We’ve seen in the last decades a particular phenomenon in porn industry, videos, photos and comics: the proliferation of an interracial gender, both on the straight and the gay side, in which most of the time blacks appear dominating whites. The novelty of this genre is to have introduced a virulent racial rivalry in porn, reaching extremes in which white men are ridiculed before blacks, by putting poorly endowed whites side by side with well-endowed blacks. The insane producers of this genre, when confronted to repeated protests against such abuses, claim that they simply respond to consumers' requests. Is that true? The success of this porn genre among consumers is mainly due to the large promotion that it receives from unscrupulous porn industry. A sign of it is that when one searches in porn sites for the interracial sector, this will be normally announced with an image of a black man and a white woman, in the straight zone, and of a black man making a gesture of penetrating a white man, in the gay zone, like here in xhamster.
The opposite, white on black production, receives poor or no promotion at all and is immediately labeled supremacist and racist, whereas videos and photos about black on white sex are not. Also to claim black sexual superiority over whites would not be labelled racial hate, but to contest or to fight it would be labelled racial hate. Those are easy and naïve clichés which have been astutely elaborated by promoters of black sexual superiority in order to quickly dismiss critics of their fatuous claims.
There is also the empire of the liberal Media, which considers white on black sex as politically incorrect, though there is a real demand for it, which is usually ignored. There is a kind of taboo around that. An example: there was a Facebook page called Interracial gay white top black bottom, which reached around 20.000 followers! In contrast, Intergaycial in Facebook reaches only around 4.000 followers. Well, surely jealousy pushed some to denounce it and was shut down by Facebook. Now it is trying to recover from ashes. Therefore the popularity of black on white (straight and gay) porn is something imposed by Porn industry. Porn industry is in fact controlled by unscrupulous white men with big commercial interests, who have interest to endorse a black sexual superiority fantasy in order to flatter and attract black consumers into a fabulous interracial space where they can find a release to their social frustrations, imagining that they are at least sexually superior to whites and that white women prefer them to white men because they are better sexually endowed.
But this is far from being evident: this tedious kind of porn is something created, managed and promoted by WHITE MALES, not at all by white women or black men, their viewers are largely men and most white women who are into interracial cuckold were pushed into it by their pathologic white boyfriends and husbands. Most of comics and videos pretending black sexual superiority are drawn, written, produced or conducted by insane WHITE MALES.
Little attention is payed to black women, who are left practically aside or pictured some tiemes with white men. Whereas in porn gay industry the black on black material is abundant, in porn straight industry black males are almost never pictured with black women, they are obsessively and almost exclusively, to a point of saturation and monotony, pictured with white women. Could an exaltation of black males which ignores black females ever be an honest exaltation of black people? It is actually a new subtle form of racial subjection, taking on account that this interracial porn genre has been after all created and is managed by wealthy white men.
Interracial videos and pictures are just astutely arranged to try to prove an infantile hypothetical penis size superiority of black males over white males. It is not worth to discuss thid subject: it is so idiot… and simplistic. Actually there is not a homogenous black ethnic group: Pigmies are also black. It is the same thing for whites: Latin, Celtic, Germanic, Slavs... The big penis myth concerned traditionally not only blacks; it concerned also French, Italians, Arabs, Latins… But the powerful US Porn industry has popularized the big black penis myth all over the world. All this rivalry over penis size is absolutely ridiculous: simply each one has his own taste, which may not depend on size: one could have a preference just on an esthetic point of view, independently from size. There are also examples of stupid claims of white sexual supremacy over blacks, true, but the productions on the white side of this silly contest are scarce, whereas on the black side one can count hundreds of dull and much more offensive examples, as they are largely sponsored by opportunist porn producers.
The exploitation of this racial foolish rivalry by porn industry is dangerous. Taking advantage of racial tensions in USA, blind porn producers and directors continue to exploit it, with the result of a recrudescence of interracial hate: we see in fact how the exaltation of black males over white males by Porn industry is leading more and more white men to become increasingly aggressive and even racist against blacks in their comments. Porn is becoming this way a dump of interracial supremacist trash and interracial animosity. This is quite indifferent to Porn industry, but it may one day call legal interventions to banish all kind of interracial disrespect in Porn from any side, which would be most suitable.
The opposite, white on black production, receives poor or no promotion at all and is immediately labeled supremacist and racist, whereas videos and photos about black on white sex are not. Also to claim black sexual superiority over whites would not be labelled racial hate, but to contest or to fight it would be labelled racial hate. Those are easy and naïve clichés which have been astutely elaborated by promoters of black sexual superiority in order to quickly dismiss critics of their fatuous claims.
There is also the empire of the liberal Media, which considers white on black sex as politically incorrect, though there is a real demand for it, which is usually ignored. There is a kind of taboo around that. An example: there was a Facebook page called Interracial gay white top black bottom, which reached around 20.000 followers! In contrast, Intergaycial in Facebook reaches only around 4.000 followers. Well, surely jealousy pushed some to denounce it and was shut down by Facebook. Now it is trying to recover from ashes. Therefore the popularity of black on white (straight and gay) porn is something imposed by Porn industry. Porn industry is in fact controlled by unscrupulous white men with big commercial interests, who have interest to endorse a black sexual superiority fantasy in order to flatter and attract black consumers into a fabulous interracial space where they can find a release to their social frustrations, imagining that they are at least sexually superior to whites and that white women prefer them to white men because they are better sexually endowed.
But this is far from being evident: this tedious kind of porn is something created, managed and promoted by WHITE MALES, not at all by white women or black men, their viewers are largely men and most white women who are into interracial cuckold were pushed into it by their pathologic white boyfriends and husbands. Most of comics and videos pretending black sexual superiority are drawn, written, produced or conducted by insane WHITE MALES.
Little attention is payed to black women, who are left practically aside or pictured some tiemes with white men. Whereas in porn gay industry the black on black material is abundant, in porn straight industry black males are almost never pictured with black women, they are obsessively and almost exclusively, to a point of saturation and monotony, pictured with white women. Could an exaltation of black males which ignores black females ever be an honest exaltation of black people? It is actually a new subtle form of racial subjection, taking on account that this interracial porn genre has been after all created and is managed by wealthy white men.
Interracial videos and pictures are just astutely arranged to try to prove an infantile hypothetical penis size superiority of black males over white males. It is not worth to discuss thid subject: it is so idiot… and simplistic. Actually there is not a homogenous black ethnic group: Pigmies are also black. It is the same thing for whites: Latin, Celtic, Germanic, Slavs... The big penis myth concerned traditionally not only blacks; it concerned also French, Italians, Arabs, Latins… But the powerful US Porn industry has popularized the big black penis myth all over the world. All this rivalry over penis size is absolutely ridiculous: simply each one has his own taste, which may not depend on size: one could have a preference just on an esthetic point of view, independently from size. There are also examples of stupid claims of white sexual supremacy over blacks, true, but the productions on the white side of this silly contest are scarce, whereas on the black side one can count hundreds of dull and much more offensive examples, as they are largely sponsored by opportunist porn producers.
The exploitation of this racial foolish rivalry by porn industry is dangerous. Taking advantage of racial tensions in USA, blind porn producers and directors continue to exploit it, with the result of a recrudescence of interracial hate: we see in fact how the exaltation of black males over white males by Porn industry is leading more and more white men to become increasingly aggressive and even racist against blacks in their comments. Porn is becoming this way a dump of interracial supremacist trash and interracial animosity. This is quite indifferent to Porn industry, but it may one day call legal interventions to banish all kind of interracial disrespect in Porn from any side, which would be most suitable.
6 years ago