Cum eating boyfriend 10

Mrs. Kohmfetter flashed a thumbs up to her daughter as
she listened to the voice on the other end of the
phone. I was sitting on the couch in the living room
while Tanya stood next to her mother in the kitchen
... bouncing up and down on her toes in anticipation.

"That's terrific, Mrs. Cocker. I'm glad we can work
something out. And don't worry about a thing -- I'll
take good care of your son tonight."

Tanya jumped up and down in excitement and looked over
at me with an excited grin.

"Oh, yes. I agree that they're a bit old for a
traditional 'sleepover', but I promise to keep an eye
on things. I remember the thoughts that crossed my
mind when I was a teenager, but don't worry ..." she
paused and opened her mouth in a silent laugh directed
at her daughter, " ... I'll make sure Bobby keeps his
head where it belongs."

She and Tanya stifled a giggle.

Her eyes widened again as she listened. "What ... now
what's that? You say you're concerned because Bobby
hasn't been eating much at dinner lately?" Tanya
clapped her hand over her mouth and nearly doubled
over in laughter, but Mrs. K kept her composure.
"Well, I have to admit that that's my daughter's
fault. She and Bobby are constantly stopping for
little 'snack breaks'." A muffled squeal of laughter
attempted to escape from behind Tanya's fingers. Mrs.
K's faced was flushéd and grinning and she wiped a
tear from her cheek. "But you needn't be concerned,
I've always stressed to my daughter the importance of
a healthy, high protein diet."

She covered the phone with her hand as she doubled
over herself in silent hilarity.

"I'm sorry ... what was ... oh yes, I do think they
make a lovely young couple. In fact, Bobby's
treatment of my daughter has been so wonderful over
these last few months that I think he's earned a
special treat. It will be nice for him to wake up in
the morning knowing that his girlfriend will have
breakfast ready for him." She spread out her knees
and stood bowlegged and pointed lewdly toward her own
crotch. Tanya slapped her thighs as her body

"In fact ..." Mrs K's voice dropped like she was being
secretive, " ... if you ask me, that boy might just
pop the question once he gets a ... " she looked at
Tanya, stuck out her tongue and curled it upward in an
exaggerated lapping motion, " ... 'taste' of what
married life will be like." Tanya had to move away
from the phone to avoid her giggling being overheard.

"What? Oh, of course ... yes ... I'm jumping the gun.
These two have miles to go before they get to the
altar. They'll have to get there just like everyone
else -- a few inches at a time." She cradled the
phone with her shoulder and held up her hands to Tanya
-- about 8 or 9 inches apart. Tanya nearly screamed
and bit her knuckle to keep quiet.

"Yes .. yes ... it's been nice talking to you, too.
Oh, and don't fret ... we'll send Bobby home well fed.
In fact, Tanya's been looking for the opportunity to
serve him some special breakfast sausage for some time
now." She formed a cylinder with her fingers and
pumped it in front of her mouth; Tanya nearly had to
leave the room. "Ok ... ok then ... we'll talk to you
again. B'bye now."

The two of them came out of the kitchen with their
arms around one another, barely able to walk as they
were laughing so hard. Tanya plopped down on the
couch next to me and curled up against me. "You hear
that, Bobby? You get to spend the night! We are
going to have such a great time!"

I smiled at her. I have to admit, the prospect of
getting to sleep with her sounded really nice.

Mrs K took a seat in a chair across the coffee table.
She picked up a small black book from the table and
began to leaf through it. "Now, we are defintely
going to need some ... reinforcements. Bobby, tell me
..." she looked up at me, obviously stifling a grin, "
... do you like Italian?"

The shrieks of laughter nearly deafened me. I could
tell it was going to be a long night.


12:07 A.M.

I was having trouble falling asleep. I was having
trouble breathing, for that matter. Tanya had said
she wanted to spend our first night together 'locked
in a loving embrace'. I agreed, of course, only to
find out that 'loving embrace' really meant 'her
thighs around my ears'.

Tanya was lying on top of me in a 69 position. Her
head was resting on right my thigh. I could tell from
her breathing ... and drooling ... that she was
asleep, but the hand she had clenched around my dick
occasionally twitched or squeezed as she slept. I
was, of course, rock hard again. Having cum twice
already that evening, the intermittant stroking,
squeezing, and even sucking she'd done while I cleaned
sperm from her ravaged pussy only served to bring me
oh-so-close to another orgasm. Sometimes I could
swear she'd stop at the most frustating of moments
intentionally, but she ... she wouldn't do that,
right? I know how much and how hard she came from my
licking; I know it's hard for her to concentrate on me
... and it's my own fault, really. Once she got
started on a string of orgasms and the combined pussy
juices and thick semen began to flow into my mouth,
there was really no stopping me. I ... I just
couldn't help myself anymore.

And I could certainly imagine why she'd be tired --
holding her legs in the air for as long as she had
would certainly be exhausting.

Tanya's mother had spent only a few minutes on the
phone, but within 15 minutes there were three young,
athletic looking guys there wearing fraternity
jackets. Mrs K gathered us all together back in the
'den of iniquity' where I was introduced as 'Tanya's
fluffer'. They hardly looked at me -- which was
expected since Tanya was sitting in a chair wearing a
super short dress she'd dug up ... and no panties. As
she sat with a finger between her teeth and one knee
rocking back and forth, she intermittantly flashed the
trio. One of the guys actually patted me on the head
as he said, "Hey, how ya doin'? Hold this, wouldja?"
... and handed me his pants.

While that guy immediately tackled Tanya and buried
his cock between her legs, Mrs K. sat the other guys
down on the couch and directed me between the knees of
one while she sat before the other. The guys' eyes
were riveted on the action -- it sounded like Tanya
was having a good time. I tried to look back and see
what was happening, but Mrs K insisted I keep my head
between my 'guest's legs ... and his cock in my mouth.

"Your goal as a fluffer, Bobby," she'd said, "is not
to make him cum in your mouth -- as much as you might
want him to -- but to keep or get him hard for the
woman you love. Don't stroke too regularly, but
rather massage, suck, nibble, and lick. You've got
talent, Bobby, so I know you'll be able to coax two or
maybe three hardons from these guys. She loves cocks,
Bobby, but she loves them rock hard with well stroked,
sperm filled balls. By making sure she has a constant
supply of what she loves, you're proving your own love
for her."

I hardly listened. I knew what to do -- what she
wanted of me. I'd had a cock in my mouth for the
first time only a few hours before, but it almost
seemed like old hat already. I heard a quiet grunt of
approval from the frat boy as I dipped my head and
sucked in his cockhead. I bobbed my head in time with
the whap, whap, whap of body on body behind me and
gently squeezed and kneaded his balls.

Somewhere during the evening, Mrs K disappeared with
the third guy, but I managed to get three hardons out
of one and two from the other. My jaw ached badly, so
I was glad when Twofer pushed me away and collapsed on
the couch as Threefer finished off his last one inside
Tanya. When he was finally done (it took awhile, mind
you), he rolled over and passed out on the floor.
Even though I'd spent the past two hours with a dick
in my mouth, I still couldn't resist crawling between
his legs and getting one last taste of pussy, cum, and
cock. When I was done, Tanya staggered to her feet,
grabbed hold of my long-aching boner, and silently led
me to her bed. She kissed me once softly on the lips,
straddled my face, and fed me the five cumloads that
had resulted from all my work. Moments later, she was

The events of the evening swam through my head. My
stomach was in knots ... which wasn't surprising
considering that my 'dinner' had consisted of nearly a
dozen loads of semen. Ever since Tanya had milked
that first cumload in my mouth back in the parking
lot, my brain had been in an absolute tizzy. From the
way Tanya and her mother were acting, it was as if a
switch had been flipped -- a switch that said
'cocksucker'. They simply expected it from me from
now on.

I has spent the evening going along with it like it
was all ... 'normal'. Sure, they'd 'explained'
everything to me just like they'd 'explained'
everything in the past, but now I couldn't believe how
I'd just gone along with it. Eagerly, at times, I had
to admit. Too eagerly. It was bad enough that I got
a hardon with a cock in my mouth, but to actually have
an orgasm when it spurted down my throat? Twice? It
just wasn't ... normal.

There was only one explanation.


I was going queer.

As I drifted off to sleep, that thought echoed through
my head.


2:24 A.M.

A couple of hours later, Tanya finally rolled off of
me in a deep sleep. I was a bit thirsty and my mouth
was pretty gummy from all the cum and pussy juice, so
I thought a drink of orange juice or something might
help me sleep. I slipped quietly out of bed, tiptoed
carefully through the piles of laundry strewn about
Tanya's teenage disaster of a bedroom. I pulled on
some underwear (trying to retain *some* sense of
modesty) and went down to the kitchen.

The orange juice tasted really good ... especially
compared to the residue left in my mouth. I also had
to pee, so I headed for the back bathroom. On the
way, I noticed that the door to the 'Den of Iniquity'
was half open and I could see a low light within. I
heard ... somthing, so I crept quietly over to the
door and peeked in.

The sounds I'd heard were the soft moans of Tanya's
mom orgasming strongly as she firmly gripped the hair
of the head busily slurping away between her wide
spread legs. The thin frame between her legs wasn't
the frat boy she'd disappeared with, so I just
instinctively knew this was Mrs. K's cumsucker. Or
one of them, from her previous comments. Her body
reeled and contorted and moved in ways that I'd only
known from Tanya's reactions when I licked sperm from
inside her. The body beneath her reacted by attacking
her pussy with even greater ferocity, wrapping his
arms around her thighs and pulling her in tightly. It
was an incredibly sexy scene ... and I could only
wonder if Tanya and I looked anywhere near the same.

As I watched, I felt a strange sensation of calm and
ease come over me. Somehow, I'd always had the
impression that I was the only one who'd been coerced
into such a position. Sure, Tanya and Mrs K were
always talking like there were 'cumsuckers
everywhere', but this was the first proof I'd seen.
Suddenly, I didn't feel like such a freak anymore. It
felt ... good. My poor aching dick stirred to life
once again as I watched his eager spermy-cuntlapping
and her body-racking orgasms. Cumsucking was ... hot.

I actually started to stroke myself while watching,
but ... that seemed even too weird for this house.
Plus, I felt a bit guilty about staring at the two of
them, so I slipped into the bathroom down the hall.
Not wanting to be discovered, I left the light off and
decided to sit down on the toilet to pee more quietly
-- I even made a mental note to remember to flush the
next morning. My dick had gotten hard enough watching
them even for those few seconds that it took a minute
or two for it to get soft enough to pee.

But all my efforts at stealth proved pointless. As I
left the bathroom, I spotted the young man as he was
quietly pulling shut the door to the den behind him.
He didn't notice me at first and I watched as he
brought the back of his hand across his mouth to wipe
away a bit of the shiny glaze of semen that coated his
whole face. Then he licked the back of his hand ...
and smiled.

I hoped he might head for the front door and never see
me, but turned toward the back door ... straight
toward me.

He stopped short upon spotting me in the dim light. I
just stood there quietly, unsure of what to do. His
eyes grew wide in shock at first, but then his face
changed drastically. As he looked me up and down, his
face took on a competetive, almost defensive look.

He glared at me like a dog protecting its dinner, I

But then, just as quickly as his face grew stern, it
changed to a look of recognition. He broke into a
nervous smile and quietly approached me.

"Oh. Um .. Hi. You're Bobby, right?"

I was still in shock, so I answered simply, "Y-yeah."

"I'm Deke. We .. uh .. sat across from each other in
the 4th grade, remember?"


His eyes shifted nervously for a moment, but he
continued. "Y-you're ... you're Tanya's boyfriend,


"She lets you suck the sperm from her twat, doesn't

I took a sharp breath inward. He knew! Oh my God, he
knew! I panicked for just a second ... until I
realized that I'd seen him doing the exact same thing
for Mrs. K just a minute ago. I relaxed, but I'd
paused too long.

"You ... you are her cumsucker, right?" Deke asked,
suddenly nervous again.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Ok. Cool. Tanya's nice." His eyes shifted back and
forth as he'd obviously run out of things to say.
"I'll ... uh ... see ya 'round." Deke gave me a quick
nod. I nodded back and let him pass toward the back
door. I turned to go back upstairs, but Deke stopped
and said, "Bobby?"

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Sasha ... Sasha says you sucked a guy off tonite."

My heart stopped again, but then I answered honestly,
not really knowing how to lie to him. "Yeah."

"A lot of guys."


"Is it ... "

Deke paused as his gaze dropped downward. I naturally
looked down to see what he was looking at. First of
all, I had sprouted a hard boner that was jutting
forward, stretching out the fabric of the underwear I
was wearing. But to my horror, I discovered that when
I'd dressed in the dark upstairs to avoid waking
Tanya, I'd accidentally put on a pair of her panties.

Even in the pale light, I could tell they were light
pink. They even had a little miniature ribbon bow on
the front. With a ruffle of lace. And a small
wetspot forming beneath them.

I was horrified. Truly horrified. I looked back at
him, my face wearing an expression of total

A smile began to form on Deke's face, but it wasn't
the smirk of ridicule I'd expected. It was more of a
happy look. A dopey sort of happiness.

"So ... it's as good as she says it is? Sucking cock,
I mean?"

My dick had already answered the question. "Yeah." I
had no other answer.

He broke into a wide grin. "Ok. Cool. Thanks."

He went out the back door without another word leaving
me standing in the hallway.

I'd just been discussing cocksucking with another guy
while wearing panties. And I'd popped a boner.


I was going queer.


4:43 A.M.

"Swallow it, Bobby. Swallow it all. Swallow allllll
that cum."

The soft voice seemed to be coming from nowhere and
everywhere as I slowly awoke.

"You love cum, Bobby. And you love cock. You
looooove sucking cock."

I realized that my dick was as stiff as a board as I
felt a gentle sensual tickle along its underside.

"Your mouth is sooooo lonely without cock, Bobby. You
want to suck cock. You want it sooooo bad."

As I awoke fully, it took me a moment to realize
exactly where I was. I was in Tanya's bed. Sleeping
with my girlfriend for the first time. I remembered
crawling back into bed with her ... remembering
something about being sure to remove my ... panties?

I lifted my head up woozily and realized she was lying
with her head on my belly. I could feel her
fingernails grazing the sensitive skin near the head
of my dick. I could feel her breath flutter against
it as she spoke.

"Your dickie gets soooo hard when you taste cock. You
cum soooo hard when it spurts into your mouth."

As she spoke??!? Was that her speaking? It seemed
like I could barely hear a whisper of sorts. My brain
shook off the last of its sleepy fuzz as I lifted my
head up and said, "Honey?!"

"Huh? Oh, good morning, baby," she said cheerfully.
"You were dreaming. Talking in your sleep, too.
Something about cocks and cum."

I was dreaming? Talking?

"You must have been dreaming about all that manmeat
you choked down last night. I mean, look how hard
your winky is just thinking about it. I was just
staring at it, baby. It's so pretty, and shiny, and
CUTE when it gets so stiff from dreaming about cocks."

The memories and fears of the night before came
flooding back. That's right. For an all too brief
time, I'd managed to forget I was a cocksucker, but
Tanya managed to remind me only seconds after I woke

My head crashed back into the pillow as I sobbed from
frustration. It hadn't been a dream. In fact, my
worst nightmare -- the worst nightmare of every
teenage boy -- was coming true: I was turning queer.

"Honey??!" she said with concern. "Now, what's the
matter? Don't worry, baby. We'll find you some more
cock soon."

"Noooo," I groaned, "I ... I don't want to suck cock."

She crawled up, straddled me, and sat on my stomach.
"But honey, morning is the best time to give blowjobs.
When the guys wake up in a little while with their
morning wood, they'll be so appreciative of your mouth
as you--"

"Tanya!" I cried, exasperated, "I don't w-want to."

"Oh, please, Bobby. Don't be silly. I know you're
probably not hungry yet, what with those millions of
spermies floating around in your tummy, but in a few
hours, you'll--"

"Tanya, no! I don't want to. I don't want suck cock

Silence. She just looked at me. Like she was ...

"But ..." her eyebrows scrunched up in the middle, "
... but last night it seemed like you couldn't ever
get enough meat down your gullet. I was so proud of

"I know, Tanya. I know, b-but that was last night.
I've ... I've changed my m-mind and I just don't want
to anymore, ok?" I don't have the slightest clue why
I thought I could possibly get away with that

Tanya's head cocked to one side and an odd, knowing
smile came across her face. "That's not really the
problem, is it Bobby?" she asked, simply.

"W-w-what d-do you mean?" I sobbed.

"Isn't the problem really that you DO want to suck
cock? That you want to suck it too much?"

"W-what?" I sniffled.

"Bobby, I saw the look on your face last night when
you dove on Dave Hunsacker's cock. I saw your lil'
pecker stiffen as you realized you could make him cum
... again ... in your mouth. I held your balls and
felt them tighten and jump when he blew his load into
your throat ... and you sprayed yours all over the
floor. You *love* sucking cock, Bobby."

I trembled and my jaw quivered as I tried to avoid
breaking down into complete hysterics. She was right.
She knew.

"You think you're turning queer, don't you?"

YES!! Oh God, YES!!! I cried internally. "Yes," I
wimpered aloud. "Oh, Tanya ... you understand. I
love you so much. I ... I don't want to be gay. I
don't want to be a cocksucker."

"Oh, Bobby. We've been over this so many times. I
thought your love of spermsucking had long since
outweighed any of those silly thoughts of being gay."

"But Tanya, eating you out was different. I love
licking your pussy, but--"

"My hardfucked, cumslopped pussy, right?"

"Y-yes, I love eating your hardfucked, cumslopped
pussy," I repeated, using the kind of terms I knew she
liked to hear, "but sucking guys off is different,
Tanya. It's just ... different. Your pussy is always
... well, *your* pussy. Even if it does have the
sperm of another man inside--"

"Other 'men', usually. Many men," she corrected.

"Y-yes, the sperm of other men, but it's always *you*,
if you know what I mean."

"So you're saying you only want to suck on cocks after
they've shot off inside my cunt? You want to be a
mere cleanup boy?"

"No, that's not what --"

"So you want guys to pound my box for awhile, but then
pull out so you can finish them off in your mouth? I
don't know, Bobby, some of the guys might not--"

"Tanya, that's not it eith--"

"Then when DO you want to suck cocks, Bobby?"

"I don't want to suck cocks, Tanya! At all! Ever!" I
hissed in a sort of whispered-shout.

"Because it makes you feel gay? That's what you're

"Yes," I croaked. I began sobbing openly.

"Oh, Bobby!" she cried out in an exasperated voice.
She rolled her eyes back, then crashed down onto the
bed next to me. She rolled over on top of me and
looked me eye to eye.

"Bobby, if you're going to be any kind of decent
cumsucker, you've got to let go of this crap! That's
not YOU talking, it's all those silly young *men* and
their old fashioned ideas about who's gay and who's
straight. They don't understand, Bobby. They don't
understand that you're not gay or straight by any
means they use to define it -- you're my Bobby. My
sweet, darling, cumsucking Bobby."

The loving look on her face made it impossible for me
to avoid smiling.

"I can understand why you're worried, Bobby. Heck,
you had *me* pretty worried the way you dove on Dave's
cock last night after he pulled out of me."

My eyes widened as I immediately felt the accusation
in her words.

"But then, Bobby ... then I felt the loving strokes of
your tongue on my fuckbattered pussy flesh. Felt the
gentle touch of your lips as you sought out every drop
of semen from within my raw cunt. I knew then, Bobby
-- just like I know every time -- that you were mine.
Truly mine. And when your mouth went back to his cock
to milk out a second cum, but your eyes stayed on me,
I still knew you were mine. It takes a special kind
of person to be so secure with their place in the
world that they can voraciously vacuum a cum-filled
pussy and yet so eagerly suck a cock until it explodes
in their mouth. You are that kind of person, Bobby."

I was pretty sure she was meaning all that to be a
compliment, but before I could think about it, her
face took on a serious look. She grasped my shoulders
and looked me dead in the eye.

"Bobby, I know that you've got what it takes to feel
just as sexually secure when you're stroking off some
man meat as when you're lapping sperm from my gash,
but you've *got* to ... stay ... focused! You can't
let those stupid little insecurities creep up on you,
no matter what all the real men in town say about you,
ok?" Her serious look turned even more serious. "You
... you do realize what will happen if you start
listening to those silly thoughts, right?"

I shook my head. How could I possibly know where she
was headed with this?

She sat up, straddling my belly. "Ok then, I'm going
to tell you something important now and I need you to
listen carefully. Are you with me?"

I nodded. Looking up at her, my mind suddenly drifted
to how beautiful she looked in the soft light. She
always looked beautiful when she 'explained' things to

"Ok honey, there are plenty of tiny dicked fellas in
the world who have to rely on their tongues in order
to even come close to pleasing a woman. Most of them
eventually acknowledge the fact that their wives need
real men with real cocks filling them up with real
sperm. Recognizing how important it is to demonstrate
their acceptance of the situation, the good ones
quickly develop a taste for sperm and pussy. Every
night throughout the world, happy little cumsuckers
everywhere secure the bonds of their relationships
with the beautiful act of eating creampie from their
fresh-fucked wives."

She made it sound so ... simple. So ... perfect.

"Many times, Bobby, this relationship becomes special
enough that these women decide to share their good
fortunes with their men and allow them to suck some
dick. As you've discovered tonight, it's the
perfectly natural continuation of their relationship.
Sadly, there's where the trouble often starts.

"With a lifetime of ridiculous prejudices and
stereotypes in their heads, some men just can't
separate sucking cock from being gay. No matter how
much they've loved lapping that musky cockjuice from
their wives' stretched out slits, the act of
swallowing a load straight from the fleshpipe is just
too much for them. Isn't that silly?"

I nodded, unsure of how else to react.

She continued, "And so they think they want to stop
blowin' the ol' milkbone, but ... once you're a
cocksucker, you can't just STOP. As you've
demonstrated perfectly, Bobby, it just something that
you 'little fellas' are born to do. Plus, once a
woman has seen her little faggot's cheeks bulge as his
mouth fills with her lover's spunk, there's no going
back. So, they keep DOING it, of course. Night after
night. After all, it's only right and proper in
marriages like theirs, right?"

I nodded. What the hell, eh? As if there was any
arguing with her when she was on a role.

"But, sadly, the feelings of being a queer just keep
weighing on them. They resist it. They claim they
don't want to suck cock. They can't balance their
fear being gay with the simple act of smokin' a little
dick. They think it somehow "makes" them gay. They
begin to wonder if they're even sexually attracted to
their wives ... the fragile human psyche takes over
... and soon they can't get it up anymore. It's sad,
really ... you'd think that penises so small would be
easy to stiffen up, but ... human fears are powerful
things. Especially in you faggots, I guess."

I started to protest that last comment, but she cut me

"Now, it may surprise you, but even women with plenty
of big-cocked lovers like to fuck their husbands
occasionally. It's relaxing to lie back, tuck their
knees behind their arms like ... *oof* ... this ... "
she rolled back and demonstrated. I sat up in bed and
my eyes grew wide in shock as she easily assumed a
position I'd only thought possible of circus

"See? It's sexy, huh? Even an orally fixated lil'
cuntlapper like you might break tradition and actually
stick it in for once, right?"

I was speechless. I just stared at those two wide
spread, shaved, glistening, perfect holes. It would
feel so good to --

"Heh, I didn't think so. So anyway, every so often, a
good wife will lie back like this and let the lil'
fellas jackhammer away into those fleshy folds. Maybe
catch up on a little reading, y'know? It's a win-win
situation. Every few months, hubby gets his rocks off
... she gets a good lickin' afterward ... perfect,

Wait, what was that part about 'didn't think so'?

"But when his constant fretting about simply sucking
off a few of his wife's studs means that he can't even
get wood for her anymore, the relationship begins to
suffer. I mean, any woman just can't help but start
to feel a bit insulted. And then things start to get
bitter." She rolled forward in a smooth movement and
we ended up face to face sitting on the bed. "And you
know what happens next, don't you? Do you know,

I swallowed hard. The look on her face was a bit
scary, actually. "N-n-no."

"That's when the feminization starts, Bobby. She'll
turn him into a girl, sweetheart. A true babydoll

Oh crap!

"A bitter wife will have her husband blowing the
gardening crew while wearing garters and stockings in
no time. I mean, if he's too queer to fuck her, he
might as well look the part, right? Not long after
that, it's wigs and lipstick and mascara. Petticoats.
Maid outfits. The works, Bobby.

My jaw hung open.

"Now, to be prefectly honest, Bobby, your small frame
means you'd look fantastic in heels and a thong, but
most of these guys look pretty ridiculous."

*COUGH* "What?!?" I actually spluttered that last
part out loud, but she ignored me and continued.

"And they *say* they don't want it up the ass, but
they said they didn't want to suck dick, right? And
they've been doing that every night, so why not give
the poop-chute a little reaming action? Sure, it
starts with just a little bit of plastic and rubber,
but ... dear God ... have you seen the size of some of
the strapons they sell these days?"

I realized she was waiting for an answer. "Uhh ...

"Well, and I don't imagine you'd want to, either. At
least not bolted on to my belt when I'm comin' atcha
with a gleam in my eye, right?" She got up on her
knees and thrust her hips a few times ... all while
emitting the most endearing little giggle.

"And it just gets worse from there, Bobby. These poor
guys had the good life -- spermy snatches before
bedtime and the joy of blowing her lovers goodbye in
the morning. But they let their own stupid
insecurities get the best of them and BAM! Soon
they're decked out in miniskirt, wearing a leash, and
being towed by their leatherclad wives into backalley
clubs with no sign on the door." She stood up on the
bed, standing spread legged and towering over me. She
leaned down and asked quietly and succinctly, "Bobby,
have you ever seen what a sissy's asshole looks like
after he's been gangfucked by seven or eight
monster-dicked black guys his wife picked up at a sex

" ... no," I squeaked.

"Well, I have Bobby. And it looks HOT! I mean REALLY
hot!" She brought her hands together in front of my
face, her thumbs and forefingers making a circle about
the diameter of a baseball. "The red, puffy hole is
all stretched out and used and just as limp as poor
hubby's peter was when he tried to fuck his wife. I
creamed in my panties when I saw the cum drooling out
into a puddle between his splayed out, quivering
thighs. So did Mom."

I was stunned. "You've seen ... puffy hole ... wait
... did ... y-your Mom?"

"Yeah, this guy's wife is one of my mom's clients.
Anyway, the poor bastard used to think that polishing
a few pink soldiers for his wife somehow 'made' him
queer, but no ... no, a six hour gangbang -- THAT's
what made him queer! Once he'd taken a half mile of
thick black dick up the ying-yang, there was really no
denying it, right?"

I just looked at her. I'll assume the look in my eye
at the time could only be described as ... sheer
terror. But then she struck even harder.

She leaned in close again. Her voice was eerily
quiet. "And he didn't have half as good a sissy-boy
body as you do, baby. Your skinny little ass would
look AWESOME impaled on a thick, stiff pole of
blackmeat, I gotta say. Most sissy faggots have to
suck off half the club while their wives recruit the
gay daddies for the reaming session, but with your
legs ... wow, just put you in a plaid skirt and grow
you some proper pigtails and even the straightest
arrow of the bunch would gladly buttfuck you silly."

My heart was pounding. My breath came in short gasps.

She stood up straight again, pacing back and forth on
the bed. "But as much as I'd enjoy staring at your
gaping, cumsoaked ass every night, being the wife of a
queer public fuckhole would be sooooo difficult.
Scheduling the gang bangs, negotiating prices with all
those ex-cons, remembering to charge extra for
fistings ... boy ... I'm not sure I'm ready for it.
Are you, Bobby?"

I just stared at her ... wide-eyed ... unable to

"Is that what you want, Bobby?" She stopped moving
and loomed over me. The look on her face frightened
me. "Do you want to be a 24 hour fuckrag -- dragged
off into a backroom at a moment's notice to serve up
whatever hole your master-of-the-moment wants? Do you
want a butthole that looks like hamburger meat fresh
from the grinder? Do you want an asscave stretched so
big that a baseball bat will feel like a ball point
pen? Is that what you want? I can arrange it for
you, Bobby. I can. I look DAMN good in leather, you
know. Is that what you want, Bobby? Is it?"

Dear God, was she serious?! My heart was beating a
mile a minute. I couldn't speak ... or breathe. I
mentioned before those moments where you know your
life is about to change. Well, this felt like another
one of those moments. I was truly afraid. My mouth
just hung open -- my brain unable to muster the will
to say anything.

"Well, Bobby?"
Published by stevezybach
6 years ago
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107808 6 years ago
" I look DAMN good in leather, you know. Is that what you want, Bobby? Is it? "

Sounds promissing to me.