What is dry sex/dry humping?

If you look on Xhamster and you look up dry sex or dry humping. You'll find a videos of women mostly humping or rubbing up against a pillow, a sink etc. That is not dry sex or dry humping.

Dry sex/dry dumping is basically having sex without the actual sexual intercourse part. Meaning you can be clothed, in swimwear, underwear and lingerie even naked (depending what position you're in).

Dry sex actually is a man pushing his willy up against or into a woman's fanny. Most women like it when a man is pushing his willy into her fanny while your teasing her and there's a choice your pushing in to her G spot. If your up against your basically rubbing a woman's fanny. Most women enjoy abit more when their on top rubbing their fannys up against a man's willy. I've don't the push into myself with my mates mum in the third story that is coming soon after I finish writing part 2.

Same thing if your rubbing against or pushing into a woman's ass. This you can do clothed, in underwear or even naked which can be messy if a man cums. I've done this once myself clothed. If your gonna push into a woman's ass best to do it clothed like in underwear or something. If your gonna do it naked then best thing to do is up against a woman's ass.

The best position for both man and woman to enjoy dry sex is missionary position. Of course depends on the people and tryimg out other positions like doggy style etc. If you want a woman to enjoy just like you or more than you try arming for her fanny hole or her G spot. The anal part some women may enjoy it when your willy is pushing into her ass-hole. If your just gonna rub up against then it's really only gonna be you the man who will enjoy it.

If your gonna dry sex don't wear jeans and if a woman is in normal leggings or trousers make sure she's not wearing any underwear underneath. In my personal experience no underwear with just trousers at the edge of the bed with you pushing into her fanny as fast and hard as you can. Also don't use your head on shoulders the the head of your willy.
Published by wheelie88
6 years ago
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