My Thoughts About The Live Cams
This will probably be bouncing all over the place so please bear with me, it will come to a point eventually.
I've recently discovered the live cams and have become somewhat of a fan. I have always loved porn, magazines in the beginning then pictures when I got a computer and finally movies when the porn sites became more developed and internet/computer speeds increased. Now that I have found the live cams it takes porn for me to a different level. I don't jerk-off to them nor do I ever see my self doing that to cam shows, however it does stimulate my mind in the fact that I can actually communicate with the "actresses" (if that makes sense). To me porn is 2D in the fact that they are going through the motions but you as a viewer don't know the full story other than what is scripted. With a live cam you can in a way get to know the person(s) on the other side of the lens.
Though my wife and I watch the cam shows I rarely use my own cam and my wife will probably never use it because she is so shy. It took me a long time just to get her to agree to have a pic of her boobs (which are beautiful!) for her avatar:
Alright back to the blog... Even though I personally don't check out the male/transsexual/gay cams I have a high respect for everyone who is brave enough to show themselves on cam for what could be the whole world to see. For what ever the actor/actress' reasons may be for getting on cam it takes someone that is sure of them self to do a show like that IMHO. Which brings me to the idiots...
I've only been viewing the live cam for about two weeks but have already found a pattern with some of the viewers:
A: Some of my fellow viewers are cool and let the actress/actors do the show her/their way.
B: Some of the viewers are insistent with telling the actresses/couples what to do in a commanding fashion. I don't agree with that, it's one thing to ask a cammer (it's too much of a pain in the ass typing "actresses/actors [when it's a couple]" so they will be referred to as "cammer/cammers" from now on in this blog) politely to show or do something but it's almost abusive to constantly demand that they do something (unless it's been discussed and the cammer agrees to be submissive) IMHO. Then for them to send the demand over and over is completely rude. Not just rude to the cammer but rude to the other viewers in the room that are trying to have a conversation or compliment the cammer.
C: Then there are the spammers, the ones who pop in to send a link for their own cam, pics, profile, etc... over and over. It's total BS IMHO! Those assholes are worse than the spammers that hit the vids/pics in the fact that they keep doing it every time the chat screen scrolls up.
D: Finally the complete ASSHOLES! These lowlife dip-shits are only here to degrade the cammers for whatever their reason is be it because they have low self esteem, they were picked on through out their lives, they couldn't get a woman even if they tried to pay, etc... These assholes should have their internet access revoked then put in a cage naked out in public so the world can laugh at them! It is inexcusable to make fun of and degrade someone who is sharing them self in such a personal manor! I don't care what the cammer looks like they deserve respect for sharing themselves with us.
Think about it, the cammers help make xHamster GREAT. The cammers are part of a group that makes xHamster run along with the vid and pic uploaders. Yes xHam staff technically "makes" xHam work and should be applauded for their efforts but if it wasn't for that group of content providers including the cammers xHam wouldn't be as great as it is today.
Alright I think I've gone on enough (though I could fill many more pages) I guess I've gotten to my point. Give the cammers respect, if you can't do that then stop watching them. Try to give them help when you can like reporting the spammers, go to their pro and hit "report spam". When you see a cammer cheating, like showing a vid, showing an empty room, a BS pic, etc... report them because they are taking views away from the real cammers that deserve the views. Like I said before if you don't like the show just politely leave. If you do like their show tell them, they deserve it.
To all the real cammers: my wife and I thank you for sharing yourselves and helping to make xHamster the great site it is!
I've recently discovered the live cams and have become somewhat of a fan. I have always loved porn, magazines in the beginning then pictures when I got a computer and finally movies when the porn sites became more developed and internet/computer speeds increased. Now that I have found the live cams it takes porn for me to a different level. I don't jerk-off to them nor do I ever see my self doing that to cam shows, however it does stimulate my mind in the fact that I can actually communicate with the "actresses" (if that makes sense). To me porn is 2D in the fact that they are going through the motions but you as a viewer don't know the full story other than what is scripted. With a live cam you can in a way get to know the person(s) on the other side of the lens.
Though my wife and I watch the cam shows I rarely use my own cam and my wife will probably never use it because she is so shy. It took me a long time just to get her to agree to have a pic of her boobs (which are beautiful!) for her avatar:

Alright back to the blog... Even though I personally don't check out the male/transsexual/gay cams I have a high respect for everyone who is brave enough to show themselves on cam for what could be the whole world to see. For what ever the actor/actress' reasons may be for getting on cam it takes someone that is sure of them self to do a show like that IMHO. Which brings me to the idiots...
I've only been viewing the live cam for about two weeks but have already found a pattern with some of the viewers:
A: Some of my fellow viewers are cool and let the actress/actors do the show her/their way.
B: Some of the viewers are insistent with telling the actresses/couples what to do in a commanding fashion. I don't agree with that, it's one thing to ask a cammer (it's too much of a pain in the ass typing "actresses/actors [when it's a couple]" so they will be referred to as "cammer/cammers" from now on in this blog) politely to show or do something but it's almost abusive to constantly demand that they do something (unless it's been discussed and the cammer agrees to be submissive) IMHO. Then for them to send the demand over and over is completely rude. Not just rude to the cammer but rude to the other viewers in the room that are trying to have a conversation or compliment the cammer.
C: Then there are the spammers, the ones who pop in to send a link for their own cam, pics, profile, etc... over and over. It's total BS IMHO! Those assholes are worse than the spammers that hit the vids/pics in the fact that they keep doing it every time the chat screen scrolls up.
D: Finally the complete ASSHOLES! These lowlife dip-shits are only here to degrade the cammers for whatever their reason is be it because they have low self esteem, they were picked on through out their lives, they couldn't get a woman even if they tried to pay, etc... These assholes should have their internet access revoked then put in a cage naked out in public so the world can laugh at them! It is inexcusable to make fun of and degrade someone who is sharing them self in such a personal manor! I don't care what the cammer looks like they deserve respect for sharing themselves with us.
Think about it, the cammers help make xHamster GREAT. The cammers are part of a group that makes xHamster run along with the vid and pic uploaders. Yes xHam staff technically "makes" xHam work and should be applauded for their efforts but if it wasn't for that group of content providers including the cammers xHam wouldn't be as great as it is today.
Alright I think I've gone on enough (though I could fill many more pages) I guess I've gotten to my point. Give the cammers respect, if you can't do that then stop watching them. Try to give them help when you can like reporting the spammers, go to their pro and hit "report spam". When you see a cammer cheating, like showing a vid, showing an empty room, a BS pic, etc... report them because they are taking views away from the real cammers that deserve the views. Like I said before if you don't like the show just politely leave. If you do like their show tell them, they deserve it.
To all the real cammers: my wife and I thank you for sharing yourselves and helping to make xHamster the great site it is!
13 years ago
Thanks RDL
I can never get to understand WHY someone has so little in life to do, other than sitting harassing people who love their body and arent afraid to show the world what they got.
Its kinda painful to me everytime i come across people who do this, it shows soo little respect for others, both thoose on cam, and the others who enjoy whats going on and dont want to be pested with unwanted "distraction"..
So i really think you nailed it dead center here
But dont let the pricks and lowlifes get you down
Let the haters hate, be everything they envy.
Shine when they bring the rainy clouds
Hugs and big ass smile
Keep up the good work. You are a DOLL!
Thanks babe..Ur a doll for this!
have you read those asking for FEET/ ARMPITS? lol
it always make ma laugh crazy...
those are the parts that i really coundt show off.
but my viewers are most of the time cool, relaxed and i love it when we are havin fun and REAL FUN in my room..
sometimes, i throw jokes like-- i hope no one would ask me to show liver, lungs, or other internal organs.
the degraders are the most i love.. they hit me with: YOU ARE FAT!
i totally agree with yr blog,
those who do livecam desserve compliments & respect
I'm even too chicken to get verified here, i fact I've been visiting this site almost since they started, and only recently signed up here.
Thank you!
Again, thanks for this post. I will be favoriting it and hoping more people will read it!