My Problem with How Some Trans Gurls Think...

One thing I will never ever understand is why some transgurls have a hard time progressing into life as a female and how they think theyhave to change ther personality. For me I amthe gurl I always wanted to be, a heavy metal/bker gurl. Why do some, a lot of gurls feel they haveto change their personalites, likes, loves and dislikes to fit into their mold of what a woman SHOULD be and not to who they REALLY are in life. For example, a transgurl sometimes will change the music they listen to or other hobbies they enjoy. What is worse I see and talk tosome gurls who never ever were into rap or black music but now that s all the play in their videos or listen to because they are soooo desperate n trying to do anything to attract black guys. WHY? I have NO RESPECT for a transgurl who used to listen to rock music but now they no longer do because they think that is not what a true woman listens to. OMFG, how pathetic. Why be someone with a personality you really have no connection to?

Hey, that is fine, be who you want to be but to me you are being a complete fraud. i grew up loving and wanting to be a leather heavy metal rock babe and biker babe. Now I never rode a cycle but a biker babe is not too far off from a rocker/heavy metal lady. Listen, you can wear all the sun dresses and other dresses you want but that will NEVER EVER be as sexy or exciting as a leather clad. thigh high booted 70;s or80's rocker girl, vdeo metal chick. NEVER!

I do not and never willunderstand why transgurls make it so hard on themselves? The only thing I do different than my former male being is that I smoke. Smoking is a femine thing to me and my dream girl smoked so Miss Felony smokes and sexily smokes here VSlim, More, Misty (and if I can ever find them SARATOGA) 120'a. When I see a woman/transgurl smoke anything less than a 120 .....OMG I will never understand why? Now I am blessed with long female like hands yet I always wear gloves. Most trans gurls have thick, strong manly hands. OMG why smoke a small cig with your manly hands? OMG you look like a dude. Smoke long sexy 120's and you will see the sexy difference.

So transgurls, be yourselves, why do you feel you need to change the music you listen to? That is just stupid and it isalrming because it shows what you think a lady should be.....that shows many bad signs as to how you see women.

I am forever a heavy metal/leather rebel biker babe and believe me...not that it matters I look hotter than any chick in sundress. Oh yeajh, you will start to see me in more of MY dresses in a week or so and when you ladies see that...I promise, your collective mouths will drop.

Published by MissStrutter420
6 years ago
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courtney1248 5 years ago
so true
TSMelissa 5 years ago
Great essay and I couldn't agree more!