Mathieu by Jim Stanley


Mathieu, at this point of his life, wanted some guidance. His Belgian background was rich in the culture of Europe, which harbored many of the great works of art that adorned the public and ecclesiastical environment of Bruges. Bruges, in itself, can be beautiful or foreboding, depending on your mood and the weather. Nude statues prevail in the art world. The magnificent churches of Bruges contain works of art that depict bloody crucifixion scenes as well as bodies pierced and bloodied with arrows as was the famous painting of St. Sebastian. It was this atmosphere that dominated Mathieu's personality and led to moments of sadness that only love could cure.
Mathieu had just turned 35, and, his feelings of homosexual love, left him confused. He craved love and he craved the guidance that came from the stronger will of an older man. His father was a good man, but, in Mathieu's opinion, weak yet domineering. Conflicts arose often over trivial things. Mathieu, for example, wanted a mustache. His father forbade one. There were other disagreements as well. But they led to a distancing from one another at a time when love and guidance were critical for Mathieu. In the end, Mathieu's devotion turned to the darker elements of the art that surrounded him in Bruges. The Basilica of the Holy Blood, for example, intrigued Mathieu, not from the viewpoint of art, but from the viewpoint of the darker meaning of blood and pain. When Mathieu masturbated, he relished the pleasure of orgasm, often crying out to God at that most intense moment, "God, Ik kom! God, mijn god!" But this intensity lacked the one thing he craved most, an older man, a father figure to share his love, to guide him through his life.
On this particularly pleasant day, Mathieu stopped at a Starbucks in the Grote Markt square. With his coffee in hand, he sat in the open, basking in the warmth of the sun, feeling the joy of his historic city on this remarkably warm fall day. In this reverie, an older man in his 70's sat at the table next to Mathieu's, drinking his coffee and reading the local newspaper. At first, Mathieu was unaware of the older man, being lost in his own thoughts of what the day would bring. The flutter of pigeons nearby disrupted this reverie momentarily and Mathieu turned to the old man.
His senses immediately took note of the old stranger. He appeared to be about 5'10", slightly grayed about the ears. He was positioned in such a way as to face Mathieu. Mathieu took in his gentle face, a face that suggested a tenderness. A long red tie crossed between the coat opening and lay over a slightly paunched stomach. It pointed, as well, toward the crease of his crotch that showed a slight bulge that hinted of a cock much larger than the bulge indicated. Mathieu's eyes moved downward to his feet that suggested robustness and strength. Dark hairs could be seen above his socks, a testimony of the manliness of the oldster. Suddenly, a new feeling arose in Mathieu, a feeling of warmth, of love, a desire to own this gentle man, to make him his lover.
It was in this moment of reverie that the man spoke, "Nice day, isn't it?"
Startled and dry mouthed, Mathieu sputtered, "Yes, sir. It really is. Makes me feel rejuvenated, in love with the world."
Embarrassed, he was in disbelief that he had just uttered those words. The words tumbled over each other after that until the old man interrupted this verbal jumble with, "In love with the world! That's just the way I feel at the moment," adding, "Do you mind if I sit with you? My name is Lucien."
Mathieu was ecstatic. His hands and brow began to sweat and his body shivered as he replied, "By all means, it will be my pleasure."
The conversation took a new direction now. The old man revealed that he had been married. He added, "I have two boys, both married, living in New Zealand. I miss them very much."
"And your wife?" Mathieu inquired.
"She passed away several years ago."
"How are the boys doing?" Mathieu inquired.
"Fine now. But they were unruly boys growing up. I've had to discipline them time and again to control their mischievous instincts that they inherited from their grandfather. But they've grown to be good boys. I like to think that it was my guidance that led to that result."
This new revelation of Lucien's piqued Mathieu's interest in the old man immensely. He felt a twinge of lust in his groin, his cock responding to the desire to be disciplined by the old man as was his sons. u*********sly, he reached out to the old man, one hand touching Lucien's thigh, his right arm extending to his shoulder in an embrace, adding, "You were a good father to have guided your sons as you did."
The embrace of Lucien was tender, sensual and sexual. Mathieu felt his cock react to the embrace immediately. His left hand tightened slightly over Lucien's thigh and the response from the old man was tangible. He returned Mathieu's embrace with an embrace of his own, whispering to Mathieu, "Thank you. Thank you for those kind words."
A tear was evident in Lucien's eyes to which Mathieu responded, kissing the old man's eyes, adding," I want to be your friend."
Lucien's assent was a loving and tender kiss on Mathieu's brow and a loving assent, "Ik hou van jou."
Mathieu didn't remember much of what happened after this. He only remembers that they walked to the old man's apartment nearby and a new life began for him.
When they arrived at the old man's apartment, the old man gently kissed Mathieu's brow. They embraced lovingly, the old man kissing Mathieu deep, his tongue searching for and tasting the hotness that emanated from Mathieu's now uncontrolled sexual desire.
It was the old man who took over this agape of love. He undressed Mathieu slowly, tasting and engorging Mathieu's hot body with tender kisses, searching out every crevice. From the deep kiss, the old man moved to Mathieu's nipples, tasting, nibbling, eliciting a tinge of sensuous but pleasurable pain. His mouth moved further downward, sucking the crevices that lay at rest alongside Mathieu's now rigid cock. He tasted the sweat in those crevices, taking time to suck Mathieu's throbbing cock, his balls and his hot asshole as well. The old man's tongue moved further down Mathieu's legs, resting at his feet, sucking each toe, massaging deeply the base of his feet. The loving continued through the afternoon when Mathieu realized he had some business to attend to. Regretfully, he apologized to Lucien for this interruption with a promise to return the next day.
This new relationship grew steadily and tenderly over the weeks and months that followed. Quiet dinners followed by long sessions of small talk, allowed each to explore each other's needs and expectations. Mathieu, for one, opened up to Lucien on his innermost thoughts and needs. He discussed his relationship with his father and the failure of each to communicate those needs to one another. Their intimacies grew as they discussed their sexual fantasies and needs in these quiet moments.
In one session, Lucien expressed his fears of dominating others, a fear that stemmed from the stewardship of his sons as their father. A deep rooted guilt was evident.
This was the perfect opening for Mathieu's confession to his own need to be dominated and controlled.
"My dear Lucien, don't be so hard on yourself. You did what any father must do. You had to instill in your sons those values that you knew to be essential for their success in life. You did nothing wrong."
Mathieu embraced Julian tenderly in this moment, kissing the tears emanating from the corner of Lucien's eyes, his mouth moving from his eyes to his face and nipples, following the hairline of his chest to a relaxed cockhead that Mathieu embraced with his warm mouth. The response was electric, Lucien responded to these sexual ministrations with a thrust of his hips, leading to a rigid hard cock that cried for release,
"Take it, sweet Mathieu! Take it!" he cried as his hot cum spattered the back of his throat with his love juices.
Over dinner, Lucien inquired about Mathieu's expressed need for discipline.
"When I was a little boy, I craved for the love and attention of my father. I remember sitting on his lap, embracing him, u*********sly begging him to respond with some sign of love. For some reason, he was uncomfortable in this role and I would end up rebuked emotionally. I desperately wanted to please him. I wanted to know that no one in the world could please him more than I. I remember, once, kissing him. His response was cold, indifferent, a signal that I carry with me to this day."
Lucien sensed his lover's desperation and embraced him lovingly, tenderly massaging his face with his warm lips, drawing him close to his body. He responded lovingly, "Let's explore this need you have for discipline and tender love. I want you to be mine, my love, my counterpart in life, my lover, my all."
In an instant, he began undressing Mathieu, slowly, tenderly kissing his body as he removed his shirt. His nipples signaled his excitement, standing hard and firm, sending shivers down his spine as Lucien's tongue and fingers manipulated the sensitive areola. He unbuckled his pants and removed them from his passion filled body, at the same time kissing the bulge that shone through his underwear, a bulge, throbbing with desire. His undressing moved to his feet, removing his shoes and socks, kissing his feet lovingly, his tongue searching the innermost crevices of his toes, his right hand moving to his underwear, sliding them over his legs onto the floor. His mouth moved to Mathieu's hard cock and sucked it tenderly but firmly. In one motion, he pressed Mathieu's naked body to his, revealing his ass and forcefully slapped his cheeks with the flat of his palm, eliciting a response from Mathieu that was new.
"Oh, Lucien, do that some more. Spank me. Let me feel your love and power. Take me, love me, bring me to completion."
But what happened next was indescribable. After the first sharp slap on his buttocks, the initial shock of the sharp pain became excruciatingly sensual and sexual. He felt his semi-hard cock rise to the occasion. It was an erection that he never experienced, an erection that was pleasantly hard and throbbing as the old man's hand came down, again and again, over the, now reddened cheeks of his ass. He felt a new arousal, the pain intermingling with the pleasure of the old man's hand beating his red and hot ass, the oldster repeating in a chorus of words, "You are my son, Mathieu. I'm going to teach you to be good." He added, "You will stay here with me and feel my deep love for you, a love that will free you from those inadequacies that beset you after the rejections you felt from your father's inability to love you."
The spanking brought on a new ecstatic feeling of pleasure, an orgasm that reached a new plateau of sensation. As Lucien continued his spanking, Mathieu felt the build up of passion in his testicles. He came with a force never before experienced, drenching Lucien's naked chest with his white, hot ejaculate, at the same time, screaming his love to Lucien, "I love you. I love you. I love you."
With that, they both embraced lovingly, their breathing drifting off to a whimper, Lucien tenderly massaging Mathieu hot, red ass in loving response to Mathieu's quiet whispers, "I love you Lucien. I love you."
After this first experimental encounter with dominance and submission, Mathieu and Lucien continued in their quest to pleasure one another in other ways. Lucien mentioned his coterie of friends, all elderly, who might be willing to share their sensual and sexual needs with Mathieu. At stake here was the concept of trust. Mathieu and Lucien agreed that Lucien will be looking after Mathieu's well-being in this experiment since Mathieu, as a submissive, will be vulnerable and exposed. Mathieu will be entirely powerless in this new scenario. In the end, they agreed to test this new experiment.
Lucien phoned a number of oldsters, all in their 70's and 80's and explained their experiment. All agreed to the experiment and arrived on a chosen day. To embellish the scenario, Lucien bound Mathieu to the bedstead. The old men undressed, standing naked before Mathieu, taking turns to flay Mathieu's cock, balls and ass with leather thongs. His raised legs exposed his cock, balls and asshole to the oldsters who took turns abusing Mathieu's body sensually and sexually. One of the oldsters knelt before Mathieu's raised ass and drove his hard cock deep into Mathieu's hot asshole. Others took turns. The ecstasy of these violent penetrations drove Mathieu to another level of sensuality, a frenzy he never experienced. Another lay between Mathieu's legs and sucked his cock and balls, assuaging the pain of the leather thongs with kind and tender love of Mathieu's asshole, driving his tongue deep into Mathieu. Others stood above Mathieu and pissed on his body, the urine penetrating Mathieu's nose and mouth. He drank this elixir of love and shared its acidity with deep kisses. Others, naked, lay atop Mathieu's naked and urine drenched body and sensually massaged Mathieu with their urine soaked bodies. In a final chorus of sexuality, each stood above Mathieu's urine soaked body and masturbated, covering his entire body with the white thick outpourings of their cocks. It was then that his new lover, Lucien, lay naked on Mathieu's cum soaked body and whispered, "You are mine for the night. We will sleep the night, naked and in each other's arms and it will be my will that will dominate the measure of my punishment to you."
So it was that Mathieu became Lucien's slave and lover for the rest of his life. Never had Mathieu been as happy as he was at that moment.
Published by stanjk
6 years ago
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