How to steal pics with unsee

There are plenty of men that like to show off their wife/gf online, but most are reluctant or want a safe way to share. is a great site to safely share pics since the default options enable IP watermark across the images and prevent image saving.

But inexperienced users may not know that the room's owner can later disable these options, thereby allowing the images to be saved without the IP watermark.

Here are my instructions:
1. Create the room yourself. It requires a single image, just upload a blank Paint image or something simple just so that the room can be created
2. Change settings to "allow everyone to upload"
3. Send the room's link to the bf/husband and have him join the room
4. Encourage him to upload a single pic, let him see that the images are covered with the IP watermark and that images can't be saved
5. Get him to share as many pics as possible
6. When he is done (or when he leaves), uncheck the 'watermark viewer's IP' option and the 'prevent image download' option
7. Save all the images
Published by jd990033
6 years ago
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