
In the 21st Century, we saw a divergence of male homo sapiens into two sub-genders: whitebois and black men. Biologists speculate that the change occurred when the natural femininity of the white male was exposed to the widespread dissemination of interracial pornography on the internet. The white males' minds were supple and pliant, which primed them to be indoctrinated into the cult of Big Black Cock. The white male will was weak and bent to the directives found in sissy hypnos to "Feminize Yourself" and "Become a Sissy for Big Black Cock."

Gradually, we saw the formation of this subtype of the male gender, a pale, feminine androgynous boy who never turned into a man and who displayed feminine characteristics with a small penis. Largely infertile, this sub-gender became preoccupied with facilitating sexual union between real, black men--who retained the masculine characteristics of the species and whose penises were quite extraordinary in size--and white women.


Inside Shadybrooks Public Boys School Mrs Rasheda stands before the class of entirely white students

Only cum through anal simulation
Don't worry it'll just be the tip

Effects of poppers.

It's too big to fuck, it'll never fit. Well perhaps a demonstration is in order.

Shouldn't he be wearing a condom? Good point

helicopter dick


Published by sexeyemonk
6 years ago
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