it. A need that John had never met. A need that none of her lovers had ever met. She tried one last futile attempt to stop the inevitable. She pushed herself away weakly and looked Brady in the eye. "Please baby! Don't do this!" She begged on the verge of tears. "This isn't right!"
"Did you say that when you fucked Tom?" He decided he was going to taunt her with her own failure every time she tried to resist him. "Or did you beg him to fuck your pussy like the cheating slut you were?" He realized after the words were out of his mouth, they were spoken in pure anger at his mother. He thought about apologizing, then changed his mind. He wasn't going to apologize for anything that was about to happen.
Dena was so shocked by his verbal abuse she slapped him across the face in reaction.
Brady was stunned for a second. He wasn't going to let his mother think for a second she had any authority in this situation. He jumped up off the couch, still holding Dena's head with a fistful of her hair. He then yanked her off the couch, as she screamed, and shoved her to the floor on all fours, her face in the carpet. He pulled her robe and nightgown over her head, exposing her panty clad ass. With great agility he unbuckled his belt with his right hand and pulled it out, then doubled it over. "Dad might have put up with your abusiveness." He brought the belt down across her ass as hard as he could. Dena screamed out in pain. "But not me." He began a steady spanking of her ass as Dena screamed in anger.
"Stop this now! You can't do this! I'm your mother!"
Brady's assault on her ass continued until he heard her screams gradually diminish to a whimper. Her ass was glowing from the spanking she had been given. He finally released her head and sat back down on the couch.
Dena laid balled up on her knees, her face in the carpet, crying. Her tears weren't from the pain of the spanking she'd just been given. They were from the mix of emotions she was going through. Her own son had just done something to her no other man had ever done to her. He had broken her will to fight.
Brady sat there watching her, knowing he should feel bad for what he had just done. But he didn't. He also knew that even though he had broken her, it was only a temporary thing. He'd seen this too many times when they'd brought in a prisoner for interrogation. They always crumble under interrogation. But then they regain their courage and defiance the further they got away from that interrogation. He knew his mom was no different. She might have been a whimpering bitch now, but by tomorrow she'd be back to her typical defiant bitch self. "Get over here!" He said with authority. Dena sat upright still on her knees. "Crawl!"
Dena looked at him with tears running down her face. "Why are you doing this?"
He decided not to answer her. She didn't deserve any answers at this point. She crawled across the carpet until she was kneeling between his spread legs. She continued to whimper hoping this would garner her some mercy.
"Lose the robe!" He told her without any thought of how she felt about it.
Dena slowly slipped the robe from her shoulders and let it slide down her back, coming to rest across her calves. Her huge tits pushed out against her nightgown, her large nipples visible through the sheer material.
Brady leaned forward, resting his arms on his thighs, staring at the most beautiful pair of tits he'd ever seen. With one sudden movement, he grabbed the nightgown in the middle with both hands and ripped it apart. Dena squealed in shock at the suddenness. Her tits flopped out to Brady's lustful gaze. He then reached out and cupped each of them, lifting them as he marveled at their weight. "I'm going to have a lot of fun with these tits of yours." He paused so he could emphasize his next statement. "And I'm not just talking about tonight." Dena groaned in resignation at his words as Brady's hands played with her tits, kneading and fondling them
"What do you want!?" Dena asked sobbing.
Brady leaned back with legs spread. "You know what I want. Now get to it."
Dena shuffled forward till she was directly in front of the couch, between his legs. She unzipped his pants, resigned to her fate for the evening. Brady lifted his hips as she pulled his pants and shorts down. HIs cock was already beginning to stiffen as he had played with her tits enough to get him aroused. Dena looked up at him one last time, "Please don't make me do this!" She begged.
"Is that what you said to Tom before you became his cock sucker?" His words cut that nerve in her. Brady ignored the pain and hurt on her face as he grabbed her head and pushed it down to his awaiting cock. Her mouth felt like liquid velvet as it engulfed his 7" of manhood. Brady's head dropped back on the couch as the pleasure Dena's mouth was giving him washed over him in waves. "Damn! You really are a good cock sucker!"
Brady grabbed her head with both hands and pulled her off his cock. He held her head securely, forcing her to look him in the eye. "Show me you know how to use those tits." Dena leaned forward, put his hard cock in the valley between her tits and then pushed them together. She began a slow stroking up and down. Brady stared down at her, watching the head of his cock slip out the top of her cleavage on every down stroke. He held her head tightly making her look him in the eyes. "You did this for Tom! Didn't you?" Dena refused to answer. Brady let go of her head with his right hand long enough to slap her gently on the cheek. Dena was shocked once again at his treatment of her. "I asked you a question."
She responded as though she had no control over her voice. "Yes! I did this for Tom!"
"Did you enjoy doing it for him?"
Dena hesitated until Brady started to move his hand again. "Yes! I enjoyed doing it for him." She replied. The defeat in her voice not lost on Brady.
"Did you enjoy sucking his cock?" Brady held her head firmly as she tried to look downward. "Look at me when I'm talking to you."
The tears started to flow again from Dena as she looked Brady in the eyes. "Why are you doing this to me?"
"Oh I don't know!" He said sarcastically. "Why did you do this to dad for all these years?"
"You don't understand!"
"So make me understand!" Dena tried to lean back as she tried to tell her story. Brady held her firm. "Oh no! You keep working those tits."
Dena kept up a slow and steady stroking of his cock as she collected her thoughts. She hoped that after she told Brady her story, he'd show her some mercy. "I do love your father. But he's never been the take charge kind of man I've always needed. I thought when we first got married that things would change. That he would take more of a leadership role. Anything. Something. I tried for years. I really did." She began crying harder. Brady wasn't sure if they were sincere tears, or if she was just trying to manipulate him. "After so many years of trying I just gave up and took charge. That's when things turned from bad to worse. I had so much anger towards your father, I began lashing out however I could. I would have loved if he'd just reacted in some way. Anyway. Hell! I would have loved it if he'd have hit me. Just to get a reaction from him." Her cries became sobs as she relived the past three decades in her mind.
Brady listened without showing any reaction. His heart softened as he listened. He knew everything she was saying was the truth. He loved his dad. But he'd always seen that trait in him. There were times his dad even deferred to him when he was a k** for decisions. He remembered his own frustration at times. He was trying to put himself in his mom's shoes with how she dealt with it.
"Tom was just a man who met a need in me that your father had never met." There was a slight defiance in her voice now. "And YES! I enjoyed fucking his cock with my tits! I enjoyed sucking his cock! I enjoyed it when he fucked me hard."
Both remained silent as Dena kept up her steady stroking of his cock. Brady noticed a slight change in her movements. He could tell it had changed from a reluctant act to one with more enthusiasm. This is what his mom needed. She just needed a man to take charge of her. She just needed a man.
"How many men were there?" Brady wanted to know everything.
Dena hesitated, but then thought 'what the hell'. "Four total!"
Brady just shook his head acknowledging her confession as he thought about how to reply. "Ok! From now on they're no more. Do you understand? All your trysts are in the past! Got it?"
Dena shook her head in resignation. "Yes, I understand!" She said almost whispering.
"I mean it! I'm home now. If I hear of any of your past lovers coming around or trying to contact you, I'll take care of them myself. And it won't be pleasant. And then I'll take care of you. And if you try to contact them, I'll make your life a living hell." He paused. "I want you to hear what I'm telling you. From now on, you belong to me, and I won't tolerate any of your indiscretions. Do you understand me bitch?!" He had never called his mom a bitch before. He knew they were both crossing thresholds there would be no turning back from.
Dena's pussy was as wet as she could ever remember. Brady was doing something to her and for her that no man had ever done before. Yet, he was still her son. The whole taboo of what they were embarking on was more than her brain could process right now. Now her own son just called her a 'bitch' and she found it exciting, not insulting. "Yes! I understand!"
"Good! Now finish off my cock!" He released her head. "Make sure you swallow every drop."
"I never did that for any of those others."
Brady smiled. "Like I care! You're going to do it for me! Now drain my cock bitch!"
Dena dropped her head and began sucking the length of his cock as her hands gently massaged his nut sack. She should have been repulsed at what she was doing for her son. Instead she found herself enjoying it and wanting to please this man who sat before her. The more she thought about his words the more intensely she sucked his cock, wanting to taste his seed. His moans and groans only spurred her on to want to please him more. The feel of his hands on her head taking control of her movements pushed her over the edge. She gave herself completely over to servicing the cock that filled her mouth. This was no longer her son. This was a man she wanted to please in a way she'd never wanted to before.
Brady grunted his approval as he blew his load into Dena's mouth. She eagerly took every drop he pumped into her mouth, swallowing it obediently. Brady held her head firmly in place as wave after wave of pleasure swept over him. He finally released his grip as his orgasm began to subside. He sat there completely relaxed and savoring his mom's mouth as she lovingly licked and cleaned his cock with her mouth. Brady looked down at Dena as she held his cock in her hand gently, licking the length of his shaft. She looked up at him in need of hearing his approval.
"That was incredible! You are incredible!" He took her face in his hands and leaned forward to kiss her. The two kissed with a passion that wasn't anything like the kiss they had shared just a short time before. Each returned the others kiss, their tongues entwined as Brady's hands played with Dena's tits, and her hands fondled his cock.
Brady finally broke the kiss and sat back. Both were breathing heavily. Brady's eyes roamed up and down Dena's body. "You're a gorgeous creature!"
"Thank you!"
"You belong to me now! No more fucking around! Got it!"
"Yes! But. . . . ."
"No buts! We'll work out the details later. And I know there are all kinds of issues we have to work through. But I don't give a fuck. I'm home now. And you belong to me now."
"I understand." Dena didn't know what else to say at this point.
"Get to bed! We'll talk more in the morning."
He climbed out of the cab and pulled his duffle bag out with him. He stuck his hand inside the drivers window to shake the cabbies hand. The cabbie had waved his ride fee. "Thanks man!" Brady said.
"No! Thank you my friend! Good luck with your new life!"
Brady turned and looked at the house he'd left a little over 10 years before. It looked as though nothing had changed. As he walked up the driveway he wondered if anything had changed. His mother came walking out the front door with the biggest grin on her face he'd ever seen. Dena was a stunning woman, with raven black hair. She was a few pounds over weight. But she carried it well. She had lost a few pounds over the last few months knowing her boy was coming home. She ran up to him and threw her arms around his neck. Brady dropped his bag and hugged his mom as tight as he could without hurting her, crushing her massive chest against his.
Dena sighed as her son held her tightly. "I'm so glad to have you home."
"It's good to be home mom." He squeezed her a little harder enjoying the feel of her crushed tits against his chest. He had never thought of his mom as a sexual creature before. But he had always enjoyed her 38E chest, even if it was just a visual pleasure.
Dena pulled away and tried to set the tone for his homecoming. "I have a big welcome home party planned for Friday evening. Then I want to . . . ."
Brady cut her off before she could continue. He knew before he stepped out of the cab he was going to have to set the ground rules for living at home. "Stop mom!" Dena tried to continue. "MOM! STOP!" Dena hesitated. She wasn't used to being cut off. "I appreciate all you want to do. I really do. But I just want to take my time getting acclimated back into civilian life." He could see the disappointment on his mom's face, but he knew if he didn't set the tone now, it would only be harder the longer he delayed his standing up to her. He stroked his mom's face as he tried to assuage her disappointment. For the first time in his life, the thought crossed his mind that if this woman standing before him wasn't his mother, he'd probably kiss her. So he did the next best thing. He took her face in his two hands and pulled her to him, kissing her on her forehead. Then he looked her in the eyes and took control. "As I said. I appreciate all you want to do to make me feel at home again mom. But I just want to sleep for a few days and then ease back into my new life before I decide what I want to do with the rest of my life. Although I have a pretty good idea what I want to do."
"And what is that baby?" Dena asked with this uncontrollable urge to take charge again.
Brady laughed knowing exactly what she was trying to do. "Not now mom. Later."
"Is that my boy?!" Brady's dad yelled as he walked out the front door. John gave his son a big hug ignoring Dena as he did.
"Hey dad! It's good to see you! I didn't think you were home."
John shrugged it off as he normally did. "Your mother told me to stay inside. She wanted to be the first to greet you." He knew he'd get an earful later from her, but he didn't care. John had been a good father for his three boys. At least he'd tried to be. But the relationship between him and Dena from the very beginning had been anything but a traditional one. When they were first married Dena took the lead on most things in their marriage, and John was comfortable with that. But as all things change over time, their relationship slowly devolved into something a little more abusive and demeaning to John. The more Dena took control of things, the more she began to treat him in a demeaning manner. At some point in their marriage John began calling her "mother". None of the boys could remember when that started. In some weird way, John always reminded Brady of George McFly in the Back To The Future movie. Over the years John slowly abandoned all vestiges of manliness as Dena slowly emasculated him. But for some unforeseen reason the two remained married. Maybe each needed to play the part they found themselves in. Maybe they were just too scared to end it. Who knows what makes some people live in the situations they find themselves in. We're all different.
Brady never quite understood why his parents stayed married. Maybe it was just they became comfortable with their situation. He had no doubt that his mother must have had a number of lovers over the years. There had been a few men she was just a little too chummy with. But he couldn't prove anything. He always wondered if his dad had some ladies on the side as well. But if he had, it wasn't as likely as his mom having her studs servicing her. Either way, he loved his dad. That's not what he struggled with. Since his high school days, he had struggled with respect for his dad. He had watched his mom walk all over his dad. And his dad seemed to accept it as the natural order of things.
"Well I'm glad to be home and see you both." Brady said smiling at his dad, but turning to his mom with a smirk. "How about we go out for a steak dinner this evening? I haven't had a good steak since the last time I was home."
Dena spoke up. "But I thought we might . . ."
Brady waved his hand as though to brush her plans aside. "Steak this evening mother. I want us to go out for a good steak."
Brady couldn't remember the last time he'd seen his mother flustered. "Of course dear." Dena stammered.
He put his arm around his mom as they walked into the house. "It's good to be home mom." Then he whispered in her ear. "I'm not dad. Don't ever forget that."
Brady savored every bite of the New York Strip steak and the baked potato. Even the beer seemed to taste better. Most of the small talk revolved around Brady and some of his experiences that his folks hadn't heard about yet. But it was during dinner that he realized the roles each of his parents were playing out were roles they had both accepted and submitted to. His thoughts were interrupted by a man he had never seen before.
"Dena! I thought that was you!" His slurred speech and unabashed forwardness told Brady he was drunk enough to not know what he was doing. "How have you been?"
Dena immediately recognized him, and wished she hadn't. "Hello Tom. It's been a long time." She looked at Brady. "Tom is a business acquaintance from several years ago."
Tom leaned on the back of the chair in front of him to steady himself. "What the hell?!" He almost shouted, drawing the attention of half the restaurant. "You and I were more than just business acquaintances."
Dena looked over at John mortified hoping to find someone to come to her rescue. She knew anything she said to Tom would only infuriate him and make the situation worse. John looked down sheepishly, not wanting to get involved. On the one hand he enjoyed watching her being humiliated. It was payback for all the years she humiliated him. But there was that side of him that was just afraid to stand-up to someone else, let alone another man.
Brady watched everything quietly waiting, hoping his dad would step in and do something, anything. He knew his mom probably deserved the humiliation she was getting. But there was still something inside him that said this was his mother and she needed to be defended.
"Acquaintances?!" Tom bellowed again. "Hell bitch! You were the best fuck I've ever had!"
Brady jumped up. "Enough asshole!" He snarled with a low voice. Most of the restaurant was watching now. You could have heard a pin drop. "You walk away and shut your fucking mouth you worthless piece of shit, or I'll humiliate you in front of all these people."
Tom looked around the room the way a drunk does when they don't fully comprehend the severity of their situation. All his inebriated mind could focus on was that this young punk just threatened to humiliate him. "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to you little shit?"
Brady walked around the table never taking his eyes off the enemy. Tom backed up a foot, intimidated by Brady's imposing figure. He grumbled low enough for just Tom to hear. "I think I'm talking to a dead man. If you open your mouth again, I'll break your jaw." Brady glared at Tom and watched the bravado drain from his eyes. Brady had seen guys like Tom his whole life. Bullies who enjoyed preying on the weakness of others. But when they're stood up to, they ran like the cowards they were. "Go home and sleep it off you piece of shit." He got within inches of his face. "If you ever bother my mother again I'll beat you so bad your mother won't recognize you."
Tom turned and saw every eye in the restaurant staring at him. He staggered out of the restaurant as quickly as he could, his two friends he had been dining with following closely behind.
Brady sat down and looked at both his parents. No one said a word. John paid the check and all three drove home in silence.
Brady sat in the basement family room watching ESPN, sipping on a whiskey, mulling over the events of the evening. His biggest struggle was with his dad. His dad who couldn't step to the plate when needed. He knew his dad had some legitimate issues with his mom. But the image of him sitting there quietly, not coming to his mom's defense. What was he supposed to do with that image. An image he'll probably have in his brain for the rest of his life.
Dena walked down the stairs to the basement quietly and over to Brady. She sat down on the couch next to him. She had changed into her nightgown and robe. "Thank you for what you did this evening." She said softly. "I don't know what to say about Tom."
"Stop!" Brady silenced her. "You don't have to say anything about him." Tom had just confirmed what he had suspected for years. He took another sip of whiskey as he stared at his mother. Her black hair hung over her shoulders. She was a sensuous looking creature he had to admit. "Dad sleeping?"
"Yes! He took one of his sleep aids. He normally does after a stressful evening."
Brady chuckled. "Is that what you call it? A stressful evening!"
"Brady stop! Your father's never been . . . ."
"Enough!" Brady glared at her. "Just shut up! I don't need you to defend dad. I know all about your fucked up relationship. I know exactly what he's like."
Dena tried to stand up for herself. "I'll not have you talk to me like that! I know you're a man. But I'm still your mother!"
Brady set his glass down on the end table next to him and then with catlike reaction reached for Dena's head, grabbed a fistful of hair, and pulled her to him with such force Dena gasped in fear of what was coming. He held her face just inches from his face. "Not tonight you're not!" He held her head firmly with his left hand as he stroked her face with his right hand. He let his hand slide down her neck and into the valley between her breasts. "Tonight you're just the bitch who let Tom fuck her." He slid his hand inside her nightgown and cupped her left tit. "I've always loved these tits of yours!" He squeezed her tit until she was groaning in pain. Or was it pleasure.
"Brady!" Dena pled. "You have to stop this! It isn't right! I'm your mother!"
"Not tonight!" He pulled her to him and kissed her hard as he mauled her tit.
Dena's resistance was half-hearted and slowly faded as Brady maintained control of her. Her protests slowly morphed into moans of acceptance and need as their mouths stayed locked and their tongues danced together. Her own son was tapping into a need she had buried for so long, she'd almost forgotten about it. A need that John had never met. A need that none of her lovers had ever met. She tried one last futile attempt to stop the inevitable. She pushed herself away weakly and looked Brady in the eye. "Please baby! Don't do this!" She begged on the verge of tears. "This isn't right!"
"Did you say that when you fucked Tom?" He decided he was going to taunt her with her own failure every time she tried to resist him. "Or did you beg him to fuck your pussy like the cheating slut you were?" He realized after the words were out of his mouth, they were spoken in pure anger at his mother. He thought about apologizing, then changed his mind. He wasn't going to apologize for anything that was about to happen.
Dena was so shocked by his verbal abuse she slapped him across the face in reaction.
Brady was stunned for a second. He wasn't going to let his mother think for a second she had any authority in this situation. He jumped up off the couch, still holding Dena's head with a fistful of her hair. He then yanked her off the couch, as she screamed, and shoved her to the floor on all fours, her face in the carpet. He pulled her robe and nightgown over her head, exposing her panty clad ass. With great agility he unbuckled his belt with his right hand and pulled it out, then doubled it over. "Dad might have put up with your abusiveness." He brought the belt down across her ass as hard as he could. Dena screamed out in pain. "But not me." He began a steady spanking of her ass as Dena screamed in anger.
"Stop this now! You can't do this! I'm your mother!"
Brady's assault on her ass continued until he heard her screams gradually diminish to a whimper. Her ass was glowing from the spanking she had been given. He finally released her head and sat back down on the couch.
Dena laid balled up on her knees, her face in the carpet, crying. Her tears weren't from the pain of the spanking she'd just been given. They were from the mix of emotions she was going through. Her own son had just done something to her no other man had ever done to her. He had broken her will to fight.
Brady sat there watching her, knowing he should feel bad for what he had just done. But he didn't. He also knew that even though he had broken her, it was only a temporary thing. He'd seen this too many times when they'd brought in a prisoner for interrogation. They always crumble under interrogation. But then they regain their courage and defiance the further they got away from that interrogation. He knew his mom was no different. She might have been a whimpering bitch now, but by tomorrow she'd be back to her typical defiant bitch self. "Get over here!" He said with authority. Dena sat upright still on her knees. "Crawl!"
Dena looked at him with tears running down her face. "Why are you doing this?"
He decided not to answer her. She didn't deserve any answers at this point. She crawled across the carpet until she was kneeling between his spread legs. She continued to whimper hoping this would garner her some mercy.
"Lose the robe!" He told her without any thought of how she felt about it.
Dena slowly slipped the robe from her shoulders and let it slide down her back, coming to rest across her calves. Her huge tits pushed out against her nightgown, her large nipples visible through the sheer material.
Brady leaned forward, resting his arms on his thighs, staring at the most beautiful pair of tits he'd ever seen. With one sudden movement, he grabbed the nightgown in the middle with both hands and ripped it apart. Dena squealed in shock at the suddenness. Her tits flopped out to Brady's lustful gaze. He then reached out and cupped each of them, lifting them as he marveled at their weight. "I'm going to have a lot of fun with these tits of yours." He paused so he could emphasize his next statement. "And I'm not just talking about tonight." Dena groaned in resignation at his words as Brady's hands played with her tits, kneading and fondling them
"What do you want!?" Dena asked sobbing.
Brady leaned back with legs spread. "You know what I want. Now get to it."
Dena shuffled forward till she was directly in front of the couch, between his legs. She unzipped his pants, resigned to her fate for the evening. Brady lifted his hips as she pulled his pants and shorts down. HIs cock was already beginning to stiffen as he had played with her tits enough to get him aroused. Dena looked up at him one last time, "Please don't make me do this!" She begged.
"Is that what you said to Tom before you became his cock sucker?" His words cut that nerve in her. Brady ignored the pain and hurt on her face as he grabbed her head and pushed it down to his awaiting cock. Her mouth felt like liquid velvet as it engulfed his 7" of manhood. Brady's head dropped back on the couch as the pleasure Dena's mouth was giving him washed over him in waves. "Damn! You really are a good cock sucker!"
Brady grabbed her head with both hands and pulled her off his cock. He held her head securely, forcing her to look him in the eye. "Show me you know how to use those tits." Dena leaned forward, put his hard cock in the valley between her tits and then pushed them together. She began a slow stroking up and down. Brady stared down at her, watching the head of his cock slip out the top of her cleavage on every down stroke. He held her head tightly making her look him in the eyes. "You did this for Tom! Didn't you?" Dena refused to answer. Brady let go of her head with his right hand long enough to slap her gently on the cheek. Dena was shocked once again at his treatment of her. "I asked you a question."
She responded as though she had no control over her voice. "Yes! I did this for Tom!"
"Did you enjoy doing it for him?"
Dena hesitated until Brady started to move his hand again. "Yes! I enjoyed doing it for him." She replied. The defeat in her voice not lost on Brady.
"Did you enjoy sucking his cock?" Brady held her head firmly as she tried to look downward. "Look at me when I'm talking to you."
The tears started to flow again from Dena as she looked Brady in the eyes. "Why are you doing this to me?"
"Oh I don't know!" He said sarcastically. "Why did you do this to dad for all these years?"
"You don't understand!"
"So make me understand!" Dena tried to lean back as she tried to tell her story. Brady held her firm. "Oh no! You keep working those tits."
Dena kept up a slow and steady stroking of his cock as she collected her thoughts. She hoped that after she told Brady her story, he'd show her some mercy. "I do love your father. But he's never been the take charge kind of man I've always needed. I thought when we first got married that things would change. That he would take more of a leadership role. Anything. Something. I tried for years. I really did." She began crying harder. Brady wasn't sure if they were sincere tears, or if she was just trying to manipulate him. "After so many years of trying I just gave up and took charge. That's when things turned from bad to worse. I had so much anger towards your father, I began lashing out however I could. I would have loved if he'd just reacted in some way. Anyway. Hell! I would have loved it if he'd have hit me. Just to get a reaction from him." Her cries became sobs as she relived the past three decades in her mind.
Brady listened without showing any reaction. His heart softened as he listened. He knew everything she was saying was the truth. He loved his dad. But he'd always seen that trait in him. There were times his dad even deferred to him when he was a k** for decisions. He remembered his own frustration at times. He was trying to put himself in his mom's shoes with how she dealt with it.
"Tom was just a man who met a need in me that your father had never met." There was a slight defiance in her voice now. "And YES! I enjoyed fucking his cock with my tits! I enjoyed sucking his cock! I enjoyed it when he fucked me hard."
Both remained silent as Dena kept up her steady stroking of his cock. Brady noticed a slight change in her movements. He could tell it had changed from a reluctant act to one with more enthusiasm. This is what his mom needed. She just needed a man to take charge of her. She just needed a man.
"How many men were there?" Brady wanted to know everything.
Dena hesitated, but then thought 'what the hell'. "Four total!"
Brady just shook his head acknowledging her confession as he thought about how to reply. "Ok! From now on they're no more. Do you understand? All your trysts are in the past! Got it?"
Dena shook her head in resignation. "Yes, I understand!" She said almost whispering.
"I mean it! I'm home now. If I hear of any of your past lovers coming around or trying to contact you, I'll take care of them myself. And it won't be pleasant. And then I'll take care of you. And if you try to contact them, I'll make your life a living hell." He paused. "I want you to hear what I'm telling you. From now on, you belong to me, and I won't tolerate any of your indiscretions. Do you understand me bitch?!" He had never called his mom a bitch before. He knew they were both crossing thresholds there would be no turning back from.
Dena's pussy was as wet as she could ever remember. Brady was doing something to her and for her that no man had ever done before. Yet, he was still her son. The whole taboo of what they were embarking on was more than her brain could process right now. Now her own son just called her a 'bitch' and she found it exciting, not insulting. "Yes! I understand!"
"Good! Now finish off my cock!" He released her head. "Make sure you swallow every drop."
"I never did that for any of those others."
Brady smiled. "Like I care! You're going to do it for me! Now drain my cock bitch!"
Dena dropped her head and began sucking the length of his cock as her hands gently massaged his nut sack. She should have been repulsed at what she was doing for her son. Instead she found herself enjoying it and wanting to please this man who sat before her. The more she thought about his words the more intensely she sucked his cock, wanting to taste his seed. His moans and groans only spurred her on to want to please him more. The feel of his hands on her head taking control of her movements pushed her over the edge. She gave herself completely over to servicing the cock that filled her mouth. This was no longer her son. This was a man she wanted to please in a way she'd never wanted to before.
Brady grunted his approval as he blew his load into Dena's mouth. She eagerly took every drop he pumped into her mouth, swallowing it obediently. Brady held her head firmly in place as wave after wave of pleasure swept over him. He finally released his grip as his orgasm began to subside. He sat there completely relaxed and savoring his mom's mouth as she lovingly licked and cleaned his cock with her mouth. Brady looked down at Dena as she held his cock in her hand gently, licking the length of his shaft. She looked up at him in need of hearing his approval.
"That was incredible! You are incredible!" He took her face in his hands and leaned forward to kiss her. The two kissed with a passion that wasn't anything like the kiss they had shared just a short time before. Each returned the others kiss, their tongues entwined as Brady's hands played with Dena's tits, and her hands fondled his cock.
Brady finally broke the kiss and sat back. Both were breathing heavily. Brady's eyes roamed up and down Dena's body. "You're a gorgeous creature!"
"Thank you!"
"You belong to me now! No more fucking around! Got it!"
"Yes! But. . . . ."
"No buts! We'll work out the details later. And I know there are all kinds of issues we have to work through. But I don't give a fuck. I'm home now. And you belong to me now."
"I understand." Dena didn't know what else to say at this point.
"Get to bed! We'll talk more in the morning."
5 years ago