My Favorite Keyholder

In my surfing of the internet I stumbled upon a blog on Tumblr by a couple engaged in the chastity lifestyle. The blog writers were named AugustKeyCouple and they spoke of their erotic adventures in this lifestyle. They say they are moving to but I haven't seen that yet. I urge each of you to check this blog out. As added motivation to go look, she posts pictures from time to time of her key, proudly displayed on a chain around her neck. I have included some of those pictures in my gallery for you to see.

I have captioned her as my favorite keyholder, and I will tell you why in a moment. Let me preface this by saying that everyone's life and erotic journey is different. What turns you on might not turn me on. The sexual choices you make with your life might not be the ones that I make. That doesn't make either of them "wrong" per se, just different.

I've read a lot of articles and watched a lot of porn. The chastity lifestyle is of some interest to me. Whether or not I will encourage my wife to pursue it with me is another matter. In any case, I like it as a behavior modification tool. In my own case, I tend to spend too much time watching porn. Whether this has made my sex life with my wife a much lesser thing, or whether the lesser sex life has driven me to porn, is up for debate. My point is that my sexual energies are being channeled away from my wife, and I would love for them to be channeled towards her. She's actually a gorgeous, wonderful woman - we just don't see eye to eye sexually. I'd love to be having a lot more sex with her, but the porn is such an easy and tempting outlet.

I'd also like to make improvements in my life, like working out more, or playing more golf, which my wife would actually love me to do. The use of a chastity cage would be a powerful enforcement tool in helping me in these self-improvement efforts.

The caveat is this, and this is why I like AugustKeyCouple so much: if I want to have sex with my wife, I would, for the most part (if I have been meeting goals, avoiding bad behavior, and there's no sex teasing reason for keeping me locked) be able to have the cage removed so I could have sex with her. That is what they do - they have a very active sex life with each other, and no one else (although it seems he may want her to start Hotwifeing, another matter altogether). It is just when they are not together, when they are not having sex, he is locked up so that his sexual energies are constantly building, without release, and are positively directed (IMO) towards her. Chastity has greatly improved their sex life, and I think their lives in general, and I think it could do the same for me.

My problem with much of the chastity lifestyle things I read and see is the humiliation/punishment aspect of it. Punishment I get to a certain extent. But when these women say that their partner is never going to have sex with them again, or only prostate milking, or nothing at all -- that's where they lose me. An active sex life (of my own, not vicariously through my wife's) is important to me. Now if it were for some health related reason - I can live with that but would have to find some kind of work around. If it was just lost interest by her ... if the relationship was still solid, I could deal but, again, there'd have to be the workaround, probably a return to porn.

The humiliation aspect also bothers me. If you have lost all respect for your partner and are constantly treating him like shit, why are you still in the relationship? I understand that there are financial, medical, family reasons that could support staying - let us put those aside for purposes of this post. Why not get out of that relationship and find one that gives you ... Hmm. I see what I am writing and have to question myself. Perhaps this is exactly what the woman wants from the relationship, and it makes them happy to be in it. Perhaps. But if I was the guy in that relationship - well, I guess I couldn't be. I'd have to leave the relationship, put whatever I had done to lose respect and equality in the relationship behind me, and move on, trying to find a healthier (for my own psyche) relationship.

Back to the point - AugustKeyCouple still seems to have a healthy relationship, with intimacy and desire and a lot of good sex. If I were to start the chastity lifestyle with my wife, and not just wear one from time to time on my own, their relationship is the one I would try to emulate.
Published by bored925
5 years ago
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roboman777 4 years ago
lot of these contents are fake or some gay fat 60 year old guy pretending to be young man or woman. Real people don't act like that same with extreme cuckold you see. Lot of couples are rather swingers and then same pictures are posted again and again many times they are even pro and not amateur
easylover6 5 years ago
Good Words,

This emotional Dilemma has many Men, you want to give the Chastity and the Key to the only Person you love, but You do not know where this Journey goes, does it work the Way you want it?

I find Respect and Affection are the most important Relational Pillars.

That's why only talking (no one can read your Mind) helps therefore ...

And slowly, not overhasty overburden your Wife, that just creates aversion ...