My wife Amanda and I have a very good sex life. Our marriage has evolved to the point where we share some of our deepest fantasies with each other. She's told me that her favorite fantasy is to be used mercilessly by a group of men she doesn't know. We play fantasy **** games in the bedroom, but I've never had the courage to organize a real gangbang for her. I wasn't unwilling, really. In fact the idea of my lovely being gang-****d was one of my fantasies too. I just never seemed to take the initiative to make it happen.
Amanda has always been an incredibly sexy, good looking woman. She modeled some when she was younger. Now, in her mid-thirties, she has the kind of body that just cries out to be fucked. She's five six with long legs and a tight, sexy ass. When we met, her red hair was cropped short to frame her big blue eyes and pretty, freckled face. More recently, she's let it grow out some and likes to wear it in 40's style waves. I can't decide which I like better. She's a knockout either way. Men definitely take notice when she walks into a room. As a flight attendant, I know she gets propositioned all the time. Still, she comes home to me, her devoted husband of four years.
I travel too, so sometimes we spend quite a few days without seeing each other. When we're both in town, we like to go out and have fun together. Amanda takes delight in dressing sexy for me. I often stop by the store on the way home from a trip and bring home some slutty outfit for her to wear. These usually consist of very short skirts or dresses, high "fuck me" heels, corsets, crotchless pantyhose or garter belts and stockings. I encourage her not to wear a bra on these nights. I try to buy outfits for her that straddle the line between classy and slutty. Sometimes, I confess, they're a little sluttier than she likes, but she goes along with it. I think I give her an excuse to show herself off. Being somewhat of a jock, I never played with dolls as a k**, but I have a lot of fun dressing this one up now.
One night Amanda and I went out for dinner at Flemings, a high-end steak house, followed by drinks at a new hot spot on the West Side we'd heard about. The bar was not nearly as classy as we'd been led to believe, but we were having fun people-watching and drinking too much, and I was jazzed that Amanda seemed to have the attention of every guy in the place. From the way she was laughing and showing off her body, I knew Amanda has having fun too.
Amanda loves her Scotch and, after three glasses, she was feeling very sexy and more than a little horny. From the sultry look in her eyes, I knew it was time to head home and reap the benefits of getting her worked up. Before we left, I made a trip to the men's room, leaving Amanda seated alone at the bar. Just as I was about to come back out from the restroom and drive us home, I got a call from a needy client who just absolutely had to have fifteen minutes of my time. The downside of being a consultant. I ducked back into the relatively quiet restroom to avoid the noise of the bar.
By the time the call ended, and I made it out of the john, I saw Amanda was flanked by two guys. A very big black guy was standing behind her as she sat sideways on the barstool. An equally large white guy was standing in front of her, between her legs. The black guy had one hand on her ass, the other around her waist. He had her head turned toward him and was kissing her. The white guy had one hand on her thigh just above her knee. As I moved closer and got a better view, I saw that his other hand was moving high up between my wife's thighs. Amanda had her eyes closed, her head pressed back in to the black guy's chest. She was obviously enjoying whatever the two were doing to her.
Thinking this might be my wife's fantasy come true, I held back to watch for a few minutes. My patience was rewarded, when the black guy lifted Amanda off the stool and the two guys "helped" her out through the front door of the bar. This was beginning to get interesting.
I followed from a safe distance and watched as they walked Amanda around to the dark side of the bar parking lot. I saw the black guy suddenly grab hold of Amanda, spin her around and push her, face down, over the trunk of a nearby car. He quickly yanked the hem of her little dress up over her hips, revealing the red garter belt holding up her sheer red stockings. Amanda has a magnificent ass and the thong panties she had on revealed it to the men in all it's glory.
The black guy repositioned himself. I heard Amanda say "Wait!" as he kicked her feet apart and held her down against the car with one hand on her back. With his other hand, he yanked her skimpy panties to the side. The white guy was standing next to Amanda's head. I saw him gather both of her wrists in one of his big hands. With the other, he took control of her head by her hair and pulled it into his crotch. I couldn't get any closer to see exactly what was going on, but from the sounds she was making, I knew they were exploring her body. The black guy pushed in close behind Amanda and, from the movement of the his hips, and her moaning, it was obvious that he was fucking her from behind while white guy forced her to blow him.
I started to panic, sure these guys were r****g my wife against her will. I moved closer and was about to interrupt them, but as I watched, I realized that Amanda wasn't struggling much. Then I saw her start to rotate her hips back into the black guy. She was fucking him back! She didn't seem to be objecting to being used this way, so I just got as close as I could without being seen and watched the scene play out as best I could. Even at the distance I was, I heard Amanda moan and grunt as the two men used her. I thought I heard her cry "You're hurting me!" but, as I again approached again to intervene, the white guy pulled his prick out of her mouth for a moment and I very clearly heard her say "Oh God... ohfuck! Yes! Fuck that pussy!" so I moved to the side and hid behind a pickup truck. I took out my cell phone and captured what I could in pictures and video.
After nearly ten minutes, the black guy pulled Amanda's hips back hard into his and bellowed. It was obvious he was ejaculating inside my wife. Amanda shuddered and cried out like an a****l, a sound I'd heard her make many times before. Her entire body bucked and shuddered. She was having an intense orgasm as the black stranger's cum blasted into her pussy.
Then the guys switched places. I noticed the black guy made a call with his cell phone as he moved his wet cock into Amanda's mouth. Within a minute or two, three more big black guys walked past where I was hiding. One of them said something to the first one as they approached. I assumed they'd come out of the bar. The white guy didn't last more then 5 minutes. Amanda moaned again as she felt him ejaculate inside her. As he pulled his spent dick out of her cunt, Amanda lay there, panting, still bent over the car with the first black guy's cock in her mouth.
The first newcomer unzipped his pants, pulled the white guy out of the way, took hold of Amanda's hips and unceremoniously drove himself into her. He wrenched her wrists into the small of her back and held them there as he fucked her. Before long, Amanda was grunting and crying out loudly again as the new guy fucked her, face down on the car. Amanda can be very loud when she's having sex and this was no exception. I saw lights come on in several of the houses near the parking lot. I was worried someone might call the police.
I wasn't sure Amanda even knew that a third guy was behind her, using her. He was really pounding her, still holding her wrists together, pulling back on them as her hips slammed into the trunk of the car. The white guy had peeled the top of her dress down and had his hands under her, playing with her tits. The other two newcomers had picked Amanda's feet off the ground and were holding her legs wide apart for their friend. It wasn't long before the guy fucking her grunted and shot his load into her pussy. I heard my wife cry "Oh God!" and watched her body shudder in another orgasm.
The guy slapped her ass hard as he pulled out of her and was immediately replaced by one of the other men. He took that guy's place holding her leg off the ground. It was a practiced move, like they done this kind of thing before. Amanda was mostly delirious with lust and continued to moan loudly as this new cock fucked her from behind. This one finished up pretty quickly, only to be replaced by the third newcomer. Amanda kept pumping her hips as the guy used her. Then he, too, pushed forward and ejaculated inside her. Then he just zipped up, and, without a word, the three newcomers walked to a nearby car, got in it, and drove away.
Amanda lay motionless, face down over the hood of the car. After a minute, the men pulled my wife up off the car and helped her to stand. They adjusted the top of her dress and walked her back towards the front of the bar. She seemed more than a little out of it. The guys supported her as she stumbled several times trying to navigate the gravel parking lot in her high heels. The incredible thing was that her dress was still bunched up around her hips, so I had a clear view of cum oozing out of her well-fucked cunt as they walked past my hiding place. I noticed one of the men used his cell phone on the way. When they got to the front of the parking lot, Amanda said something and they stopped to let her pull her dress back down over her hips. It seemed like they were taking her back into the bar. I was surprised they didn't turn left, toward the door.
I was about fifty feet behind them, still trying to keep from being seen, when things began to happen very fast. Two cars and a van pulled up on the street in front of the bar. The van stopped right in front of Amanda and her two escorts. The first car was the one with the three "newcomers" that had used her in the parking lot earlier. The second car was filled with more big black men. From their dress and rough look, I assumed they were a local gang of thugs. They seemed to know Amanda's two escorts.
Suddenly the door to the van flew open. There were more several black thugs inside. Amanda's two escorts hoisted her up into the waiting arms of the men inside, and climbed in after her. The three vehicles speed off down the street as the van door slid closed. Just like that, Amanda was gone!
I was so stunned that I just stood there, watching as the van sped away with my wife. Then I came to my senses. I raced toward the bar, changed my mind, and ran to our car in the parking lot. I fumbled for my keys, slammed the car in gear and screeched out of the parking lot. I turned down the street after them, but it been more than a minute and there was no sign of either vehicle ahead of me. I drove like a madman, running stop signs, trying to catch up. After five minutes, it finally dawned on me that I'd lost them. I had no way of knowing where they might have gone. I also realized that I hadn't thought to try to get their license plate number.
In a panic, I raced back to the bar. I left the car double parked at the curb, ran inside and found the bartender. Even shouting, it took a full minute to get his attention. Thoughts of what might be happening to Amanda overwhelmed me. Finally I was able to get the bartender's attention. I shouted what had happened and asked him if he knew the men or had any idea where they might have taken my wife. He didn't, but called another bartender over. I repeated the story to him. He started to nod.
"Yeah, I know those assholes" he said. "Your wife is in deep shit! The brother they call "G-Man". Gary something. He runs with the Crips... the Rollin' 60's. The white guy I hear G-Man call "Jimmy". He's G-man's attorney or some shit. The white dude hangs with him here sometimes, cruisin' to get laid. They have a nasty reputation with the ladies. The old owner of this place had them banned, but the new guy doesn't give a shit. Man, your wife tangled with the wrong motherfuckers!"
I pleaded with him to guess where they might have taken Amanda. He said he had no clue. Then he said "Hey, I heard that the Crips throw gangbang parties at a couple of dive motels in South Central."
A black guy sitting at the bar spoke up. "Unless they sell her to the Salvadorans. I heard the Sixties had a deal with the Salvatrucha... the MS-13. If the MS-13 get her, she'll be suckin' donkey cock in El Salvador in a week. Sometimes they 'test drive' 'em at one of the gangbang parties though. The Sixties invite the MS-13s to 'negotiate' after a free test drive. Kinda like buyin' a used car. They like to really put the new ride through it's paces before they buy though, if you know what I mean."
The bartender said "Yeah... fuckin' MS-13s get hold of her, you'll never fuckin' see her again. Whatever the Sixties decide to do with her though, it'll probably start with a gangbang party at one of the motels.
"Where?!!! What motel?!!" I was losing my mind.
"I don't know man. Could be a bunch of places. It'll probably be in Sixties turf though. That narrows it down some. They spreadin' out a lot but probably won't be north of Slausen or south of Manchester. Probably one of those dumps off the 110. There's a half dozen places over there.
Couple of places next to each other off Figueroa south of 96th. What 'r they called? Oh yeah. One's the 'El Don'. What a fuckin' dump. Could be there."
The bar patron said "No shit. Cockroaches won't stay there 'cause of all the fleas. Place next to it is 'the Fight' or 'the Flight' or some shit like that. Even worse than the El Don. But they're both pretty far south for the Sixties.
Ya know, ya might try the Foxy Den. Seedy fuckin' place over off Main. My uncle's got a body shop next door. Lot o' fuckin' parties there. Be careful man, it's a bad fuckin' neighborhood. You get to the motel off the alley behind it. Makes it easy for the Sixties to defend against the other gangs. You ought to call the cops."
"How will I know which one they have her in?" I asked.
"You're fuckin' k**ding me, right?" said the bartender. "There'll be a hundred gangbangers with their cocks out. But what you gonna do on your own? You ought to call the fuckin' cops."
I thought about that, but I wasn't sure what I'd tell them. "My wife and I were playing sex games in a bar and now she's been a*****ed..." I ran out of the bar, thanking them and jumped in the car, ready to race to Amanda's rescue. Then I realized I had no real idea where I was going or what's I'd do when I got there. I used my phone to Google motels along the 110, and looked at a map. There were f******n of them in the general vicinity the guys had talked about. I saw the El Don, the Flight, the New Bay on the southwest and the Foxy Den further north.
Then I realized the bartender had been right. What was I going to do when I found her? I hatched a plan. I stopped at ATMs for the three banks I have cards at and was able to pull out $2500 in cash. Plus I had $322 in my wallet and $200 Amanda and I keep in the glove box for emergencies. That made $3022. I hoped I could buy Amanda back for three grand. I had no idea what a beautiful oversexed redhead would be worth to a bunch of LA gang thungs. Or to a Salvadoran gang. I wished I could have gotten my hands on more cash.
I raced to a place called "The Hoover Motel" since it was closest. There were only six cars in the parking lot and nothing that looked like a party happening, so I drove to the next place on the map: the King Palace. It was a real dive with almost nobody staying there. Then the El Don and the Flight. The Flight had a bunch of activity so I parked to check it out. There were some black guys drinking beer. As I walked up to them, I realized I was probably the only white guy in miles. I said "Hey I heard about the gangbang!"
"What the fuck you talkin about? What fuckin' gangbang, asshole?"
I decided I had the wrong place and sprinted back to my car. I checked seven more seedy motels on my way north. I was really frantic by this point. It had been nearly an hour since I'd last seen my wife. I thought again about calling the police about the time I got to the Foxy Den. As I drove past, I realized I couldn't see much from the street. I remembered what the guy had said about the alley. I drove around behind the motel and was amazed at what I saw. There were at least twenty cars and vans there and a bunch of tough-looking black guys gathered in the parking lot. There were so many I couldn't count them all. I guessed there were easily fifty guys. Maybe more.
A room on the ground floor in the corner seemed like the center of activity. The door was open, the lights were on, and it looked like it was packed with men. Guys milled around in the parking lot and loud, thumping rap music reverberated in the motel courtyard from an Escalade with it's doors open.
Damn! I didn't know what to do. Calling the cops seemed like the right idea, but I figured I had to make sure she was in there before I called them. If I got it wrong, it would probably be impossible to get them to go looking for her, at least until after they dealt with fifty gang members. I decided I only had one option. I put two hundred bucks in my wallet and stashed the rest of the money in my left front pocket. Then I parked my car around the corner and walked back behind the motel.
As I approached the room, I could only think of the same, lame line again. "Hey, I heard about the gangbang" this time adding "Can I buy in?" Everybody I saw had pistols stuck in their waistbands. I was scared shitless.
"Where you hear about the gangbang, asshole?"
"Uh... a guy at a bar on the West side. Said there was a pretty redhead. Said I could probably take a turn for fifty bucks. I have a thing for redheads."
"Hope it's a BIG thing for redheads. This one all fuckin' stretched out by now. Ain't no fifty bucks though. For you, it a hundred."
I said "a hundred works for me" and pulled out my wallet and extracted a my only one hundred dollar bill. I noticed the sign on the door of the room read "Gym" which I thought was strange, considering what a dump the Foxy Den was. I doubted many of the hourly clientele spent a lot of their time working out. Maybe the place had been more upscale in it's heyday.
I was close enough by that time to see into the room. It was so packed that it was hard to see through the throng of guys. A bunch of them had their pants down. Then I managed to get a glimpse of Amanda's red hair, and, for just a second, her unmistakable, pretty face. She'd been crying. Her face was streaked with mascara. Her pretty blue eyes were wide open in fear and her lips were stretched wide around a hard black dick. I couldn't see the rest of her, but from the way she was bouncing around, it was clear she was being fucked.
A guy at the door stuck out his hand and took the hundred dollar bill. He handed me a playing card and said "Wait your turn. We been through the spades. Diamonds is in there now, then clubs, then hearts." He'd given me the seven of hearts. I was surprised this "event" was this organized. Obviously they did this all the time. I guessed that the "take a number" plan eliminated gunfights.
That meant at least f******n of these thugs had fucked my wife in the hour and a half since they'd k**napped her. There were more than thirty guys already in line to use her ahead of me, and more guys seemed to be arriving all the time. I wondered if they had a second deck of cards. It looked like the black guy with a red bandana in line after me only gave up twenty bucks for his eight of hearts. I was torn between feeling ripped off and feeling lucky to be there at all.
Another guy at the door handed me a beer. He said "One drink minimum. That's another hundred." I looked at him. Both he and the guy with the cards looked dead serious. I gave him five twenties from my wallet.
He said "OK. Enjoy the fuckin' party."
About that time, a big guy about the size of Shaquille O'Neil pushed his way out of the room. He was carrying his pants, and his huge cock was sloppy wet and still semi-hard. "That's one nasty cunt. Drained my fuckin' balls dry." he said as he stopped to step into his pants. Before he pulled his pants all the way up, he took hold of his dick and said "Hell, I may do that bitch again!"
I found a way to move into the room. I could hear Amanda's unmistakable moans, but I couldn't yet see her. There was some motion in front of me and I heard her cry "No! Please! Ohhhh... God! No... Not there! It's too BIG! No! Ohhhhhh... God!" Then a guy said "Hey Bone! You never get that niggah dick in that little pink asshole!" "Watch me, motherfucker!" And Amanda wailed like she was being murdered.
In a panic, I pushed my way forward. There was my lovely wife. She was laying on her back on the bench of some sort of weight training machine. There didn't seem to be a bed in the room. It really was a gym. She was tied to a weightlifting bench, her wrists were tied to a bar two feet above her head. Her ankles were pulled back, tied with ropes to the bar on either side of her wrists. Red abrasions on her ankles and wrists told me she'd been kicking and struggling for awhile. The position presented both her vagina and her ass to whoever wanted to use them and anyone standing at the other end of the bench had easy access to her mouth.
Amanda's wailing was suddenly muffled. A skinny guy had gagged her with his long cock. Between her legs, a very big, muscular guy the color of molasses held her ass cheeks apart with his thumbs as he lined up his gigantic cock with her asshole. The thing seemed like it was the size of a baseball bat. I pushed my way to the right so I had a better view. I was stunned at the sight of my poor wife's normally tight little vagina. It was inflamed to an angry red, gaping open and glistening wet. From where I stood, I could see deep inside her. She was filled with cum and cum was splattered all around both of her holes. I'd never seen anything like it, even in porn videos. Her cunt looked like she'd been fucked by an army.
Incredibly, the guy was able to work the big cockhead deep into Amanda's straining ass. Before long, my wife was grunting and moaning rhythmically around the cock in her mouth as the big guy drove twelve inches of big black cock in and out of her colon. I adjusted my own dick in my pants as I watched in awe. I confess, watching my lovely, helpless, struggling wife being ass-fucked by a huge black cock had given me a raging erection.
I was astonished. Amanda was fucking the guy back, grunting and rotating her hips up onto the cock each time it thrust inside her. The big cock was balls-deep in her ass when the skinny guy took hold of her hair, pulled her head down hard onto his cock and came in her throat. Amanda choked and wretched as he pulled out and ejaculated all over her pretty, freckled face. She turned her head and looked right at me, but I'm not sure she saw me. The cock driving in and out of her ass seemed to have all of her attention.
Amanda was hardly recognizable as the gorgeous, classy woman I'd taken out to dinner earlier that night. Her striking red hair was matted with sweat and semen. Actually, it looked like her whole body was covered in sweat and spunk. Only a thin, smeared red line outlined her lips where her expensive Channel lipstick had been. Mascara and tears stained her cheeks under her big, bloodshot, blue eyes. Even after eighteen or more guys had used her, I thought she was still beautiful. How she was going to look after thirty more of them fucked her, I couldn't imagine. I wondered how my normal-sized white dick would feel inside the Grand Canyon that had once been my wife's tight little pussy.
I noticed that one of the guys had a thin metal rod in his hand. I decided it was a broken-off car antenna. Amanda's ass, thighs and calves were criss-crossed with thin red welts. It looked like they'd "warmed up" my poor wife by tying her to the bench and whipping her with the antenna. Then I heard her wail again as the guy swatted her tits with it. I thought about trying to stop him, but I didn't see how I'd be able to do it. Besides, I knew a little pain made my wife very horny. And to be honest, watching her tits bounce every time the antenna landed on her soft flesh was doing the same to me.
"Finally! Three of fuckin' diamonds! Open your fuckin' mouth, bitch!" said an older black guy as he took the skinny guy's place in front of Amanda. His hair was grey, but he had a huge cock. Amanda had an anguished look on her face as she rotated her hips up and grunted in tempo with the cock driving in and out of her ass. The old guy pulled her head around by her hair and positioned his cock at her lips. I saw that her eyes were filled with tears again, but I couldn't think of a way to help her. I watched helplessly as my lovely wife struggled to open her mouth wide enough to get her lips around the old guy's big cockhead.
A minute or so later, the guy corn-holing her began to pick up his pace. It was pretty clear he was going to cum at any moment. The guy with the antenna was having fun using it to raise more red welts on Amanda's breasts. Then I saw her hips start to buck and her body quake and shudder. I'd seen that before. I knew she in the midst of a huge orgasm. Against her will or not, she was cumming hard, pulling and kicking against the ropes at her wrists and ankles. Her eyes flew open wide, and when the old guy pulled his dick out of her mouth, she could only gasp as the big guy ejaculated deep into her colon.
Amanda's body was still shaking when the next guy stepped up. Just as he was taking his stiff cock out of his pants, the old guy pushed him aside and said "That cunt's mine, niggah. You can start with her mouth." Amanda chose that moment to kick her legs hard and struggle. She wailed "No! No more..." It was a useless attempt. The old guy just smiled, moved between her legs and used his thumbs to pull her labia apart. Amanda wailed "Oh... God!" when he unceremoniously drove his huge cock into her splayed-open pussy. When he started to fuck her, her a****l moans filled the room until one of the guys gagged her again by pushing his dick into her mouth.
It suddenly dawned on me that quite a few men in the room were capturing the action on their cellphones. I was sort of amazed I'd not thought to do that myself. I fished my own phone out of my pocket, thanking myself for recently upgrading to a 128GB iPhone. All that memory was going to come in handy tonight. I started shooting video of my lovely Amanda, tied down like a sex slave, being gang-banged... mercilessly fucked in every hole... by a roomful of black gangsters. I'd never seen anything like it. My erection was getting very uncomfortable.
The next guy to stand at the foot of the bench looked down at my wife. She had her mouth wrapped around the cock of a fairly short heavyset guy wearing a Lakers hat. This guy's cock was easily twelve inches long and two inches in diameter. It looked like one of those perfect porn video cocks. He squirted some lube on it and stroked it until it was rock hard. He said "TJ, the bitch need to look here. Time for her lesson."
The guy in the Lakers hat pulled is cock out of my wife's mouth. Then he took hold of her hair and turned her to face the big guy at the foot of the bench. An odd quiet descended on the room.
"Bitch, what you name?" said the big guy.
Amanda looked around the room, then focused on the big, glistening cock in the guy's hand. She didn't say anything.
"Levon..." said the guy.
A skinny guy to Amanda's right, swatted her right nipple with the antenna. Amanda cried out in pain.
"What... you name... bitch?"
Amanda looked at him. "A... Amanda..." she whispered.
"Well 'A... Ahh Man Dah', now you been broke in some, it time for your lesson. You like that Amanda?"
Again Amanda was silent, and again the antenna came down on her breasts, this time just below her left nipple. She howled "Oh God! No! Please..."
"I asked you a question. I asked if you want your lesson now."
"OK... y... yes! Please... can I have my lesson now?"
"That's the idea. Yes. It lesson time. I gonna teach you how to fuck niggah dick. What you think about dat?"
Amanda paused for a moment, then said "Yes... please... teach me..." Tears welled up in her eyes. I could tell she was scared.
"Teach you what, bitch?"
Amanda swallowed. "Please teach me how to... how to fuck... nnn... black dick."
The antenna came down on her breasts again, this time squarely on her right nipple. My lovely wife howled in pain.
"Tell me again what I gonna teach you" he said.
Choking back tears, she said "How to... You're going to teach me how to fuck niggah dick."
"That's exactly right A.. Man..Dah. That's exactly right." He was stroking himself hard while he talked. He stepped forward and placed the head of his oversized dick between Amanda's splayed-open labia. He pushed forward slightly, so only the head of the thing was inside her. Amanda gasped "Oh God."
"Now you push, bitch. Put it inside you."
Amanda didn't move.
"Levon..." he said.
Amanda immediately gasped "No! Don't hurt me! I'll do it!" She rotated her hips up and pushed. Soon several inches of the big black shaft were inside her.
"More. Put that whole fuckin' niggah dick up in there."
Amanda raised her hips further off the bench. Another several inches of the big black shaft disappeared into her cunt. Amanda's big blue eyes were open wide, watching the dick move inside her. She gasped "Oh... my..."
Easily five inches of cock remained between Amanda's straining pussy lips and the big black guy's hairy balls.
"Dats it. Keep pushin' Put that whole fuckin' dick up in dat nasty little cunt."
Amanda pulled against the ropes, lifting her hips even higher off the bench, pushing herself further onto the big cock. "Oh... God..." she whispered. "Oh it's so... deep!"
"More!" grunted the gangster.
Amanda closed her eyes and grimaced and pushed up. I watched the image on my cellphone of my poor wife's pussy lips stretched tight around the huge shaft. I guessed a full ten inches of cock was buried inside her cunt. There were still two to go.
"Open you eyes, bitch. Look. You still got more dick to fuck. Keep pushin!"
Amanda opened her eyes and looked down between her thighs. Her legs shook as she pulled against the ropes to lift her hips up higher off the bench. Another inch of cock moved inside her.
My wife's big blue eyes were wide as saucers. She gasped "Oh... God... it's too big... it won't fit!"
"Make it fit, bitch!" he said. "Levon... encourage the bitch"
The skinny guy brought the antenna down hard on Amanda's breasts, pulled it back and did it again. He was grinning, enjoying watching her tits bounce as he whipped them.
Amanda screamed, pulled harder against the ropes and thrust her hips up hard. The screen of my cellphone showed the guy's wiry pubic hard scratching against my wife's straining labia. Her legs shook trying to hold herself up.
"Dat's it, bitch! Now, real slow, pull that nasty cunt off my dick and do it again."
And she did. The guy stood there motionless while Amanda slowly fucked the full length of his huge cock with her straining cunt. She started to grunt like and a****l as the big shaft moved in an out of her. The cock glistened a her pussy lubricated itself. Before long her arms and legs were shaking with the effort of pulling against the ropes as she moved her hips up and down, fucking the cock. I captured the entire scene on video: the lusty redheaded whore fucking herself on the gangster's huge black cock. It was the most erotic thing I'd ever seen. Amanda was completely lost in the moment, grunting and moaning as she drove her sloppy cunt up and down on the big glistening black cock.
"Dat's it bitch! Dat's it! You keep fuckin' dat big niggah dick! Dat's it!" I noticed the guy's eyes were closed as my wife's tight, wet pussy moved up and down on his cock. I watched as my demure, classy wife turned into a crazed fucking machine, straining to slam herself up and down on the gangster's cock.
After several minutes of this, it was pretty clear the guy couldn't take much more. Neither could I, frankly. My cock was about to burst out of my pants watching the whore my lovely wife had turned into thrust her cunt up and down on the huge shaft. The rest of the gangsters were enjoying the show too. The guy next to me said "Look at that bitch fuck that niggah! Little redheaded cunt loves this shit!"
Finally the guy leaned forward, grabbed hold of both of my wife's breasts and twisted them fiercely. That seemed to send Amanda over the edge. Her body shook violently as a huge orgasm washed over her. Then the waterfall started. Amanda doesn't squirt often but this time her cunt erupted like a gyser, completely drenching the guy, the weight bench and nearby onlookers. The guys loved it.
About that time the guy grunted and started to ejaculate deep inside her. Her eyes flew wide open in a look of surprise. Her mouth was open as if to scream, but she just gasped as she felt the gangster's hot spunk blast deep into her womb.
After two motionless minutes, the gangster pushed himself up off of my wife.
"You gettin' the hang of it, bitch" he said, slapping her ass as he pushed himself back.
I realized I was still shooting video as I watched his wet, wilting cock withdraw from my wife's cum-drenched cunt. She lay there, hips bucking with her prolonged orgasm. When that subsided, the only thing in the frame of my cellphone camera was her gaping, empty cunt. The gangster's cum oozed out of it onto the bench. I panned up her body, over her red, abused tits to her face. Her eyes were barely open. She was breathing heavily. She looked totally exhausted, like she'd just run a marathon.
I stopped shooting video and considered what I'd just witnessed. I hardly noticed the movement around Amanda as the next cardholder took his turn between her legs.
I wondered if I'd ever be able to do to Amanda what I'd just seen the big black gangster do. He'd turned her into some kind of sex-crazed a****l, which I thought was incredible, considering she'd already been gang-****d by twenty guys. I mean, she and I had a great sex life. I made her cum all the time. But at the moment I was feeling pretty damned impotent.
Then I decided to stop the pity party and concentrate on getting my wife home safely. I turned back to watch the action.
By this time, three of them were passing her head around by her hair, taking turns using her mouth. Even dealing with three cocks, most of my wife's attention was focused on the huge cock driving in and out of her cunt. Even though it was slick with cum, the shaft was so big around that it looked like it was turning her inside out every time it pulled out of her. I couldn't help myself. I moved in for a closeup. Then I panned up over her bouncing, welt-covered tits to her pretty, freckled, cum-covered face, finally focusing on her saucer-sized blue eyes and her lips wrapped tightly around a huge black dick. I felt like a porn movie director. Except the porn movie was starring my pretty redheaded wife and a gang of real-life gangsters.
I watched, feeling helpless, as the rest of the guys with diamond playing cards and then the thirteen with clubs each took their turn using poor Amanda's pussy or her mouth or her asshole. She'd had at least three more orgasms by the time the ace of hearts pushed his cock into her gaping cunt. I was still capturing her ordeal on video when the six of hearts came in her ass and one of the gangsters said "Get in there white boy. Let's see what you got." I realized it was my turn.
I moved to the foot of the bench and looked down at Amanda. I was stunned at the shape her body was in. Her asshole was stretched to the size of a Coke can. Her vagina... looking at it I could only describe it as her cunt... was even bigger and was overflowing with jism. I saw that she recognized me as I unzipped by pants. I was pretty sure my dick had never been so hard.
"Hey white boy. We ain't got all night. You gonna do her, or what?" one of them said. Another said "Need me to show you how, hotshot?"
I heard Amanda say "Honey? Oh... you found me..." as I slid my cock easily into her gaping, sloppy cunt. My lovely wife felt like one of the used-up ten dollar Filipino whores I remembered from the Navy. She whispered "Oh honey, I'm sorry..." and her eyes filled with tears as I easily slid my cock balls-deep into her. Her cunt was hot and loose and wet with the jism of dozens of other men. There was almost no friction until I got all the way inside her. I could feel jism squirt out of her as I displaced it with my dick.
Looking down at my pretty wife, tied as she was with her wrists and ankles above her head, I realized that she'd been reduced to nothing more than a fuck toy. She was just a pair of lips to get cocks ready, tits to slap and a cunt and an asshole to be used at will by whoever wanted them. I put my hands under the wide hips and started to use the cunt.
When she moaned "Oh honey..." and said my name, I clamped my hand over her mouth. If these thugs found out I was the husband of the woman they'd been gang-r****g all night, I was sure it wouldn't turn out well. Amanda moaned into my hand as I drove my cock in and out of the hot, wet hole, using it to get me off. I watched Amanda's big, tear-filled eyes look up at me as I used that nasty, whore cunt. She gasped "Oh God!" as I started to pound furiously in and out of it. She grunted along with me as I savagely fucked the sloppy, whore pussy. Then her eyes rolled back and her body start to shudder as she came. I watched her pull hard against the ropes and I started to cum along with her. It didn't take long before my semen blasted deep into the cunt to join the sperm of the dozens of gangsters before me.
No sooner had I ejaculated into my wife's vagina than the eight of hearts pulled me out of the way and drove his cock deep into her cunt after me. Amanda whimpered "Honey?" as she lost sight of me. I stood wondering if my wife's body would ever feel the same to me again, even if her orifices eventually returned to their natural size. As I looked down at her, she seemed somehow different to me. I fished my iPhone out of my pocket and, in a daze, shot video of the eight of hearts fucking her wet, stretched-out cunt while the nine of hearts used her mouth to get himself ready.
Despite Amanda's supercharged libido and our fairly extreme sex play, my lovely blue-eyed, redheaded wife had always seemed somehow innocent to me. I realized then that that was no longer true. When I looked at Amanda now, it seemed to be through the eyes of the thugs that were using her. Tied to the bench in front of me was a sexy, blue-eyed, redheaded whore who existed only to serve my cock. I already had another hardon watching her voraciously suck the nine of hearts' johnson while the eight of hearts used her cunt. I shook my head trying to stop thinking that way. This was my wife, after all. The love of my life.
Five more of the gangsters took their turn using my delirious wife's sloppy cunt. Whenever she passed out, they'd whip her with the antenna until she woke, screaming. By the time the sixth stepped up to take his turn, Amanda was so out of it that even the antenna had no effect. This frustrated the hell of of the guys waiting to use her. When slapping her in the face didn't wake her, one of the guys took out a knife. I panicked until he used it to cut her loose from the weight bench. Two of them dragged her to the shower stall and held her under a cold shower until she woke, drenched and sputtering.
She was confused at first, not remembering where she was. Then a look of despair swept over her and she pleaded with them "No more... please... I so tired."
They ignored her. Without even drying her off, they dragged her back to the bench and tied her down again, this time face down with her ass in the air and her wrists tied tightly together behind her back. A rope around her neck assured that her mouth was within easy reach of whoever cared to use it.
I've always thought Amanda had the sexiest ass on the planet, wide but without an ounce of extra fat on it. The gangsters seemed to agree. The guy next to be said "Look at that fuckin' booty. Fuck me!" I pointed my cellphone in Amanda's direction in time to capture her moaning "Oh God!" as a big black guy pulled her pussy lips apart with his thumbs and pushed his cock between them and into her sloppy cunt.
Before long Amanda cried out as her whole body shook in another orgasm. I wondered how many times she'd cum since we'd left home. A dozen or more, I guessed. Amanda's like that. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are. Fuck her and she'll just keep having orgasms.
I spotted an empty chair in the corner of the room. I sat down and waited and watched, helpless as another twenty-two gangsters used my delirious wife's body. They untied her and flipped her onto her back again at one point. The small hotel gym reverberated with the sounds of men's grunts and my wife's moans and it smelled overwhelming like sweat, sex and beer. I shot video until there was no more room on my phone.
Finally the room emptied out. I stood and walked over to the gatekeepers at the door. It was the same two guys. I asked, as nonchalantly as I could, "What happens to her now?" The guy with the money said "Supposed to sell her to the Salvadorans, but they late." I asked "How much?" "How much what?" he said. "How much would the Salvadorans pay for a nasty, used-up white whore?" I said.
He looked at me. Then he looked over at Amanda. A very big black guy was just pulling his wilting cock out of her silver-dollar-sized asshole. A stream of cum was oozing out of the gaping hole onto the bench to join the huge puddle that was already there. He said "You right. She fuckin' nasty. Look at the size of them stretched-out fuckin' holes. But she's a redhead. That's somthin', and she got a great ass. But shit... the mess she in now... I be lucky to get five hundred bucks. She mostly only good for fuckin' donkeys and shit now. Hell I'd pay good to see that. Sweet little redhead gettin' fucked by one o' them Salvadoran donkeys! Shit! I'd pay bigtime to watch that."
I said "I'll give you a thousand for her."
He said "Nah, man. Don't wanna piss off the fuckin' MS13. Promised the bitch to them."
My heart sank. I looked at my watch. I said "Man, it's almost six AM. You know they aren't coming. They fuckin' stood you up." He looked at the time on his big gold Rolex and muttered "fuck..." under his breath. "Tell you what," I said, "I'll give you two grand. I got a thing for redheads. Two thousand. Cash. Right now." I pulled the money out of my pocket. This was the moment of truth. I figured there was a good chance he'd just pull the Glock out of his waistband, shoot me, and steal the money. "In fact, I've got..." and counted through it. "Twenty-eight hundred and twenty-two bucks. Twenty-eight hundred dollars for a nasty, used-up, redheaded whore. Whaddya say? Salvadorans never pay that, right? We have a deal?"
He looked at me again. "What you want her for?" he asked.
I tried not to look at his gun. "I have something in mind" I said.
Then he said "Shit man. You fuckin' crazy. I BET you got somthin' in mind. OK. Shit. Twenty-eight hundred. You gotta deal. If you kill it, just don't do it here. My uncle own this shithole" and grabbed the wad of money from my hand. The last of the gangsters was finishing up in Amanda's cunt, slapping her tits every time he pounded into her. Finally he pulled out, came on her belly and put his dick in his pants. I said "Hey, can you cut her loose for me?" The guy who'd taken my money tossed me a switchblade and said "Knife's on the house. Do it yourself."
It was starting to get light in the parking lot as the last of the gangsters left. I closed and locked the motel room door behind them. I walked over to the bench and looked down at my wife. She lay there, eyes closed, seemingly passed out. She was hardly recognizable as the same classy woman I'd left the house with the night before. She was covered head to toe with semen and sweat. Her breasts, thighs and ass were criss-crossed with angry red welts. And then there was her pussy and her asshole. Her poor vagina was red and swollen and stretched out to the size of a Coke can. I couldn't tell whether more cum was dripping out of that hole or her asshole.
I moved to the front of the bench so I could cut my k**napped wife loose. When I pushed the button on the knife, the blade snapped open with a click. Hearing the sound, Amanda opened her eyes wide and looked up at me, frightened. I watched her expression change as she recognized me. She said "Oh Honey! You found me! I'm... I'm so sorry... I let them... They..." I leaned down and kissed her forehead, then moved over to cut the ropes that held her right ankle to the bench. Then I realized I had another raging erection. I suppose that's why I didn't cut the rope.
Amanda's big blue eyes looked up at me. I looked down at her and smiled. I touched the angry welts on her left breast and felt her nipple harden as I caressed it. When I took my rock-hard cock out of my pants, Amanda parted her lips so I could use her mouth.
Amanda has always been an incredibly sexy, good looking woman. She modeled some when she was younger. Now, in her mid-thirties, she has the kind of body that just cries out to be fucked. She's five six with long legs and a tight, sexy ass. When we met, her red hair was cropped short to frame her big blue eyes and pretty, freckled face. More recently, she's let it grow out some and likes to wear it in 40's style waves. I can't decide which I like better. She's a knockout either way. Men definitely take notice when she walks into a room. As a flight attendant, I know she gets propositioned all the time. Still, she comes home to me, her devoted husband of four years.
I travel too, so sometimes we spend quite a few days without seeing each other. When we're both in town, we like to go out and have fun together. Amanda takes delight in dressing sexy for me. I often stop by the store on the way home from a trip and bring home some slutty outfit for her to wear. These usually consist of very short skirts or dresses, high "fuck me" heels, corsets, crotchless pantyhose or garter belts and stockings. I encourage her not to wear a bra on these nights. I try to buy outfits for her that straddle the line between classy and slutty. Sometimes, I confess, they're a little sluttier than she likes, but she goes along with it. I think I give her an excuse to show herself off. Being somewhat of a jock, I never played with dolls as a k**, but I have a lot of fun dressing this one up now.
One night Amanda and I went out for dinner at Flemings, a high-end steak house, followed by drinks at a new hot spot on the West Side we'd heard about. The bar was not nearly as classy as we'd been led to believe, but we were having fun people-watching and drinking too much, and I was jazzed that Amanda seemed to have the attention of every guy in the place. From the way she was laughing and showing off her body, I knew Amanda has having fun too.
Amanda loves her Scotch and, after three glasses, she was feeling very sexy and more than a little horny. From the sultry look in her eyes, I knew it was time to head home and reap the benefits of getting her worked up. Before we left, I made a trip to the men's room, leaving Amanda seated alone at the bar. Just as I was about to come back out from the restroom and drive us home, I got a call from a needy client who just absolutely had to have fifteen minutes of my time. The downside of being a consultant. I ducked back into the relatively quiet restroom to avoid the noise of the bar.
By the time the call ended, and I made it out of the john, I saw Amanda was flanked by two guys. A very big black guy was standing behind her as she sat sideways on the barstool. An equally large white guy was standing in front of her, between her legs. The black guy had one hand on her ass, the other around her waist. He had her head turned toward him and was kissing her. The white guy had one hand on her thigh just above her knee. As I moved closer and got a better view, I saw that his other hand was moving high up between my wife's thighs. Amanda had her eyes closed, her head pressed back in to the black guy's chest. She was obviously enjoying whatever the two were doing to her.
Thinking this might be my wife's fantasy come true, I held back to watch for a few minutes. My patience was rewarded, when the black guy lifted Amanda off the stool and the two guys "helped" her out through the front door of the bar. This was beginning to get interesting.
I followed from a safe distance and watched as they walked Amanda around to the dark side of the bar parking lot. I saw the black guy suddenly grab hold of Amanda, spin her around and push her, face down, over the trunk of a nearby car. He quickly yanked the hem of her little dress up over her hips, revealing the red garter belt holding up her sheer red stockings. Amanda has a magnificent ass and the thong panties she had on revealed it to the men in all it's glory.
The black guy repositioned himself. I heard Amanda say "Wait!" as he kicked her feet apart and held her down against the car with one hand on her back. With his other hand, he yanked her skimpy panties to the side. The white guy was standing next to Amanda's head. I saw him gather both of her wrists in one of his big hands. With the other, he took control of her head by her hair and pulled it into his crotch. I couldn't get any closer to see exactly what was going on, but from the sounds she was making, I knew they were exploring her body. The black guy pushed in close behind Amanda and, from the movement of the his hips, and her moaning, it was obvious that he was fucking her from behind while white guy forced her to blow him.
I started to panic, sure these guys were r****g my wife against her will. I moved closer and was about to interrupt them, but as I watched, I realized that Amanda wasn't struggling much. Then I saw her start to rotate her hips back into the black guy. She was fucking him back! She didn't seem to be objecting to being used this way, so I just got as close as I could without being seen and watched the scene play out as best I could. Even at the distance I was, I heard Amanda moan and grunt as the two men used her. I thought I heard her cry "You're hurting me!" but, as I again approached again to intervene, the white guy pulled his prick out of her mouth for a moment and I very clearly heard her say "Oh God... ohfuck! Yes! Fuck that pussy!" so I moved to the side and hid behind a pickup truck. I took out my cell phone and captured what I could in pictures and video.
After nearly ten minutes, the black guy pulled Amanda's hips back hard into his and bellowed. It was obvious he was ejaculating inside my wife. Amanda shuddered and cried out like an a****l, a sound I'd heard her make many times before. Her entire body bucked and shuddered. She was having an intense orgasm as the black stranger's cum blasted into her pussy.
Then the guys switched places. I noticed the black guy made a call with his cell phone as he moved his wet cock into Amanda's mouth. Within a minute or two, three more big black guys walked past where I was hiding. One of them said something to the first one as they approached. I assumed they'd come out of the bar. The white guy didn't last more then 5 minutes. Amanda moaned again as she felt him ejaculate inside her. As he pulled his spent dick out of her cunt, Amanda lay there, panting, still bent over the car with the first black guy's cock in her mouth.
The first newcomer unzipped his pants, pulled the white guy out of the way, took hold of Amanda's hips and unceremoniously drove himself into her. He wrenched her wrists into the small of her back and held them there as he fucked her. Before long, Amanda was grunting and crying out loudly again as the new guy fucked her, face down on the car. Amanda can be very loud when she's having sex and this was no exception. I saw lights come on in several of the houses near the parking lot. I was worried someone might call the police.
I wasn't sure Amanda even knew that a third guy was behind her, using her. He was really pounding her, still holding her wrists together, pulling back on them as her hips slammed into the trunk of the car. The white guy had peeled the top of her dress down and had his hands under her, playing with her tits. The other two newcomers had picked Amanda's feet off the ground and were holding her legs wide apart for their friend. It wasn't long before the guy fucking her grunted and shot his load into her pussy. I heard my wife cry "Oh God!" and watched her body shudder in another orgasm.
The guy slapped her ass hard as he pulled out of her and was immediately replaced by one of the other men. He took that guy's place holding her leg off the ground. It was a practiced move, like they done this kind of thing before. Amanda was mostly delirious with lust and continued to moan loudly as this new cock fucked her from behind. This one finished up pretty quickly, only to be replaced by the third newcomer. Amanda kept pumping her hips as the guy used her. Then he, too, pushed forward and ejaculated inside her. Then he just zipped up, and, without a word, the three newcomers walked to a nearby car, got in it, and drove away.
Amanda lay motionless, face down over the hood of the car. After a minute, the men pulled my wife up off the car and helped her to stand. They adjusted the top of her dress and walked her back towards the front of the bar. She seemed more than a little out of it. The guys supported her as she stumbled several times trying to navigate the gravel parking lot in her high heels. The incredible thing was that her dress was still bunched up around her hips, so I had a clear view of cum oozing out of her well-fucked cunt as they walked past my hiding place. I noticed one of the men used his cell phone on the way. When they got to the front of the parking lot, Amanda said something and they stopped to let her pull her dress back down over her hips. It seemed like they were taking her back into the bar. I was surprised they didn't turn left, toward the door.
I was about fifty feet behind them, still trying to keep from being seen, when things began to happen very fast. Two cars and a van pulled up on the street in front of the bar. The van stopped right in front of Amanda and her two escorts. The first car was the one with the three "newcomers" that had used her in the parking lot earlier. The second car was filled with more big black men. From their dress and rough look, I assumed they were a local gang of thugs. They seemed to know Amanda's two escorts.
Suddenly the door to the van flew open. There were more several black thugs inside. Amanda's two escorts hoisted her up into the waiting arms of the men inside, and climbed in after her. The three vehicles speed off down the street as the van door slid closed. Just like that, Amanda was gone!
I was so stunned that I just stood there, watching as the van sped away with my wife. Then I came to my senses. I raced toward the bar, changed my mind, and ran to our car in the parking lot. I fumbled for my keys, slammed the car in gear and screeched out of the parking lot. I turned down the street after them, but it been more than a minute and there was no sign of either vehicle ahead of me. I drove like a madman, running stop signs, trying to catch up. After five minutes, it finally dawned on me that I'd lost them. I had no way of knowing where they might have gone. I also realized that I hadn't thought to try to get their license plate number.
In a panic, I raced back to the bar. I left the car double parked at the curb, ran inside and found the bartender. Even shouting, it took a full minute to get his attention. Thoughts of what might be happening to Amanda overwhelmed me. Finally I was able to get the bartender's attention. I shouted what had happened and asked him if he knew the men or had any idea where they might have taken my wife. He didn't, but called another bartender over. I repeated the story to him. He started to nod.
"Yeah, I know those assholes" he said. "Your wife is in deep shit! The brother they call "G-Man". Gary something. He runs with the Crips... the Rollin' 60's. The white guy I hear G-Man call "Jimmy". He's G-man's attorney or some shit. The white dude hangs with him here sometimes, cruisin' to get laid. They have a nasty reputation with the ladies. The old owner of this place had them banned, but the new guy doesn't give a shit. Man, your wife tangled with the wrong motherfuckers!"
I pleaded with him to guess where they might have taken Amanda. He said he had no clue. Then he said "Hey, I heard that the Crips throw gangbang parties at a couple of dive motels in South Central."
A black guy sitting at the bar spoke up. "Unless they sell her to the Salvadorans. I heard the Sixties had a deal with the Salvatrucha... the MS-13. If the MS-13 get her, she'll be suckin' donkey cock in El Salvador in a week. Sometimes they 'test drive' 'em at one of the gangbang parties though. The Sixties invite the MS-13s to 'negotiate' after a free test drive. Kinda like buyin' a used car. They like to really put the new ride through it's paces before they buy though, if you know what I mean."
The bartender said "Yeah... fuckin' MS-13s get hold of her, you'll never fuckin' see her again. Whatever the Sixties decide to do with her though, it'll probably start with a gangbang party at one of the motels.
"Where?!!! What motel?!!" I was losing my mind.
"I don't know man. Could be a bunch of places. It'll probably be in Sixties turf though. That narrows it down some. They spreadin' out a lot but probably won't be north of Slausen or south of Manchester. Probably one of those dumps off the 110. There's a half dozen places over there.
Couple of places next to each other off Figueroa south of 96th. What 'r they called? Oh yeah. One's the 'El Don'. What a fuckin' dump. Could be there."
The bar patron said "No shit. Cockroaches won't stay there 'cause of all the fleas. Place next to it is 'the Fight' or 'the Flight' or some shit like that. Even worse than the El Don. But they're both pretty far south for the Sixties.
Ya know, ya might try the Foxy Den. Seedy fuckin' place over off Main. My uncle's got a body shop next door. Lot o' fuckin' parties there. Be careful man, it's a bad fuckin' neighborhood. You get to the motel off the alley behind it. Makes it easy for the Sixties to defend against the other gangs. You ought to call the cops."
"How will I know which one they have her in?" I asked.
"You're fuckin' k**ding me, right?" said the bartender. "There'll be a hundred gangbangers with their cocks out. But what you gonna do on your own? You ought to call the fuckin' cops."
I thought about that, but I wasn't sure what I'd tell them. "My wife and I were playing sex games in a bar and now she's been a*****ed..." I ran out of the bar, thanking them and jumped in the car, ready to race to Amanda's rescue. Then I realized I had no real idea where I was going or what's I'd do when I got there. I used my phone to Google motels along the 110, and looked at a map. There were f******n of them in the general vicinity the guys had talked about. I saw the El Don, the Flight, the New Bay on the southwest and the Foxy Den further north.
Then I realized the bartender had been right. What was I going to do when I found her? I hatched a plan. I stopped at ATMs for the three banks I have cards at and was able to pull out $2500 in cash. Plus I had $322 in my wallet and $200 Amanda and I keep in the glove box for emergencies. That made $3022. I hoped I could buy Amanda back for three grand. I had no idea what a beautiful oversexed redhead would be worth to a bunch of LA gang thungs. Or to a Salvadoran gang. I wished I could have gotten my hands on more cash.
I raced to a place called "The Hoover Motel" since it was closest. There were only six cars in the parking lot and nothing that looked like a party happening, so I drove to the next place on the map: the King Palace. It was a real dive with almost nobody staying there. Then the El Don and the Flight. The Flight had a bunch of activity so I parked to check it out. There were some black guys drinking beer. As I walked up to them, I realized I was probably the only white guy in miles. I said "Hey I heard about the gangbang!"
"What the fuck you talkin about? What fuckin' gangbang, asshole?"
I decided I had the wrong place and sprinted back to my car. I checked seven more seedy motels on my way north. I was really frantic by this point. It had been nearly an hour since I'd last seen my wife. I thought again about calling the police about the time I got to the Foxy Den. As I drove past, I realized I couldn't see much from the street. I remembered what the guy had said about the alley. I drove around behind the motel and was amazed at what I saw. There were at least twenty cars and vans there and a bunch of tough-looking black guys gathered in the parking lot. There were so many I couldn't count them all. I guessed there were easily fifty guys. Maybe more.
A room on the ground floor in the corner seemed like the center of activity. The door was open, the lights were on, and it looked like it was packed with men. Guys milled around in the parking lot and loud, thumping rap music reverberated in the motel courtyard from an Escalade with it's doors open.
Damn! I didn't know what to do. Calling the cops seemed like the right idea, but I figured I had to make sure she was in there before I called them. If I got it wrong, it would probably be impossible to get them to go looking for her, at least until after they dealt with fifty gang members. I decided I only had one option. I put two hundred bucks in my wallet and stashed the rest of the money in my left front pocket. Then I parked my car around the corner and walked back behind the motel.
As I approached the room, I could only think of the same, lame line again. "Hey, I heard about the gangbang" this time adding "Can I buy in?" Everybody I saw had pistols stuck in their waistbands. I was scared shitless.
"Where you hear about the gangbang, asshole?"
"Uh... a guy at a bar on the West side. Said there was a pretty redhead. Said I could probably take a turn for fifty bucks. I have a thing for redheads."
"Hope it's a BIG thing for redheads. This one all fuckin' stretched out by now. Ain't no fifty bucks though. For you, it a hundred."
I said "a hundred works for me" and pulled out my wallet and extracted a my only one hundred dollar bill. I noticed the sign on the door of the room read "Gym" which I thought was strange, considering what a dump the Foxy Den was. I doubted many of the hourly clientele spent a lot of their time working out. Maybe the place had been more upscale in it's heyday.
I was close enough by that time to see into the room. It was so packed that it was hard to see through the throng of guys. A bunch of them had their pants down. Then I managed to get a glimpse of Amanda's red hair, and, for just a second, her unmistakable, pretty face. She'd been crying. Her face was streaked with mascara. Her pretty blue eyes were wide open in fear and her lips were stretched wide around a hard black dick. I couldn't see the rest of her, but from the way she was bouncing around, it was clear she was being fucked.
A guy at the door stuck out his hand and took the hundred dollar bill. He handed me a playing card and said "Wait your turn. We been through the spades. Diamonds is in there now, then clubs, then hearts." He'd given me the seven of hearts. I was surprised this "event" was this organized. Obviously they did this all the time. I guessed that the "take a number" plan eliminated gunfights.
That meant at least f******n of these thugs had fucked my wife in the hour and a half since they'd k**napped her. There were more than thirty guys already in line to use her ahead of me, and more guys seemed to be arriving all the time. I wondered if they had a second deck of cards. It looked like the black guy with a red bandana in line after me only gave up twenty bucks for his eight of hearts. I was torn between feeling ripped off and feeling lucky to be there at all.
Another guy at the door handed me a beer. He said "One drink minimum. That's another hundred." I looked at him. Both he and the guy with the cards looked dead serious. I gave him five twenties from my wallet.
He said "OK. Enjoy the fuckin' party."
About that time, a big guy about the size of Shaquille O'Neil pushed his way out of the room. He was carrying his pants, and his huge cock was sloppy wet and still semi-hard. "That's one nasty cunt. Drained my fuckin' balls dry." he said as he stopped to step into his pants. Before he pulled his pants all the way up, he took hold of his dick and said "Hell, I may do that bitch again!"
I found a way to move into the room. I could hear Amanda's unmistakable moans, but I couldn't yet see her. There was some motion in front of me and I heard her cry "No! Please! Ohhhh... God! No... Not there! It's too BIG! No! Ohhhhhh... God!" Then a guy said "Hey Bone! You never get that niggah dick in that little pink asshole!" "Watch me, motherfucker!" And Amanda wailed like she was being murdered.
In a panic, I pushed my way forward. There was my lovely wife. She was laying on her back on the bench of some sort of weight training machine. There didn't seem to be a bed in the room. It really was a gym. She was tied to a weightlifting bench, her wrists were tied to a bar two feet above her head. Her ankles were pulled back, tied with ropes to the bar on either side of her wrists. Red abrasions on her ankles and wrists told me she'd been kicking and struggling for awhile. The position presented both her vagina and her ass to whoever wanted to use them and anyone standing at the other end of the bench had easy access to her mouth.
Amanda's wailing was suddenly muffled. A skinny guy had gagged her with his long cock. Between her legs, a very big, muscular guy the color of molasses held her ass cheeks apart with his thumbs as he lined up his gigantic cock with her asshole. The thing seemed like it was the size of a baseball bat. I pushed my way to the right so I had a better view. I was stunned at the sight of my poor wife's normally tight little vagina. It was inflamed to an angry red, gaping open and glistening wet. From where I stood, I could see deep inside her. She was filled with cum and cum was splattered all around both of her holes. I'd never seen anything like it, even in porn videos. Her cunt looked like she'd been fucked by an army.
Incredibly, the guy was able to work the big cockhead deep into Amanda's straining ass. Before long, my wife was grunting and moaning rhythmically around the cock in her mouth as the big guy drove twelve inches of big black cock in and out of her colon. I adjusted my own dick in my pants as I watched in awe. I confess, watching my lovely, helpless, struggling wife being ass-fucked by a huge black cock had given me a raging erection.
I was astonished. Amanda was fucking the guy back, grunting and rotating her hips up onto the cock each time it thrust inside her. The big cock was balls-deep in her ass when the skinny guy took hold of her hair, pulled her head down hard onto his cock and came in her throat. Amanda choked and wretched as he pulled out and ejaculated all over her pretty, freckled face. She turned her head and looked right at me, but I'm not sure she saw me. The cock driving in and out of her ass seemed to have all of her attention.
Amanda was hardly recognizable as the gorgeous, classy woman I'd taken out to dinner earlier that night. Her striking red hair was matted with sweat and semen. Actually, it looked like her whole body was covered in sweat and spunk. Only a thin, smeared red line outlined her lips where her expensive Channel lipstick had been. Mascara and tears stained her cheeks under her big, bloodshot, blue eyes. Even after eighteen or more guys had used her, I thought she was still beautiful. How she was going to look after thirty more of them fucked her, I couldn't imagine. I wondered how my normal-sized white dick would feel inside the Grand Canyon that had once been my wife's tight little pussy.
I noticed that one of the guys had a thin metal rod in his hand. I decided it was a broken-off car antenna. Amanda's ass, thighs and calves were criss-crossed with thin red welts. It looked like they'd "warmed up" my poor wife by tying her to the bench and whipping her with the antenna. Then I heard her wail again as the guy swatted her tits with it. I thought about trying to stop him, but I didn't see how I'd be able to do it. Besides, I knew a little pain made my wife very horny. And to be honest, watching her tits bounce every time the antenna landed on her soft flesh was doing the same to me.
"Finally! Three of fuckin' diamonds! Open your fuckin' mouth, bitch!" said an older black guy as he took the skinny guy's place in front of Amanda. His hair was grey, but he had a huge cock. Amanda had an anguished look on her face as she rotated her hips up and grunted in tempo with the cock driving in and out of her ass. The old guy pulled her head around by her hair and positioned his cock at her lips. I saw that her eyes were filled with tears again, but I couldn't think of a way to help her. I watched helplessly as my lovely wife struggled to open her mouth wide enough to get her lips around the old guy's big cockhead.
A minute or so later, the guy corn-holing her began to pick up his pace. It was pretty clear he was going to cum at any moment. The guy with the antenna was having fun using it to raise more red welts on Amanda's breasts. Then I saw her hips start to buck and her body quake and shudder. I'd seen that before. I knew she in the midst of a huge orgasm. Against her will or not, she was cumming hard, pulling and kicking against the ropes at her wrists and ankles. Her eyes flew open wide, and when the old guy pulled his dick out of her mouth, she could only gasp as the big guy ejaculated deep into her colon.
Amanda's body was still shaking when the next guy stepped up. Just as he was taking his stiff cock out of his pants, the old guy pushed him aside and said "That cunt's mine, niggah. You can start with her mouth." Amanda chose that moment to kick her legs hard and struggle. She wailed "No! No more..." It was a useless attempt. The old guy just smiled, moved between her legs and used his thumbs to pull her labia apart. Amanda wailed "Oh... God!" when he unceremoniously drove his huge cock into her splayed-open pussy. When he started to fuck her, her a****l moans filled the room until one of the guys gagged her again by pushing his dick into her mouth.
It suddenly dawned on me that quite a few men in the room were capturing the action on their cellphones. I was sort of amazed I'd not thought to do that myself. I fished my own phone out of my pocket, thanking myself for recently upgrading to a 128GB iPhone. All that memory was going to come in handy tonight. I started shooting video of my lovely Amanda, tied down like a sex slave, being gang-banged... mercilessly fucked in every hole... by a roomful of black gangsters. I'd never seen anything like it. My erection was getting very uncomfortable.
The next guy to stand at the foot of the bench looked down at my wife. She had her mouth wrapped around the cock of a fairly short heavyset guy wearing a Lakers hat. This guy's cock was easily twelve inches long and two inches in diameter. It looked like one of those perfect porn video cocks. He squirted some lube on it and stroked it until it was rock hard. He said "TJ, the bitch need to look here. Time for her lesson."
The guy in the Lakers hat pulled is cock out of my wife's mouth. Then he took hold of her hair and turned her to face the big guy at the foot of the bench. An odd quiet descended on the room.
"Bitch, what you name?" said the big guy.
Amanda looked around the room, then focused on the big, glistening cock in the guy's hand. She didn't say anything.
"Levon..." said the guy.
A skinny guy to Amanda's right, swatted her right nipple with the antenna. Amanda cried out in pain.
"What... you name... bitch?"
Amanda looked at him. "A... Amanda..." she whispered.
"Well 'A... Ahh Man Dah', now you been broke in some, it time for your lesson. You like that Amanda?"
Again Amanda was silent, and again the antenna came down on her breasts, this time just below her left nipple. She howled "Oh God! No! Please..."
"I asked you a question. I asked if you want your lesson now."
"OK... y... yes! Please... can I have my lesson now?"
"That's the idea. Yes. It lesson time. I gonna teach you how to fuck niggah dick. What you think about dat?"
Amanda paused for a moment, then said "Yes... please... teach me..." Tears welled up in her eyes. I could tell she was scared.
"Teach you what, bitch?"
Amanda swallowed. "Please teach me how to... how to fuck... nnn... black dick."
The antenna came down on her breasts again, this time squarely on her right nipple. My lovely wife howled in pain.
"Tell me again what I gonna teach you" he said.
Choking back tears, she said "How to... You're going to teach me how to fuck niggah dick."
"That's exactly right A.. Man..Dah. That's exactly right." He was stroking himself hard while he talked. He stepped forward and placed the head of his oversized dick between Amanda's splayed-open labia. He pushed forward slightly, so only the head of the thing was inside her. Amanda gasped "Oh God."
"Now you push, bitch. Put it inside you."
Amanda didn't move.
"Levon..." he said.
Amanda immediately gasped "No! Don't hurt me! I'll do it!" She rotated her hips up and pushed. Soon several inches of the big black shaft were inside her.
"More. Put that whole fuckin' niggah dick up in there."
Amanda raised her hips further off the bench. Another several inches of the big black shaft disappeared into her cunt. Amanda's big blue eyes were open wide, watching the dick move inside her. She gasped "Oh... my..."
Easily five inches of cock remained between Amanda's straining pussy lips and the big black guy's hairy balls.
"Dats it. Keep pushin' Put that whole fuckin' dick up in dat nasty little cunt."
Amanda pulled against the ropes, lifting her hips even higher off the bench, pushing herself further onto the big cock. "Oh... God..." she whispered. "Oh it's so... deep!"
"More!" grunted the gangster.
Amanda closed her eyes and grimaced and pushed up. I watched the image on my cellphone of my poor wife's pussy lips stretched tight around the huge shaft. I guessed a full ten inches of cock was buried inside her cunt. There were still two to go.
"Open you eyes, bitch. Look. You still got more dick to fuck. Keep pushin!"
Amanda opened her eyes and looked down between her thighs. Her legs shook as she pulled against the ropes to lift her hips up higher off the bench. Another inch of cock moved inside her.
My wife's big blue eyes were wide as saucers. She gasped "Oh... God... it's too big... it won't fit!"
"Make it fit, bitch!" he said. "Levon... encourage the bitch"
The skinny guy brought the antenna down hard on Amanda's breasts, pulled it back and did it again. He was grinning, enjoying watching her tits bounce as he whipped them.
Amanda screamed, pulled harder against the ropes and thrust her hips up hard. The screen of my cellphone showed the guy's wiry pubic hard scratching against my wife's straining labia. Her legs shook trying to hold herself up.
"Dat's it, bitch! Now, real slow, pull that nasty cunt off my dick and do it again."
And she did. The guy stood there motionless while Amanda slowly fucked the full length of his huge cock with her straining cunt. She started to grunt like and a****l as the big shaft moved in an out of her. The cock glistened a her pussy lubricated itself. Before long her arms and legs were shaking with the effort of pulling against the ropes as she moved her hips up and down, fucking the cock. I captured the entire scene on video: the lusty redheaded whore fucking herself on the gangster's huge black cock. It was the most erotic thing I'd ever seen. Amanda was completely lost in the moment, grunting and moaning as she drove her sloppy cunt up and down on the big glistening black cock.
"Dat's it bitch! Dat's it! You keep fuckin' dat big niggah dick! Dat's it!" I noticed the guy's eyes were closed as my wife's tight, wet pussy moved up and down on his cock. I watched as my demure, classy wife turned into a crazed fucking machine, straining to slam herself up and down on the gangster's cock.
After several minutes of this, it was pretty clear the guy couldn't take much more. Neither could I, frankly. My cock was about to burst out of my pants watching the whore my lovely wife had turned into thrust her cunt up and down on the huge shaft. The rest of the gangsters were enjoying the show too. The guy next to me said "Look at that bitch fuck that niggah! Little redheaded cunt loves this shit!"
Finally the guy leaned forward, grabbed hold of both of my wife's breasts and twisted them fiercely. That seemed to send Amanda over the edge. Her body shook violently as a huge orgasm washed over her. Then the waterfall started. Amanda doesn't squirt often but this time her cunt erupted like a gyser, completely drenching the guy, the weight bench and nearby onlookers. The guys loved it.
About that time the guy grunted and started to ejaculate deep inside her. Her eyes flew wide open in a look of surprise. Her mouth was open as if to scream, but she just gasped as she felt the gangster's hot spunk blast deep into her womb.
After two motionless minutes, the gangster pushed himself up off of my wife.
"You gettin' the hang of it, bitch" he said, slapping her ass as he pushed himself back.
I realized I was still shooting video as I watched his wet, wilting cock withdraw from my wife's cum-drenched cunt. She lay there, hips bucking with her prolonged orgasm. When that subsided, the only thing in the frame of my cellphone camera was her gaping, empty cunt. The gangster's cum oozed out of it onto the bench. I panned up her body, over her red, abused tits to her face. Her eyes were barely open. She was breathing heavily. She looked totally exhausted, like she'd just run a marathon.
I stopped shooting video and considered what I'd just witnessed. I hardly noticed the movement around Amanda as the next cardholder took his turn between her legs.
I wondered if I'd ever be able to do to Amanda what I'd just seen the big black gangster do. He'd turned her into some kind of sex-crazed a****l, which I thought was incredible, considering she'd already been gang-****d by twenty guys. I mean, she and I had a great sex life. I made her cum all the time. But at the moment I was feeling pretty damned impotent.
Then I decided to stop the pity party and concentrate on getting my wife home safely. I turned back to watch the action.
By this time, three of them were passing her head around by her hair, taking turns using her mouth. Even dealing with three cocks, most of my wife's attention was focused on the huge cock driving in and out of her cunt. Even though it was slick with cum, the shaft was so big around that it looked like it was turning her inside out every time it pulled out of her. I couldn't help myself. I moved in for a closeup. Then I panned up over her bouncing, welt-covered tits to her pretty, freckled, cum-covered face, finally focusing on her saucer-sized blue eyes and her lips wrapped tightly around a huge black dick. I felt like a porn movie director. Except the porn movie was starring my pretty redheaded wife and a gang of real-life gangsters.
I watched, feeling helpless, as the rest of the guys with diamond playing cards and then the thirteen with clubs each took their turn using poor Amanda's pussy or her mouth or her asshole. She'd had at least three more orgasms by the time the ace of hearts pushed his cock into her gaping cunt. I was still capturing her ordeal on video when the six of hearts came in her ass and one of the gangsters said "Get in there white boy. Let's see what you got." I realized it was my turn.
I moved to the foot of the bench and looked down at Amanda. I was stunned at the shape her body was in. Her asshole was stretched to the size of a Coke can. Her vagina... looking at it I could only describe it as her cunt... was even bigger and was overflowing with jism. I saw that she recognized me as I unzipped by pants. I was pretty sure my dick had never been so hard.
"Hey white boy. We ain't got all night. You gonna do her, or what?" one of them said. Another said "Need me to show you how, hotshot?"
I heard Amanda say "Honey? Oh... you found me..." as I slid my cock easily into her gaping, sloppy cunt. My lovely wife felt like one of the used-up ten dollar Filipino whores I remembered from the Navy. She whispered "Oh honey, I'm sorry..." and her eyes filled with tears as I easily slid my cock balls-deep into her. Her cunt was hot and loose and wet with the jism of dozens of other men. There was almost no friction until I got all the way inside her. I could feel jism squirt out of her as I displaced it with my dick.
Looking down at my pretty wife, tied as she was with her wrists and ankles above her head, I realized that she'd been reduced to nothing more than a fuck toy. She was just a pair of lips to get cocks ready, tits to slap and a cunt and an asshole to be used at will by whoever wanted them. I put my hands under the wide hips and started to use the cunt.
When she moaned "Oh honey..." and said my name, I clamped my hand over her mouth. If these thugs found out I was the husband of the woman they'd been gang-r****g all night, I was sure it wouldn't turn out well. Amanda moaned into my hand as I drove my cock in and out of the hot, wet hole, using it to get me off. I watched Amanda's big, tear-filled eyes look up at me as I used that nasty, whore cunt. She gasped "Oh God!" as I started to pound furiously in and out of it. She grunted along with me as I savagely fucked the sloppy, whore pussy. Then her eyes rolled back and her body start to shudder as she came. I watched her pull hard against the ropes and I started to cum along with her. It didn't take long before my semen blasted deep into the cunt to join the sperm of the dozens of gangsters before me.
No sooner had I ejaculated into my wife's vagina than the eight of hearts pulled me out of the way and drove his cock deep into her cunt after me. Amanda whimpered "Honey?" as she lost sight of me. I stood wondering if my wife's body would ever feel the same to me again, even if her orifices eventually returned to their natural size. As I looked down at her, she seemed somehow different to me. I fished my iPhone out of my pocket and, in a daze, shot video of the eight of hearts fucking her wet, stretched-out cunt while the nine of hearts used her mouth to get himself ready.
Despite Amanda's supercharged libido and our fairly extreme sex play, my lovely blue-eyed, redheaded wife had always seemed somehow innocent to me. I realized then that that was no longer true. When I looked at Amanda now, it seemed to be through the eyes of the thugs that were using her. Tied to the bench in front of me was a sexy, blue-eyed, redheaded whore who existed only to serve my cock. I already had another hardon watching her voraciously suck the nine of hearts' johnson while the eight of hearts used her cunt. I shook my head trying to stop thinking that way. This was my wife, after all. The love of my life.
Five more of the gangsters took their turn using my delirious wife's sloppy cunt. Whenever she passed out, they'd whip her with the antenna until she woke, screaming. By the time the sixth stepped up to take his turn, Amanda was so out of it that even the antenna had no effect. This frustrated the hell of of the guys waiting to use her. When slapping her in the face didn't wake her, one of the guys took out a knife. I panicked until he used it to cut her loose from the weight bench. Two of them dragged her to the shower stall and held her under a cold shower until she woke, drenched and sputtering.
She was confused at first, not remembering where she was. Then a look of despair swept over her and she pleaded with them "No more... please... I so tired."
They ignored her. Without even drying her off, they dragged her back to the bench and tied her down again, this time face down with her ass in the air and her wrists tied tightly together behind her back. A rope around her neck assured that her mouth was within easy reach of whoever cared to use it.
I've always thought Amanda had the sexiest ass on the planet, wide but without an ounce of extra fat on it. The gangsters seemed to agree. The guy next to be said "Look at that fuckin' booty. Fuck me!" I pointed my cellphone in Amanda's direction in time to capture her moaning "Oh God!" as a big black guy pulled her pussy lips apart with his thumbs and pushed his cock between them and into her sloppy cunt.
Before long Amanda cried out as her whole body shook in another orgasm. I wondered how many times she'd cum since we'd left home. A dozen or more, I guessed. Amanda's like that. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are. Fuck her and she'll just keep having orgasms.
I spotted an empty chair in the corner of the room. I sat down and waited and watched, helpless as another twenty-two gangsters used my delirious wife's body. They untied her and flipped her onto her back again at one point. The small hotel gym reverberated with the sounds of men's grunts and my wife's moans and it smelled overwhelming like sweat, sex and beer. I shot video until there was no more room on my phone.
Finally the room emptied out. I stood and walked over to the gatekeepers at the door. It was the same two guys. I asked, as nonchalantly as I could, "What happens to her now?" The guy with the money said "Supposed to sell her to the Salvadorans, but they late." I asked "How much?" "How much what?" he said. "How much would the Salvadorans pay for a nasty, used-up white whore?" I said.
He looked at me. Then he looked over at Amanda. A very big black guy was just pulling his wilting cock out of her silver-dollar-sized asshole. A stream of cum was oozing out of the gaping hole onto the bench to join the huge puddle that was already there. He said "You right. She fuckin' nasty. Look at the size of them stretched-out fuckin' holes. But she's a redhead. That's somthin', and she got a great ass. But shit... the mess she in now... I be lucky to get five hundred bucks. She mostly only good for fuckin' donkeys and shit now. Hell I'd pay good to see that. Sweet little redhead gettin' fucked by one o' them Salvadoran donkeys! Shit! I'd pay bigtime to watch that."
I said "I'll give you a thousand for her."
He said "Nah, man. Don't wanna piss off the fuckin' MS13. Promised the bitch to them."
My heart sank. I looked at my watch. I said "Man, it's almost six AM. You know they aren't coming. They fuckin' stood you up." He looked at the time on his big gold Rolex and muttered "fuck..." under his breath. "Tell you what," I said, "I'll give you two grand. I got a thing for redheads. Two thousand. Cash. Right now." I pulled the money out of my pocket. This was the moment of truth. I figured there was a good chance he'd just pull the Glock out of his waistband, shoot me, and steal the money. "In fact, I've got..." and counted through it. "Twenty-eight hundred and twenty-two bucks. Twenty-eight hundred dollars for a nasty, used-up, redheaded whore. Whaddya say? Salvadorans never pay that, right? We have a deal?"
He looked at me again. "What you want her for?" he asked.
I tried not to look at his gun. "I have something in mind" I said.
Then he said "Shit man. You fuckin' crazy. I BET you got somthin' in mind. OK. Shit. Twenty-eight hundred. You gotta deal. If you kill it, just don't do it here. My uncle own this shithole" and grabbed the wad of money from my hand. The last of the gangsters was finishing up in Amanda's cunt, slapping her tits every time he pounded into her. Finally he pulled out, came on her belly and put his dick in his pants. I said "Hey, can you cut her loose for me?" The guy who'd taken my money tossed me a switchblade and said "Knife's on the house. Do it yourself."
It was starting to get light in the parking lot as the last of the gangsters left. I closed and locked the motel room door behind them. I walked over to the bench and looked down at my wife. She lay there, eyes closed, seemingly passed out. She was hardly recognizable as the same classy woman I'd left the house with the night before. She was covered head to toe with semen and sweat. Her breasts, thighs and ass were criss-crossed with angry red welts. And then there was her pussy and her asshole. Her poor vagina was red and swollen and stretched out to the size of a Coke can. I couldn't tell whether more cum was dripping out of that hole or her asshole.
I moved to the front of the bench so I could cut my k**napped wife loose. When I pushed the button on the knife, the blade snapped open with a click. Hearing the sound, Amanda opened her eyes wide and looked up at me, frightened. I watched her expression change as she recognized me. She said "Oh Honey! You found me! I'm... I'm so sorry... I let them... They..." I leaned down and kissed her forehead, then moved over to cut the ropes that held her right ankle to the bench. Then I realized I had another raging erection. I suppose that's why I didn't cut the rope.
Amanda's big blue eyes looked up at me. I looked down at her and smiled. I touched the angry welts on her left breast and felt her nipple harden as I caressed it. When I took my rock-hard cock out of my pants, Amanda parted her lips so I could use her mouth.
7 years ago