She used to have a white boyfriend.

She used to have a white boyfriend. He was sweet, gentle, and, well, a little boring.
The first time she cheated on him with Tyrone, it was so exciting. Tyrone was big and strong, a real bad boy with tattoos all over his body. He made her orgasm like her boyfriend never had.
She doesnā€™t have a white boyfriend anymore. He dumped her when he found out about her lover. Last she heard, he was dating the girl who used to be her BFF and had asked her to marry him.
But she still has Tyrone in her life. He comes by a couple of times a week when heā€™s horny.
7 years ago
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mountaindawg01 2 years ago
to answer goddessofoy2Ā  "statistically and biologically all black males can't have large genitalia because they also average out at 5-5.5" as well...and most of them are ugly (facial features)." Ā  I don't know that person is getting information,Ā  but based on my experience will Black Men in in Seattle, Milwaukee, Minnesota,Ā  Mass, RI, Conn, NY, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia , DC, Florida, Jamaica, and USVIĀ  Guam, Black men I have been with on average have 7, 8 and 9 inch Big Black Hard Dicks. a few had 10 inch dicks,Ā  some 6 inch dicks. and very very few had dicks smaller than 6 inches.Ā  as far as being ugly,Ā  I beg to differ. Black men certainly areĀ  handsome and beautiful men. Ā 
manofleicester 6 years ago
racist remark
manofleicester 6 years ago
what a childish racist comment
manofleicester 6 years ago
have to agreeĀ  with your comment...ā€¦.seems that some people have no standards at all
fukthaworld88 6 years ago
i want that blown out pussy after Tyrone is done.
wht4blk 6 years ago
Itā€™s about living life, if your two adults, and want to fuck each other, than do it
HardDarkChocolate 6 years ago
Opposites excite
bimmf4bbc 6 years ago
I hope it's not only Tyrone that comes by couple of times a week :wink: ā¤ļøā™ ļø!
smallwhitedick757 6 years ago
What she should do is reconnect with her former BFF and then work on converting her to BBC as well, it is after all her duty to get other women to go black.
kelliqcd 7 years ago
tallanddark1 7 years ago
Sounds like a typical Going Black Story lol