Julie out on her own – with Mike and Vicky MMF

Julie out on her own – with Mike and Vicky – CD/TV/TS, MMF

So last time I wrote about and my roommate Mike, how we’d come to terms with my crossdressing, my attraction to him, and his willingness to have a horny busty T-girl go wild on him.

Since we both were comfortable with it, as time went on, I began staying dressed more in our apartment. Nothing fancy, but during evenings and practically all weekend, more often than not, if I had no immediate plans to go out, I would wear the following. Pink fuzzy poufy bathroom slippers, white panties, white bra with F-cup breast forms (the inexpensive foam ones), a pink see-thru nightie, and one of my wigs. Since beehive hairdos kept the hair out of the way while cooking or whatever I was doing, I wore them mostly. Platinum-blonde was for “Vicky” (our little pricktease among our group of friends), jet-black was for “Julie” (my stripper fantasy), and a fiery red one was for “Chrissy” (named for another stripper at the same club).

It became natural for me to dress this way, and it wasn’t always even a sexual come-on. I found my voice coming out in a higher register when I was dressed, and I felt my attitude be a little more protective of Mike, more wanting to please him … just like a wife or a girlfriend would. Of course, we started watching porn together, since we’d become sexually active with each other! One of our first movies we watched together was his favorite, the one I had playing when I’d lured him into my bedroom. I would say the line in unison with Samantha Strong, we’d laugh, and then (since he was practically always naked, or close to it, when we watched porn), he’d usually start groping my tits or kissing me or sometimes just force my face down onto his stiff pecker while he was still laughing! Of course, I didn’t mind that at all! Suck my hung hot stud roommate? OKAY! As we watched other films, sometimes we would roleplay those as well. He liked the Taboo series of films, with Kay Parker (I bought a long brown wig to wear for him when I found out he liked her as much as I did.) I had no problem at all acting like his “loving mother” and sucking and tit-fucking him. My pleasure!

Our … romantic? … sexual relationship was our secret, of course, but it did have an effect on our outside-the-apartment lives. I had often been acerbic, even mean-spirited, and would often bemoan my lack of having a girlfriend, when out with our friends. Now I was happier (really) and did not gripe about it nearly as much. Of course, when the topic of beautiful ladies came up, whether celebrity-types or people we knew, or random passers-by, I would certainly join in, and my lust for busty bimbos was still very real. Mike and I often had sat next to each other before our fling started, but now it was practically 100% of the time, just out of habit, I suppose.

One Saturday night we were out at a bowling alley with a big group of friends, There were probably a dozen of our guy friends, and maybe three of their girlfriends. Vicky was among them. You remember Vicky, the busty blonde sexy smoker? She was still dating Fred, who we all considered a lucky bastard to have her. He’d been out in the workforce a year longer than most of us, and was a computer whiz, so he made big bucks compared to the rest of us. He drove a red Corvette with a better sound system than most people’s home stereos, and always had money to eat out at fancy places when he wanted to. Vicky liked Fred well enough, and liked the money he could spend on her, but she remained a colossal flirt. Fred loved to drink beer when he bowled, and loved bowling, so Fred pretty much ignored Vicky that night at the bowling alley, and she wasn’t having any of it. Mike had just gotten up to bowl, and Vicky came over (sashayed, really), and sat in Mike’s seat, gave me a quick but perfunctory smile, and lit up a Eve120 cigarette as she watched Mike bowl. Mike came back over, after getting a spare, and Vicky oohed and ahhed over his score. Mike took a seat so that he was on the other side of her. She asked if we minded her smoking (mind you, she didn’t ask until Mike had come over). I said No, and Mike said, “Just as long as you keep the smoke out of my face.” She took a deep inhale and said, “I promise!”, then turned to me and exhaled directly into MY face! My cock got hard as a rock immediately! She turned back to Mike and said, “See? Promised you!” with a little flirty laugh. Mike looked at me (knowing I was aroused as hell) and said, “Tony, you shoulda objected while you had the chance, now she’ll be doing that all night!” I laughed and sputtered something about She’d better not, and we all laughed. As the night went on Vicky was flirting more and more heavily with Mike. She would put her hand on him when she spoke to him (which was often), and every time he’d get a strike, she’d jump up from her chair, wait till he was back to the table, then jump up and down once or twice to make her glorious tits shake and her Farrah-style hair bounce and flutter also, then give Mike a big tight hug. Since I knew what to look for now, I could tell Mike had a massive boner whenever she let go of him. Knowing his cock was hard made my mouth water. Slutty smoking Vicky was turning both of us on!

Not too long after that, Vicky went back to Fred and said she wanted to bowl in his lane with him and the other five guys he was bowling with. He protested, saying they’d just started a new match. She said, “Well then, I’ll just go bowl with Tony and Mike!” he said, “Sure, sure, go on, have fun.” He was more than half-buzzed by then. I thought it was interesting that she said “Tony” first, because I sure as hell wasn’t the one of the two of us who would be a rival for Fred’s affections. Mike was bigger and taller and stronger and handsomer than me … so she used my name … to throw Fred off the track. Than conniving bitch! But smart! Vicky sashayed back to us and told us that Fred was being terribly mean, and she wanted to bowl with two gentleman for a change. Of course, we said it was fine. She then very directly stood right in front of Mike, her tits practically touching his chest, threw her head back to look up at him, making her sexy hair flail against his face for a moment, and said, “Mike, I need your help picking out a ball, won’t you come help me?” Mike grinned and said Sure. I watched them leave the bowing area for the rack of balls, her leading the way and practically dragging him along, holding his hand. She never looked back, but Mike looked back at me and winked. I winked back, knowingly. In case anyone was listening, I said in a loud voice, “I’m going to get another pitcher of Coke,” and took the empty pitcher in my hand and walked toward the concessions counter … which was also the direction of the ball racks.

As I got farther away from the lanes area, I slowed down, watching what was going on between Vicky and Mike. She’d stop and pick up a 16 pound ball, way too heavy for her (although her tits were bigger than any of the bowling balls!), and put it down quickly. I thought to myself, “You ditz, the balls are color-coded, it’s easy to tell….” Then I realized she wasn’t wanting to find a ball … she was leading Mike toward the bathrooms. Sure enough, when they were within five feet of the men’s room bathroom door, Vicky grabbed Mike’s hand again and pulled him in in a huge hurry! I sat the pitcher down on a nearby table, and counted to twenty, and followed them into the men’s room.

As luck would have it, the men’s room had been empty when they’d got there. I heard low words coming from the large handicapped stall, and crept closer. I saw Mike’s bowling shoes standing there, facing the toilet, but he seemed to be standing really close to the door, farther away from the toilet than usual. I didn’t have to wonder why! I heard Vicky’s throaty voice say, “Get those pants down, boy!” A few seconds later Mike’s shorts hit the floor, clearly visible to anyone looking at the stalls. I head Vicky gasp! I thought to myself, well I did too, the first time I got a close-up look at Mike’s beautiful long thick penis! She said, “Holy fuck, Mike, how long is it?” He said, “Long enough to get the job done, baby! Now we have to hurry before Fred sobers up. Come on, Vicky, give me some head, you know you want to!” I didn’t have to wonder what her answer was, as I heard her moan become muffled as she filled her mouth with his hot meat! I licked my lips as I imagined myself sucking Mike, like I was so used to doing by now. My imagination was good, but I had to see for myself. Quietly, I walked slowly to the adjoining stall, opened the door, and climbed noiselessly up onto the toilet and peeked over. There was our busty blonde flirt-turned-slut, sitting on the toilet, rocking her upper body back and forth, fucking her face relentlessly on Mike’s stiff dick, her tits bouncing like basketballs, slamming onto her thighs and his legs, as she sucked with abandon and obvious joy. She was moaning, as so was he. He managed to say, “Goddamn, Vicky, you give great head! Keep going baby, you’ve got me so close already!” This seemed to please her, as she added her hands into the works by grabbing his shaft and stroking him as much as she could when her mouth wasn’t enveloping the bulk of his double-digit incher cock! Mike rocked his head back in pleasure, and saw my face peeking over the wall. He smiled big, but didn’t stop bucking his hips into Vicky’s sucking mouth. I smiled back and pointed at my face, indicating he should cum all over her face! He looked down at her and grabbed her big Farrah hairdo as she sucked, and pulled her close onto him and held her there. She began to cough and gag a bit, and used her hands to start beating on his stomach a little bit. He said, “I gotta cum baby. Where do you want it, huh? Do you want it on your face, just like in the porn films? Tell me!” he let her head go, and she pulled back abruptly. She said, “No you sick fucker, Fred would kill us both! Just cum in my mouth, OK, baby? Let me swallow all the evidence!” Mike started jacking his cock right in front of her face, saying, ”OK, but you gotta get it back in your mouth! Come on Vicky, get my cock in your mouth before I cum! Chase this big dick if you want it!” With a perfect mewl of excitement Vicky lunged forward off the toilet, onto her knees, grabbing Mike’s cock and totally jamming her face onto it, taking at least eight inches in! Then she grabbed Mike’s hot tight ass cheeks and started clenching and unclenching his ass, pushing a bit more of his cock down her throat! I thought to myself, “God, maybe I could learn a trick or two from her!”, followed by the thought, “I have GOT to learn how to deep-throat Mike!” Apparently Vicky’s renewed passion got Mike ready, too, because soon he grabbed the back of her head and gave one big push and started grunting, just the way he does when he starts shooting his massive load! I knew exactly what Vicky was feeling! First, her mouth and throat were stretched tightly over a foot of thick hot man-meat! Next it was throbbing and swelling up, not giving her a speck of room to try to breathe around that monster prick! Then she’d feel scalding hot sperm, thick and sticky, flooding her throat faster than she could swallow, then backing up around the massive dick, to fill her mouth and cheeks. Sure enough, she started looking a bit like a chipmunk … Mike must really be feeding her well! She started struggling and I know that meant she was getting desperate for air. I’d been there before, and though erotic as hell being full to bursting of cock and sperm, it’s a little frightening, too. Mike sensed she was in distress and pulled back a little bit. Oops! Vicky was pushing back forcefully, too, and suddenly Mike’s cock popped fee of her mouth! Even though he’d obviously shot a huge load down her throat straight into her stomach, enough come was still on his cock that a big string of it dripped down onto Vicky’s blouse, showing up brilliant white against Vicky’s electric blue blouse. Very sexy contrast, I thought to myself, but she’s gonna freak. I’d seen enough and I snuck down off the toilet and out into the main bathroom area, waiting.

Just as I suspected, after a few good (and necessary) swallows, Vicky saw the ropes of sperm drizzling slowly on her blouse, sliding slowly over the mountains her lovely tits made of the material! “Goddamnit, look what you did! Go get some paper towels before this cum dries up or oozes any further!” Mike said, “OK, OK, sorry, but you pulled off before I was quite done!” as he hurriedly pulled up his shorts, tucked himself in, zipped up, and fastened his belt. He came out of the stall, smiling, just as I was throwing the last of the paper towels into the trash can, with a huge smile on my face. He said loudly, “Oh shit, there’s no towels here, let me run to the concession stand and get some napkins. Stay right there!” He opened the door and let it close, but stayed in the bathroom. Vicky gave a muffled shriek and started cursing Mike under her breath. But the curse ended with, “…but GodDAMN what a huge juicy fucking cock!”

I waited another few seconds, opened the door and let it close, and whistling, walked toward the stalls, and into the handicapped booth, since Mike had not closed the stall door behind him, and Vicky was too flustered to think of doing it herself. There she was, the prom queen, the object of so many of our desires, her hair tossed like she’d been in a windstorm. Her lipstick smeared. And gooey white sperm dripping from those pink lipsticked lips, down her chin, and onto that sexy expensive electric blue blouse … just like the slut that she was! She looked up and me and gasped, and I said, “Oh my God, I’m sorry, I didn’t know anyone was in here, I always use the handicapped stall! I … I’ll leave, I’ll leave!” Vicky, blushing red, said, “No, Tony, wait! M ,, Mike went to get some paper towels. Would you stay here until he comes back, make sure no one else comes in? PLEASE?” I said, “Sure, Vicky, sure, let me close the door, and I’ll stand guard.” I backed out and pulled the door shut. By that time, Mike HAD gone to get napkins, so I waited for him to come back. He did, and said, “Tony, what are you doing here, man?” I said, “Oh, I just took a leak, I got the pitcher of Coke refilled. Come on out when you’re done. Oh, where’s Vicky?” Mike smiled and said, “In the ladies’ room, she’ll be back to the table in a minute.” I said, “Okay, see y’all soon then.” I left the bathroom, really did go get a pitcher of Coke, and made it back to the table before Mike and Vicky got back to the table. I poured us all Cokes, noting a large wet area on Vicky’s blouse. As she sipped her Coke, she “accidentally” spilled it all over her blouse, obliterating the spots where sperm had so recently and prettily been. “OH FUCK”, she said loud enough for everyone to hear, “I can’t do anything right tonight!” Fred and his posse laughed and turned back to their lanes. Mike gave Vicky a handful of napkins (why did he have so many napkins? wondered NO ONE), and whispered to Vicky, “I better go get you a ball.” As Vicky dabbed mostly ineffectually at her “Coke” mess, she watched Mike leave, then turned to me and said, “Tony, you can’t ever tell anybody, OK? I love Fred, but Mike is just so … hot!” (Yes he is, my inner Vicky/Julie/Chrissy thought). She glanced over to Fred then back at me. She said, “Keep this us between us, and I’ll owe you bigtime, OK?” I acted nonchalant, and said, “Yeah, yeah, no problem.” She looked relieved. I picked up her pack of cigarettes and shook one out for her. I said, “Here, why don’t you calm down. And you know, I kind of *like* it when you blow the smoke in my face. Just our little secret. We don’t have to tell anyone.” She smiled, took the cigarette, accepted my light, took a cheek-hollowing drag, and blew the thickest, densest white exhale I’d ever see her produce, right into my smiling face! She grinned as she said huskily, “I think we have a deal, my friend.”

More to come….
Published by BeehiveTV
7 years ago
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DavieLeigh 1 year ago
You should have leaned forward and licked the cu from her cleavage