He doesn’t live here anymore
Knowing now how much he doesn’t want any part of the male me and I admit I’ve fallen for him, I made some phone calls yesterday and met with a contractor. I’m having a bathroom put in the garage so I can change before and after work. We both despise the male so it’s not welcome in my house anymore. I already moved my “work” clothes out there so come Monday morning that’s where I’ll get ready for work. Hopefully the bathroom doesn’t take long to build looking forward to my new “phone booth “ lol. You know where Clark Kent goes to become Wonder Woman. Also can only imagine what the Amazon order filler must have though when he/she got my order yesterday lol. Must be like fucking freak! He wants loose, with the new toys he’ll be able to park his car in there. I better stock up on tampons and panty liners because I have a hard enough time now keeping the cum from leaking out now!
6 years ago