The Star of the Film
by GemmaGQ
This is another total fantasy. As with all my other stories based on pure
fantasy, I'd very much like it to be true.
I was quietly reading the paper at home, relaxing after a long day when
there was a light knock at my front door. "Who can that be at this time
of the evening?" I thought to myself as I rose from the sofa. As I
approached the front door I noticed the hall clock was showing 10.00pm. I
opened the door to find Petra, my next door neighbour standing there.
Petra had lived next door to me for over three years but was often away
for long periods of time as she worked in some capacity in the world of
"Hi Jeremy" Petra said breezily "I'm sorry it's late but I'm hear to ask
a favour and it's not the usual house minding thing that you do for me" I
was a little intrigued now and so said "Er, okay, why don't you come in".
I showed Petra to the living room and after making us a cup of coffee, I
sat down on the chair opposite her to find out what she wanted.
"You know I'm involved in the movie business" Petra began "but I've never
told you what type of films I make" "No, you haven't" I replied. "Well to
cut a long story short, I make porn films" Petra continued, not batting
an eyelid. "Wow" was all I could say, slightly nonplussed. Petra was a
short and rather overweight woman in her late thirties so I didn't really
need her to add "Obviously I direct them rather than appear in them"
Petra's revelation had left me feeling rather uneasy; bearing in mind the
purpose of her call was to ask me an unusual favour. "So what was the
favour you wanted" I asked, trying to sound casual. "I'd like you to play
a small role in one of my films" Petra replied as if she was asking me to
do the most mundane task in the world. My mouth opened, but no sound
"Before you say anything let me give the lowdown on the film I'd like you
to appear in. Firstly you'll get paid £100 for about an hours work and
secondly you'll get your cock sucked by some gorgeous babe. The action
will be centred on her, so your face will hardly appear in the film."
"But why me" I interrupted "I'm only 130lbs dripping wet and certainly no
stud" "Well the thing is you won't be the only guy there" Petra continued
"The films called 'Bukkake Bride' and the basic premise is the girl will
be kneeling on the floor dressed as a pretty bride surrounded by eight to
ten naked guys. She'll suck any cock that's presented to her and, one
after the other, each guy will come in her open mouth and over her face
until she's practically bathing in the stuff."
Petra was quiet for a moment, allowing me to take in what she had said.
"The reason I want you is that I want the guys to be all shapes, sizes
and colours and sorry but you really are the skinniest guy I know.
There'll be all sort of guys there right up to big Leroy, a huge black
guy I know who's got the biggest cock I've ever seen." she added without
the slightest embarrassment.
"So will you help me out Jeremy?" The money would come in useful and at
the age of twenty five I'd never had my cock sucked, let alone by a
gorgeous girl. "Obviously my name won't appear anywhere in the credits?"
I asked "Off course not" Petra assured me. "Well, in for a penny, in for
a pound. I'll do it" I said, wondering what on earth I was getting myself
into. "Fantastic. You'll have a great time, I promise you" Petra gushed.
"I'll be in touch over the date and location" she added, as I showed her
to the front door. After bidding her goodbye I returned to the sofa in
the living room. I have to admit I had a raging hard-on.
Some two weeks later and with much trepidation, I made my way to what
appeared to be a rather nondescript industrial unit on the outskirts of
London. Petra had emailed the location to me a week earlier and thanks to
my satnav I found the building quite easily. Tentatively I pushed open a
door at the side of the unit. Inside the layout was simple with one large
floor space covered in white satin sheeting. This area was well lit with
additional studio lighting and was obviously going to be where the action
would take place. At the back of the building there appeared to be two
office spaces and at that moment Petra emerged from one "Ah, Jeremy, you
made it. There's only a couple of other guys here so far, so come and
join us all in the office"
I followed Petra as she went back through the office door. A young but
rather stocky woman in her early twenties sat in the corner. "This is
Lizzie, our make up artist" Petra introduced. "Hi Lizzie" I said. A very
fussy and feminine bridal gown, which reminded me of Princess Diana's
wedding day, was d****d over a chair, which was placed in front of large
I was then shown through another door which connected to the other
office. Inside were two of my fellow "actors". "This is Leroy and Ron"
Petra gestured. I shook hands with each man. Her previous description of
Leroy was correct: he was a huge guy and I suspected that when it came to
time for action he'd make me and probably the other men feel rather
inadequate. Over the next twenty minutes another five men were ushered
into what Petra was now calling "The Undressing Room". The last one,
introduced as Peter said "The girl hasn't turned up yet". I took his
comment to be nothing more than small talk and instead looked around the
room at the rest of the men. I couldn't help but notice I was by far the
smallest and skinniest guy there.
About twenty minutes later Petra entered the room, looking rather
flustered, and said "Gentlemen we have a major problem. Today's actress,
Vanessa, has just phoned to say she can't make today's shoot" "You've
still got to pay us" interrupted Leroy, his deep voice taking on
something of a menacing tone. "It's not just you guys I owe" Petra
continued "There's also Lizzie's fees, the hire of the building and I had
to spend quite a bit on eBay to buy the complete wedding outfit. This
could ruin me".
There was an awkward silence. "Hey, this could be like Cinderella with
the glass slipper" Ron chimed in. "Whoever can fit into the dress, wears
it". Everybody chuckled at this effort to inject a little light
heartedness into the situation. However when Leroy spoke next his words
struck sheer panic into my heart. "The skinny guy could fit into that
dress just fine. If Lizzie works her magic nobody would know the
difference" "Hey big man what kind of freak do you think I am" I snarled,
trying to sound as angry as possible. "We're all pro's here, aren't we?
Doesn't bother me who sucks my cock if it's business" interjected Ron
again. A murmur of "me neither's" went round the room. Looking to put an
end to this once and for all I shouted "I am not a pro, I'm just here to
help Petra out, so you can forget any idea of me taking Vanessa's place"
Sensing things were getting out of hand, Petra took me by the arm and led
me back to the other office. "Jeremy, I'm in real trouble here. Leroy's
right, you're the only person on site who could fit into the dress" she
began "Petra, I'm not a tranny, or gay for that matter" I quickly
countered "Nobody thinks you are, Jeremy. For the guys next door this is
just a job where everybody plays the role they're asked to play" Petra
replied. I was speechless now and could only stare at her incredulously.
"The fee for the girl's role is £750, Jeremy and if you agreed to do this
I'd make it a round £1000. If Vanessa wants to work in this business
again after letting me down so badly, she needs do me a huge favour.
Let's just say I could arrange for her to give you a very special night."
As she finished, Petra held up a topless photo of Vanessa. She was the
most gorgeously sexy babe I had ever laid eyes on. "How about Lizzie gets
you all dressed up and then if you're reassured that nobody could ever
know it was you, maybe we could think about going to stage two"
As I thought about the money I'd been offered and the chance to have a
very hot night with Vanessa, I tried to focus on the price I'd have to
pay to earn such a reward. Could I seriously entertain the possibility of
being dressed in the most feminine of clothes and then satisfy the lust
of seven randy men. How had I allowed myself to be put in this position?
The answer was money and sex and now I was being offered a lot more of
Lizzie spoke next "I can assure you that with your soft features and
small frame, I'll be able to make you look very convincingly female,
Jeremy. In fact I think you'll look very pretty indeed" I wasn't sure if
this was what I really wanted to hear although it meant that I'd never be
identified if I did agree to Petra's request. At this point Leroy strode
into the room, shouting "Is this guy gonna do this or not? The guys are
getting restless and want their cash if nothing's gonna happen" Petra
looked at me beseechingly.
Hardly believing my own words I said meekly "Yes, I'll do it" Petra
immediately embraced me "Oh thank you so much, Jeremy. I promise you'll
get your rewards". Leroy returned to other room, satisfied that something
was at last happening. Five minutes later I was sat on the chair in front
of the large mirror. Lizzie and Petra had already started the
feminisation process by dressing me in a white lacy basque, matching
panties and white seamed stockings. They stuffed the cups of the basque
with some old pairs of tights. Despite their attempts to reassure me, I
sat looking at myself with cringing, red-faced embarrassment.
With a well practised efficiency Lizzie set about making up my face. She
named each product she applied: foundation, concealer, eye shadow,
mascara, rouge and lipstick. I'd closed my eyes as she applied the eye
shadow and they remained shut as she finished my make up and then placed
a wig on my head. I was aware of her styling the wig with a brush "You
better open your eyes, Jeremy and prepare to be shocked" instructed
Lizzie. Opening my eyes I was stunned to see a gorgeous blonde wearing
sexy underwear. "See, I was right, Jeremy. You look really pretty"
continued Lizzie. It was very hard to disagree with her.
As I sat there trying to take in the amazing transformation that had been
performed on me, Lizzie slipped a dangly pearl earring onto each of my
ears and placed a matching choker around my neck. "If you'd just stand up
for me, Jeremy I'll finish getting you dressed" Lizzie then helped me
step into a multi-layered, lace frilled net petticoat. Catching sight of
myself in the mirror, I looked for all the world like a young bride
preparing for her big day.
Lizzie interrupted my brief reverie "Time for the dress, Jeremy". She
gathered the dress up and eased it over my head, keeping it well clear of
my wig and made up face. She held the sleeves, so that I was able to ease
each arm through. She then eased the dress over my upper body and let the
very full skirt fall around me down to the ground. She then led me back
to the mirror and for the first time I was able to take in the extremely
feminine style of the bridal gown. The sleeves were short but very full
in style and lace edged. The bodice was tight and encrusted in sequins
with lots of lace detail, while the very full skirt cascaded around me,
given shape by the voluminous net petticoats I'd been given to wear.
Once again I stood in a slightly awed silence. I'd never dreamed I could
be made to look like this and was at a loss to come to terms with it.
Lizzie continued to fuss around me, arranging the skirts and petticoats
so they hung just so. Kneeling on the floor she placed a white three inch
heel court shoe on each of my feet and then slid a blue lacy garter up my
stocking clad leg. "We're nearly finished now, babe" Lizzie said. "Put
these on while I fix your veil. As she fixed a veil to my head with a
pearl decorated hair band, I put on the long sleeved, fingerless, lacy
gloves she'd given to me.
Petra had left the room, once I'd got the underwear on, and Lizzie went
to the door leading out to the studio area to call her back to the
office. "Come and see the beautiful bride I've created" she gushed
excitedly. Petra dashed back to the office to find me standing before the
mirror. She came round in front of me and gently lifted the veil from my
face "My goodness. You look absolutely wonderful, Jeremy. How do you
I couldn't answer the question because I didn't really know how I felt.
Not many guys get the opportunity to be dressed in full bridal regalia
and I'd challenge any man not to feel at least a little special if the
opportunity arose. Perhaps sensing I was feeling a little confused about
my feelings, Petra simply asked "Are you ready for the next stage". I
thought about the money, the promised sex with Vanessa and the way I now
looked. "I'll be in charge of the action, Jeremy. I won't let things get
too out of hand" Petra promised.
I looked her in the eye and smiled weakly. "For you and all the things
you've promised me and partly because of how I feel about the way I've
been made to look, I'll do it" I said quietly but firmly. Petra embraced
me and then carefully pulled the veil down over my face. The men were
still waiting in the "Undressing Room" and Petra popped her head around
their door and said "Action in five minutes, gentlemen"
Petra then lead me out of the office door and out into the main studio
area. We walked slowly into the area covered in the white satin sheeting.
"Wait here a moment, while I fetch some white cushions from the back of
the set." Petra ordered. I hadn't noticed the cushions when I'd first
entered the building and I couldn't help think how much else had changed
since then. Petra returned with the cushions and s**ttered them on the
floor on front of me. "Gently kneel down for me, please." Petra asked.
Instinctively I gathered up the full skirt and petticoats to enable me to
comfortably kneel down on the cushions. Petra helped me arrange the very
full skirt of the bridal gown and so that it sat neatly around me.
As I knelt there, with the veil over my face I tried to come to terms
with what would happen next. Two things which Petra had said on her
original visit to my house now came to mind "the biggest cock I've ever
seen" and "practically bathing in the stuff". I was about to suck seven
different men's cocks and be covered in their semen. I was going to do
this while dressed as a pretty bride. For a brief moment I considered
getting up from the floor and running straight for the exit, but at that
moment I was aware that I was being surrounded by the men and even
through the veil I could tell they were naked.
"Right gentlemen, will one of you please move forward and lift Jer..."
Petra stopped herself. "Jeremy I think we need to give you a girl's name
for the purposes of this shoot. I think Gemma will do" she continued.
"Now back to the action, gentlemen, will one of you please move forward
and lift Gemma's veil". Through the veil I could see one of the men
approaching. "Time to give this bitch what she wants" said the man, who
as he lifted my veil, turned out to be Ron.
There was no time to react, as holding me by the back of my head he
forced his cock roughly into my mouth. With both hands around my head he
started to thrust his now fully erect penis in and out of my mouth. His
hairy belly bumped against my forehead as I did everything I could to
avoid gagging on his rampant cock, its girth stretching my lips wide. My
whole being felt invaded by this man as he took his pleasure of me.
Finally he pulled his stiff penis from my mouth and I was able to gasp
for air. Ron continued to stroke his erection in front of my face and
then with a loud grunt let loose jet after jet of hot salty semen into my
still open mouth. I was tasting another man's seed for the first time.
With the remnants of Ron's cum running down my chin, I felt a hand turn
my head to one side where another already erect cock was waiting for me.
I looked briefly up to see it belonged to Peter. "Lick it for me Gemma"
he said. He was being gentler than Ron, but this time I was being asked
to make the pace. As I weighed up how to go about this, my left arm was
grabbed and my hand was placed around another erection. A deep dark voice
instructed "Stroke it for me Gemma".
I was starting to feel events were getting beyond my control. Ron had
made things easy for me by forcibly taking his pleasure of me, but Peter
and Leroy wanted me to take the lead. I realised that if I was going to
get through this I would have the play the role of the pretty bride I'd
been transformed into. I concentrated on the image that had looked back
at me in the mirror no more than ten minutes ago. I had to be Gemma.
I started to lick the tip of Peter's penis, while at the same time
running my hand up down Leroy's ever increasing velvet rod of iron.
Concentrating on Peter for now, I continued to trace my tongue all over
his shiny knob. In my mind I tried to imagine how I must look; a pretty
bride wearing an extremely feminine wedding dress. Yards of white satin
and net spread around me and two sexually aroused, naked men waiting for
me to pleasure them. I continued to work on Peter's cock, working my lips
up and down his shaft with an increasing alacrity. I sensed he was close
to reaching his climax and indeed, at that moment Peter withdrew his cock
from my mouth and immediately aimed spurt after spurt of his hot seed all
over my face. Hot male seed now ran down my forehead, into my right eye.
A second shot had hit me square on the nose and his final ejaculation hit
me on my left cheek. Cum was now continually dripping off my chin on to
the beautifully beaded bodice of my bridal gown.
The pace picked up now, with the rest of the men shooting their loads
partly into my open mouth and partly over all my hair and face. I
swallowed the semen that was shot into my open mouth, surprised that I
wasn't disgusted to taste so much male spunk. The truth was I had gone
into autopilot by this time and simply let these men have their way. As
the last man stepped aside I looked down at my bridal gown. It was now
covered in the jism of six men.
I'd almost forgotten that throughout this experience I'd had hold of
Leroy's large black cock but a deep dark voice saying "My turn now,
Gemma" soon reminded me. I looked up at him, deeply aware that my
prettily made up face was now almost completely covered in semen. I
released my grip on his cock and turned my head to face him. Petra had
been right. This surely was one of the biggest cocks around. I couldn't
believe I'd be able to accommodate such a monster, but Leroy pushed the
huge bulbous end against my lips. As I parted them, he gently pushed his
knob into my mouth and held it there as my lips strained to their very
limit to take him. As I slowly adjusted to this mighty invasion, Leroy
eased himself in a little further. Holding this new position, Leroy
reached a large hand down and fondled my chest through the white satin of
my gown. To my surprise I felt a reaction deep in my white lacy panties.
I didn't have time to think about this as Leroy was slowly but
rhythmically pushing his cock in and out of my mouth.
Leroy was lasting much longer than the other guys and my jaw was really
starting to ache with being constantly forced wide open by Leroy's
immense girth. Finally Leroy pulled his cock from my overstretched mouth,
and as I gasped for breath, he pumped what seemed like a gallon of hot
salty spunk all over my face, hair and neck and into my mouth.
Such was the amount of semen sprayed into my eyes, that for a moment I
couldn't see what was happening around me. I used my hand to wipe some of
the ejaculate from my right eye and became aware that all the men were
standing in a circle around me. They then broke into a round of applause
and congratulated me on my performance. What they didn't know was that
when Leroy had shot his load all over me, I had experienced a shuddering
orgasm deep within the folds of satin, net and lace I'd been dressed in
Did my cum drenched panties mean I'd actually enjoyed the experience? An
hour ago I'd arrived at this building hoping to get my cock sucked by a
beautiful girl dressed in virginal white. Now, an hour later, I'd been
that girl. As the men dispersed Petra approached me. "Let's go and get
you cleaned up, Jeremy". She helped me up from the floor and as I rose,
further strands of Leroy's cum dripped off my chin onto my beautiful
The walk back to office was conducted in silence, although I couldn't
help but feel that Petra had things she wanted to ask. I was soon sat in
the chair facing the mirror and at that moment the sheer enormity of what
I'd just done hit me like a train. What you could see of my make up was
badly smudged but the majority of my face and hair was covered in male
seed. It was as if my face had been glazed in a seminal coating. The
bodice of the bridal gown was also soaked through with semen. I couldn't
help but wonder just how much spunk was now sitting pooled deep in my
I became aware that Lizzie and Petra were standing behind me and looking
at my cum drenched reflection. Their look of concern broke me and my now
trembling bottom lip soon gave way to uncontrollable sobbing. Petra
lightly gripped my shoulder. I think she recognised the confusion the
afternoon's events had caused me. "Do you want to talk it, Jeremy?" she
gently asked. "If it means anything, your performance was fantastic" she
continued. "You looked so pretty in that dress" added Lizzie
"After you finished dressing me up as a bride I found I quite enjoyed the
totally transformed image you'd created for me, Lizzie" I began. "Most
guys would enjoy it even if they daren't admit it" Lizzie tried to
reassure me. "What about the action?" Petra interjected. "If it would
help you come to terms with happened, I'll cut a DVD of the rough footage
for you to take with you and watch in the privacy of your own home."
Petra added.
Realising that when I changed out of the bridal outfit, the women would
notice my panties were soaked through, I decided to tell them everything.
"When Leroy started to push his cock into my mouth I was surprised to
feel a reaction in my own panties. As he pushed in and out of me, the
intensity of my own erection grew ever greater and when he climaxed, I
too experienced a shuddering orgasm." My bottom lip gave way again and
the tears started to flow once more.
"Leroy's cock could turn any human being on" Petra said, trying to
reassure me but the truth was this experience had changed me forever. No
more was said and Lizzie and Petra helped me out of my outfit and to
clean up my face completely. The men were long gone when Petra handed me
my performance fee and the DVD. "I'll be in touch to arrange Vanessa's
visit. She'll take your mind off today's events I'm sure"
As I made my way back to the car I couldn't help wondering if I'd prefer
a visit from Leroy. As long as the bridal outfit had been laundered and
sent to me the day before, of course.
This is another total fantasy. As with all my other stories based on pure
fantasy, I'd very much like it to be true.
I was quietly reading the paper at home, relaxing after a long day when
there was a light knock at my front door. "Who can that be at this time
of the evening?" I thought to myself as I rose from the sofa. As I
approached the front door I noticed the hall clock was showing 10.00pm. I
opened the door to find Petra, my next door neighbour standing there.
Petra had lived next door to me for over three years but was often away
for long periods of time as she worked in some capacity in the world of
"Hi Jeremy" Petra said breezily "I'm sorry it's late but I'm hear to ask
a favour and it's not the usual house minding thing that you do for me" I
was a little intrigued now and so said "Er, okay, why don't you come in".
I showed Petra to the living room and after making us a cup of coffee, I
sat down on the chair opposite her to find out what she wanted.
"You know I'm involved in the movie business" Petra began "but I've never
told you what type of films I make" "No, you haven't" I replied. "Well to
cut a long story short, I make porn films" Petra continued, not batting
an eyelid. "Wow" was all I could say, slightly nonplussed. Petra was a
short and rather overweight woman in her late thirties so I didn't really
need her to add "Obviously I direct them rather than appear in them"
Petra's revelation had left me feeling rather uneasy; bearing in mind the
purpose of her call was to ask me an unusual favour. "So what was the
favour you wanted" I asked, trying to sound casual. "I'd like you to play
a small role in one of my films" Petra replied as if she was asking me to
do the most mundane task in the world. My mouth opened, but no sound
"Before you say anything let me give the lowdown on the film I'd like you
to appear in. Firstly you'll get paid £100 for about an hours work and
secondly you'll get your cock sucked by some gorgeous babe. The action
will be centred on her, so your face will hardly appear in the film."
"But why me" I interrupted "I'm only 130lbs dripping wet and certainly no
stud" "Well the thing is you won't be the only guy there" Petra continued
"The films called 'Bukkake Bride' and the basic premise is the girl will
be kneeling on the floor dressed as a pretty bride surrounded by eight to
ten naked guys. She'll suck any cock that's presented to her and, one
after the other, each guy will come in her open mouth and over her face
until she's practically bathing in the stuff."
Petra was quiet for a moment, allowing me to take in what she had said.
"The reason I want you is that I want the guys to be all shapes, sizes
and colours and sorry but you really are the skinniest guy I know.
There'll be all sort of guys there right up to big Leroy, a huge black
guy I know who's got the biggest cock I've ever seen." she added without
the slightest embarrassment.
"So will you help me out Jeremy?" The money would come in useful and at
the age of twenty five I'd never had my cock sucked, let alone by a
gorgeous girl. "Obviously my name won't appear anywhere in the credits?"
I asked "Off course not" Petra assured me. "Well, in for a penny, in for
a pound. I'll do it" I said, wondering what on earth I was getting myself
into. "Fantastic. You'll have a great time, I promise you" Petra gushed.
"I'll be in touch over the date and location" she added, as I showed her
to the front door. After bidding her goodbye I returned to the sofa in
the living room. I have to admit I had a raging hard-on.
Some two weeks later and with much trepidation, I made my way to what
appeared to be a rather nondescript industrial unit on the outskirts of
London. Petra had emailed the location to me a week earlier and thanks to
my satnav I found the building quite easily. Tentatively I pushed open a
door at the side of the unit. Inside the layout was simple with one large
floor space covered in white satin sheeting. This area was well lit with
additional studio lighting and was obviously going to be where the action
would take place. At the back of the building there appeared to be two
office spaces and at that moment Petra emerged from one "Ah, Jeremy, you
made it. There's only a couple of other guys here so far, so come and
join us all in the office"
I followed Petra as she went back through the office door. A young but
rather stocky woman in her early twenties sat in the corner. "This is
Lizzie, our make up artist" Petra introduced. "Hi Lizzie" I said. A very
fussy and feminine bridal gown, which reminded me of Princess Diana's
wedding day, was d****d over a chair, which was placed in front of large
I was then shown through another door which connected to the other
office. Inside were two of my fellow "actors". "This is Leroy and Ron"
Petra gestured. I shook hands with each man. Her previous description of
Leroy was correct: he was a huge guy and I suspected that when it came to
time for action he'd make me and probably the other men feel rather
inadequate. Over the next twenty minutes another five men were ushered
into what Petra was now calling "The Undressing Room". The last one,
introduced as Peter said "The girl hasn't turned up yet". I took his
comment to be nothing more than small talk and instead looked around the
room at the rest of the men. I couldn't help but notice I was by far the
smallest and skinniest guy there.
About twenty minutes later Petra entered the room, looking rather
flustered, and said "Gentlemen we have a major problem. Today's actress,
Vanessa, has just phoned to say she can't make today's shoot" "You've
still got to pay us" interrupted Leroy, his deep voice taking on
something of a menacing tone. "It's not just you guys I owe" Petra
continued "There's also Lizzie's fees, the hire of the building and I had
to spend quite a bit on eBay to buy the complete wedding outfit. This
could ruin me".
There was an awkward silence. "Hey, this could be like Cinderella with
the glass slipper" Ron chimed in. "Whoever can fit into the dress, wears
it". Everybody chuckled at this effort to inject a little light
heartedness into the situation. However when Leroy spoke next his words
struck sheer panic into my heart. "The skinny guy could fit into that
dress just fine. If Lizzie works her magic nobody would know the
difference" "Hey big man what kind of freak do you think I am" I snarled,
trying to sound as angry as possible. "We're all pro's here, aren't we?
Doesn't bother me who sucks my cock if it's business" interjected Ron
again. A murmur of "me neither's" went round the room. Looking to put an
end to this once and for all I shouted "I am not a pro, I'm just here to
help Petra out, so you can forget any idea of me taking Vanessa's place"
Sensing things were getting out of hand, Petra took me by the arm and led
me back to the other office. "Jeremy, I'm in real trouble here. Leroy's
right, you're the only person on site who could fit into the dress" she
began "Petra, I'm not a tranny, or gay for that matter" I quickly
countered "Nobody thinks you are, Jeremy. For the guys next door this is
just a job where everybody plays the role they're asked to play" Petra
replied. I was speechless now and could only stare at her incredulously.
"The fee for the girl's role is £750, Jeremy and if you agreed to do this
I'd make it a round £1000. If Vanessa wants to work in this business
again after letting me down so badly, she needs do me a huge favour.
Let's just say I could arrange for her to give you a very special night."
As she finished, Petra held up a topless photo of Vanessa. She was the
most gorgeously sexy babe I had ever laid eyes on. "How about Lizzie gets
you all dressed up and then if you're reassured that nobody could ever
know it was you, maybe we could think about going to stage two"
As I thought about the money I'd been offered and the chance to have a
very hot night with Vanessa, I tried to focus on the price I'd have to
pay to earn such a reward. Could I seriously entertain the possibility of
being dressed in the most feminine of clothes and then satisfy the lust
of seven randy men. How had I allowed myself to be put in this position?
The answer was money and sex and now I was being offered a lot more of
Lizzie spoke next "I can assure you that with your soft features and
small frame, I'll be able to make you look very convincingly female,
Jeremy. In fact I think you'll look very pretty indeed" I wasn't sure if
this was what I really wanted to hear although it meant that I'd never be
identified if I did agree to Petra's request. At this point Leroy strode
into the room, shouting "Is this guy gonna do this or not? The guys are
getting restless and want their cash if nothing's gonna happen" Petra
looked at me beseechingly.
Hardly believing my own words I said meekly "Yes, I'll do it" Petra
immediately embraced me "Oh thank you so much, Jeremy. I promise you'll
get your rewards". Leroy returned to other room, satisfied that something
was at last happening. Five minutes later I was sat on the chair in front
of the large mirror. Lizzie and Petra had already started the
feminisation process by dressing me in a white lacy basque, matching
panties and white seamed stockings. They stuffed the cups of the basque
with some old pairs of tights. Despite their attempts to reassure me, I
sat looking at myself with cringing, red-faced embarrassment.
With a well practised efficiency Lizzie set about making up my face. She
named each product she applied: foundation, concealer, eye shadow,
mascara, rouge and lipstick. I'd closed my eyes as she applied the eye
shadow and they remained shut as she finished my make up and then placed
a wig on my head. I was aware of her styling the wig with a brush "You
better open your eyes, Jeremy and prepare to be shocked" instructed
Lizzie. Opening my eyes I was stunned to see a gorgeous blonde wearing
sexy underwear. "See, I was right, Jeremy. You look really pretty"
continued Lizzie. It was very hard to disagree with her.
As I sat there trying to take in the amazing transformation that had been
performed on me, Lizzie slipped a dangly pearl earring onto each of my
ears and placed a matching choker around my neck. "If you'd just stand up
for me, Jeremy I'll finish getting you dressed" Lizzie then helped me
step into a multi-layered, lace frilled net petticoat. Catching sight of
myself in the mirror, I looked for all the world like a young bride
preparing for her big day.
Lizzie interrupted my brief reverie "Time for the dress, Jeremy". She
gathered the dress up and eased it over my head, keeping it well clear of
my wig and made up face. She held the sleeves, so that I was able to ease
each arm through. She then eased the dress over my upper body and let the
very full skirt fall around me down to the ground. She then led me back
to the mirror and for the first time I was able to take in the extremely
feminine style of the bridal gown. The sleeves were short but very full
in style and lace edged. The bodice was tight and encrusted in sequins
with lots of lace detail, while the very full skirt cascaded around me,
given shape by the voluminous net petticoats I'd been given to wear.
Once again I stood in a slightly awed silence. I'd never dreamed I could
be made to look like this and was at a loss to come to terms with it.
Lizzie continued to fuss around me, arranging the skirts and petticoats
so they hung just so. Kneeling on the floor she placed a white three inch
heel court shoe on each of my feet and then slid a blue lacy garter up my
stocking clad leg. "We're nearly finished now, babe" Lizzie said. "Put
these on while I fix your veil. As she fixed a veil to my head with a
pearl decorated hair band, I put on the long sleeved, fingerless, lacy
gloves she'd given to me.
Petra had left the room, once I'd got the underwear on, and Lizzie went
to the door leading out to the studio area to call her back to the
office. "Come and see the beautiful bride I've created" she gushed
excitedly. Petra dashed back to the office to find me standing before the
mirror. She came round in front of me and gently lifted the veil from my
face "My goodness. You look absolutely wonderful, Jeremy. How do you
I couldn't answer the question because I didn't really know how I felt.
Not many guys get the opportunity to be dressed in full bridal regalia
and I'd challenge any man not to feel at least a little special if the
opportunity arose. Perhaps sensing I was feeling a little confused about
my feelings, Petra simply asked "Are you ready for the next stage". I
thought about the money, the promised sex with Vanessa and the way I now
looked. "I'll be in charge of the action, Jeremy. I won't let things get
too out of hand" Petra promised.
I looked her in the eye and smiled weakly. "For you and all the things
you've promised me and partly because of how I feel about the way I've
been made to look, I'll do it" I said quietly but firmly. Petra embraced
me and then carefully pulled the veil down over my face. The men were
still waiting in the "Undressing Room" and Petra popped her head around
their door and said "Action in five minutes, gentlemen"
Petra then lead me out of the office door and out into the main studio
area. We walked slowly into the area covered in the white satin sheeting.
"Wait here a moment, while I fetch some white cushions from the back of
the set." Petra ordered. I hadn't noticed the cushions when I'd first
entered the building and I couldn't help think how much else had changed
since then. Petra returned with the cushions and s**ttered them on the
floor on front of me. "Gently kneel down for me, please." Petra asked.
Instinctively I gathered up the full skirt and petticoats to enable me to
comfortably kneel down on the cushions. Petra helped me arrange the very
full skirt of the bridal gown and so that it sat neatly around me.
As I knelt there, with the veil over my face I tried to come to terms
with what would happen next. Two things which Petra had said on her
original visit to my house now came to mind "the biggest cock I've ever
seen" and "practically bathing in the stuff". I was about to suck seven
different men's cocks and be covered in their semen. I was going to do
this while dressed as a pretty bride. For a brief moment I considered
getting up from the floor and running straight for the exit, but at that
moment I was aware that I was being surrounded by the men and even
through the veil I could tell they were naked.
"Right gentlemen, will one of you please move forward and lift Jer..."
Petra stopped herself. "Jeremy I think we need to give you a girl's name
for the purposes of this shoot. I think Gemma will do" she continued.
"Now back to the action, gentlemen, will one of you please move forward
and lift Gemma's veil". Through the veil I could see one of the men
approaching. "Time to give this bitch what she wants" said the man, who
as he lifted my veil, turned out to be Ron.
There was no time to react, as holding me by the back of my head he
forced his cock roughly into my mouth. With both hands around my head he
started to thrust his now fully erect penis in and out of my mouth. His
hairy belly bumped against my forehead as I did everything I could to
avoid gagging on his rampant cock, its girth stretching my lips wide. My
whole being felt invaded by this man as he took his pleasure of me.
Finally he pulled his stiff penis from my mouth and I was able to gasp
for air. Ron continued to stroke his erection in front of my face and
then with a loud grunt let loose jet after jet of hot salty semen into my
still open mouth. I was tasting another man's seed for the first time.
With the remnants of Ron's cum running down my chin, I felt a hand turn
my head to one side where another already erect cock was waiting for me.
I looked briefly up to see it belonged to Peter. "Lick it for me Gemma"
he said. He was being gentler than Ron, but this time I was being asked
to make the pace. As I weighed up how to go about this, my left arm was
grabbed and my hand was placed around another erection. A deep dark voice
instructed "Stroke it for me Gemma".
I was starting to feel events were getting beyond my control. Ron had
made things easy for me by forcibly taking his pleasure of me, but Peter
and Leroy wanted me to take the lead. I realised that if I was going to
get through this I would have the play the role of the pretty bride I'd
been transformed into. I concentrated on the image that had looked back
at me in the mirror no more than ten minutes ago. I had to be Gemma.
I started to lick the tip of Peter's penis, while at the same time
running my hand up down Leroy's ever increasing velvet rod of iron.
Concentrating on Peter for now, I continued to trace my tongue all over
his shiny knob. In my mind I tried to imagine how I must look; a pretty
bride wearing an extremely feminine wedding dress. Yards of white satin
and net spread around me and two sexually aroused, naked men waiting for
me to pleasure them. I continued to work on Peter's cock, working my lips
up and down his shaft with an increasing alacrity. I sensed he was close
to reaching his climax and indeed, at that moment Peter withdrew his cock
from my mouth and immediately aimed spurt after spurt of his hot seed all
over my face. Hot male seed now ran down my forehead, into my right eye.
A second shot had hit me square on the nose and his final ejaculation hit
me on my left cheek. Cum was now continually dripping off my chin on to
the beautifully beaded bodice of my bridal gown.
The pace picked up now, with the rest of the men shooting their loads
partly into my open mouth and partly over all my hair and face. I
swallowed the semen that was shot into my open mouth, surprised that I
wasn't disgusted to taste so much male spunk. The truth was I had gone
into autopilot by this time and simply let these men have their way. As
the last man stepped aside I looked down at my bridal gown. It was now
covered in the jism of six men.
I'd almost forgotten that throughout this experience I'd had hold of
Leroy's large black cock but a deep dark voice saying "My turn now,
Gemma" soon reminded me. I looked up at him, deeply aware that my
prettily made up face was now almost completely covered in semen. I
released my grip on his cock and turned my head to face him. Petra had
been right. This surely was one of the biggest cocks around. I couldn't
believe I'd be able to accommodate such a monster, but Leroy pushed the
huge bulbous end against my lips. As I parted them, he gently pushed his
knob into my mouth and held it there as my lips strained to their very
limit to take him. As I slowly adjusted to this mighty invasion, Leroy
eased himself in a little further. Holding this new position, Leroy
reached a large hand down and fondled my chest through the white satin of
my gown. To my surprise I felt a reaction deep in my white lacy panties.
I didn't have time to think about this as Leroy was slowly but
rhythmically pushing his cock in and out of my mouth.
Leroy was lasting much longer than the other guys and my jaw was really
starting to ache with being constantly forced wide open by Leroy's
immense girth. Finally Leroy pulled his cock from my overstretched mouth,
and as I gasped for breath, he pumped what seemed like a gallon of hot
salty spunk all over my face, hair and neck and into my mouth.
Such was the amount of semen sprayed into my eyes, that for a moment I
couldn't see what was happening around me. I used my hand to wipe some of
the ejaculate from my right eye and became aware that all the men were
standing in a circle around me. They then broke into a round of applause
and congratulated me on my performance. What they didn't know was that
when Leroy had shot his load all over me, I had experienced a shuddering
orgasm deep within the folds of satin, net and lace I'd been dressed in
Did my cum drenched panties mean I'd actually enjoyed the experience? An
hour ago I'd arrived at this building hoping to get my cock sucked by a
beautiful girl dressed in virginal white. Now, an hour later, I'd been
that girl. As the men dispersed Petra approached me. "Let's go and get
you cleaned up, Jeremy". She helped me up from the floor and as I rose,
further strands of Leroy's cum dripped off my chin onto my beautiful
The walk back to office was conducted in silence, although I couldn't
help but feel that Petra had things she wanted to ask. I was soon sat in
the chair facing the mirror and at that moment the sheer enormity of what
I'd just done hit me like a train. What you could see of my make up was
badly smudged but the majority of my face and hair was covered in male
seed. It was as if my face had been glazed in a seminal coating. The
bodice of the bridal gown was also soaked through with semen. I couldn't
help but wonder just how much spunk was now sitting pooled deep in my
I became aware that Lizzie and Petra were standing behind me and looking
at my cum drenched reflection. Their look of concern broke me and my now
trembling bottom lip soon gave way to uncontrollable sobbing. Petra
lightly gripped my shoulder. I think she recognised the confusion the
afternoon's events had caused me. "Do you want to talk it, Jeremy?" she
gently asked. "If it means anything, your performance was fantastic" she
continued. "You looked so pretty in that dress" added Lizzie
"After you finished dressing me up as a bride I found I quite enjoyed the
totally transformed image you'd created for me, Lizzie" I began. "Most
guys would enjoy it even if they daren't admit it" Lizzie tried to
reassure me. "What about the action?" Petra interjected. "If it would
help you come to terms with happened, I'll cut a DVD of the rough footage
for you to take with you and watch in the privacy of your own home."
Petra added.
Realising that when I changed out of the bridal outfit, the women would
notice my panties were soaked through, I decided to tell them everything.
"When Leroy started to push his cock into my mouth I was surprised to
feel a reaction in my own panties. As he pushed in and out of me, the
intensity of my own erection grew ever greater and when he climaxed, I
too experienced a shuddering orgasm." My bottom lip gave way again and
the tears started to flow once more.
"Leroy's cock could turn any human being on" Petra said, trying to
reassure me but the truth was this experience had changed me forever. No
more was said and Lizzie and Petra helped me out of my outfit and to
clean up my face completely. The men were long gone when Petra handed me
my performance fee and the DVD. "I'll be in touch to arrange Vanessa's
visit. She'll take your mind off today's events I'm sure"
As I made my way back to the car I couldn't help wondering if I'd prefer
a visit from Leroy. As long as the bridal outfit had been laundered and
sent to me the day before, of course.
6 years ago