My beginnings of everything good even lp- love an
my names iz hytraz imma power soul bmore looking 4 everyday lp I started watching porn at a young a very younger age 14 to be honest it all started when I was watching womens cleavage and legs and that point I was put in a lot of preasure 2 see porn in 99 .14 at the tyme I wasn't abused or any other fucked up situation I was in it was that female empowerment in nudeness put me on pressure to see porn bad I mean on point being young and don't know nothing.but there was power of what I watch seeing pussy and and ass feet was an adventure .I been watching porn 4 20 years now and the love and power is my kingdom 2 decades of seeing great stuff and black women were the best choice cuz they do soulfully dominately and greatly. and like I said it was pressure that made me do it I was young and didn't think or had patients to wait to 18 it was a tyme I couldn't think more further all that was to much pressure.i even sneak tapes out of my sisters room . it was to excess at one point when I saw a lot of black women were the reason I watch this than and now .and that's how the lp got stuck into me and to be honest it was heaven sexual heaven. that's all I have 2 say at this tyme I wish yall good luck peace and love I'm out.
6 years ago