San quentin state prison west block
Some times in life you are put in a situation that you have no controle over or in any way controle the actions of others whom are going to put you in danger .but nothing i mean nothing can prepare you for san quentin prison. But nothing any man can experience will prepare them for west block reception block holding 1000 inmates 500 cells 5 tiers two men a cell 23 hours a day 7 days a week for 6 months or more .after your first ride on west block you will sleep through a fucking war bombs can go off and you will not even stir but the sound if a single key jiggle and its like a shot of crank to a inmate oh hi my name is spider garcia prison id number v53471 ha ha id like to se what some identity theft punk can do with that except a few years after using or trying to be me ha ha im wanted in two galaxies and in five star system's im a outlaw by trade a brutal heavy handed enforcer by profession its landed me a few terms in the big house more times than i care ro admit 12 to be exact not my best of days but every job has its parks and what not. But let me say nothing can take a mans balls like san quentin can it can make a man or break a man but one day is anothers hope can be anothers fears. All dau 1000 men scream trying to out yell others to get there words out over the line five stories up and 100 yards down to the end and its a inmate attempting to trade his size tripple x boxers to the guy in 549 for a fat bat (pinner hand rolled cigarette that was pack up some young entrepreneur asshole for about two weeks. Or some new fish screaming he cant take it anymore he wants to go home or just some Mexicans screaming border brother songs as loud as his voice box will let him people cursing at each other but at 10:30 exactly in the midst of a freight train or tornado like thundering west block a single man will speak very serous and demanding a lifer whos job is to keep the block clean for thr last 25vyears will start tge shut down. All the yelling SCREAMING crying fighting coughing laughing toilet flushing all sound completely stops it becomes so silent almost like a memorial of silence a respect to a tradition made by this one lifer 25 years ago thats still held in the highest ranks of prison order. Its lnown that if you speak a peep during this time you will be dragged out beat by a guard or your bunkie or in thr morning first thing as they p*o your cell that bar moves and three big men rush in your cell and beat the shit outta you one from every dominant race. But to be there and witness 1000 screaming uncontrollable monsters deemed unfit for society all suddon just all at once shut up you can hear a mouse fart. But the lifer starts out .....
...west block
West block ..
May i have your attentionion please..
It is now 10 thirty we ask for your cooperation and participation in shutting this program down if you do not have matters of the up most importance we ask for you to please sit on them till morning time front bar give your respect to back bar ,back bar give your respect to the front bar to all my African brothers jay masyakoo to all my Spanish brothets bueno nochez , to all the white asians and othrrs good night god bless and shelegewha gentelmen shutdown is now in effect good night. Its so silent its freaking crazy you can hear the guards bullshitting about how they fucked there wifes best friends fucking peter gazers and asshole viewers fucking shower sharks you cant imagine the memories i carry with me.
...west block
West block ..
May i have your attentionion please..
It is now 10 thirty we ask for your cooperation and participation in shutting this program down if you do not have matters of the up most importance we ask for you to please sit on them till morning time front bar give your respect to back bar ,back bar give your respect to the front bar to all my African brothers jay masyakoo to all my Spanish brothets bueno nochez , to all the white asians and othrrs good night god bless and shelegewha gentelmen shutdown is now in effect good night. Its so silent its freaking crazy you can hear the guards bullshitting about how they fucked there wifes best friends fucking peter gazers and asshole viewers fucking shower sharks you cant imagine the memories i carry with me.
6 years ago