The Quinceañera - Chapter 7 (Finale)

Christina Zavala walked up the stairs to the area where Ashanti and Gavin had bedrooms. She became irritated at the disarray of the built-in computer desk on the landing. But, she pushed it out of her mind. There was much to be done. It was the day of the quinceañera.

“Wake up, sleepyhead,” she said gingerly shaking her daughter.
“Mahhhhhhhm,” groaned Ashanti.
“Come on and get up. We got a lot to do today.”
“Five minutes.”
“Fine. But don’t make me come back up here.”

Christina exited the room and woke her son as well.

Ashanti had to get her hair styled and makeup applied.

The birthday girl arose. She stumbled to the bathroom she shared with her brother. She showered quickly lathering her smooth, tender skin with a lemon-buttermilk body wash. Her growing tits still ached a bit as she gently ran the soapy cloth over them.

“Hurry up,” Christina yelled from outside the door.
“Okay,” huffed the teen who’d just turned off the water.

Ashanti dressed in a pair of tangerine high-waisted, corduroy jeggings and a graphic tee. She grabbed her scarlet & gold small DKNY backpack then rushed downstairs.

“Buenos dias, Nanna Noemi,” beamed Ashanti.
“Buenas,” the grandmother replied. “Get a granola bar,” she ordered in Spanish.
“Si, abuela!”

Christina peeled out of the driveway with her daughter and mother-in-law in tow. She dropped Ashanti off at the salon for the hair blowout. Then, she darted across town to connect with relatives and finalize things at the venue.

Ashanti admired herself in the mirror. Her hair was pinned up a ball atop the crown of her head with spindle curls framing either side of her face. She waited for her mom to return.

After a quick bite, it was time to meet the make-up artist who was set to apply the airbrush cosmetics. Then, they helped her into the gorgeous ice blue gown. They added a pair of pearl earrings that were a gift from Grampa Earl.

“You’re absolutely fabulous,” the flamboyant cosmetologist declared.
“Thank you,” Ashanti blushed.

The emcee, Tia Nathalie, introduced her niece to the crowd. There were adolations from the guests.

Lia, Ashanti’s mentor, sat next to her new fiance. “Isn’t she gorgeous?”
“She’s a cute girl, but you’re my sexy woman,” the firefighter teased.
“You’re incorrigible!”
“Am I?”

Jordan Bowling shifted in his seat at the head table. The sight of Ashanti made his blood boil. His cock pressed against his white boxer briefs pitching a tent in his tuxedo pants.

Devon Stokes was one seat away from his rival. He admired the angelic grace Ashanti displayed moving across the floor. He discreetly adjusted himself.

In between the guys sat Savannah, the messy best friend. She leaned to Jordan and remarked, “You two would make such a cute couple.” Then she whispered to Devon, “I’m really rooting for you.”

Dr. Joel Zavala danced first with his daughter. Then the court of damas & chambelanes stood and took the floor. The group danced a waltz, with some pop accents, to ‘Flashlight’ by Jessie J.

Then an Afro-Latino hospital chaplain who was Dr. Zavala’s friend came to the podium. Ashanti looked at the kind, five-foot-ten, 185-pound, bronze-skinned man dressed in his U.S. Army Reserve dress blues. He offered a simple yet elegant prayer.

The quinceañera-goers moved through the buffet line. Christina had ordered chicken piccata, teriyaki beef tips, and fettuccine alfredo with sugar snap peas as entrees. The sides were scalloped potatoes, roasted autumn vegetables, and a garden salad.

The deejay started the music and dancing ensued.

Devon asked Ashanti to dance first. As they did to ‘Best Thing I Never Had’ by Beyonce, she could feel his dick press against her.

“That’s all yours,” he whispered.
“Very nice,” she purred.

The next dance was with Jordan. ‘Million Reasons’ by Lady Gaga. The quarterback held onto her waist and did his best to grind unnoticed.

“You’re something else,” giggled Ashanti.
“God, I want you,” he admitted.
“We shall see,” she flirted.

There were a number of high energy songs played next. Ashanti enjoyed the revelry with her family and friends.

The dashing chaplain approached her, “May I have the next dance, young lady?”
“Of course, Vic,” she smiled.
“It’s Major Mata,” he pointed at his insignia and chuckled.
She rolled her eyes and giggled. “Sir! Yes, sir!”

They danced in an age appropriate manner to ‘Someone Like You’ by Adele.

MAJ Vic Mata intimated, “Congratulations on your move into womanhood.” He pulled her close.
“Thank you, Major Mata.”
“Don’t be silly, Ashanti. You can call me Vic. You really are growing into a lovely young woman!”
“Which one is your boyfriend?”
“What do you mean?”
“Which one of the guys is your boyfriend?”
“I don’t have one.”
“That’s unbelievable. You’re beautiful! And precious too!”

“There are a couple possible,” she shared.
“I knew it,” he frowned.
“What’s wrong?”
“One of those young bucks is gonna get you before me.”
“Huh,” she was startled.

“I’m just saying I’m 42. I gotta wait two more years to ask you out,” the pastoral counselor posited.
“Why is that?”
“s*******n is the age of consent in New Mexico.”
“Oh yeah!”
“I imagine one of the lucky jokers will snap you up before then.”
“Maybe. Maybe not.”

“What would you think of an older man,” he required.
“That’d be cool,” Ashanti reasoned. “I’ve always kinda had a crush on you.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah,” she blushed.
“Don’t be ashamed. I’ve had a crush on you too.”
“I had no idea.”
“Yeah, I don’t think your folks would want me around if I said I thought their tranny daughter was sexy.”

“You’re bad,” giggled Ashanti.
“I like what I like,” Vic said.
“Have you ever dated a transwoman before?”
“Yep. Matter of fact my ex is trans.”
“What happened to her?”
“She wasn’t ready to settle down. It happens. She was young?”
“How old?”
“21. We started dating when she was a little older than you.”

“Well, I should mingle some,” she said.
“Yep. On your 17th birthday, I’m taking you out though.”
“Couldn’t we hang out before?”
“I don’t know. It couldn’t be something we told everyone about.”
“I can keep a secret.”

The night came to a close.

Back at home, Ashanti messaged Jordan and Devon - separately of course. She told them both she enjoyed their slow dances.

Then, she texted Vic.

-Hey. It’s Ashanti.

He called.

“Hello,” she answered.
“We probably shouldn’t text on here. I’ll get a prepaid phone tomorrow and we can use it to communicate.”
“Good idea!”
“So you’re interested in an older, wiser Daddy?”
“It’s intriguing.”
“Alright, baby gurl! I gotta be up early in the morning. Get some sleep. Daddy loves you!”

Ashanti tossed her phone onto the mattress and closed her eyes.
Published by faggyboi
5 years ago
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bert2111 5 years ago
 hope it works
deaconbynum3 5 years ago
lol the best laid plans...