Why it was so extreme?

Alfred hated himself for letting her to notice his, sorta, "expectance". She chuckled. It was right before he felt her lips, downgrading along his chest.

On the side of a wardrobe there was a mirror. The reflection showed Synthia from over there, from her back. It showed her in a bend-over position. For a second or two Alfred tried to fight the temptation to look there. Then he surrendered.

She was of a svelte stature, without a doubt, a bit broad in a waist, though. Requiring some space, she kinda slid alog the bed, leaving the road of warm kisses Alfred's his skin.

He touched her hairs braided into a messy bun. It was nice. She looked exactly like he used to her. He hoped that this whole thing didn't changed that much between them. They still care for each other like they've always been.

"We shouldn't do this", those were her words back then. She didn't reapeated them this time, but sentiment was the same.

"But it was, like... what... two days?"

"That's not what it's about. You know that, don't you?"

"But.. can we proceed? This time?"

"Only this time? Or in general?

Seeing her smiling gave him a relief.

He didn't exactly hoped it could be any different, it was quite the opposite, actually. But he wasn't sure if she still had been thinking it was cute, even a little bit.

As a response to touching her hair, she opened her eyes.

Lately they'd been trying not to face each other that much, 'cause it became way too easy to feel some sort of a tension, that wasn't there before. Weird glimpses of shyness. New type of sensitivity that somehow been resembled of vulnerability.

"Am I a good girl?", said Synthia suddently.

It sounded so unforeseen, Alfred opened his mouth blankly, not knowing exactly what he should've been saying. He felt conscious suddently. And shitty.

Did he overstepped some boundaries?

It wasn't clear though, how he had got to have his own way with someone who had never been in a position to do this sort of things with him. Synthia wasn't just some other girl. She never should've let the relationship between them gone so physical. But now it was too late. The moment had gone. There was no much she could do to not remind herself of all the little details, that'd been making her super horny past few days.

Alfred realized it was kinda shameful. And messed up. He wasn't sure how to think about himself after all what happened. His vision, the whole perspective got twisted. But the certain way of thinking just been making his head, his whole entity go boiling.

He never felt that much attracted to her. He had an image of her, that didn't had anything in common with the way, she had been handling his erected flesh. That's why it was so extreme, having that degree of intimacy.
Published by swwws
7 years ago
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