Some words about nothing

I`m a little drunk, so, you must forgive me all my mistakes..

I`m not very happy tonight, it`s time for reflections

In the matter of fact, i`m not happy at all

i`m a weardo, i don`t feel like a men, and don`t feel like a woman. I feel like an strange alien from other dimension. i don`t like people, i think they`re scary. I mean normal folks. I know they`re think i`m scary too..

And good, afterall i`m a pagan with, and a crossdresser freak all in one..

In my dream i live alone in a forrest and there is no people.. i live alone with trees, and my pets, and we do some paganish stuff in the forest.. i`m far ,far away from modern civ, and fuckin society..
yes, i`m an outsider, i always was, i`m shy, and my english is piece of crap too

So, i`m going to sleep. like i wrote before its some words about nothing, the nothing is me

Published by crow0
13 years ago
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LITTLESHAVER 13 years ago
I understand you thoroughly. You fit into no category and yet all categories. And those who belong to only one criticize you for not being like them. I find you beautiful and just enough of all categories to appreciate the whole you. Sweet baby.