My 14-and-a-Half Minutes of Fame

Oddly enough, the photographer's gf had NOT planned to participate -- but my gf and I were both quite intrigued when we first heard she was going to attend. In her 50s, she was intimidated by the other women being 25 to 30 years younger, and she only joined in because the hostess and my gf -- well, I don't want to say "forcibly," so let's try "emphatically" -- emphatically removed her clothes, spread her legs, and made her come. Me? I was fortunate enough to suffer collateral damage. She and the photographer separated (after 20+ years) soon after, and I haven't seen her since -- but I found her to be every bit as sexy and sexual as I had always imagined. If only she had allowed herself to be photographed....

Photos of the party still turn up occasionally; once I was sent a sex/couples counseling textbook to review, each chapter of which opened with a different image from that night.

I also pocket-called my elderly parents, who lived three time-zones to the East, at some point during the festivities -- the *second* time in under six months I managed to do so from a sex party -- but that's another story entirely...

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Published by mazoola
13 years ago
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