Hollywood body plan
Hollywood body plan
While your lifestyle might differ from a celeb, your goals are similar: You want to be lean, sexy, and strong, but achieve that in the shortest time possible. This workout is designed for just that purpose and to have you looking red-carpet ready in just 4 weeks!

Difficulty level: Beginner
Muscles involved: Total body
Focus: Fat loss
Duration: 60 minutes

How to do this workout?
Perform this workout 3X a week. For instance, you could do this on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Each workout consists of 3 circuits. Perform 1 set of all of the exercises in the 1st circuit, resting 30 seconds between each move.
Once you have finished all exercises in the circuit, repeat the process. After you complete all sets in the circuit, then you can move on to the next group of exercises.

Circuit : Do 1 set of each exercise in a group consecutively, without rests in between.
Once these exercises have been completed, repeat the circuit again - doing 1 set of each with no rests in between. Continue until prescribed number of total sets are performed

Strength : Complete all sets of an exercise at the same time with rests in between. Then move to the next exercise.

Superset : 2 moves done consecutively (like a circuit) with no rests in between

Day 1 workout


1A Shifting side lunge
3 20 30-60

1B Skater crunch cross
3 20 30-60

1C Reverse sliding lunge
3 20 30-60

1D Alternating dumbbell row
3 15 30-60

1E Squat
3 20 30-60

1F Kettlebell chest press
3 15-20 30-60

1G Elevator abs
3 12 30-60


2A Reverse sliding lunge
3 15 30-60

2B Reverse-grip pressdown
3 15 30-60

2C Standing dumbbell biceps curl
3 15-20 30-60

2D Single-leg dip
3 12-15 30-60

2E Mountain climber on sliding discs
3 20 30-60


3A Single-leg hip raise
1-2 15 30-60

3B Sit-up
1-2 12 30-60

3C Opposite arm and leg balance
1-2 20 30-60

3D Reverse crunch on a bench
1-2 15 30-60

** - as many as possible; @ - each side
Published by vonrouge
6 years ago
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