Witam Drogie Panie !!!
Ktora z Was mialaby ochote tak sie ze mna pobawic? nigdy w zyciu czegos takiego nie probowalem ale patrzac tylko na te filmy juz mi sie podoba :) jakies chetne? moga byc i 2 anie jeszcze lepiej
Hello, Dear Ladys !!!
Which of you would like to play with me? I have never tried something like that in my life, but I just look at the films I like this :) some chetne? they can be 2 and even better
Comments 19
Ktora z Was mialaby ochote tak sie ze mna pobawic? nigdy w zyciu czegos takiego nie probowalem ale patrzac tylko na te filmy juz mi sie podoba :) jakies chetne? moga byc i 2 anie jeszcze lepiej
Hello, Dear Ladys !!!
Which of you would like to play with me? I have never tried something like that in my life, but I just look at the films I like this :) some chetne? they can be 2 and even better
Comments 19
6 years ago