High Noon Club in Madrid , some years ago!
Some years ago the ageofconsent in spain was fixedat12; in those halcyon days there was a club in a working clmass suburb of Madrid xcalled the High Noon Club: because it opened at midday, and because it wanted to attract females of just above the legalage; it was a huge success among schoolgirls and of course among male members. quite a lot of young females came immediately after school; at first of course mainly local Spanish girls, but later girls from expatriate families; the "patron" (owner) told me that it was at first slow going but word of mouth spread slowly but surely as girls started talking to each other about a "safe", anonymous place where they could have "adventures". i wonder whether there are others on imgsrc who remember the club? It was one of the hottest places in town , at at the same time very discreet. unlike the girls , men didn't seem to spread the news once they had discovered the place. i was friendly with the "patron" so a regular customer; he had the very clever idea of having a special theme each day, to attract specific men, so that the girls knew what to expect. the guys had to prove what they were, and pay the (still very high) membership fee. if they couldn't prove ot they had to pay 5 times as much. (girls, of course , got in free). That way the girls were 90% sure they would meet the kind of man whose "theme" it was. If you could hang around regualrly it was very interesting to see which girls came on which days. Monday was "Truckers Day" (mainly because the long distance drivers had a day off after delivering on monday morning , before driving back to their home contry on tuesday). Tuesday was at first the worst day of the week, and then the owner called it "Asylum Day" and let in North african and African immigrants in at half price. it became so popular that in the end there was a shortage of girls , so he decided that it was the only day when boys the same age were allowed in! wednesday was "Special Pensioners Day" (over 65 s only); thursday was Uniform Day (Military, Police, etc - thus the club enjoyed very good protection!). Friday was "Builders Day" . Satuirday was "Teachers Day" (some girls didnt want to come on that day coz they were afraid to meet their own teachers; others came precisely because they were hoping for that); finally sunday was "Father's Day" (you had to prove you had a daughter or stepdaughter!). there was an upstairs area with a bar a small dance area, and tables and armchairs dotted around : it was very strictly controlled in that nothing more that kissing a light petting was allowed. this is where the girls met i groups or single, and eyed up themen,; once a first contact was made they might accept a drink , aor be asked to dance. It was always up to the girl to take it further and accept to go with the guy downsatirs down an iron spiral staircase : but once the girl had accepted that, it was the rule that that meant she agreed to have sex with the guy! downstairs was a huge cellar, with video-type cabins (but slightly larger) in which there were armchairs, a video screen for watching porn, and a mattress on a raised level. about half of these cabins had double side mirrors , so that one could watch the couples in action (if they had decided to go into such a cabin). there was a central area in the open for those who wanted to invite others to participate. and at the far end were "Los Hombres" (gents toilets , for thos who liked to fck in those surroundings) and some specila cabins which had thepirate sign of skull and crossbones on them, and the words "Peligro!Solo para chicas malas!" (which means Danger! for bad girls only!). they were equipped like the others, but there was a rack with assorted canes, whips , riding crops etc, at one end there was a st andrews cross , and there were some chains on pulleys hanging from the ceiling) . if you wnted to signal to the girls that you were the kind of man who might like to use these special cabins, you had to get a badge like a small photo card from the owner, on which was your photo, andthe words "Quiero sumisa" or " quiero masochistas", and a letter you choose, either "V" for violador (r****t), or "C" for castigo (punishment), or "N- WC" (necesita WC -i need toilet), or (rarely) "T" for Tortura (torture)..; anyone who wants to know more, contact me. id love to chat about it!!!! my email is [email protected]
6 years ago