Shopping today

Was out shopping for clothes today,I felt sexy coming back home because I could swear their was a woman looking at me. We certainly did not know each other but she was worth a look at as well.Its amazing the way you can feel when you have a deep urge to explore your sexuality,the need for something different,the need to be aware of getting caught.
Can i focus on something beyond this at the moment ,,,,,No.
Do i want to get over it by having sex with my husband ,,,,,No
Am i bored with having no fun ,,,,,,,yes.

Ok yesterday was bad ,life has to go on though.
Should i do something about these feelings ?
What would i do if another guy wanted me?
What would the feeling be like the moment i handle someone else's cock
What would i need to do to attract other guys ?
Would a woman be attracted to me?
I think I am attracted to a special type of woman
Dinner time.!!

Lying back on my bed, he is gone out to some football match
Boring ,boring !!
There are some lovely people on this site,some i feel attracted to.

Back to reality sharon !!
Now back in and he wants to watch Rugby,,,,Men and their ball of wind ,,haha
Ah he is not to bad,,,as long as he does not know what I am up to
Anyway time for a little update

Had a chat with a guy here who told me to go where my dreams take me
I wanted an explanation but he left all of a sudden ,,,his wife was on the way home,,,,I would understand that if the other way round
Then I had a woman tell me that if i was to go out dressed like I am in my pics that i would have no problem.
That I understand but I can't do that I am not a slut

Or maybe I am one, someone said to be here ,,,,displaying my pics only means one thing.
Maybe I do want attention.
Ok i would love to be a woman's lover,would I like to have a cock in my mouth,,,,,,yes
Is this all fantasy !!

Back to work at 2 today,along 8 hr shift
Went into town yesterday to do some shopping,in a blouse and skirt
'silly me' not the best thing to wear with snow around.
Why do less people shop on a monday,,, its quite compared to other days.
Met one of my friends and went for a coffee,,,, I wondered leaving her what she might think if she knew what I was doing on this site.
Mark struggled into work this morning through the snow,,,
We discussed holidays at the weekend and we have no idea where to go this year.
Anyone with any ideas!!
I mentioned i would love to go back to the Netherlands ,,but he was a bit' not interested' lol
I gave me a nice BJ on Sunday night and acted out a fantasy for him about me giving a lift to a young guy
who starts to feel my pussy while I am driving and from once I am wet he just gets out of the car and gone.
As a result i am so horny i feel like fucking the next thing i lay eyes on,,,,
Who will finish the fantasy for me !!!
I will tell you if you are right !
Anyway it made him grow in my mouth and that was important,,,,
I then asked him to talk about two guys fucking me while i touched myself,,,,,
I was about two minutes into it when his cock grew and he started to mount me,,
He was turned on at the thought and kept telling me i was a dirty slut wanting this,,,
As he kept his cock going in me all of a sudden he was out and down on me ,licking me until I cum.
That was the first good fuck i have had in weeks ,,,poor me

Anyway I just passed the hint about did he like the idea of two guys fucking me!
He said nothing until about 10 minutes later when he said its not right thinking the way i was
'All; the diseases you could get'
'You would want to leave me'
' And what would everyone think '

I just laughed and went over and took his crotch in my hand and told him he would love it, his wife been had by a black guy
He was blushing at that thought ,,poor fellow.

Maybe i should have told him that i would love to watch him with another woman !
Do you think I should do that !

Anyway people i need to shower and get ready for work
Will have dinner in our canteen and then sit behind a desk for 8 hrs.
I was a nurse for 20 yrs but was in a car crash and injured my two arms which resulted in me having to give up
the thing i loved most.
Luckily i ended up 2 yrs later and got a secretarys job in a hospital here in Ireland.
I was working in Preston UK when i ran into a wall while driving to work!!
I still go back because my parents live there..
Bye people ,,,must shower.

Ohhhh it's cold this morning
Back to bed,keep warm people.

Ok I am awake!!
Time to tell you all something and advice needed.
I got Mark talking about holidays last night and it came up about having a break first
It came around about what we both might like
With Valentine's day approaching he asked me where would i like to go.
I mentioned London,Prague or Rome
Anyway we are going to Prague ,,,, yes for a few days .
So hotel,flight to be booked !!
I work today from 12 to 6 so I have half hour to get to work,,,,Kisses everyone

Well change in plans !!
Mark got cheap flights to Hamburg
We are staying in a Hotel just off the Reeperbahn
I am really looking forward to the break

Hi everyone, just a quick question
Has anybody been to Hamburg !
Just looking for a swingers club,erotic place,sex club where we both can go just to look around or watch.
There maybe a chance,and that is 'maybe' of some form of sexual play with us both.
I don't know if it will happen but depends on Marks form
Flights tomorrow hope to be in our hotel by 3pm and after a rest some sight seeing.
Chat later
Published by sharons488
7 years ago
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Jacksonfives 7 years ago
wow thats great writing, more please x
vidsforkaren 7 years ago
an amazing lady
Nortonboy 7 years ago
If fantasy is all you have.... enjoy it!!