Best Contract Ever

Model/Talent Release

Producer: ______________________________________________
Date of Production: ____________________________________

Program, Role Description, and/or other identifying information_________________________________________

For and in consideration of my engagement as a model by _________________________________ (Producer) for good and valuable consideration (namely the sum of one-hundred dollars, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged) I hereby give producer, his legal representatives and assigns, all agents, affiliates, successors, those for whom the producer is acting, and those acting with his permission, or his employees, the absolute right and permission to publish or republish, sell, license, use, reuse, and copyright, in its own name, in any media format, for commercial, promotional, or any other purpose without limitation, and with no further considerations, videos, films, photographs, pictures or portraits of me, or in which I may be distorted in character, or form, in conjunction with my own real or fictitious name, on reproductions thereof in color, or black and white made through any media by producer at his studio, or elsewhere, for any purposes whatsoever; including the use of any printed matter in conjunction therewith. I hereby wave any right to inspect or approve the finished content or advertising copy or printed matter that may be used in conjunction therewith or to the eventual use that it might be applied.

I hereby release, discharge and agree to save harmless producer, his representatives, assigns, employees or any person or persons, corporation or corporations, acting under his permission or authority, or any person, persons, corporation or corporations, for whom he might be acting, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product, in whole or in part, from and against any liability as a result of any distortion, blurring, or alteration, optical illusion, or to use in composite from, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the taking, processing or reproduction of the finished product, its publication or distribution of the same, even should the same subject me to ridicule, scandal, reproach, scorn or indignity.

I acknowledge that I will have voluntarily and knowingly engaged in nudity and sexually explicit acts for the sole purpose of recording, publication, sale and distribution, and assume all risks of doing so. I understand that I may be subject to publicity, embarrassment, shame, ridicule, scandal, attention and more as a result. I agree to appear and be filmed and/or videotaped (including in the nude) in connection with the above-referred Program. You and your subsidiaries, successors, licensees and assignees may copyright, use and reuse, publish, distribute, edit, excerpt, exhibit and otherwise exploit my name (real or fictitious), likeness, performance, voice, statements and pictures, including those of me nude, semi-nude or engaged in sexual activity (collectively, my ā€œAppearanceā€), for any and all uses, in whole or in part, in any and all media and manners, for the Program or any other program, throughout the world in perpetuity, without limitations, including in connection with the advertising, exploitation and publicizing of the Program or any other program. You may edit my appearance as you see fit, and I understand you have no obligation to use my Appearance.

I am aware that still photographers in the form of guests may also be present during the dates of performance, and I grant you and your successors, licensees, and assignees the right to copyright and use said photographs including those of me nude, semi-nude or engaged in sexual activity without further payment to me in printed publications and/or any other media, without restrictions. You shall also have the right, and I shall fully cooperate with you, to record, produce, distribute, and otherwise exploit trailers and ā€œbehind-the-scenesā€ or ā€œmaking ofā€ programs incorporating my Appearance.

I hereby release and discharge you and your successors, licensees and assignees, from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action that I may have, whether for libel, violation of my right of privacy or publicity, or any other matter arising out of or in any manner connected with use of my Appearance or the exercise of the rights granted herein. I hereby verify that all statements and other information given by me are true and accurate, and that I agree to be legally responsible for any claims arising from such statements. I acknowledge and agree that this release shall not be subject to the terms of any union or guild agreement and that no further sums will be due to me in the connection with the use or reuse of my Appearance, the Program or any other program in television or any other medium.

I understand that you are proceeding in reliance upon the terms set forth herein, and I will not attempt to revoke this release at any time. I hereby warrant that I am not under the influence of d**gs or alcohol at the time of the signing of this contract nor will I be at the time of shooting/filming. I have carefully read the terms of this release and in consideration of you considering the use of my Appearance in the Program, have indicated my understanding and agreement by signing below. I hereby warrant that I am eighteen years of age or older, and competent to contract in my own name insofar as the above is concerned.

I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, that the foregoing is true and correct.

Date of Production: ______________

Legal Name: _____________________________________
Date of Birth: _______________
Address: _________________________________________________
City: _______________
State: _______________ Zip: _______________
Phone #: _______________
Stage Name:___________________________________
Any Other Names Used:____________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________________

Printed: _____________________________________

Published by SissyConnie
5 years ago
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