BeefNuggette turns into Paige Sandgren, BS, CSN, C

What d**gs was BeefNuggette taking?⁣ ⁣
10-15mg anavar daily,⁣

8-10mg of RAD-140 (the only SARM that has been effective for me personally), ⁣

A little Clen & lots of caffeine,⁣

(Can’t remember exact dose but it wasn’t extreme)⁣

A little T3,⁣

(Again, can’t remember exact dose but it was minimal)⁣

And 20mg Nolvadex daily I think?

I am 5’5” and I was 160 lbs here, ⁣

6% body fat on a medical grade DEXA scan - my leanest.⁣

Yes, I lost my period, my sex drive went to zero, my joints hurt, etc.⁣

I was training daily & it felt like I was always in the gym.⁣

But that’s how I always trained, ⁣

at least 1-1.5 hour lifts with minimal rest time.⁣

Yes, I was doing daily cardio (not fasted).⁣

My HIIT sessions felt like running away from bears - basically near death.⁣

Yes, I was exhausted & hungry most minutes of the day,⁣

even though I was still eating more than most female competitors eat.⁣

Yes, it sounds bat shit crazy. ⁣

It’s a crazy “sport.”⁣

But here’s the brutal truth:⁣

If you want to look like these women⁣

who step on stage,⁣

this is what you usually go through.⁣

Yes, it makes you immensely stronger,⁣

But it’s HARD & can fuck up your mind.⁣

It can give you eating disorders,⁣

Make you sneak an Oreo and stick your fingers down your throat right after,⁣

Amplify your OCD until it prevents you from going out to even see friends,⁣

Ruin relationships out of extreme lifestyle adherences,⁣

Set an unrealistic example for other women who want to look like that for external validation.⁣

They don’t realize how hard they’ll need to work, and how that achievement doesn’t necessarily equal happiness.⁣

They don’t realize everyone who wins in the NPC takes PEDs,⁣

even in moderation, which allows them to work harder & recover faster.⁣

They don’t realize how they’ll feel empty after a show & hate their body if they can’t see the same veins.⁣

So before you tell a coach,⁣

“I want to do this & look like this person!”⁣

Maybe think about what that exactly means,⁣

And what you’re willing to sacrifice to get there.⁣

Competing can be a beautiful thing of strength & grit,⁣

but it can also chew you up & spit you out.
Published by vonrouge
5 years ago
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