As rich 42 year old Mr. Barton paid me with two of his handful of crisp new ten dollars bills he was holding in his left hand that hot July afternoon nearly eight years ago for mowing his lawn, he was looking at me kind of strange and funny as he asked me if "I'd like to earn another $30 for maybe ten minutes or so of easy work?" Somehow almost immediately, I just knew from his recent many questions about my social life and girls, it just had to somehow be Sexually related! So as I not so innocently pondered his sudden proposition, my mind raced back the week before when his large white wrap around after shower bath towel had seemidly and innocently fallen from his waist out in his kitchen to reveal his very long and thick Cock that had been in a startling to me state of Total Erection!

Having just exposed myself in almost the very same manner to my much younger visiting cousin Billy at the swimming hole just a few weeks before, I began to experience those same kind of naughty new sexual urges and thought about forbidden Queer acts. Having to admit to myself, that the site of Mr. Bartons sudden nudity had indeed triggered such deep powerful feelings into my virgin  just turned fully legal age18 year old teen mind.

Our eyes met as I asked him what it was he wanted me to do to earn my thirty dollars? With a beaming smile, I was told all I had to do was to get completly naked with him while watching a Super Hot XXX adult movie he just knew I was going to secretly love viewing! He also added that he loved to Jerk Off while watching Hard Core Porn and I was most welcome to join him in Jacking myself off if I chose to! While the extra money would allow me to get my new needed front tire for my bike a few weeks earlier than expected, it was the prospects of seeing my first hard core porn movie as well as the thought of actually seeing Mr.Bartons big boner cock again that made my decision for me quite easy to make.. So after making me faithfully promise complete secrectcy, I followed him into his back den while feeling my young cock begin to stir inside of my tan summer shorts. Yes ever since first having to shower at the end of all my gym classes going back to junior high, I had played a secret fantasy game of quick classmate cock peeks and glimises while feeling so whick**ly naughty.

So within maybe three minutes, I was sitting in his black leather recliner chair while watching some very pretty young dark haired woman openly fondling a nice sized but flacid penis belonging to some much older guy wearing an expensive looking business suit. Yes as it grew thicker and longer from his open fly, Mr. Barton began shedding every stitch of his clothing on the floor while politely telling me to take off my tee shirt, sneakers and sox. I guess right about then, three different things were making me feel so incredably horny. That dirty playing porn movie only some eight feet away, his getting naked and me beginning to strip down just like he was. For years I had fantasized about exposing my cock in a pure state of erection to just about anyone but mom. Thats why I had slowly taken my time changing at the swimming hole so my cousin Billy would clearly get a good gander at my seven inch rock hard dick. Yes though only briefly looking right at it while showing no real signs of interest, I had delibertly flashed my younger cousin Billy which had given me such powerful erotic forbidden new quite dirty intense and enjoyed thrill!

So as I bent and completed my assigned task or removing all but my tan shorts and white cotton briefs, my eyes looked over just in time to witness Mr. Barton pulling down his cut off blue jeans. Wearing no under wear what so ever, his huge thick fully erect giant sized Dick seemed to instantly spring straight out as his jean tops found his upper thighs. While not quite ready to show any open signs that I was starting to feel a bit queer, my eyes somehow became locked on to that big exposed Prick of his which had me suddently transfixed with such deep interest! I guess I was temperarily spellbound which didn't go unnoticed by Mr.Barton as he smiled and told me not to be shy and to join him in becoming totally naked! He quickly added that I didnt have to worry one bit as our little secret would only be shared by just the two of us. So as I too dropped my drawers with only slight hesitation, he smiled while proclaiming that he was glad mine was also quite hard and aroused just like his was. Then he complimented me by telling me I had grown such a lovely fully developed and perfectly sculptured penis as he openly staired right at it for a very long time before I sat back down for needed security!

So as that very pretty young woman fondled and began stroking that nice TV screen boner, Mr Barton began to lightly touch and tease his cock which was then pointing almost straight up to his ceiling. This while I sat back shyly and equally dividing my glances between his large porn color tv screen and his lap that was exposed between his then widely spread legs. Yes both highly erotic sites to me, were taking far deeper into an unavoidble state of Feelings that were far more powerful than ever before in my past . Oh how I wanted to simply reach down and grab ahold of my own throbbing young cock but somehow remained quite passive while not quite sure how I should properly act right then? Next it was her sudden cockhead kiss on Mr. Bartons 30 inch tv screen that swung my helpless right hand into action. It was more of a reaction to such a lewd dirty gesture as I realized she was going to use her mouth instead of her hands on him. So I began to sqeezed my very sensitive dick as I watched her apply several darting quick cockhead kisses before her pink naughty tongue darted out to take its very first long pronounced lick on his swollen piss slit. God how magical I found her unashamed actions as she seemed to be enjoying herself so much! She was then reaching up under her short red mini skirt with her left hand to pleasure herself right between her legs. Having only seen drawings of a womans virgina in my sex education freshman class, I found myself hoping she too would somehow expose herself so I could get my very first peek! at what a Pussy actually looked like. Yes with my young stored up passions at last being fully released, I had to stop myself and remove my cock rubbing hand for fear of prematuely shooting off!

It was then that guy in the business suit suddenly stood up and in a firm in charge voice, commanded her to stop the fuckin teasing and to get busy sucking his big cock! How magical and truly erotic I found that site of her parted lips slipping down to consume his swollen pinkish/purple cockhead from view. Soon she was blowing him without shame or pretense as I viewed my very first witnessed blow job while feeling quite hypmotized to dare not look away for even a split second. It was Mr. Bartons soft words that snapped me from my transfixed sexual trance then. Words that while real seemed to be part of some magical far away dream I felt I was caught up in. They were in the form of a question he was asking me as he wanted to know if, "It made any difference if I knew she was a really a cross dressing drag queen who also had a nice sized cock of her own? "

Somehow everything in my imagined mind set had instantly changed. Now instead of a woman, a business guy and me and Mr. Barton, everything seemed so Totally Queer and so much different. No longer desireing to touch my cock again. I sat further back in that black leather recliner as that still very pretty and feminine looking girly boy lifted up the front of her red mini skirt. God Mr. Barton was dead right when he told me that she was really a he as her quite long but very thin and slender hanging soft cock came into my full view. This while she dilligently sucked that big stiff prick her painted lips were tightly wrapped around. Then again Mr. Barton spoke telling me he was going to beat himself off to a big climax and instructed me to come over closer and to watch him do it.. Maybe two minutes later, I safely stood no more than four feet away from him as large exploding goblets of white thick come were wildly being ejaculated from the very center of his taunt swollen cockhead! Somehow in viewing this lewd strange site, without much thinking my right hand went to my suddenly quite needy cock and began to tightly and rapidly stroke myself. Maybe within thirty seconds after starting to franically jack it, I too passed the point of no return as my dick began to slew out powerful bursts of my young exploding jizz blasts which hit both of Mr. Bartons lower legs as well as the lower front of his expensive leather couch. After fetching two wettened face clothes from his bathroon, each one of us used one to clean up all that thick white shot off sperm. I was again reminded to not dare tell a living soul and soon left with five instead of two cripsy new ten dollar bills.

So with a new front tire on my bike bought and fully paid for, I rode it around a lot for the next several days before it again became time to do my weekly mowing of Mr. Bartons fair sized lawn. Each night behind closed doors in the safety of my bedroom , I had played with my dick and created some new fantasy wishes that included my truly hoping that Mr. Barton would get queer with me and my cock in his den! Little did I know then or ever suspect, that Mr. Barton was not into other guys dicks at all but rather into seducing young legal pretty boys who needed to discover they were only born to Service Stiff Cock. So that second time in the privacy of his den, I quickly and willingly stripped bare ass naked as he put in a orgy tape involving a cute blonde college freshman faternity pledge, and his nine older upperclassman brothers who would selfishly use both his novice mouth and virgin asshole for their selfish pleasure and amusement as well. Although that movie was certainly hot and very graffic, somehow I found myself far more interested in Mr. Bartons massive boner as I viewed it more than the movie. In noticing my keen interest, he had me move over quite close to him on his large soft black leather couch of his. Yes while quite timid and unsure of things, deep down I found myself hoping he would take charge of things and force me to do very queer things to his big lovely dick which had me greatly excited and more than ripe for the taking.

So as I sat next to him watching him tease himself, I so dearly wanted to simply reach down and to touch it and feel its hardness in my hand.. Yet I didn't dare move and could only wear a dumb smile of supposed innocence! After a few silent minutes of watching that virgin pledge take a cock in his virgin mouth, I found myself wishing that it was me in that movie being used in that most erotic to me way. Yes somehow in being forced, didn't make him appear to be queer to me at all, but instead simply willing to please to be accepted. When Mr. Barton whispered to me that I could earn $75 extra dollars if I gave him a good long exciting handjob, I looked down at his dick while telling him I wasnt at all a bit queer but rather really needed the money for a gift for moms upcoming birthday. Feeling a flase sense of security, I didnt even look at it as I turned my head away just as I reached out with my right hand to lightly sample it. Instantly as my somewhat shy fingers wrapped around its thick mid shaft girth, I felt both its hardness as well as its heat as it suddenly throbbed under my exploring first touches. In a strange new way, it was as if my own cock had suddenly grown a few more inches while also becoming so much more thicker too. So just like it was my very own, I began to explore it as my head turned back to watch my probing hand acting so strangely queer! Soon I found myself swept up in this strong magical spell of submissiveness. I felt so helpless to stop as Mr. Barton told me to watch his televison screen and to watch how different that shy faternity pledge was now acting toward all those exposed stiff cocks.

How stimulating I found it watching him now greedily mouthing in turn those four stiff presented dicks there were right in front of his pretty boy face. Yes each one would be shoved deeply into his willing mouth as he contently and passionitely sucked until one was suddenly withdrawn so that a new stiff one took its place. Somehow I knew right then that without a doubt, I too was going to simply love orally taking Mr. Bartons Big Boner that I suddenly was jacking rather than exploring it. Almost instantly, Mr. Barton commanded me to DONT STOP, PUMP MY PRICK BOY, JACK OUT MY JIZZ. AHHHAA, OHHH , JUST LIKE THAT, JUST LIKE THAT"" And then all to quickly, I felt the powerful pulsations under my pumping right hand as torentss of his exploding sperm shot out like hot white sky rockets! God that load I pumped out of him was at least twice the size of any of my cums ever! So much thick salty spoo that flew everwhere as my jacking hand began to get slightly numb. Again I was made to go fetch two wet face clothes but this time, Mr. Barton in wanting his moneys worth, had me clean up every single drop of that vast collection of Cum that seemed to have landed everwhere.

Next he ordered me to jerk myself off while I watched tv pretty boy lie down to become the focal point for a nine man circle jerk that had him completely Cock surrounded from above.
How stimulating I found the site of those nine nice sized dicks being stroked into wild ejaculation. While viewing such, I suddenly smelt a strange odor. Mr. Barton had opened a small bottle containing some liquid he told me to slowly and deeply inhale. Yes I had no idea about those Rush Poppers and how they greatly affected ones unsuspecting mind. Blocking my left nostril with my left index finger as ordered, he held it right under my right nostril and told me to inhale deeply. It smelled something like dirty laundry as I deeply inhailed as ordered. Then maybe twenty seconds and four good deep sniffs later,Both my mind and my body felt a strange new very powerful sensation take over. God I instantly felt so totally queer and turned on. So strangely different as things seems to suddenly become so peaceful and delightfully slow! How focused my mind had become toward pure exciting Sex. How beautiful and majestic all of those different cocks on tv looked as they began to blast out hot thick creamy looking cum. How turned on this got me as Pretty boy became a helpless cockpit sperm recepticle for all of that flying landing Cum. It was covering him all over with most of it landing on his face or in his long golden blonde locks.

As I continued to sniff that magic hand held bottle of Pure Erotica Mr Barton held as I grabbed my own cock selfishly to release my very own stored up seed!!! God such an intense long lasting come that seemed it would never end as I pumped my own prick in glee as from the very core of my balls, thousands of wonderful sparks of pleasure consumed my reborn croutch. Thus ended my second secret session with Mr. Barton in his den that day. Only I was also given a gay paperback book that was entited How to Get the Most Out of Being Queer! Mr Barton told me go slow in reading it as I needed to fully understand my Sexuality and let myself totally go! Yes Mr. Barton make it quite clear to me right then, that he had Designs to turn me into his complete Cock Loving Pretty Boy Bitch before school was to start up in early September!

Now fully addicted to these new feelings of attraction toward Dick, I began to mouth very small samples my own shot off sperm while doing ending my nightly pre sleep masturbations. While quite rancid and saltly and somewhat strange those first few times, I soon changed my tune in discovering I was quickly beginning to enjoy having its thick volume saturate my accepting taste buds that made my cock stay hard and in a prolonged state of arrousal. So soon I was jacking two loads nightly to savor and swollow while dreaming about Mr. Barton making me take down his big lingering loads! Over and over his words rang in my ears. " I have designs of turning you into my Complete Cock Loving Pretty Boy before summer vaction is over!" Yes even though I had given just one simple harnlesshand job to put ub my brief new Gay Resume. I was well on my way to becoming a Full Blown Fag! Yes I craved Mr. Bartons cock so badly that I would even ride my bike up and down in front of his house in hopes he would invite me in to SUCK HIM COMPLETELY OFF! I was so dissapoined when on my next scheduled lawn mowing day, it rained cats and dogs outside. So horny was I , that while mom was at work, I got out the phone book and tried to look up high school queer Eddie Collins number. However none of the three Collins names I called knew of any Eddie so I jacked in the bathroom instead, shooting my big load in a plactic dixie cup and gulping down every drop I could!

I will also mention that gay paperback that Mr. Barton had loaned me was so dirty and exciting to read. It was all about a mama's sort of sissy raised boy who spent a summer at his step uncles fishing camp. A step father that was secretly bi-sexual and quite selfish. Yes reading about young Robin Parkers Summer Seduction of Gay Sin had me obessed with not only the Act of Cocksucking, but of Anal sex as well. Best of all, I found its most Erotic parts was in his Being Feminized by not only his step uncle. but two of his bi friends as well. It was perhaps just past half way in reading it, that I stole a pair of moms lacey pink panties and used them to mastrubate in. Not daring to wash or return them to her lingerie drawer, I instead hid them under my bureau and began to wear them all day long while mom was at work. Soon I was coming in them at least twice a day while wearing them. Then I would take them off and lick and suck all the Cum I could out of that soft pink sexy silk!

It was late on a Friday morning that Mr. Barton called me. He told me he had two friends over and was going to have a very private Jerk off Porn Movie Party. I hesitated for a long while telling him I was too shy before finally somehow he talked me into showing up. Perhaps it was his offer of giving me $150 for jacking off all three of their cocks that make me accept his offer? I was ordered to bathe real good and this included my anus which should have given me a clue as to what might be in store for me. Although I shave maybe once every two weeks, I shaved not only my face but somehow ended up shaving my cock and balls completely clean just like Robin Parker did in my gay sex book. It was just before two that afternoon that I sheepishly rang Mr. Bartons rear doorbell.

I guess I recoiled in a bit of fear as this very masculine late twenties guy wearing only a large jockstrap answered the door and welcomed me by my first name. As I followed him down the hallway to Mr. Bartons Sex Den, I noticed how heavily muscled his backside was and how hairly as well. Upon entering the den right behind him, I was astonded to see another young good looking guy kneeling between Mr. Bartons outstretched legs. With both hands he was holding Mr. Bartons huge thick inflated boner and licking it in long slow tongue strokes that made me stop dead in my tracks. Watching a blow job on his tv screen or reading it in my new dirty little secret gay book was one thing, but seeing it actually happening just a few feet away in real life had me spellbound in complete fascination! While I couldn't help but feel slightly jealous at first, I found myself really turned on as both his large mushroon sized cockhead and long thick shaft were being expertly licked and teased. After completely igoring me like I wasnt even there for several minutes, Mr. Barton finally turned his attention to me by asking me if I had finished reading Robin Parkers Summer Seduction. Next he asked me in front of both of his unnamed friends, which parts I had like the best? I guess right then I had decided to completely come out of the closet as I told him I loved everything in it I had read? Next he asked me " If I thought I was ready to become his Prick Loving Panty Princess?" ! I answered him by sheepishly telling him about moms stolen pink panties which made both of his handsome friends break out in big smiles!

While Mr. Barton had faithfully promised to keep our two sex sessions a secret, he did inform Johnathan ( who was the one clad in the jock strap) and Roger his dick licker that I was almost a complete virgin long overdue to discover the wonderful joys associated with Gay Adult Sex. Yes he told them I had only given one five minute at most hand job but had that unmistakeable look only a True Cocklover could possibly wear! Next he had me nerviously confessing to the three of them, how I was willing to do Gay things for money and deep down was ripe and ready to take my very first cock ever into my virgin mouth! Next he told Johnatan to drop his jock and to give me a good gander of his Cock. Just like my very first nude locker room site way back inseventh grade nearly five plus years before, I felt an instant sexual turn on as some six plus soft inches of very narrow uncut hanging cock suddenly came into my view! How delighted it me feel when I realized it gave me the very same strong powerful sexual feelings and urges as Mr. Bartons big Boner had. So when Roger dropped his blue boxer shorts to his knees, his very thick but short purple headed hard pecker also fueled my rapidly building fires toward cock desires!

Next without any warning, Mr. Barton picked up his remote and clicked a few buttons. Roger then took a seat along side of Mr. B while Johnatan sat in the recliner after completely discarding his jock strap. Not knowing where to sit, I dumbly just stood there until Mr. Barton told me to go over like a good little sissy bitch and to sit right down in Johnathans lap which was by then sporting a full proud erection! As I arrived over there, I turned my back to sit down when I felt his strong hands take both of my young hips in a tight grip and carefully and slowly guide me downward. As my young bottom was lowered, even through the frabic of my summer cut off shorts, I could feel the hardness of Johnathans cock pressing firmly between my now resting ass cheeks. Next I found myself amazed as on that tv screen the gay movie began to play out. No it wasnt one of those store bought or mail order gay movies, but instead a home video that showed both Mr. Barton and Roger amongst that barn loft full of naked guys involved in a wild open anything goes Homosexual Orgy.

It was in the background that I spotted what appeared to me to be a slender late teen sissy type boy wearing a matching set of lacey lavendar lingerie. Yes frilly quite shear panties and a french style half brassire the seemed to contain real tit flesh! God how his image excited me so greatly. To me he looked exactly like what I had been feeling inside of me for nearly three long weeks of these new Gay Cravings and Urges! Then Johnathan began to lightly rub my back and shoulder blades as I felt his very hard prick throbbing against my resting backside! Looking over to the couch, Roger was bent over and seemed to be biting or sucking Mr. Bartons naked hairly nipples! Then as I watched to rampid cock sucking or bent over ass fuckings taking place on the screen, Johnatan whispered in my ear that he would love to make me look just like that cute pretty boy bitch I had just asked about in that movie! Soon I found myself in a back womans looking bedroom sitting at a dressing table! On the canope bed I couldnt help but notice a carefull laid out pink bra, matching bikini panties, black nylons of some kind and a lacey silk garter belt full of flower type ruffles. Little did I know or suspect then, that my introduction in the gay lifestyle had been carefully planned hours before my phone call invitation had even taken place. Yes my first time having real sex was planed with me assuming to totally submissive role of true pure submissive She Male Sissy! Somthing that Mr. Barton demanded and required of all of his new conquests and conversions into late teen queerness! From vast past experiences, he had expertly judged me to posess all of the true traits of a born transvestite! Yes a cute young looking somewhat fem face along with a slender smooth body compete with long sexy legs and a bubble butt shapely ass that had COME FUCK ME WRITTEN ALL OVER IT!

I will skip the details of my expert transformation from male into total female here in only saying that within 25 short minutes, Johnathan who was a hairdresser and beautician worked his craft to almost perfection. When finally allowed to view my self entirely in the back wall full mirror, I found myself looking at a most beautiful blue eyed very early twenties blonde female who looked like she could enter almost any beauty pagent! Only when I moved while viewing my image, could I believe that she was actually me in full drag. Somehow in viewing and admiring myself, did my cock grow into such a profound state of bursting erection. Johnathan in noticing my arrousal laughed and told me it was no longer my teen boy cock, but instead my new Clitty Cock that always belonged tightly clad in silk or lace! How wonderful I felt then as he moved up behind me and began to lightly explore and feel up both of my quite shapely ass cheeks. Oh how badly I wanted to touch his stiff exposed cock then and even tried too only to be rebuffed and told that frist and foremost, I belonged to Mr. Barton and his nearly nine inches of Sissy loving Meat!

I couldnt help but ask Johnathan then if Mr. B was going to fuck me? I found his answer then so incredably exciting as he told that he just may awaken my sleeping back door pussy if and only if I properly and pleasingly Sucked off his big cock to full Completion, Johnathan smiled then when I told him how for nearly two wonderful weeks, I had been eating my own jerk off loads while discovering such pronound enjoyment. He called me a naughty little sperm drinker then, while adding, he just knew I was going to go crazy with passion while sucking my very first stiff prick ever! Then he asked me if I was ready to at long last discover the true side of my personality that had been born far more woman than man? How natural it felt to me then, prancing down the short hallway like Cinderalla about to be the hit of the Balls.

Upon my sudden entrance, Mr. Barton pushed Rogers face away from his big boner and stood up! While his eyes took in every inch of my completey feminine sight, my own eyes were taking in the erotic view of his massive spittal covered fully erect and glistening man Cock. After having me turn around several times to show off Johnathans wonderful transformation job of me, I found myself unable to contain my desires a second longer. My words were suprisingly firm and far from my usual shy nature as I boldly told him, " I WANT TO SUCK YOUR BIG COCK!" PLEASE MAKE ME LOVE IT MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!" I DEARLY WANT AND NEED TO BECOME YOUR DEVOTED SISSY AND TOTALLY BELONG TO ONLY YOU!" Having finished my short but sincere speech of true longings, I sank to my young knees while my tongue began to lick that wonderful cherry glossy lipstick that Johnathan had applied just minutes earlier! From in front of me I watched that large Godlike Prick of such power sway from side to side as Mr. Barton approached yet closer. This while on each side of me, both Johnathan and Roger moved in close to get full close unobstructed views. How Fuckin Queer and excited I felt right then as my empty mouth craved to be stuffed with hot stiff manprick! Manprick to taste, to feel and to worship. Cock to satisfy my queer quest to become a hot homo with girlish hormones running wild!

How I craved right then to be selfishly used, to be deeply mouthfucked, to take his big dick so deep and so willingly! So as I widely parted my lips and waited with locked on eyes. That one eyed monster drew nearer and nearer until it stopped just a few teasing inches away. "BEG FOR IT BITCH!" "BEG DADDY FOR HIS BIG DICKIE!" "ADMIT HOW MUCH YOU LONG TO BECOME DADDIES SPERM SUCKING SISSY! " Then without waiting for my answer, He grabbed the back of my head and fed me a good honest six inches of that thick stiff prick I had been dreaming about for nearly two long frustating weeks.

Oh how wonderful it felt having my mouth suddenly stuffed and stretched wide with such erotic hardness! So salty and so flavorful as my anxious taste buds obs0rved and consumed his manliness. I couldnt help but groan in pure contentment as it seemed a hundred times more wonderful than I possibly could have ever imagined. Unable to stem his passions, Mr. Barton rammed his big cockhead past my hanging young touncils and well down my tight new boy cunt throat! As his hairy balls came to rest againt the cleft of my chin, I began to gag and choke yet welcomed every precious inch of it. Yes he was totally right in accessing that I was born for only one good reason.. To please, to tease and to service stiff selfish Cock! Christ within two minutes of first mouth entry, I had already become Mr. B's newest little exciting Cockgirl Sissy. How wonderful it was for me then to discover I was already a fully addicted faggot with only a stiff cock to feed her habbit and satisfly her appetite!! No that first time I really didnt get to do much lip, tongue and mouth exploring on my own. For Mr. B was most intent and delierate in selfishly Fucking my receptive choking mouth and throat. Having both Johnatan and Roger standing there closely watching us, only served to excite me yet more.

Both couldnt help but to hold their engorged pricks tighly in hand as Mr. Barton sternly ordered me to use both of my hands on them. So within scant seconds, each of my hands tightly held hot throbbing cock while my wonderful mouth fucking **** increased yet more. Yes my new inexperienced mouth was making loud sloppy sucking noises as Johnathan informed Mr. B. that I had recently been recyling my jack off loads. Somehow this make me feel so dirty but in a way proud as Mr. B asked me if I was about ready to do some fast swollowing?" It was Roger who spoke for only the second time since my arrival! It was a sugesstion he made to Mr. B that a hot dirty Cum Facial would greatly enhance the memories of my very first Cocksucking time! He quickly added why waste it down my throat where it would vanish without being seen when I could instead be branded with a big hot soupy facial load I would simply love him to force finger feed me with afterwards? Oh how exciting I found his suggestion while silently hoping that Mr. B would also find Sperm Blasting my Face much more erotic and appealing! Next without warning, my love cock was harshly pulled from my mouth while Mr. B commanded me to lick, suck and worship his large hanging balls while Roger stroked him off! He also ordered Johnathan to kneel down beside me and tease my virgin pussy hole with a wettened middle finger. Oh how nice Johnathans hand felt slipping beneath my tight fem lacey panties and finding my lifetime sleeping pink anus. How stimulating and pleasant the nerve endings on its posterior felt under his skillful soft teasing touch as my nostils inhaled the manly fregrence of Mr. B's large hanging ball sack while my exploring tongue licked many different wrinkes as well as deep into long course pubic hairs. So as Roger began to hastily wack Mr. B. off, I continued to pull Rogers thick uncut pud in hopes of giving him much queer pleasure. Now inside of my tight fem panties, I was enjoying such sootheing teasing anal stimulations and wished that Johnathan would push his dirty diget deep up inside of me. Little did I know then, that he was simply applying some stimulating foreplay so that soon on the end of Mr. B's big Brass Sex Bed, his long thin cock would claim full conquest to capturing my Choke Cherry! This while he put his other unused hand to good work by taking my stiff new Clitty Cock in a tight firm grip.

While my long blonde wig had my head feeling very warm and a bit uncomfortable, the many dangling loose hairs that were brushing both sides of my face made me feel so sexy and feminine. Even my half bra and its straps only added to making me feel so wonderfully bitchy and fem. Wanting to feel either one of Mr. B's big balls better, I somehow found my widely parted lips gently sucking his left one right inside of my mouth opening. How dirty and wonderfully queer this made me feel as I then gently sucked for both more feel and strong masculine taste! Then all four of us seemed to slow down as Mr. Barton announced he was getting real close to Shooting Off. Again he began speaking to me as he asked me "If I was ready to be Sprem Blasted as His Bitch?" He then told Roger to move around behind him and jerk him off that way while he stepped back to carefully guage the distance between his swollen Cockhead and my now smeared lips! Just as I was attempting to remove a pesky pubic hair from my mouth, Mr Bartons first Big Ball Blast erupted without warning. It hit me right in the middle of my left eye instantly causing me to flinch and move my face slightly back. This just a second before his next big one hit me dead center between my slightly parted Lips. Having been shot with a great deal of pent up power behind it, a fair portion of it had entered the front part of my mouth. Instantly my taste buds were treated to strong taste of Mr. Bartons soupy slippery hot sperm. Only the sudden burning in my left eyes was unwelcomed as I closed both of them to try to quell the stinging. Now in darkness, I felt splash after splash hitting my cheeks and lower face every few seconds. This while I used my tongue to swoop up that frontal glob just inside of my cum coated lips. True to his promise, after draining Mr. B's cock with his skillful pumping hand, Roger moved in and began to feed me thick goblets his fingers were collecting. Overcum with relief and joy, I tried to reach down to my dick as I wanted to beat myself off. This is when Mr. B told me that Roger was going to give me an ice cube blow job right after I blew him. This would all take place in the bedroom. This while Johnathan would be ramming his very long cock well up into my new fuck pussy that was simply going to fall in love with stiff cock just like my new gay mouth had.

So on all fours, I knelt sideways across Mr. Bartone imported Spanish bed while Roger peeled back his foreskin and moved in close to my face. As I felt the cold slipperly lube on Johnatans fingers coating my new cunt asshole. I reached out to fondle Rogers tight
small ball sack. Needing both hands to balance with, I could only stretch my neck forward just enough for my tongue to find deep purple shiny cockhead. While it tasted a bit strong and much riper than Mr. B's had, I none the less began to lick it as I felt a fingertip slide past my tight rim and slowly enter me. How skillfull Johnathan was as inch by slow inch, he both lubed me properly while gaining yet more internal ground. Maybe five minutes into his anal finger invasion, I found my newly awakened young pussy ass fully turned on and receptive to backdoor penetration. Yes just like Robin Parkers Summer Sedution into Sissy land had expertly described in detail, just like his , my new prick pussy was wide awake and craving some action. This is when Mr. Barton suddenly showed up again after his short shower and put a new bottle of open poppers under my nostrils. Soon those deep fumes had me so fuckin hot as the sudden sounds of vibration filled both of my ears from behind. Later I would find out that Johnathan had a very thin soft thickly lubed latex virbrator that had been ideally and properly named, the Virgins Gentle Break in Model. Yes six soft inches of very thin buzzing to stimulate every sensitive nerve ending while coating my colon with slippery lube lining.

Now passionitly sucking Rogers stubby short thick rock hard dick, I began to fuck my ass back into Johnathans hand held buzzing ass humper feeling more and more wonderful sentations with each new long introduced strokes. Now both of my gay love tunnels were hard at works sucking up the glorious feelings of cock both real and fake. As those poppers launched my mind into the top level of total queerness, Johnathan had chosen his moment of back door entry perfectly! There was absolutly no first time fucking pains involved as only a slight discomfort of bowel lining stretching was involved. But soon
the ky jelly had me as slick as a hot mexican whore in July as Johnathans cockhead felt so fucking good sliding deeper in my tight back door fuck cave. Even my tightly clinging asshole felt so wonderful being spread wider and wider as he worked it into me deeper and deeper unil most of his 7 3/4 inches was nestled inside of me. I guess I was so dam tight and responsive, that it only took Johnathan a few minutes of actual prick pumping before he exploded in moaning glee. Now hot in trying to suck Rogers thick cock off to climax. I was suddenly surprised as a sexually renewed Mr. Barton stepped in behind me.
Yes he had delibertely had Johnatan break in and lube my sissy cherry so that it was ready , willing and totally able to handle nearly nine inches of very thick middleaged man meat.

While I did feel some pain when he went past my still virgin seven inch inside marker, his cock felt so wonderfully good as he began to bugger my bowels in selfishness. As Rogers cock began to explode right inside of my sucking young mouth. I began to moan from the pleasures both cocks were giving me at both ends at once. Next I felt Johnathan working my panties past my clinging ankles to allow me more movement. Mr. B was holding my hips steadfast as he rammed his ridgid rod head all the way home. He was telling both Johnatan and Roger how fuckin tight my little pussy really was! Having arrived there practically a pure innoncent virgin, I had no clue Mr. B was plowing me bareback. OH how great his cock was making me feel as Johnathan moved his head under my lower belly and slipped his lips down past my cockhead. Having never had my dick touched before, I found the warmth and tightness of his practiced mouth the most pleasureable physical feelings ever. It was my sudden ejaculation just a minute into his sucking, that had not only my cock pulsating in pleasure, but also my anus began to wildly throb around Mr. B's super thick lower cock shaft. Within five of six deep shoving lunges, Mr. Bartons cock began to explode his jettisoning jizz into the deepest reaches of my ravished rectum!
With just under an hour left before mom was due to arrive him from work, I showered with Johnatan and ended up kneeling on the floor while blowing him and fingering his asshole as well with my soapy right middle finger.

In peddling my bike away from Mr. Bartons home that unforgetable hot day, I had $200 of money for moms bithday gift as Mr. B an early retired stock broker tipped me quite handsomely. I had sucked three different cocks off, had taken two long dicks up my new treasured bitch pussy ass. Had discovered the wonderful joys, excitement and stimulation associated with cross dressing and had become Mr. Bartons Secret Suck and fuck SIssy almost two months ahead of schedule. Yes fuck mowing lawns as now I have a much better way of making a living doing what I love best for maybe eight or nine hours a week at most.

Yes between Mr. B and some of Johnatans rich gay clients, I gett top dollar without ever having to even leave my rather plush city condo. Thank God I didnt listen to mom and go to accounting school after I graduated high school. In fact once I ran into mom in Sears and she walked by me not even ten feet way and didnt have a clue it was me. Ah the magic of makeup!!!!!! Well gotta run and get ready. I have a queer judge coming over that simply loves to TRY Me once a week!!!!!!!

Yes in reaching legal age 18 but looking 3 years younger, I became super rich by age 21 three years after this story began!!!
Published by cddixie
6 years ago
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wearimus 5 months ago
What a way to make a living. So hot
SancheZ069 1 year ago
hot :smile:
biSalguod 4 years ago
awesome story    so hard right now
Captainftrsir 4 years ago
fd8984596 6 years ago
Wow - Nice post!