I'm not tech savvy. AT ALL! Lol. A friend of mine built me a pc about 5 years ago for literally the price of a case for it and he's one of my best friends. So I always trust he'll do a good job. Problem is I don't talk to friends about porn and bating. I have no idea about driver downloads, new hardware, or even what sites to trust for downloads. I basically use my pc for music and porn and I only go to a handful of site like bateworld, lanasbigboobs, pornhub and of course the hamster. Thats literally it for porn sites. My pc hiccups, freezes, or just stops working and restarts all the time. First world problems. I know. All I'm saying is I wish there was a on-site porn and bater friendly pc repair service that would come over to your house, not judge, and fix your pc and tell you how to update things and what sites to trust so your pc runs smoothly when watching porn. I don't want some dumb k** from geek squad to come over and see the tons of porn pics I have on my computer. Then go home and write some fuckin blog about some guy who jacks off and is some kind of perv. Or some nutball religious person looking through my computer and judging me or my lifestyle. Or anyone else for that matter. I have a ton of porn. All of it legal and bought from porn shops or saved from xhamster. I am a perv! I know I'm a perv. and I jack off a lot. I just think there should be a service for porn lovers and baters who know nothing about computers and to feel safe from judgment and public shaming to have their pc's fixed and maintained from other porn lovers. Just sayin. Lol. Stay hard everyone!
Published by ilovejuggs
6 years ago
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shalshelan 9 months ago
maybe he will repair your pc and then will be interested to be your jerkmate
1980cub4fun 1 year ago
this is actually an amazing idea!
st_john_green 2 years ago
I thought I had everything backed up great with external devices yet when I had a flood years of stuff I saved was lost. Whats interesting is the tech savvy crowd was never judgemental about porn on a computer or really paid attention. I remember when you had to have film developed you had to really trust the people who worked at the camera shop or get to know someone who had a dark room. 
st_john_green 2 years ago
Lost a computer that had so many pictures, written erotica, erotic art, and so much saved on it. Sadly I lost years of so much that I had it was a drag. Makes me wish I would have spent the money on good printing and scanning equipment and actually made quality copies to keep in a steel filing cabinet. Oh well it just made me appreciate the posters, centerfolds, books, porn mags, vids, and films I saved. 
bosco1 4 years ago
Because of xhamster's annoying platform, I had to put spaces in the u r l. Once you get to that page, click on Best Practices in the upper left (In red), then on "Backup" then on "Backup Overview" In the resulting page, you'll see a list of topics in red and the 3-2-1 rule is near the top. Let me know if you found it
bosco1 4 years ago
The guy who first wrote the book on backup, Peter Krogh is the definitive source. to be honest, I have not read his book, DAM book [Digital Asset Management] but there is an excellent brief summary at the following website: https : // www.  dpbestflow.org / backup / backup-overview 
bosco1 4 years ago
I have been working in computer science for a long time, but I am more knowledgeable about software than hardware. But I've got several PCs I've built, and I've even built a Macintosh. I know the iPhone and Windows phone pretty well, though I have never owned a Droid [though I have helped people with them]. I see Vassago-Blanco and StashMasher are already resources. They are 110% correct about backups. It is worth reading about tge 3-2-1 rule for backups. Reference in next text
bosco1 4 years ago
I can do my best to help you remotely. I follow your site, etc. Feel free to send me a note via xhamster. I understand if things are really bad, you wouldn't be able to get online, login to teamster, and send me a note. But oust for sending a message, you don't need a big screen or a powerful PC or Mac. Any modern cellphone or tablet will do the trick.
JJ822016 4 years ago
Would be nice to have a fellow masturbator come to check my computer anf then have a joint session as the porn plays on!
Dude, pick up a few portable drives and start transferring your porn on to them. That way if your PC dies, your collection won't go down with the ship. If you need a hand, PM me.
theoldog 6 years ago
I can relate and understand. I am not at all tech savvy, lucky I can do what I do now on a computer. Several years ago I was having serious problems, my wife helped me out some, but ended up calling a local computer repair guy. I told him up front my situation with porn, that I had a bunch of pics of myself naked, masturbating and having a good time with myself on the internet, as well as some pics including my wife. I told him if he had any problem with it I would go elsewhere. He was very cool about it, he has seen it all, and I'm sure not just my stuff. Turned out great, he has never been judgmental,  he is the one I call with my problems. Good luck finding someone. Of course the best solution would be to find a fellow perv who is also a computer tech! No doubt they are out there!