I'm not tech savvy. AT ALL! Lol. A friend of mine built me a pc about 5 years ago for literally the price of a case for it and he's one of my best friends. So I always trust he'll do a good job. Problem is I don't talk to friends about porn and bating. I have no idea about driver downloads, new hardware, or even what sites to trust for downloads. I basically use my pc for music and porn and I only go to a handful of site like bateworld, lanasbigboobs, pornhub and of course the hamster. Thats literally it for porn sites. My pc hiccups, freezes, or just stops working and restarts all the time. First world problems. I know. All I'm saying is I wish there was a on-site porn and bater friendly pc repair service that would come over to your house, not judge, and fix your pc and tell you how to update things and what sites to trust so your pc runs smoothly when watching porn. I don't want some dumb k** from geek squad to come over and see the tons of porn pics I have on my computer. Then go home and write some fuckin blog about some guy who jacks off and is some kind of perv. Or some nutball religious person looking through my computer and judging me or my lifestyle. Or anyone else for that matter. I have a ton of porn. All of it legal and bought from porn shops or saved from xhamster. I am a perv! I know I'm a perv. and I jack off a lot. I just think there should be a service for porn lovers and baters who know nothing about computers and to feel safe from judgment and public shaming to have their pc's fixed and maintained from other porn lovers. Just sayin. Lol. Stay hard everyone!
6 years ago