Is it the end now !!!

Came on here today to find a message from a guy ( thank you )
In my inbox
That a lady had set up a profile with all my pictures even used my name
Do I delete my whole profile now and forget I was even on here or set everything to
Yes I have reported her x-hamster and hope she gets removed but it will only be until
The next one comes along!!! Why can’t people just Leave my page alone
So now it’s time to make a decision for me !!!
Here is the link for lady who stole photos
So angry

Signed up: 13 days ago
Last Activity: 2 days ago
Profile Viewed: 706 times
Rank: Newbie
Comments: 0
I'm: Sally, 43
From: Geel, Belgium
Seeking: Nobody
Languages: Nederlands, English
Personal Information
Physical Information
About Me
Hallo,Zoals je kan lezen : Ik ben Sally 43j,gehuwd,1 zoon.

Gelukkig leventje.Ik heb hier dan ook enkel een profiel om de boel wat meer pit te real dates
Last comments for Sallyke75
Published by Sallyt2008
6 years ago
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tugmeister 6 years ago
There are always idiots that spoil it for every body else
Mr-8-BBC 6 years ago
I've only just seen this thread... please Sally stay with us ! 
havagreatday2 6 years ago
Hi Sally... please come back. You are incredible. Rob xxx
gonfalon 6 years ago
So, so sorry to hear about the fake user. I've noticed lots of my own photos showing up in other users' galleries, but to steal another user's identity — that's so wrong. 
jacknsarah 6 years ago
Hey Sally, were unable to PM you but someone else is using your videos -
excitedfarmer 6 years ago
No o just found you
ilovebignips 6 years ago
Noooo, depriving us of your magnificent mams just doesn't bare thinking about! Dont let the fckas get you down sexy Sal and keep those great tits public as two wondrous beacons of defiance! Failing that, go private and pls pls pls take me with, you're hot as fck and those tits really are to die for, would be a crying shame to lose out on you! Chin up, chest out and bollox to em hun :smile:
pady3 6 years ago
We all love and respect you Sally. Don't go, or if you do please take me with you x
Hectorlector 6 years ago
Sally don’t go, I so look forward to your new posts. Love ya babe xx
burton77 6 years ago
i hope you stay im sorry this has happened 
biggbelly69 6 years ago
I'd rather you stay but with peeps like her (or even him!)about I can understand if you go!! Hopefull Hamster do their job...Fingers crossed you stay Sally xx
xxxhamfanxx1 6 years ago
don't go Sall...shes gone already, I really appreciate you sexy self
bglad 6 years ago
Grim - Hoping you don't go, but whatever you do is up to you.
mollynn_69 6 years ago
Sad how ppl can’t be real on here and have their own material even if they don’t want to show their faces , sorry your having to deal with this 
arty1uk 6 years ago
Please stay sally, what can we do to help you?
jacknsarah 6 years ago
Please don't let the sad minority spoil it for you and everyone else. What's that old saying "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" they must have searched the entire site to find the one with the best pictures, hopefully admin will boot them and block them from returning xxx
frenchboyz 6 years ago
so sorry !
dream619 6 years ago
So glad you found that profile, I'm sure the whole of xham has got your back x
mackeral12 6 years ago
I’m guess the thing has decided to remove the page just search and not there
krazy13 6 years ago
Sally, im sorry that happened but i do enjoy looking at your page and updates. but if you do leave i do understand why and once more , sorry xo
viper99 6 years ago
Sally please don't leave. Your are so sexy and gorgeous.You have the best profile on here. Don't let some looser ruin it for the rest of us who are your real fans. I always enjoy your updates and posts you make my day. Your pictures from Spain were amazing. Hopefully you won't leave as we will all miss you. You are so genuine and caring in your updates. If you do go to friends only add the people who have made nice comments then you will know who your real fans are then.Please Add me to the list xx  
justfarmdoghank 6 years ago
ugh .. the nerve of some people . I for one would hate to see you go , but would understand if that was your final move. I would wish you luck and a good life and think of you fondly ….. but please do stay .. you would be so vary much missed .
HornyTwenty47 6 years ago
you are one of the only profile I really take notice of on here...
i'd be very sad to see you gone, but I would respect your decision... 
Personally I think you should go through the pics and comments and add the genuine fans as friends and set everything to friends only and see how it goes, if it happens again then password or gone xx
gnsdujg 6 years ago
Please dont leave sally
stokiechap 6 years ago
I really really hope you don't go. Please don't leave.
rodney725 6 years ago
This is sad to see you being hit again ,most likely find it is a guy using you wonderful pics ,which i have to say the views of spain are great ,hope you stay for all you genuine fan and if you go private make sure i am on the list xxx
funguy2007 6 years ago
I think you should set everything to private. It won't be nice, but it means that only the worthy will get through. And I would rather you didn't leave. Your photos and videos are simply amazing. I love it when you update. Please stay, and keep uploading, but only for the worhty :smile: xx
gomer33 6 years ago
I hope you don’t leave, you are one of the few real people on here xx
Seriously? FFS. Best wishes with whatever you choose Sally. We’d miss you (and those beautiful tits) xx
timyg 6 years ago
Whats wrong with people. Hope you dont disappear sally cus i only come on here for your posts. The woman that pretends to be you must be really sad with her own life to want to be someone else. Please stay x.