La madre de un amigo mio es toda una voluptuosa mujer!,semejantes pechos y su buena cantidad de cuerpo,no es delgada ni muy gorda,es perfecta!,cada vez que la veo me provoca hacer tantas cosas con ella,es una mujer blanca con gran tamaño,diría que unos 1.70
Soltera de paso,hay veces en las que me quedo solo con ella pero no logro hacer nada,solo imaginar como seria si pudiera lograr algo con ella
tiene un tatuaje en su muslo derecho y una voz que seria sensacional en orgasmos múltiples!
soy un caballero pervertido y solo serán imaginaciones mías nada mas con ella...pero si ella quiere algo obviamente no me negare,muy madura a su edad de solo 34 años,muy divertida también...muy hábil en la cama?,posiblemente pero no sabremos hasta que ella quiera
The mother of a friend of mine is all a voluptuous woman!, Such breasts and her good amount of body, she is not thin or very fat, she is perfect!, Every time I see her, she causes me to do so many things with her, she is a white woman with a large size, I would say about 1.70
Single in passing, there are times when I'm alone with her but I can not do anything, just imagine what it would be like if I could achieve something with her
she has a tattoo on her right thigh and a voice that would be sensational in multiple orgasms!
I am a perverted gentleman and only my imagination will be nothing more with her ... but if she wants something she will obviously not deny me, very mature at her age of only 34, very funny too ... very skillful in bed, possibly but we will not know until she wants to.
Soltera de paso,hay veces en las que me quedo solo con ella pero no logro hacer nada,solo imaginar como seria si pudiera lograr algo con ella
tiene un tatuaje en su muslo derecho y una voz que seria sensacional en orgasmos múltiples!
soy un caballero pervertido y solo serán imaginaciones mías nada mas con ella...pero si ella quiere algo obviamente no me negare,muy madura a su edad de solo 34 años,muy divertida también...muy hábil en la cama?,posiblemente pero no sabremos hasta que ella quiera
The mother of a friend of mine is all a voluptuous woman!, Such breasts and her good amount of body, she is not thin or very fat, she is perfect!, Every time I see her, she causes me to do so many things with her, she is a white woman with a large size, I would say about 1.70
Single in passing, there are times when I'm alone with her but I can not do anything, just imagine what it would be like if I could achieve something with her
she has a tattoo on her right thigh and a voice that would be sensational in multiple orgasms!
I am a perverted gentleman and only my imagination will be nothing more with her ... but if she wants something she will obviously not deny me, very mature at her age of only 34, very funny too ... very skillful in bed, possibly but we will not know until she wants to.
6 years ago