More getting even with hubby
I will veer away from my original story to tell you one that happened to me some time after I'd fucked my two nieces, and my sister, I am telling this story for my friend "Holepuncher", he says he is a man of considerable age, but most women know, age means nothing, if a man can use his cock, and she gets a good orgasm from it, what does it matter about the age of it, this story is about what happened to me one sunny afternoon in our local park, I am not a serious drinker, so when I was invited to a wedding I readily accepted, my husband couldn't attend, because he was seeking a promotion in his job, but getting the promotion meant he had to have certain qualifications, I didn't know what they were at the time, but it meant him staying away from home on the weekend of the wedding, but I will say, when he came back after the weekend, he was walking like John Wayne, after he'd been riding his horse for a solid week, I found spots of blood on his underpants, and that could only mean one thing, the qualifications were earned from a big cock up his ass hole, I thought to myself, "he must be a great fuck", because he got the promotion, anyway, back to my story, ill tell the story about his weekend some other time, I attended the wedding of my friend Lauren, who had left it a bit late in life to get married, when I say late, she was still only forty, she had converted from lesbianism when she met Tony, they were friends for a long time, then things just seemed to draw them closer, until Lauren gave up on women, and started seriously dating Tony, we often laughed when I asked her why the change, "because my cunt is getting old and wrinkly" she would say, it was my first time actually meeting most of her family, her Dad and brother were both called Bill, (William), her Mom's name was Caroline, (or Kay as she preferred to be called ), she had three sisters, two were older than her, and one was a year or two younger than her, but it was the dad that intrigued me, only for I was introduced to him, I would have sworn somebody had invited Kenny Rogers to the wedding, a big head of lovely golden blonde hair, the van dyke moustache trimmed to perfection, lovely tanned skin, golden brown, I was later to find out that himself and his wife owned an apartment in Almeria in Spain, which was only a stones throw from the African Continent, hence the lovely golden brown colour of mam and dad, the wedding went without a hitch, and then back to the hotel for the reception, where I was introduced to nearly everyone, the mother was really nice, I gave her a good looking over, someone told me she was 68 years old, and I found it hard to believe it, she looked 20 years younger, but the biggest surprise I got, was when someone told me Bill, (the dad), was 72 years of age, no fucking way I thought to myself, he was so handsome, and he had that look in his eye, several times I saw him scanning the room, and he always seemed to be looking in the direction of young cunt, but Kay was just as bad, she was looking in the direction of young cock, I eventually got my chance to chat to Bill after the meal, while they were clearing away some of the tables to make room for the dance floor, he was great fun to chat with, and once or twice I caught him looking down the front of my dress, he had a charming way of saying "I'd like to fuck you, he started off saying, you look well fit, you must spend a bit of time in the gym, I don't actually I said, there are nicer ways to work out than having to go to the gym, very interesting he said, and what may I ask is the secret, I remembered one of my neighbours saying they went to the local park a few evenings a week for a jog around the outer perimeter, so I told Bill that's what I did, but added, I've only just started back again, and I'm still a bit rusty, sounds like fun he remarked, we have a laugh I said, I'm going to Spain on Monday he said, maybe when I come back, we might do a lap or two together, that would be nice I said, thinking, fuck it, now I have to go out and jog, to get to meet a few of our neighbours, after all, I had told him we have a laugh, he got caught up in the frenzy that followed, and I didn't get to speak to him for another two hours or so, when we did chat he hit me with, jogging alone doesn't give a woman a figure like yours, well I said, there are a few other things, but we're both married, so I cant really go into it, he winked at me and said, you can tell me, I wont say a word, I laughed and said, I cant tell you, I don't want you getting a heart attack at your own daughters wedding, ill take the heart attack if its that interesting he said with a smile, just then his wife Kay appeared off the dance floor, I had seen her paying a lot of attention to a few young boys, God she said as she got near to us, those young lads would wear you out, ill bet said Bill, but it was the way he said it, just then Lauren came over and said, Dad, will you come over and have a few words with my in-laws, he excused himself and left me with Kay, come on she said, lets go to the bar for a drink, when we got there she asked me what was I having, I said Vodka and coke please, two vodka and cokes please she ordered, and make them doubles, we sat on two stools surveying the dance floor, when Kay leaned in close to me and half whispered, what I wouldn't do to that guy out there in the pink shirt she said, I looked out and thought I could actually see a bulge in his pants, he is a bit of a dish alright I said, a dish she replied, he's fucking horny looking, I bet he could give a woman a good time she said, I pushed a bit further, but would a woman like a good time with him, fuck yes she answered, he could fill my cunt any time he liked, Bill mightn't be too happy about that I said, are you joking she replied, that dirty cunt would sit there watching, really was all I could say, he loves watching Kay said, but its nicer when we have a couple, then we can both fuck, and watch at the same time, she didn't say anything for a few seconds, until after she'd taken a good drink from her glass, then she said, am I being too forward love, not at all I replied, I love fucking, really she asked, fuck yes I said, I fucking love it, what are you into she asked me, everything was my simple answer, she looked me straight in the eye and said, have you ever tasted cunt, the juicier the better I said, fuck she said, now your making me wet, I am wet I told her, would you like someone to lick that wetness off you she asked, I'd fucking love it I told her, she reached into her bag and took out a key, with a big tag on it giving the number of the room, go out that door over there she said, pointing to a door to our left, and walk down the corridor until you see room number 15, that's my room, ill go and tell Bill I'm going for a lay down for a while and Ill follow you down, she swamped her vodka off in one go and left me to go talk to her husband, I swallowed mine off and got up to leave for the room, I saw he whispering into her husbands ear, and I saw him looking over her head at me, had she told him what we were going to do, I was secretly wishing she had, I realised it was him that had made me damp, ever before she started talking to me, I went out the door, and walked down the corridor until I found room 15, I used the key and went in, there was a double bed and a single bed in the room, I saw that the double bed was actually two single beds pushed together, I sat on the single bed and waited, a few minutes later I heard a faint knock, when I answered the door, I was taken by surprise, she threw her arms around me and forced me back onto the double bed, she didn't even kiss me until I was stretched out on the bed, but by then she already had her hand up my skirt, realising I had no panties on, she went straight for my fuck hole, before I could say a word, she had her mouth pressed against mine, and was ramming two fingers up my cunt hole, as she rammed me, her thumb found my clit, I heard her moan, then she pulled her mouth from mine and said, finger my cunt baby, I got my hand between her legs, and found nothing covering her cunt lips, same as you baby she said, I don't like wearing panties either, we went at it, tongue sucking, biting gently, furiously finger fucking each other, I could hear the palm of my hand slapping off her cunt lips, and I could feel her slapping her hand off mine, oh god she said, you remind so much of Lauren, have you had her I asked, darling she said, I've been having her for years, I was the first one ever to make her squirt, was it nice I asked, fucking beautiful said Kay, but not as nice as watching Bill opening her, you mean he fucked her I asked, fuck yes replied Kay, he was the only man she fucked until she met Tony, do they still do it I asked, of course said Kay, they are secret lovers, and do you still suck her I asked, and who do you think makes her wet for her daddy she replied, I felt it coming, I knew I was about to saturate her hand, and I boiled over when she said, Lauren is two months pregnant with her dad's baby, I exploded, Jesus she said, try to hold it, I want to taste it, she wasn't gentle, she went straight between my legs and started sucking as if she was dying of thirst, as I was squirting, she was sticking her tongue into me and licked it out, she didn't let one drop fall on the sheet, she lapped up every last drop and swallowed it, when I had calmed down, with her still flicking her tongue over my clit, I told her it was her turn, she went on her back, and I did the same to her, I didn't stop until I had given her two beautiful gushes, she ordered me to bring my cunt up to her mouth, saying she wanted to taste me again, for some reason I didn't get a shock when she pulled her mouth away from my cunt and said, you know Bill wants to get in there, kissing my cunt lips, does he now I said, yes he does she said, and I promise, when he does get in there, you will remember it for a long time, why is that I asked, is he a good fuck, not only is he a good fuck she said, but he has something decent to fuck you with, is it big I asked her, fucking enormous she said, what would you consider enormous I asked her, she took hold of my wrist and started rubbing it up and down, as if she was jerking off a cock, about the same size as that she said, I got a fit of laughing when she said, he has a special elastic strap he wears under his pants to keep it strapped to his leg, in case he gets an erection, fuck off I told her, I swear she told me, it was a lot worse, he's getting on a bit now, so he doesn't need it all that often, but when that fucking thing gets hard, it would drill any hole, roughly what size are we talking about I asked her, somewhere between 11 and 12 she said, and fucking thick, holy fuck I said, how do you take it I asked, she licked my clit and then said, practice baby, lots of practice, she buried her mouth in my cunt and said, come on baby, give me more of your juice, I want to taste you, I squirted into her mouth two more times before she said we had better get back to the wedding before she is missed, as we cleaned up, she asked me would I take Bill up me, I told her if she wouldn't mind, neither would I, fuck no baby she said, I'd fucking love to watch his giant throbbing cock filling you with his cum, we left the room, and someone passed us in the corridor, we said hello, and when we had passed them, she said, will you take him tonight, if he wants to I said, believe me baby she answered, he fucking wants you, there is too much to tell, so I will explain in my next story, but I will give a bit of advise to all you younger girls out there, do not let the age fool you, the older man has a ton of experience behind him, they can show you things you will never learn from a younger guy, and I am living proof, the morning after the wedding, I had seriously thought about going to the hospital to get my hips examined, I was sure he had put them out of place, but that's for next time, XX
5 years ago