My first love being nude...
It started back in 1991 when I had a job in a different town and I noticed just on the outskirts of town, there was a creek, so when the warm weather arrived, I rode my bike there to find out how peaceful it really was. Then a thought came to me to take all my clothes off and walk around...what a wonderful feeling I had. I don't feel as if there wasn't anything wrong with nudity, I look at it as beauty...I did go as far as whipping my bottom with a willow branch to find out how that felt, it did hurt at first, but got used to it as time went on and started doing it harder...Now that I'm at home, I go down to a creek that I've known since I was 4 yrs. old and I do the same thing,..But this time, I found some big trees that has fallen and had the idea to lay down and tie my legs and hands down to imagine someone would come and give me a good paddling...I know that didn't come true, but when I cut myself loose after 20 minutes or so, I would do it myself by using a paddle, electric cord and a rubber strap hard enough to leave welts and black and blue marks. After that, I would make myself cum and enjoy that moment of time how good it feels to be nude and not to be ashamed...there are times before I tie myself down to a log, I would have a bottle just big enough to feel like a dog knot inside my anus, it felt so nice, then I'd get my hands tied down and just feel the sensation, the way I have to cut the twine, I would rub it back and forth on the log to break it, which would take around 15 minutes...After that, I would pull the bottle out as fast as I can and that felt wonderful...Then it came time to whip myself for being a bad boy, at the same time loving to be nude to enjoy the nice weather we have.....To let you know, the craziest thing I ever experienced back in 1988 was a Pyrenees dog, I went up to him to rub his penis then felt that knot growing, that really made me excited to know how that would feel inside me, so I stripped down, got under him. I wanted that penis and that knot deep inside, so I stroked it enough to feel that knot growing until it was big enough to where I couldn't get loose, so I had to wait for around 25 minute for it to ease off...Then I made myself cum more than I ever did...
7 years ago