Wanting to start an imaginary post from 1st WWar

This is in honour of all the young men that gave up their lives in the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom of others. It is soon the centennial of that major conflict that should have been the War to end all Wars.
But still, I find myself wondering what it was like........
Just picturing myself, at the age of nineteen, leaving a rural home, never travelled, a virgin heading to boot camp and soon overseas to prepare eventually for the invasion of Europe......
See where I am going with this, feel free to add to my story at any time

Getting through boot camp was difficult enough, a bit home sick. The absolute worse thing is that they hardly ever leave you alone. The physical training is one thing, extremely grueling, but I never have time to be absolutely by myself, with any sort of peace and quiet. I cant even find a quiet corner to jerk-off.

It was a bit embarasing the first time I got caught jerking off in the shower. We really didn't get many opportunities to strip off; be completely in the buff. There were alot of hot sweaty workouts, but one late morning I finally had an opportunity to be by myself and enjoy a somewhat relaxing and theraputic scrub down in a warm soapy shower. All of a sudden, here I am thinking of all these guys I am in training with. Their hot tight muscular bodies, how far we are away from home, in a fucking foreign land with foreign food, customs, and no real intimate contact with people. All I could concentrate on is the hot guys I am training with, their muscular necks, shoulders, backs, the tight abs, the firm asses, the glimps of cock.......
My own cock is all of a sudden stiring... stiffening, growing... I touch my self, the secret pleasure, ahhhh the relief.
The one guy who seemed to keep a protected eye on me, is my troup councilor, a older Sargent with lots of experience in an old calvery unit. He seemed to be really impressed with the efforts I put into training, never slacking off, pulling more than my weight so to speak, but then again, he always seemed to be there for extra guidance and advice....

Published by NBRay84
13 years ago
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Mikebasil 12 years ago
An interesting concept and one that I as a historian find inspiring. I have my own story, "Some Corner of a Foreign Field", on here, set in World Wars One and Two, you might care to look at to stimulate some ideas.
NBRay84 Publisher 12 years ago
Oh yes please do, any anytime, much appreciated.