The Confusion of The Bull
Many people on this site will be up in arms about what they are about to read but I thought I'd piss on some of them, in the figurative sense... ***If you are sensitive about the race issue, do not read any further!
The people who control the resources on the planet also control what we consume through media, education and social indoctrination. With this control they begin to make impressions on our mind. These impressions are highly sexual and we all succumb to some of them.
Just approaching 40, my 35 year porn observations have led me to some disturbing conclusions, which leads me to this post.
The Bull
Why is this term used to refer to a certain sexual partner? Does this Bull have distinct characteristics? Is there any correlation with an actual Bull? That Bull's behavior, his willingness to share? Is the Bull apprehensive in the presence of other males? What are his thoughts after ejaculation? Is he aware of his position in the arrangement?
The Hotwife
What exactly is a Hotwife? At what moment in a relationship does she realize that she can convince her mate to allow promiscuity? To embrace promiscuity? How do you spot a Hotwife, are there passwords? Do they stay in these marriages to be supported while feeding their lusts? Does the HW promote her lifestyle to her female offspring? More and more questions but you get the drift...
The Cuckold
First Question, Are Cuckolds homosexual? What is their attraction to promiscuous women? Are they under some magic spell or are they half-sane? Do they seek a partner with being a Cuckold in mind or are they introduced to the life by the woman? Are they secure in their position with the HW or do they oblige out of fear of losing the HW? How are the offspring of the Cuckold affected by the lifestyle of the parents? Does the Cuckold see the Bull as a human or something else?
I've seen plenty of women on the internet with Black Spade tattoos but I have never seen it in person. Are these graduated HW or something altogether different? Are they racists? Are they witches? Are they possessed or D all of the above? Are these women hosting diseases and willingly contracting and spreading them to the dark population? Are we any closer to where we're going?
An Attempt at Understanding
When I first saw pornography I was a 4yo Kindergartner and there lied a big haired white woman with a furry bush... I instantly felt funny. My pee pee came alive and became his own person. He moved up and down and only reacted to images similar to the image that brought him to life. Throughout the years I snuck around looking for those videos, movies on The PB Channel, Cinemax, Showtime, any place I can find them. I even mimicked what I saw with babysitters daughter, we both got in trouble when the parents asked what we were doing so quietly. She told, I didn't... Nevertheless these impression were lasting.
Fast forward to 2018, the bush is making a comeback, ATM is like soda and the phenomenon of Cuckolding is much more dangerous than simple racism. It is the psychological premise that the white woman is the most desirable woman on earth and the white man should serve her while the black male pleases her. The reason that racism is the primary tool used is because the white woman will never choose the black male for companionship but rather sexual fulfilment. He the black male is looked at as a sexual b**st and nothing more. His physique, skin color and semen become a dominant obsession in the white woman's mind while everyday being reminded that he is not worth the food he needs to sustain unless he is willing to serve her. The white man in the equation is also confused. He is confused about which he is more excited for, the woman who takes charge of her lusts or the black male who he condemns in everyday life. The very semen that intoxicates the white woman also has an affect on the white man. The white man will use his worldly influence to entice the black male with his white woman while being mindful of the war he will wage on the black male should a rage of jealousy kick in. At some point is becomes less about the HW's satisfaction and more about his secret desires. Almost becoming another person or even gender in the sexual sense.
The Confusion of The Bull
The black male that participates in the consensual extra-marital affairs is terribly confused. He begins to believe that racism is coming closer to an end because the white man shares a white woman with the black male. He overlooks the attention the white man pays to him by the distraction of the white woman. She will look at him with adoration and touch him with great sensuality. They will trade flesh with passion unmatched mostly due to the separation and shame of otherwise coming together in the universal sense. The black male will become so relaxed or deceived whichever you prefer, that he may even allow the white man to get closer, in touch and sexuality. The one thing the black male doesn't take into account is that he is being used like an immature boy by adults who conspire to make his sexual habits more to their liking and less to his benefit. He may also be unaware that he might be introduced to homosexual behavior by means of deception. This in no way will further the fight of justice and equality for the black male. In turn, it can inspire him to abandon black females and the black family he may have created prior to being introduced to the lifestyle.
Concluding I would like to state that not all black males are bulls. Some black males somewhat understand the racists strategies and are mindful of how the mind can be affected by sexual impressions. BBC is this thing that women speak about, mostly in the white culture and it ignites a fire in the minds of racist man and racist woman to further dominate and oppress the black male(and female through his oppression). The closet racists that will read this may try to discredit it but if the questions in the beginning were answered and they decided to treat blacks with sexual contempt, they may go back to trying to lie with actual b**sts..
Just a thought
The people who control the resources on the planet also control what we consume through media, education and social indoctrination. With this control they begin to make impressions on our mind. These impressions are highly sexual and we all succumb to some of them.
Just approaching 40, my 35 year porn observations have led me to some disturbing conclusions, which leads me to this post.
The Bull
Why is this term used to refer to a certain sexual partner? Does this Bull have distinct characteristics? Is there any correlation with an actual Bull? That Bull's behavior, his willingness to share? Is the Bull apprehensive in the presence of other males? What are his thoughts after ejaculation? Is he aware of his position in the arrangement?
The Hotwife
What exactly is a Hotwife? At what moment in a relationship does she realize that she can convince her mate to allow promiscuity? To embrace promiscuity? How do you spot a Hotwife, are there passwords? Do they stay in these marriages to be supported while feeding their lusts? Does the HW promote her lifestyle to her female offspring? More and more questions but you get the drift...
The Cuckold
First Question, Are Cuckolds homosexual? What is their attraction to promiscuous women? Are they under some magic spell or are they half-sane? Do they seek a partner with being a Cuckold in mind or are they introduced to the life by the woman? Are they secure in their position with the HW or do they oblige out of fear of losing the HW? How are the offspring of the Cuckold affected by the lifestyle of the parents? Does the Cuckold see the Bull as a human or something else?
I've seen plenty of women on the internet with Black Spade tattoos but I have never seen it in person. Are these graduated HW or something altogether different? Are they racists? Are they witches? Are they possessed or D all of the above? Are these women hosting diseases and willingly contracting and spreading them to the dark population? Are we any closer to where we're going?
An Attempt at Understanding
When I first saw pornography I was a 4yo Kindergartner and there lied a big haired white woman with a furry bush... I instantly felt funny. My pee pee came alive and became his own person. He moved up and down and only reacted to images similar to the image that brought him to life. Throughout the years I snuck around looking for those videos, movies on The PB Channel, Cinemax, Showtime, any place I can find them. I even mimicked what I saw with babysitters daughter, we both got in trouble when the parents asked what we were doing so quietly. She told, I didn't... Nevertheless these impression were lasting.
Fast forward to 2018, the bush is making a comeback, ATM is like soda and the phenomenon of Cuckolding is much more dangerous than simple racism. It is the psychological premise that the white woman is the most desirable woman on earth and the white man should serve her while the black male pleases her. The reason that racism is the primary tool used is because the white woman will never choose the black male for companionship but rather sexual fulfilment. He the black male is looked at as a sexual b**st and nothing more. His physique, skin color and semen become a dominant obsession in the white woman's mind while everyday being reminded that he is not worth the food he needs to sustain unless he is willing to serve her. The white man in the equation is also confused. He is confused about which he is more excited for, the woman who takes charge of her lusts or the black male who he condemns in everyday life. The very semen that intoxicates the white woman also has an affect on the white man. The white man will use his worldly influence to entice the black male with his white woman while being mindful of the war he will wage on the black male should a rage of jealousy kick in. At some point is becomes less about the HW's satisfaction and more about his secret desires. Almost becoming another person or even gender in the sexual sense.
The Confusion of The Bull
The black male that participates in the consensual extra-marital affairs is terribly confused. He begins to believe that racism is coming closer to an end because the white man shares a white woman with the black male. He overlooks the attention the white man pays to him by the distraction of the white woman. She will look at him with adoration and touch him with great sensuality. They will trade flesh with passion unmatched mostly due to the separation and shame of otherwise coming together in the universal sense. The black male will become so relaxed or deceived whichever you prefer, that he may even allow the white man to get closer, in touch and sexuality. The one thing the black male doesn't take into account is that he is being used like an immature boy by adults who conspire to make his sexual habits more to their liking and less to his benefit. He may also be unaware that he might be introduced to homosexual behavior by means of deception. This in no way will further the fight of justice and equality for the black male. In turn, it can inspire him to abandon black females and the black family he may have created prior to being introduced to the lifestyle.
Concluding I would like to state that not all black males are bulls. Some black males somewhat understand the racists strategies and are mindful of how the mind can be affected by sexual impressions. BBC is this thing that women speak about, mostly in the white culture and it ignites a fire in the minds of racist man and racist woman to further dominate and oppress the black male(and female through his oppression). The closet racists that will read this may try to discredit it but if the questions in the beginning were answered and they decided to treat blacks with sexual contempt, they may go back to trying to lie with actual b**sts..
Just a thought
7 years ago